Skeptical Science New Research for Week #47, 2019
Posted on 27 November 2019 by Doug Bostrom
Wildfires and attribution from the scientific and public perspectives
Two papers (happily both open-access) come at wildfires and climate from more or less opposite directions. In a model of scientific circumspection in its most virtuous form, Lewis et al study conducive factors for 2018 wildfires in Queensland, Australia, in Deconstructing factors contributing to the 2018 fire weather in Queensland, Australia. Julie Lewis brings us Connecting Extreme Heat Events to Climate Change: Media Coverage of Heat Waves and Wildfires. One paper helps to inform understanding of the other; while the urgency of climate change encourages us to describe attribution to the public whenever and wherever possible, tightly coupled attribution from a scientific perspective while possible and productive is very difficult. Maintaining credibility is key in public communications and Lewis' paper demonstrates the fine sensitivity required of public communicators in order to hew to scientific guidance.
70 Articles:
Physical science of global warming
Mechanisms of Future Predicted Changes in the Zonal Mean Mid-Latitude Circulation (open access)
Carbon-Cycle Feedbacks Operating in the Climate System (open access)
Fixed anvil temperature feedback - positive, zero or negative?
Observations of global warming and effects
The possible transition from glacial surge to ice stream on Vavilov Ice Cap
Instantaneous Antarctic ice?sheet mass loss driven by thinning ice shelves
Deconstructing factors contributing to the 2018 fire weather in Queensland, Australia (open access)
Arctic rock coast responses under a changing climate
Construction of a climate data record of sea surface temperature from passive microwave measurements
Trends in cyclones in the high?latitude North Atlantic during 1979–2016
Trends in downward surface shortwave radiation from Multi?source data over China during 1984?2015
Climate change decreases the cooling effect from postfire albedo in boreal North America
Modeling global warming & global warming effects
The impact of a stochastic parameterization scheme on climate sensitivity in EC?Earth
Transient Response of MJO Precipitation and Circulation to Greenhouse Gas Forcing
Contrasting hydroclimatic model?data agreements over the Nordic?Arctic region (open access)
Efficacy of climate forcings in PDRMIP models
Global Variability of Simulated and Observed Vegetation Growing Season
Equilibrium climate sensitivity estimated by equilibrating climate models
What causes the AMOC to weaken in CMIP5?
Atmospheric Circulation Response to Short-Term Arctic Warming in an Idealized Model
Regional climate models: 30?years of dynamical downscaling
The aridity Index under global warming
Humans dealing with our global warming
Recommendation system for climate informed urban design under model uncertainty
Integration of thermochemical water splitting with CO2 direct air capture (open access)
Testing the emission reduction claims of CDM projects using the Benford’s Law (open access)
Increasing risks of apple tree frost damage under climate change (open access)
A continuing need to revisit BECCS and its potential
The challenges of extending climate risk insurance to fisheries
The impact of climate change on ski resorts in China
Markets for Public Attention at the Interface of Climate Science and Policy Making (open access)
Greenhouse gas emissions–crude oil prices: an empirical investigation in a nonlinear framework
Biology and global warming
Increasing impacts of extreme droughts on vegetation productivity under climate change
Ocean community warming responses explained by thermal affinities and temperature gradients
Climate?driven habitat change causes evolution in Threespine Stickleback
Research priorities for natural ecosystems in a changing global climate
Defining CO2 and O2 syndromes of marine biomes in the Anthropocene
Range margin populations show high climate adaptation lags in European trees
GHG sources and sinks, flux
Sensitivity of mangrove soil organic matter decay to warming and sea level change
Machine learning and artificial intelligence to aid climate change research and preparedness
Viewing forced climate patterns through an AI Lens
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The previous edition of Skeptical Science New Research may be found here.