Skeptical Science New Research for Week #12 2025
Posted on 20 March 2025 by Doug Bostrom, Marc Kodack
Open access notables
The severe 2020 coral bleaching event in the tropical Atlantic linked to marine heatwaves, Rodrigues et al., Communications Earth & Environment:
Marine heatwaves can amplify the vulnerabilities of regional marine ecosystems and jeopardise local economies and food resources. Here, we show that marine heatwaves in the tropical Atlantic have increased in frequency, intensity, duration, and spatial extent. Marine heatwaves are 5.1 times more frequent and 4.7 times more intense since the records started in 1982, with the 10 most extreme summers/falls in terms of marine heatwave cumulative intensity and spatial extension occurring in the last two decades. The extreme warming during the summer/fall of 2020 led to the largest bleaching event recorded along the Brazilian coast, with 85% of stony corals and 70% of zoanthids areas bleached in Rio do Fogo. The increase in the severity of the marine heatwaves in the western tropical Atlantic is not accompanied by trends in the strength of the local drivers. This suggests that weaker forcing can lead to more devastating marine heatwaves as the global ocean temperature rises due to climate change.
Artificial structures can facilitate rapid coral recovery under climate change, Tanaya et al., Scientific Reports:
Rising seawater temperatures from climate change have caused coral bleaching, risking coral extinction by century’s end. To save corals, reef restoration must occur alongside other climate-change mitigation. Here we show the effectiveness of habitat creation on artificial structures for rapid coral restoration in response to climate change. We use 29 years of field observations for coral distributions on breakwaters and surrounding reefs (around 33,000 measurements in total). Following bleaching in 1998, breakwaters had higher coral cover (mainly Acropora spp.) than did surrounding natural reefs. Coral recovery times on breakwaters matched the frequency of recent bleaching events (~ every 6 years) and were accelerated by surface processing of the artificial structures with grooves. Corals on breakwaters were more abundant in shallow waters, under high light, and on moderately sloped substrate. Coral abundance on breakwaters was increased by incorporating shallow areas and surface texture. Our results suggest that habitat creation on artificial structures can increase coral community resilience against climate change by increasing coral recovery potential.
A new hope or phantom menace? Exploring climate emotions and public support for climate interventions across 30 countries, Baum et al., Risk Analysis:
This article employed a unique, global dataset with 30,284 participants across 30 countries (in 19 languages) to provide insights on 3 questions. We first leveraged the global dataset to map the incidence of fear, hope, anger, sadness, and worry across countries—the first time the climate emotions of adults are investigated on this scale. We also identified significant differences in emotions by level of development, with those in advanced economies reporting weaker levels of climate emotions. Second, using multiple linear regression analyses, we explored the relationship between climate emotions and support for climate-intervention technologies. We determined that the emotions of hope and worry seem to be the most consistently (positively) correlated. Third, we explored if reading about technology categories differentially affected climate emotions. Individuals randomly assigned to read about ecosystems-based CDR [carbon dioxide removal] were significantly more hopeful about climate change (those about SRM [solar radiation management] the least).
Threshold uncertainty, early warning signals and the prevention of dangerous climate change, Hurlstone et al., Royal Society Open Science:
The goal of the Paris Agreement is to keep global temperature rise well below 2°C. In this agreement—and its antecedents negotiated in Copenhagen and Cancun—the fear of crossing a dangerous climate threshold is supposed to serve as the catalyst for cooperation among countries. However, there are deep uncertainties about the location of the threshold for dangerous climate change, and recent evidence indicates this threshold uncertainty is a major impediment to collective action. Early warning signals of approaching climate thresholds are a potential remedy to this threshold uncertainty problem, and initial experimental evidence suggests such early detection systems may improve the prospects of cooperation. Here, we provide a direct experimental assessment of this early warning signal hypothesis. Using a catastrophe avoidance game, we show that large initial—and subsequently unreduced—threshold uncertainty undermines cooperation, consistent with earlier studies. An early warning signal that reduced uncertainty to within 10% (but not 30%) of the threshold value catalysed cooperation and reduced the probability of catastrophe occurring, albeit not reliably so. Our findings suggest early warning signals can trigger action to avoid a dangerous threshold, but additional mechanisms may be required to foster the cooperation needed to ensure the threshold is not breached.
