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All IPCC definitions taken from Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Working Group I Contribution to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Annex I, Glossary, pp. 941-954. Cambridge University Press.

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Comments 63601 to 63650:

  1. Monckton Misrepresents Scientists' Own Work (Part 1)
    The link to Church et al 2011 in the last paragraph has a typo, a missing slash before the www.
  2. Monckton Misrepresents Scientists' Own Work (Part 1)
    The links under "detailed the various Monckton misrepresentations in the debate." and "Church et al 2011." don't work. (Delete this post after correction if you want)
  3. Medieval Warm Period was warmer
    muoncounter, Tom, scaddenp: I appreaciate your comments. I do think you are missing my thought process to a point tho. When I look at temp reconstructions of the MWP, and look at current temperatures, I look at the scaling of the data. The upturn in temperatures currently, would not as of yet made much of an impression on the reconstructions. I used to agree that TSI was the predominant factor in the temperature rise of the MWP. New reconstructions of TSI, which we hope are more accurate, show that TSI was not an influence of increase during the MWP. Door 3 may be the logical conclusion. I have opened it, but I have not as yet stepped through it.
  4. Medieval Warm Period was warmer
    Tom@107: Please look at slide 7 of this presentation and tell me how solar/TSI caused the MWP. TSI and MWP comparisons. muoncounter: I havne't had a chance to read Crowley 2000 yet, but the presentation of your bottom pannel is very telling. I will also re-examine Mann 2009. It has been some time since I have read his last paper.
  5. Dikran Marsupial at 08:37 AM on 21 February 2012
    Global Warming and Cold Winters
    Copie, weather changes all the time, climate doesn't. Climate is the long term statistical behaviour of the weather, and hence does not change constantly. Indeed you don't have to be a scientist to study climate, but you do need to keep detailed records, anecdotal evidence is known to be very unreliable. As for the more [CO2] the better, I think your lungs would disagree.
  6. Global Warming and Cold Winters
    Copie: Most people rely on meteorologists to forecast the weather for the next few days and weeks. Most people rely on scientists to forecast the global climate for the coming decades and beyond. About your CO2 meme, it's been debunked many times over by SkS.
  7. Medieval Warm Period was warmer
    Tom C: Your statement 'more recent work continues to show... ' (citing Swingedouw et al 2010) is only partially correct. That paper used the same TSI reconstructions as were used in 2000: The TSI variations that we use are deduced from the Bard et al. (2000) reconstruction and are the same as the one used by Crowley (2000). Bard 2000 (data here) is a radioisotope study; Crowley is heavily dependent on Bard's Be10 and C14 proxies. Crowley's figure 2 (in full scale pdf) makes this clear: More importantly, the bottom panel in the figure demonstrates that recent forcing - from GHGs - is utterly unprecedented on this time scale. We have in fact made the 'MWP' vanish.
  8. DenialGate - Infographic Illustrating the Heartland Denial Funding Machine
    @Michael of Brisbane #37: I completely disagree with your premise that a government entitity is an "industry." Does Autralia's Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry constitute an "industry" in your opinion.
