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All IPCC definitions taken from Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Working Group I Contribution to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Annex I, Glossary, pp. 941-954. Cambridge University Press.

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2013 SkS Weekly News Roundup #19B

Posted on 11 May 2013 by John Hartz

  • Are we doomed to food insecurity?
  • Big Oil may destroy world's largest rain forest
  • Chile looks to volcanoes and geysers for energy
  • Climate milestone is a moment of symbolic significance
  • Does God hate climate change?
  • Fresh analysis of the pace of warming and sea-level rise
  • Greenland’s ice loss may slow, but coasts still At risk
  • If the Oceans die - we die
  • New study tells three million-year old story of the Arctic
  • No need to worry about global warming, folks
  • The coming GOP civil war over climate change
  • Thoreau's radicalism and the fight against the fossil-fuel industry
  • What you need to know about climate sensitivity
  • What's causing the surface warming slowdown?

Are we doomed to food insecurity?

Half the world's population—5.2 billion people—could be doomed to an insecure and greenhouse gas-causing reliance on food imports by 2050, according to a new study.

Are We Doomed to Food Insecurity? by Andrea Germanos, Common Dreams, May 8, 2013 

Big Oil may destroy world's largest rain forest

The Rainforests are the lungs of the earth.—Pablo Neruda

Deus Ex Machina: Something that appears suddenly and unexpectedly and provides a solution to an apparently insoluble difficulty.

Big Oil May Destroy World's Largest Rain Forest and Accelerate Global Warming by Jacqueline Marcus, Buzzflash at Truthout, May 7, 2013

Chile looks to volcanoes and geysers for energy

Chile is one of the countries with the greatest potential for geothermal energy development in Latin America, but a lack of incentives for investment in the sector has kept it from moving past the exploratory phase. A strategic partnership with New Zealand aims to change that situation.

Chile Looks to Volcanoes and Geysers for Energy by Marianela Jarroud, Inter Press Service (IPS), May 8, 2013

Climate milestone is a moment of symbolic significance

The only way forward is back: to retrace our steps and seek to return atmospheric concentrations to around 350ppm

Climate milestone is a moment of symbolic significance on road of idiocy by George Monbiot, May 10, 2013

Does God hate climate change?

Democrat lawmaker is trying to sell environmental legislation as "God's work" -- but is he pandering to religion to push progressive legislation?

Does God Hate Climate Change? by Stpehen Hsieh, AlterNet, May 10, 2013

Fresh analysis of the pace of warming and sea-level rise

Here are two useful articles assessing the latest thinking on the pace at which Greenland ice loss could raise sea levels and the implications of the recent plateau in global temperatures (one acknowledged by climate scientists including Susan Solomon and James Hansen): 

Fresh Analysis of the Pace of Warming and Sea-Level Rise by Andrew Revkin, Dot Earth, New York Times, May 9, 2013

Greenland’s ice loss may slow, but coasts still at risk

The flow of Greenland’s glaciers toward the sea may have increased significantly in the past decade, but a new report in Nature finds that rate of increase is unlikely to continue. “The loss of ice has doubled in the past 10 years, but it’s not going to double again,” said lead author Faezeh Nick, a glaciologist at the University Centre in Svalbard, in Longyearbyen, Norway, in an interview.

Greenland’s Ice Loss May Slow, But Coasts Still At Risk by Michael D. Lemonick, Climate Central, May 8, 2013

If the Oceans die - we die

As lawmakers in Washington continue to ignore the most pressing issue facing our planet today - climate change - we are about to pass a very disturbing environmental milestone.

If the Oceans Die - We Die, Op-ed by Thom Hartmann, Truthout, May 7, 2013

New study tells three million-year old story of the Arctic

The Arctic wasn't always as cold and icy as it is now. Three million years ago, carbon dioxide levels were similar to today - but summer temperatures were eight degrees Celsius higher and Greenland was almost ice-free. A new study has scientists speculating whether earth's distant past can provide a window into future climate change.

New study tells three million-year old story of the Arctic by Roz Pidcock, The Carbon Brief, May 9, 2013

No need to worry about global warming, folks

I see a lot of pretty amazingly bad global warming denial online. It ranges from mildly cherry-picked data to such baldly transparent garbage that you have to wonder if the person who wrote it can possibly, actually believe what they are saying is true.

After reading dozens, hundreds, of such mind-numbing articles, I think we’ve found a winner. One that is so sweepingly wrong and based on such a ridiculous premise that it’s weapons-grade denial. Unsurprisingly, it was published in the Wall Street Journal, which has a lengthy history of printing reality-free OpEds about climate change. Perhaps surprisingly, it was penned by two actual scientists, William Happer and Harrison Schmitt. I’ll have more about them later.

No Need to Worry About Global Warming, Folks: More Carbon Dioxide Will Be Awesome, by Phil Pliat,Bad Astromomy, Slate, May 10, 2013

The coming GOP civil war over climate change

Science, storms, and demographics are starting to change minds among the rank and file.

The Coming GOP Civil War Over Climate Change by Coral Davenport, National Journal, May 9, 2013

Thoreau's radicalism and the fight against the fossil-fuel industry

What would it mean if we were to walk in his footsteps?

Thoreau's Radicalism and the Fight Against the Fossil-Fuel Industry by Wen Stephenson, May 7, 2013 

What you need to know about climate sensitivity

It's a critical aspect of the climate system, but the basics are simple

What you need to know about climate sensitivity by Dana Nuccetell, The Guardian, May 10, 2013

What's causing the surface warming slowdown?

Despite greenhouse gas emissions continuing to rise fairly steadily, earth's surface - that's the land and top of the oceans - has warmed relatively slowly over the past fifteen years or so.

We asked climate scientists to give us their thoughts about what's causing the recent slower pace of surface warming. Here's what they told us.

What's causing the surface warming slowdown? Scientists tell us what they think by Roz Pidcock, The Carbon Brief, May 8, 2013

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