Early warning of complex climate risk with integrated artificial intelligence, Reichstein et al., Nature Communications:
As climate change accelerates, human societies face growing exposure to disasters and stress, highlighting the urgent need for effective early warning systems (EWS). These systems monitor, assess, and communicate risks to support resilience and sustainable development, but challenges remain in hazard forecasting, risk communication, and decision-making. This perspective explores the transformative potential of integrated Artificial Intelligence (AI) modeling. We highlight the role of AI in developing multi-hazard EWSs that integrate Meteorological and Geospatial foundation models (FMs) for impact prediction. A user-centric approach with intuitive interfaces and community feedback is emphasized to improve crisis management. To address climate risk complexity, we advocate for causal AI models to avoid spurious predictions and stress the need for responsible AI practices. We highlight the FATES (Fairness, Accountability, Transparency, Ethics, and Sustainability) principles as essential for equitable and trustworthy AI-based Early Warning Systems for all. We further advocate for decadal EWSs, leveraging climate ensembles and generative methods to enable long-term, spatially resolved forecasts for proactive climate adaptation.
From this week's government/NGO section:
State of the Global Climate 2024, Kennedy et al., World Meteorological Organization
The publication provides a summary of the state of the climate indicators in 2024 with sections on key climate indicators, extreme events, and impacts. The indicators include global temperatures, greenhouse gas concentration, ocean heat content, sea level rise, ocean acidification, Arctic and Antarctic sea ice, glaciers, and precipitation, with an analysis of major drivers of inter-annual climate variability during the year including the El Niño Southern Oscillation and other ocean and atmospheric indices. The highlighted extreme events include those related to tropical cyclones and wind storms; flooding, drought, and extreme heat and cold events. The publication also provides the most recent findings on climate-related risks and impacts including on food security and population displacement.
Meeting the Climate Emergency: University Information Infrastructure for Researching Wicked Problems, Donald Waters, Coalition for Networked Information
The author examines the role of research universities in addressing complex societal challenges. He focuses on climate change, which is best characterized as a “wicked” problem. Such problems are difficult to define and lack clear solutions in part because they involve multiple stakeholders who sometimes have sharply differing interests and perspectives. Given this complexity, understanding climate change is not just a matter for researchers in the STEM fields of science, technology, engineering, and medicine. It requires an all-hands-on-deck approach across the disciplinary spectrum, including experts from the social sciences and humanities. It also requires deep engagement of researchers with the public. The author underscores the urgency and complexity of climate change and other wicked problems that impede human flourishing and offers concrete steps by which universities could adapt their research infrastructure to address these problems more effectively.
107 articles in 51 journals by 664 contributing authors
Physical science of climate change, effects
Amplified wintertime Arctic warming causes Eurasian cooling via nonlinear feedback of suppressed synoptic eddy activities, Yin et al., Science Advances 10.1126/sciadv.adr6336
Fire, Fuel, and Climate Interactions in Temperate Climates, Kampf et al., AGU Advances Open Access 10.1029/2024av001628
Monitoring, modeling, and forecasting long-term changes in coastal seawater quality due to climate change, Guan et al., Nature Communications Open Access 10.1038/s41467-025-57913-4
Reconciling the Discrepancy in Projected Global Dryland Expansion in a Warming World, Zhou & Yu, Global Change Biology Open Access 10.1111/gcb.70102
Satellite Retrievals Show Adiabatic Fraction of Marine Low Clouds Decreasing With Increasing Temperature and Height Above Cloud Base, Lu et al., Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres Open Access 10.1029/2024jd043178
Teleconnection from Arctic warming suppresses long-term warming in central Eurasia, Gong et al., Science Advances 10.1126/sciadv.adq9461
Observations of climate change, effects
40-Year Statistics of Warm-Season Extreme Hourly Precipitation over North China, Pei et al., Weather and Climate Extremes Open Access 10.1016/j.wace.2025.100761
Annual Cycle Changes in the Vertical Structure of Ocean Temperature: A Fingerprint of Human Influence on Climate, Shi et al., Journal of Climate 10.1175/jcli-d-24-0418.1
Application of XGBoost in Disentangling the Fingerprints of Global Warming and Decadal Climate Modes on Seasonal Precipitation Trends in Ohio, Wegener & Ibebuchi, International Journal of Climatology Open Access 10.1002/joc.8829