  9. DenialGate - Infographic Illustrating the Heartland Denial Funding Machine
    Michael of Brisbane, if you can provide evidence that the bureaucratic elements of the various conferences on climate change have been hired specifically to assist dignitaries attending those conferences, then, yes, there is the beginnings of an "industry" (used in the late 20th century sense of the term). You seem to see a massive bureaucracy dedicated to a "pro-AGW" agenda. I doubt if there are many people who actively try to spread the theory of AGW in order to achieve job security. Then again, the theory is quite strong, and if you want to argue the reality and possible consequences, there are plenty of threads here at SkS. If you do understand the science, you must also realize that solving the problem is not an easy job. You understand the complexity of global politics and the global economy. You understand how difficult it is to change significant elements of culture (beliefs). You understand how consequences of large-scale, deliberate acts can have a range of unintended consequences (both positive and negative). You may understand all of these things, and yet you want to limit the number of people engaged in understanding them--people who are trying to find ways of solving the problem. True, if these "hangers-on" are actually the fops, courtly fools, and yes-men of the new kingdom, then they need to be excised. Consider this, though: the subject of this article is the Heartland Institute. It is a political organization demonstrably dedicated to misinforming the democracy (wasting taxpayer time and money by obscuring reality). It is comprised of a set of individuals who have had their misinformation revealed for what it is publicly (Monckton, Singer, Watts, et al.). They refused to publicly acknowledge their errors in fact and errors in methodology. What else could you call them but fops, yes-men, and courtly fools doing the bidding of their masters? (Yes, moderators, I know about accusations of dishonesty, but when the evidence is available (and lots of it), one has to accept the dishonesty as reality). You suspect government waste at Copenhagen and Durban. You have a ton of evidence of waste at corporate-funded organizations like Heartland. You choose to ignore the corporate waste (which you pay for through use of gas, oil, and a variety of products controlled directly or indirectly by the Heartland donors) and instead focus on what might be government waste or might be the same old staff presence. You might also consider how climate denialism has helped Copenhagen and Durban be much less effective (more waste). Michael, is AGW a problem, and if so, what will it take to solve the problem? By the way, the advisory group you point to is comprised of pre-existing entities. An industry has a fully-developed production-distribution-consumption(-waste, ignore me) cycle. If I lived in Australia, I would ask for budget transparency, unless, again, you want to argue about the simple need for such an organization. It is certainly easier to see waste if one doesn't believe in the need for spending.
  10. 2012 SkS Weekly Digest #7
    Must it fall to me, an old white male, to remark that not all climate scientists are old white males?
  11. Fritz Vahrenholt - Duped on Climate Change
    [To moderator - should have read "blow me down" which is vernacular here for "surprise me" (like "knock me down with a feather"). I see now that other connotations could be taken in other parts of the world. Sorry.]
    Moderator Response: The "down" part was missing. Changes the meaning rather drastically;)
  12. Medieval Warm Period was warmer
    The last study of global, full year proxies over MCA would be Mann 2009. From that accumulation of many proxies world wide, you get two stand out features - 1/ anomaly varied in timing from one region to another (unlike today), 2/ it was not global. I dont see published evidence to contradict either conclusion so far. You might like to read the methods bit of 2009 about treatment of individual proxies so you dont go cherry-picking.
  13. Michael of Brisbane at 07:48 AM on 21 February 2012
    DenialGate - Infographic Illustrating the Heartland Denial Funding Machine
    John, I mean exactly what I assume you think I mean. I don't mean it in a positive way either. The Australian Government (to use my own county as an example) has a Department of Climate Change which of course has a multi-million dollar budget. here is an example from today's news. Note that it says: "For the development of this report, PWC formed an advisory group which included the Bureau of Meteorology, federal and state government agencies and the private sector." To me, that is an example of the AGW "industry". (I mean irrespective of scientific evidence, that is an industry. Don't you agree?
  14. Fritz Vahrenholt - Duped on Climate Change
    'The facts do not fit the theory as the world cools in the face of rising CO2. So the AGW group has then to add other factors to make it work. But such a theory is no longer testable, it will always be right. ' Sorry but that is an appalling misrepresentation of the actual science. Its easy to be skeptical if you are just creating strawmen to pull down. Climate has never been about single factors - only popular articles go in for that kind of simplistic nonsense. As to 40's to 70's - remember the "heading for an ice age"? Well that comes from aerosol work. For science in the early part of 20th century GHG were not thought to be an issue because of band saturation. Aerosols were hardly "added to model to fit the facts", while solar variations have dominated climate theory since inception for obvious reasons. As to testability, well [snip], the modelling puts out hundreds of testable predictions covering a wide range of parameters from expected spectral changes through to temperature profiles for air/ocean, precipitation etc. Not predictions are equally robust but not testable? You must be joking!
