Archived Rebuttal
This is the archived Basic rebuttal to the climate myth "It's microsite influences". Click here to view the latest rebuttal.
What the science says...
Microsite influences on temperature changes are minimal; good and bad sites show the same trend.
The website enlisted an army of volunteers to photograph US surface temperature measurement stations and document stations located near parking lots, air conditioners, or anything else that might impose a warming bias. They found that 89% of the stations did not meet the US weather service siting criteria in one way or another. That is not good. Does this prove that a US warming trend is just the artificial influence of parking lots and air conditioners on the temperature record coming from "bad" stations? No. Actually, an analysis shows that "good" and "bad" stations show very similar trends for temperature over time. The chart below compares data from stations that identified as "good", as well as "bad" stations. Notice that "good" stations track very closely to "bad" stations, and actually the "good" stations show more of a warming trend! Figure 1. Annual average maximum and minimum unadjusted temperature change calculated using (c) maximum and (d) minimum temperatures from good and poor exposure sites (Menne 2010). The volunteers from deserve credit for pointing out siting problems of the US Weather Service temperature measurement stations. Unfortunately the fact that "good" and "bad" stations show the same upward trend proves that warming in the US is not just a measurement problem. Temperatures are trending upward around the globe, not just in the US. Microsite influences on temperature measurements in the US can't explain the US temperature rise, much less the global rise.
Updated on 2010-08-31 by Jim Meador. |