Physical and biogeochemical responses of Tibetan Plateau lakes to climate change, Zhu et al., Nature Reviews Earth & Environment 10.1038/s43017-025-00650-5
Trends and Drivers of Tropical Cyclones Originating in the South China Sea during 1949-2021, Li et al., Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans 10.1016/j.dynatmoce.2025.101546
Instrumentation & observational methods of climate change, effects
Disagreement in Detected Heatwave Trends Resulting From Diagnostic Methods, Zhang et al., Geophysical Research Letters Open Access 10.1029/2024gl114398
Early warning of complex climate risk with integrated artificial intelligence, Reichstein et al., Nature Communications Open Access 10.1038/s41467-025-57640-w
Extreme Event Attribution in the Mediterranean, Jézéquel et al., International Journal of Climatology Open Access 10.1002/joc.8799
Mexico's High Resolution Climate Database (MexHiResClimDB): a new daily high-resolution gridded climate dataset for Mexico covering 1951–2020, Carrera-Hernández, Open Access 10.5194/essd-2025-100
Threshold uncertainty, early warning signals and the prevention of dangerous climate change, Hurlstone et al., Royal Society Open Science Open Access 10.1098/rsos.240425
Modeling, simulation & projection of climate change, effects
Constrained Projections of Extreme Low Temperatures in Eastern China, Wang et al., Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 10.1029/2024jd042741
Development of a high-resolution dataset of future monthly surface solar radiation by combining CMIP6 projections and satellite-based retrievals, HE et al., Advances in Climate Change Research Open Access 10.1016/j.accre.2025.02.007
High-Resolution Climate Change Projections of Atmospheric Rivers Over the South Pacific, Goddard et al., Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres Open Access 10.1029/2024jd041572
Advancement of climate & climate effects modeling, simulation & projection
An improved and extended parameterization of the CO2 15 µm cooling in the middle and upper atmosphere (CO2&cool&fort-1.0), López-Puertas et al., Geoscientific Model Development Open Access 10.5194/gmd-17-4401-2024
Evaluation of the CMIP6 models for simulating the trend of the Barents-Kara Sea compound heatwaves in boreal autumn, Xin et al., Atmospheric Research 10.1016/j.atmosres.2025.108077
Too cold, too saturated? Evaluating climate models at the gateway to the Arctic, Pithan et al., Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Open Access 10.5194/acp-25-3269-2025
Cryosphere & climate change
Bathymetry-constrained impact of relative sea-level change on basal melting in Antarctica, Kreuzer et al., The Cryosphere Open Access 10.5194/tc-19-1181-2025
Climate’s firm grip on glacier ablation in the Cordillera Darwin Icefield, Tierra del Fuego, Temme et al., Nature Communications Open Access 10.1038/s41467-025-57698-6
Constraining sub-seasonal glacier mass balance in the Swiss Alps using Sentinel-2-derived snow-cover observations, Cremona et al., Journal of Glaciology Open Access 10.1017/jog.2025.1
Deep learning the flow law of Antarctic ice shelves, Wang et al., Science Open Access 10.1126/science.adp3300
Historically consistent mass loss projections of the Greenland ice sheet, Rahlves et al., Open Access 10.5194/egusphere-2024-922
Impacts of air fraction increase on Arctic sea ice density, freeboard, and thickness estimation during the melt season, Salganik et al., The Cryosphere Open Access 10.5194/tc-19-1259-2025
Incomplete Arctic Sea-Ice Recovery Under CO2 Removal and Its Effects on the Winter Atmospheric Circulation, Yu et al., 10.5194/egusphere-egu25-6884
Biology & climate change, related geochemistry
Adaptive Management Based on the Habitat Change of Cibotium barometz Under Synergistic Impact of Climate and Land Use Change—A Case Study of Guangxi, China, Feng et al., Ecology and Evolution Open Access 10.1002/ece3.71040
Altered Phenotypic Responses of Asexual Arctic Daphnia After 10 Years of Rapid Climate Change, Karapli?Petritsopoulou et al., Global Change Biology Open Access 10.1111/gcb.70119
Arctic tundra ecosystems under fire—Alternative ecosystem states in a changing climate?, Heim et al., Journal of Ecology Open Access 10.1111/1365-2745.70022
Artificial structures can facilitate rapid coral recovery under climate change, Tanaya et al., Scientific Reports Open Access 10.1038/s41598-025-93531-2
Assessment of the Rugulopteryx okamurae invasion in Northeastern Atlantic and Mediterranean bioregions: colonisation status, propagation hypothesis and temperature tolerance thresholds, Román & Vázquez, Marine Environmental Research 10.1016/j.marenvres.2025.107093
Climate and Dispersal Ability Limit Future Habitats for Gila Monsters in the Mojave Desert, Hromada et al., Ecology and Evolution Open Access 10.1002/ece3.71008
Climate change implications in the suitable habitat of Olive ridley turtle Lepidochelys olivacea in the Eastern Tropical Pacific, García-Rada et al., Marine Environmental Research 10.1016/j.marenvres.2025.107091