    Moderator Response: I hope the part I snipped was a typo.
  15. Loehle and Scafetta find a 60 year cycle causing global warming
    Note that if we had used the 1850-2000 period to calculate trending using a trend function having linear, quadratic, cubic, quartic, etc, components where the coefficient of the highest power monomial was positive, then this likely would project to a 2100 value somewhat higher than what a tight fit linear or quadratic would project. [Note, I am not implying I am sure how such a tight fit would be achieved.]
  16. 2012 SkS Weekly Digest #7
    The answer to hijacking is to behave as Abrahams did with Monckton. A little gentle humor is not a bad spice to add flavor.
  17. Loehle and Scafetta find a 60 year cycle causing global warming
    I made a calculation mistake. The 2100 quadratic trend projection should be +1.85 (not +2.75 as I stated above).
  18. Global Extinction: Gradual Doom as Bad as Abrupt
    The global history of the rise of civilization is a history of the discovery and development of previously untapped biological and geological sources. The generations which come after us will have a legacy of species extinctions, aquifer exhaustion or salination, desertification and holes in the ground where the coal, oil and gas have been extracted. How is that generation supposed to put right the legacy of biosphere devastation that we are leaving them? Is it not better that we act now to undo the damage to our environment while we still have as yet unexhausted resources? In geological terms, climate change and species extinction can be very rapid. In the chalk near my home there are many thin layers of flint in a great thickness of chalk. The abrupt transitions from chalk to flint and back to chalk are very striking, as is the existence of layers of flint barely 10 to 20 cm thick. These layers are, for me, striking evidence of just how abrupt climate change can be, and how unsettled. So, whenever someone says: "the climate has always changed" I reply:"Yes - and here comes a really nasty one!"
  19. Loehle and Scafetta find a 60 year cycle causing global warming
    >> they limit their model to the 1850-2100 range, as if stating those bounds would protect their analysis from the dreaded hindcasting failures we get from most curve-fitting. I want to backtrack on the implication here that the paper's equations are not immune to hind-casting and predictions far into the future where the temp would increase without bound. The paper's method of using harmonic analysis and assuming the discovered cyclical patterns extend forwards and backwards in time, while over-simplified (eg, since ignores cycle periods that might depend on factors such as CO2 warming rate.. an unprecedented event in the 1850-2000 period), is a different assumption/analysis from the assumptions/analysis which is related to the trend component of the curve-fitting. It might be accurate to first order IMO to consider that the cycles will reach far out in time (forwards or backwards) while at the same time rejecting the notion that the trend lines would do likewise. [Note that cycles by themselves trend at 0.] For example, I think CO2 growth is primarily associated with a warming trend and not with disrupting significantly the periods of any observed climate cycles.
  20. 2012 SkS Weekly Digest #7
    Hijacking amendment Unfortunately, amending the comments policy might spoil things over at WUWT, and we can't have that, can we? I bet Monckton gave Adam a special badge and allowed him to sit at the front of the class for the week after his marathon bout of avoiding the question yesterday. I doubt Monckton could have done much better, even though he is a master of avoidance and obfuscation. Of course, if Monckton were only a 'Mr' then he would be just another student along with the Adam and the rest and sure as hell would not be prancing all over the place playing at being the climate scientist that he clearly isn’t.
  21. DenialGate - Infographic Illustrating the Heartland Denial Funding Machine
    @Michael of Brisbane #34: Please define what you mean by the term, "AGW Industry."
  22. Global Extinction: Gradual Doom as Bad as Abrupt
    This is a wonderful post. Thank you for all that you do.
  23. The Year After McLean - A Review of 2011 Global Temperatures
    La Nina, and no its not "just ENSO" but look at the relative weighting. So are you agreeing that to change your mind if future climate does indeed conform to predictions?
