Climate Science Glossary

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All IPCC definitions taken from Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Working Group I Contribution to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Annex I, Glossary, pp. 941-954. Cambridge University Press.

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Climate's changed before
It's the sun
It's not bad
There is no consensus
It's cooling
Models are unreliable
Temp record is unreliable
Animals and plants can adapt
It hasn't warmed since 1998
Antarctica is gaining ice
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Climate Science Glossary


Terms 2151 to 2200 out of 3145

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Persectued VictimLogical Fallacy: Persecuted Victim
Persecuted VictimLogical Fallacy: Persecuted Victim
Peters et al (2015)Measuring a fair and ambitious climate agreement using cumulative emissions
Peters et al 2015Measuring a fair and ambitious climate agreement using cumulative emissions
Peters et al. (2015)Measuring a fair and ambitious climate agreement using cumulative emissions
Peters et al. 2015Measuring a fair and ambitious climate agreement using cumulative emissions
Peterson (2003)Assessment of urban versus rural in situ surface temperatures in the contiguous United States: No difference found
Peterson 2003Assessment of urban versus rural in situ surface temperatures in the contiguous United States: No difference found
Peterson 2008The myth of the 1970s global cooling scientific consensus
Peterson et al. (2008)The myth of the 1970s global cooling scientific consensus
Peterson et al. 2008The myth of the 1970s global cooling scientific consensus
Petit et al 1999;Climate and atmospheric history of the past 420,000 years from the Vostok ice core, Antarctica
Petit et al. (2000)Historical isotopic temperature record from the Vostok ice core
Petit et al. 1999Climate and atmospheric history of the past 420,000 years from the Vostok ice core, Antarctica
Petit et al. 2000Historical isotopic temperature record from the Vostok ice core
PETMPalaeocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
Petri et al. (2010)Carbon status and carbon sequestration potential in the world’s grasslands
Petri et al. 2010Carbon status and carbon sequestration potential in the world’s grasslands
Pfeffer (2008)Kinematic Constraints on Glacier Contributions to 21st-Century Sea-Level Rise
Pfeffer 2008Kinematic Constraints on Glacier Contributions to 21st-Century Sea-Level Rise
Pfeffer et al. (2008)Kinematic constraints on glacier contributions to 21st-century sea-level rise
Pfeffer et al. 2008Kinematic constraints on glacier contributions to 21st-century sea-level rise
Philipona et al. (2004)Radiative forcing‐measured at Earth's surface‐corroborate the increasing greenhouse effect
Philipona et al. (2004a)Greenhouse effect and altitude gradients over the Alps ? by surface longwave radiation measurements and model calculated LOR
Philipona et al. 2004Radiative forcing‐measured at Earth's surface‐corroborate the increasing greenhouse effect
Philipona et al. 2004aGreenhouse effect and altitude gradients over the Alps ? by surface longwave radiation measurements and model calculated LOR
Phipps et al. (2013)Paleoclimate data–model comparison and the role of climate forcings over the past 1500 years*
Phipps et al. 2013Paleoclimate data–model comparison and the role of climate forcings over the past 1500 years*
Pitesky et al. (2009)Clearing the air: Livestock's contribution to climate change
Pitesky et al. 2009Clearing the air: Livestock's contribution to climate change
Plass (1956)The Carbon Dioxide Theory of Climatic Change
Plass 1956The Carbon Dioxide Theory of Climatic Change
Plous (1991)Biases in the assimilation of technological breakdowns - do accidents make us safer
Plous 1991Biases in the assimilation of technological breakdowns - do accidents make us safer
PLURV PosterFLICC Poster
PLURV-PosterFLICC Poster
Plutzer et al. (2016)Climate confusion among US teachers
Plutzer et al. 2016Climate confusion among US teachers
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