Climate change-driven ice variability and isotopic polarization in Antarctic coastal food webs, Lee et al., Communications Earth & Environment Open Access 10.1038/s43247-025-02163-x
The global yet local nature of energy imaginaries: The cases of Dutch and Spanish hydrogen valleys, Upham & Cruells Maristany, Energy Research & Social Science Open Access 10.1016/j.erss.2025.104028
Elucidating divergent growth and climate vulnerability in abalone (Haliotis iris): A multi-year snapshot, Copedo et al., Marine Environmental Research Open Access 10.1016/j.marenvres.2025.107090
From Ecological Niche to Conservation Planning; Climate-Driven Range Dynamics of Ephedra intermedia in Central Asia, Waheed et al., Ecology and Evolution Open Access 10.1002/ece3.71127
Intra-annual xylem formation dynamics of Castanopsis hystrix and its response to climate in southern Guangxi, China, Zhao et al., Dendrochronologia 10.1016/j.dendro.2025.126303
Marine Heatwaves and Iceberg Melting in Polar Areas Intensify Phytoplankton Blooms, Liu et al., Global Change Biology 10.1111/gcb.70132
Physiological responses of scleractinian coral to trace metal enrichment and thermal stress, Tu et al., Marine Environmental Research 10.1016/j.marenvres.2025.107085
Shifts in organic matter character and microbial community structure from glacial headwaters to downstream reaches in Canadian Rocky Mountain rivers, Drapeau et al., Open Access 10.5194/bg-2023-121
The severe 2020 coral bleaching event in the tropical Atlantic linked to marine heatwaves, Rodrigues et al., Communications Earth & Environment Open Access 10.1038/s43247-025-02195-3
Vegetation optimal temperature modulates global vegetation season onset shifts in response to warming climate, Shi et al., Communications Earth & Environment Open Access 10.1038/s43247-025-02186-4
Widespread Sensitivity of Vegetation to the Transition From Normal Droughts to Flash Droughts, Liao et al., Geophysical Research Letters Open Access 10.1029/2024gl114321
GHG sources & sinks, flux, related geochemistry
A greening Earth has reversed the trend of decreasing carbonate weathering under a warming climate, Zeng et al., Nature Communications Open Access 10.1038/s41467-025-57899-z
A microbially driven and depth-explicit soil organic carbon model constrained by carbon isotopes to reduce parameter equifinality, Van de Broek et al., Biogeosciences Open Access 10.5194/bg-22-1427-2025
An updated synthesis of ocean total alkalinity and dissolved inorganic carbon measurements from 1993 to 2023: the SNAPO-CO2-v2 dataset, Metzl et al., Open Access 10.5194/essd-2024-464
Blue Carbon Stocks Along the Pacific Coast of North America Are Mainly Driven by Local Rather Than Regional Factors, Janousek et al., Global Biogeochemical Cycles Open Access 10.1029/2024gb008239
Can agglomerated tall buildings reduce carbon emissions compared to a low-rise urban sprawl?, Bin Thaneya et al., Environmental Research: Infrastructure and Sustainability Open Access 10.1088/2634-4505/adba84
Contributions of biological and physical dynamics to deglacial CO2 release from the polar Southern Ocean, Dai & Yu, Nature Communications Open Access 10.1038/s41467-025-57677-x
Diminished contribution of spring phenology to early-season carbon uptake in a changing climate, Liu et al., Communications Earth & Environment Open Access 10.1038/s43247-025-02201-8
Estimation of carbon dioxide emissions from the cement industry in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei using neural networks, Liu et al., PLOS Climate Open Access 10.1371/journal.pclm.0000544
Global Critical Drought Thresholds of Terrestrial Carbon Sink–Source Transition, Guo et al., Global Change Biology 10.1111/gcb.70129
Greenhouse gas emissions of global construction material production, Kane et al., Environmental Research: Infrastructure and Sustainability Open Access 10.1088/2634-4505/adbd6e
Historical trends, underlying factors and the 2035 horizon situation of GHG emission in 16 Middle Eastern nations, Ahmadi Orkomi, Energy for Sustainable Development 10.1016/j.esd.2025.101693
Human Activities Reshape Greenhouse Gas Emissions From Inland Waters, Liu et al., Global Change Biology 10.1111/gcb.70139
Local and regional enhancements of GHGs in Thessaloniki, inferred from ground-based FTIR measurements, Mermigkas et al., Atmospheric Research 10.1016/j.atmosres.2025.108035
On the calculation of carbon and nutrient transport to the oceans, Li & White, Scientific Reports Open Access 10.1038/s41598-025-94058-2
Spatial and temporal variations of gross primary production simulated by land surface model BCC&AVIM2.0, Li et al., Advances in Climate Change Research Open Access 10.1016/j.accre.2023.02.001
What Regulates Net Carbon Uptake in Coastal Ecosystems?, Pendall, Global Change Biology Open Access 10.1111/gcb.70127
CO2 capture, sequestration science & engineering
Restoration of secondary forest in the Greater Mekong Subregion struggles to offset primary forest carbon losses, Peng et al., Global and Planetary Change Open Access 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2025.104796