  24. Medieval Warm Period was warmer
    Camburn @105, your last two sentences are false as is shown by Crowley 2000 (accidently referenced by me as Crowley 2010 in an earlier post). You may not like the conclusions of that paper, but they are none-the-less backed up by evidence, unlike your assertions. More recent work continues to show the significance of solar and volcanic forcings in the MWP>
  25. Loehle and Scafetta find a 60 year cycle causing global warming
    I want to add: If the paper had stuck with the fitted quadratic trend, the projected trend value for 2100 would not have been about +1.15 C but would have been about +2.75 C, a value that is in solid agreement with the overall IPCC projections.
  26. Dikran Marsupial at 06:13 AM on 21 February 2012
    DenialGate - Infographic Illustrating the Heartland Denial Funding Machine
    @Michael of Brisbane "The AGW Industry is an enormous Cash Cow." if it is, one group that is not included in that is climatologists. If govenrments are spending large amounts of money on it, then perhaps there is a good reason for that, which is that a sober assessment of themainstream scientific position suggests that it would be in our (economic) benefit to mitigate rather than adapt to the range of climate change we can expect to see.
  27. Michael of Brisbane at 06:06 AM on 21 February 2012
    DenialGate - Infographic Illustrating the Heartland Denial Funding Machine
    Hi Tom, (@#30) Thanks for your reply. I understand what you're saying about payments to Climate Scientists for research, but I was mostly referring to the difference in the amounts of money involved. I added up all the figures in the graphic above and the total is around 10 million; But governments of the western world currently spend Billions of dollars, not just on research, but on myriad "other" aspects of the Climate Industry too. This is what is upsetting me. What about the "hangers-on"? What about the thousands of delegates of Durban and Copenhagen? How many of those delegates where Climate Scientists? I would like to know your opinion on the money generated by the AGW industry when compared to the amounts of money discussed in this post, and for that matter, any other amounts that "big oil" may have paid to any organisation to "get their point across". In my opinion, The AGW Industry is an enormous Cash Cow.
  28. Medieval Warm Period was warmer
    Camburn#101: Once again, the horns of a dilemma. You state that TSI was not a factor, yet you want higher temperatures? That demands high sensitivity. But you've been told that high sensitivity is unacceptable. Then you can't have those higher temps. You're at Door#3, just open it. Here's a peek inside: To claim the Medieval Warm Period was warmer than today is to narrowly focus on a few regions that showed unusual warmth. However, when we look at the broader picture, we see that the Medieval Warm Period was a regional phenomenon with other regions showing strong cooling. As Tom C just pointed out, Neukom 2011 is not a global study. It is interesting, however, that they find the 'warmest' DJF decade in southern Patagonia to be 1079-1088, with an anomaly of +0.57C with respect to a 1901-1995 baseline. A GISSTemp polar map (land only) shows the same area to have an anomaly of 0.2-1C for the decade 1996-2005 (same 95 year baseline). So Neukom does not support the claim that MWP was warmer than present, even on a local basis. And yes, that is the issue. If MWP was not warmer than present, there is no 'why.'
  29. Medieval Warm Period was warmer
    JMurphy: You need me to supply dates? From the multitude of posts you have through out this forum, one would have thought you had dates of this period firmly established. The dates that seem to be well established are 850-1300AD +-(50 years). The proxy data does not have enough resolution to isolate it to a precise year. As far as temps being warmer than current, the resolution of the proxy data used in MWP reconstructions is NOT defined enough to state with certainty that it warmer presently than at some period during the MWP. And in fact, that isn't even an issue. The isue at hand is WHY it was as warm during the MWP as it was. Current solar data is very upfront in showing that the cause of warmth was not solar/TSI related. Volcanism was not a contributor as the time scale of temperature disruption from volcanoes is not long enough to be a variable, and the resolution of the proxy data would not show it anyways.