Influence of Black Carbon on Photovoltaic and Wind Energy Potential Under the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways, Ji & Chen, Earth's Future Open Access 10.1029/2024ef004987
More Wind, Falling Efficiency: The Driving Factors of German Onshore Wind Power Generation, Janal et al., Wind Energy Open Access 10.1002/we.70013
Quantifying cascading power outages during climate extremes considering renewable energy integration, Xu et al., Nature Communications Open Access 10.1038/s41467-025-57565-4
Support mechanisms for low-carbon hydrogen: The risks of segmenting a commodity market, Mastropietro & Rodilla, Energy Policy 10.1016/j.enpol.2025.114605
The global yet local nature of energy imaginaries: The cases of Dutch and Spanish hydrogen valleys, Upham & Cruells Maristany, Energy Research & Social Science Open Access 10.1016/j.erss.2025.104028
Geoengineering climate
Application of Hollow Glass Microspheres in the Arctic Ocean Would Likely Lead to a Deceleration of Arctic Sea Ice Loss” - A Critique of the Paper by Webster and Warren (2022), Strawa et al., Earth's Future Open Access 10.1029/2024ef004749
Future Anthropogenic Land Use Change Impacts on Carbonaceous Aerosol and Implications for Climate and Air Quality, Shi et al., Geophysical Research Letters Open Access 10.1029/2024gl110962
Type-based assessment of aerosol direct radiative effects: A proof-of-concept using GEOS-Chem and CATCH, Sutherland & Meskhidze, Atmospheric Research Open Access 10.1016/j.atmosres.2025.108036
Climate change communications & cognition
A new hope or phantom menace? Exploring climate emotions and public support for climate interventions across 30 countries, Baum et al., Risk Analysis Open Access
Dissensus Rhetoric in Youth Climate Justice Activism, Buhre, Environmental Communication Open Access 10.1080/17524032.2025.2470881
Protecting the Earth Radically: Perceiving Police Injustice Activates Climate Protesters’ Need for Significance, Jansma et al., Journal of Environmental Psychology 10.1016/j.jenvp.2025.102578
Scorching doubts: unveiling climate change skepticism among gulf cooperation council residents, Kaya et al., Climate Policy 10.1080/14693062.2025.2477117
Agronomy, animal husbundry, food production & climate change
Agricultural Land Use Impacts Aquatic Greenhouse Gas Emissions From Wetlands in the Canadian Prairie Pothole Region, Logozzo et al., Global Biogeochemical Cycles Open Access 10.1029/2024gb008209
Agroforestry as land-based carbon dioxide removal in central Europe: tensions between institutions, interests, and ideas hindering scaling up, Montero-de-Oliveira et al., Climate Policy Open Access 10.1080/14693062.2025.2478286
Decreasing dynamic predictability of global agricultural drought with warming climate, Wu et al., Nature Climate Change 10.1038/s41558-025-02289-y
Grazing decreases carbon storage in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau grasslands, Huang et al., Communications Earth & Environment Open Access 10.1038/s43247-025-02162-y
Modeling biochar effects on soil organic carbon on croplands in a microbial decomposition model (MIMICS-BC&v1.0), Han et al., Geoscientific Model Development Open Access 10.5194/gmd-17-4871-2024
Productivity versus sustainability: paradigms of climate-resilient development in South Asian smallholder agriculture, Prateek, Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 10.1016/j.cosust.2025.101520
Reduction of deforestation by agroforestry in high carbon stock forests of Southeast Asia, Teo et al., Nature Sustainability Open Access 10.1038/s41893-025-01532-w
Revisiting the soil carbon saturation concept to inform a risk index in European agricultural soils, Breure et al., Nature Communications Open Access 10.1038/s41467-025-57355-y
Hydrology, hydrometeorology & climate change
Assessing climate risks from satellite imagery with machine learning: A case study of flood risks in Jakarta, Yang et al., Climate Risk Management Open Access 10.1016/j.crm.2024.100651
Climate change effects on the spatial and temporal distribution of extreme precipitation in the Mid-Atlantic region, Mirzaei et al., Urban Climate Open Access 10.1016/j.uclim.2025.102382
Climate change economics
Global carbon emission governance and green trade: the moderating role of political stability and trade diversity, Guo et al., Frontiers in Environmental Science Open Access 10.3389/fenvs.2025.1517472
Institutional investors and low-carbon transitions: A multi-level analysis of lead firm reorientation in northern Europe, Kreander et al., Energy Research & Social Science Open Access 10.1016/j.erss.2025.104031
Climate change mitigation public policy research
Environmental policy and investment location: The risk of carbon leakage in the EU ETS, D'Arcangelo & Galeotti Galeotti Galeotti, Energy Policy Open Access pdf 10.1016/j.enpol.2025.114587
Green dreams or fossil schemes? Mapping Canada's green growth policy-planning network, Le Page, New Scientist Open Access 10.1016/s0262-4079(15)60311-6
Identifying scenarios for renewable energy development in Iran: the role of collaborative governance, Sadabadi & Rahimirad, Climate Policy 10.1080/14693062.2025.2477772
Sámi perspectives on energy justice and wind energy developments in Northern Norway, Blokzijl & Rasch, Energy Research & Social Science 10.1016/j.erss.2025.104004
Climate change adaptation & adaptation public policy research
Degradation of potential winter roads threatens vulnerable communities’ freight accessibility in the pan-Arctic region, Li-Yuan et al., Advances in Climate Change Research Open Access 10.1016/j.accre.2025.02.006
Examining environmental justice in legacy city climate action planning, Kronenberger et al., Climate and Development 10.1080/17565529.2025.2459065
Integrating climate mitigation and adaptation in the UK: A new anticipatory narrative for achieving “Climate Resilient Net Zero” in preparing for heat risk, Howarth et al., Global Environmental Change Open Access 10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2025.102994
Reflections on delivering place-based climate risk data in support of local adaptation decisions, Smith et al., Climate Risk Management Open Access 10.1016/j.crm.2025.100701
The paradox of climate resilience and elusive peace in the Lake Chad Basin: a case for an adaptive governance approach, Tiky & Ndiloseh, Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 10.1016/j.cosust.2025.101523
The role of gender in firm-level climate change adaptation behaviour: Insights from small businesses in Senegal and Kenya, Elizabeth Gannon et al., Climate Risk Management Open Access 10.1016/j.crm.2025.100699
Urban climate risk assessment under climate and land use changes impact: A multi-dimensional approach, Wu et al., Urban Climate 10.1016/j.uclim.2025.102379
Climate change impacts on human health
Climate warming may undermine sleep duration and quality in repeated-measure study of 23 million records, Li et al., Nature Communications Open Access 10.1038/s41467-025-57781-y
Global warming risks dehydrating and inflaming human airways, Edwards et al., Communications Earth & Environment Open Access 10.1038/s43247-025-02161-z
A review of intersectionality and climate change and the potential of intersectional participatory methods and storytelling to co-produce climate justice, Rigon, Climate and Development Open Access 10.1080/17565529.2025.2477105
What Are the Limits to the Growth of Boreal Fires?, Janssen & Veraverbeke, Global Change Biology Open Access 10.1111/gcb.70130
Informed opinion, nudges & major initiatives
Prioritizing involuntary immobility in climate policy and disaster planning, Thalheimer et al., Nature Communications Open Access 10.1038/s41467-025-57679-9
Small step funding models fit better for climate research, Hulme, Nature Climate Change Open Access 10.1038/s41558-025-02281-6
Book reviews
Communicating the Climate Crisis New Directions for Facing What Lies Ahead, Dewi et al., Environmental Communication 10.1080/17524032.2025.2477259
The Anthropocene of Weather and Climate: Ethnographic Contributions to the Climate Change Debate, Firmansyah et al., Environmental Communication 10.1080/17524032.2025.2478218
Articles/Reports from Agencies and Non-Governmental Organizations Addressing Aspects of Climate Change
2024 Maine Clean Energy Industry Report, bw Research Partnership, State of Maine Governor’s Energy Office
The clean energy sector is a high-growth sector of Maine’s economy, growing faster than the state’s overall economy and faster than any other New England state’s clean energy economy. There were close to 15,600 clean energy workers in the state of Maine in 2023, representing 2.4 percent of the entire state’s workforce. Between 2022 and 2023, the clean energy economy added more than 500 jobs, and by the end of 2023, it represented 3.2 percent of Maine’s total economic output, up from 2.7 percent in 2022. Not only is the clean energy economy growing, but it is outpacing Maine’s overall economy; while employment in the overall economy grew by 1.7 percent from 2022 to 2023, the clean energy workforce grew by 3.6 percent. Within New England, Maine’s clean energy workforce has grown the fastest since 2019
Getting Transportation Right, Henningson et al., Natural Resources Defense Council
The scorecard assesses state policies and implementation related to eliminating transportation greenhouse gas pollution and improving access to clean transportation by ranking all 50 states and Washington, D.C., across 21 policy and outcome metrics. These metrics have been updated since 2023 to reflect feedback from in-state stakeholders and the availability of new data and research. The updates include raising the bar on how states earn points for existing metrics. This assessment identifies leading states and best practices, highlighting opportunities for elected and appointed leaders in every state to go further and faster to equitably deliver climate and public health benefits to their constituents.
Landing the Economic Case for Climate Action with Decision Makers, Benayad et al., Boston Consulting Group and the University of Cambridge climaTRACES Lab
Governments, businesses, and people worldwide are paying the price for the storms, floods, heat waves, and droughts that are caused by climate change. Without the investment necessary to limit further global warming, the economic growth and resilience on which the world relies will be severely diminished along with societies’ ability to achieve their broader goals. The authors set out the economic case for climate action—and how we can make it influence today's decisions.
Carbon Markets and Offset Guidance, Second Nature
The authors synthesize almost two years' worth of research into carbon markets, corporate offset engagement, and higher education offset engagement trends to provide an analysis of the options, risks, and best practices available to higher education. This comprehensive resource is designed to help colleges and universities navigate the evolving landscape of carbon offset markets with integrity. This updated guidance builds upon previous versions, integrating the latest scientific insights and best practices to support institutions committed to climate action
Water and climate. Rising risks for urban populations, Michaelides et al., WaterAid
The authors examine climatic trends over the past 42 years in the world’s 100 most-populated cities, plus 12 cities where WaterAid works. They analyze whether these cities are becoming more prone to floods or droughts, and how these changes affect the people who live there. Many cities experience “whiplash”; droughts that dry up water sources followed closely by floods that overwhelm infrastructure, destroying sanitation systems and contaminating drinking water. Meanwhile, other cities are seeing dramatic climate reversals. Places accustomed to heavy rainfall are now facing droughts, while historically arid regions now grapple with unexpected floods.?
US Solar Market Insight, Martinez et al., Wood Mackenzie and the Solar Energy Industries Association
Each quarter, the authors collect granular data on the U.S. solar market from nearly 200 utilities, state agencies, installers, and manufacturers. These data provide the backbone of the report in which the authors identify and analyze trends in U.S. solar demand, manufacturing and pricing by state and market segment over the next five to ten years. The report includes all 50 states, Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico.
US Electricity 2025 Special Report, Jones et al., Ember
The authors analyze full-year U.S. Energy Information Administration’s (EIA) electricity data to give an up-to-date view of the U.S. electricity system and key developments in 2024. Highlights include wind and solar combined producing a record 17% of U.S. electricity in 2024, overtaking coal at 15% for the first time; 3%=the year-on-year increase in electricity demand – the fifth largest year-on-year increase this century; and 64TWh=the year-on-year increase in solar generation, larger than the 59 TWh rise in gas generation.
Meeting the Climate Emergency: University Information Infrastructure for Researching Wicked Problems, Donald Waters, Coalition for Networked Information
The author examines the role of research universities in addressing complex societal challenges. He focuses on climate change, which is best characterized as a “wicked” problem. Such problems are difficult to define and lack clear solutions in part because they involve multiple stakeholders who sometimes have sharply differing interests and perspectives. Given this complexity, understanding climate change is not just a matter for researchers in the STEM fields of science, technology, engineering, and medicine. It requires an all-hands-on-deck approach across the disciplinary spectrum, including experts from the social sciences and humanities. It also requires deep engagement of researchers with the public. The author underscores the urgency and complexity of climate change and other wicked problems that impede human flourishing and offers concrete steps by which universities could adapt their research infrastructure to address these problems more effectively.
Heat Stress in the Cambodian Workplace, Parsons et al, Royal Holloway, University of London
The risk of heatwaves is increasing in Cambodia. In early May 2024, Cambodia faced its highest average temperatures in 170 years. Heatwaves of this sort are now over four times more frequent than historical averages, posing a major risk to health. However, the health risk resulting from heatwaves is uneven. Relatively socially disadvantaged people are disproportionately affected by temperature extremes. This is a key policy priority for Cambodia. However, these differences are difficult to measure and interpret. This study is one of the first to combine socio-economic data with scientific core temperature measurement.
Military Installation Resilience Review Phase 2.0, Northern Virginia Regional Commission
The Military Installation Resilience Review (MIRR) is a collaborative effort to address issues that impact the resiliency of four counties and three military installations in Northern Virginia. The authors present 50 recommended guidelines aimed at aligning policies and processes of the community, military partners, and the Northern Virginia Regional Commission with an overall goal of achieving more consistent and effective outcomes in addressing resiliency gaps. The authors focus on a set of specific issues and opportunities related to regional coordination, resilient transportation planning, transit service to military installations, stormwater and floodplain management, and emergency management and communications interoperability.
California Heat Pump Partnership Blueprint, The California Heat Pump Partnership
Heat pump space and water heating equipment (collectively referred to here as “heat pumps”) are critical technologies to move California toward a healthier, more efficient building stock, powered by clean electricity. While heat pumps are gaining traction among consumers and contractors, accelerated adoption is necessary to fully realize these benefits and meet California’s ambitious climate goals. The authors outline near-term strategies to advance the state’s target of installing six million heat pumps by 2030.
A Guide to Navigating Carbon Markets: Exploring the Potential for Eastern Africa, Ahonen et al, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit
Carbon markets are paving the way for sustainable development and climate action across the globe. In Eastern Africa, they hold tremendous potential to not only meet climate goals but also drive low-carbon economic growth and attract crucial investment. The authors discuss how Eastern African countries can leverage carbon markets to finance climate action; navigate market structures and regulatory frameworks; and empower policymakers and project developers with actionable insights.
State of the Global Climate 2024, Kennedy et al, World Meteorological Organization
The publication provides a summary of the state of the climate indicators in 2024 with sections on key climate indicators, extreme events, and impacts. The indicators include global temperatures, greenhouse gas concentration, ocean heat content, sea level rise, ocean acidification, Arctic and Antarctic sea ice, glaciers, and precipitation, with an analysis of major drivers of inter-annual climate variability during the year including the El Niño Southern Oscillation and other ocean and atmospheric indices. The highlighted extreme events include those related to tropical cyclones and wind storms; flooding, drought, and extreme heat and cold events. The publication also provides the most recent findings on climate-related risks and impacts including on food security and population displacement.
Obtaining articles without journal subscriptions
We know it's frustrating that many articles we cite here are not free to read. One-off paid access fees are generally astronomically priced, suitable for such as "On a Heuristic Point of View Concerning the Production and Transformation of Light" but not as a gamble on unknowns. With a median world income of US$ 9,373, for most of us US$ 42 is significant money to wager on an article's relevance and importance.
- Here's an excellent collection of tips and techniques for obtaining articles, legally.
- Unpaywall offers a browser extension for Chrome and Firefox that automatically indicates when an article is freely accessible and provides immediate access without further trouble. Unpaywall is also unscammy, works well, is itself offered free to use. The organizers (a legitimate nonprofit) report about a 50% success rate
- The weekly New Research catch is checked against the Unpaywall database with accessible items being flagged. Especially for just-published articles this mechansim may fail. If you're interested in an article title and it is not listed here as "open access," be sure to check the link anyway.
How is New Research assembled?
Most articles appearing here are found via RSS feeds from journal publishers, filtered by search terms to produce raw output for assessment of relevance.
Relevant articles are then queried against the Unpaywall database, to identify open access articles and expose useful metadata for articles appearing in the database.
The objective of New Research isn't to cast a tinge on scientific results, to color readers' impressions. Hence candidate articles are assessed via two metrics only:
- Was an article deemed of sufficient merit by a team of journal editors and peer reviewers? The fact of journal RSS output assigns a "yes" to this automatically.
- Is an article relevant to the topic of anthropogenic climate change? Due to filter overlap with other publication topics of inquiry, of a typical week's 550 or so input articles about 1/4 of RSS output makes the cut.
A few journals offer public access to "preprint" versions of articles for which the review process is not yet complete. For some key journals this all the mention we'll see in RSS feeds, so we include such items in New Research. These are flagged as "preprint."
The section "Informed opinion, nudges & major initiatives" includes some items that are not scientific research per se but fall instead into the category of "perspectives," observations of implications of research findings, areas needing attention, etc.
Please let us know if you're aware of an article you think may be of interest for Skeptical Science research news, or if we've missed something that may be important. Send your input to Skeptical Science via our contact form.
Journals covered
A list of journals we cover may be found here. We welcome pointers to omissions, new journals etc.
Previous edition
The previous edition of Skeptical Science New Research may be found here.