  30. Medieval Warm Period was warmer
    Camburn @103, Neukom et al present a reconstruction of summer temperatures for Southern South America only. Last time I looked, the year was not 3 months long, nor the Southern Hemisphere confined to Southern South America. Consequently it is impossible to legitimately draw the conclusion you make from the data you link. More importantly, Neukom et al show a cool period from 950 to 1200 AD, coinciding with the warmest period of the NH MWP. The show a warm period from 1200 to 1400, after which temperatures decline sharply to the coldest in the record, two centuries before the Maunder Minimum and the end of the NH MWP. In other words, averaging this temperature reconstruction with NH temperature reconstructions would smooth out the record, lowering reconstructed temperatures at the beginning and end of the MWP, while raising them in the period shown as the coolest part of the MWP in most NH reconstructions. Ignoring the details of the reconstruction as you have done is entirely uncalled for, and is contrary to good scientific practice. I note that your 101 consists of a serious of dubious claims made with no supporting evidence. If you want to debate by sloganeering, as your 101 suggests you want to, then you have nothing interesting to contribute to the debate and do not warrant response.
  31. Global Extinction: Gradual Doom as Bad as Abrupt
    I have to agree that even if we can turn the denialist politicians and business leaders around it's going to be a helluva battle to save the planet as we will be ankle-tapped by the concurrent arrival of the loss of cheap energy, population overgrowth, diminishing resources and erratic weather limiting food production. Google the essay "I, pencil" for a mind-reset on just how fragile our civilization is. If it's that complicated making something as simple as a pencil, there's no way that hard drives are going to last long even assuming we can find a substitute for the lubricant needed for the bottom bearing on a hydro generation turbine. We will be able to make beer mugs, a bit of clay and fire will do that, but beer needs malt which needs barley which might be a struggle with the repeated storms and droughts.
  32. DenialGate - Infographic Illustrating the Heartland Denial Funding Machine
    PLbrunson--because studies and data have no effect on some people. This site is dedicated to the communication of climate science to non-scientists, and sometimes that requires revealing for what they are those people, projects, and organizations who are significantly responsible for keeping people ignorant of the actual science.
  33. DenialGate Highlights Heartland's Selective NIPCC Science
    Please keep repeating this: "To sum up, IPCC mainstream climate science is about taking an accurate, comprehensive view of the entire body of climate science evidence, which inevitably leads to the conclusion that humans are causing dangerously rapid global warming." Note this phrase:"taking an accurate, comprehensive view of the entire body of climate science evidence,". Spending time understanding what the accurate, comprehensive view of the entire body of evidence is more productive than discussing NIPCC machinations.
  34. A mishmash of Monckton misrepresentation
    Philippe Chantreau @ 70 Thanks for the link! Unfortunately it is broken, but I did manage to find it anyway. I have to agree with you: "Damning" indeed. Will it stop him, or will his desperate need to be the centre of attention force him to carry on regardless of the facts? No prizes for guessing which!
  35. Medieval Warm Period was warmer
    Camburn, have you actually stated when the MWP occurred, i.e. what dates were globally warmer than current temperatures ?
  36. Global Sea Level Rise: Pothole To Speed Bump?
    It will be interesting to see how much sea level rises over the next few months as conditions in the tropical Pacific move toward neutral. There seems to be greater volatility in the sea level response, but it may be temporary.
  37. Fritz Vahrenholt - Duped on Climate Change
    I presume elsa would also decry those who had to come up with dark matter and dark energy to iron-out discrepancies in the standard model of cosmology. Those dastardly scientists, eh ? They can only solve this problem by coming up with stuff that is very difficult to falsify, let alone prove ! In fact, I would go so far as to state : The facts did not fit the theory, as the expansion of the universe accelerated and discrepancies were found with regards to the mass of large astronomical objects. So the big-bang group has then to add other factors to make it work. But such a theory is no longer testable, it will always be right.
  38. DenialGate - Infographic Illustrating the Heartland Denial Funding Machine
    Why spend time on this? There are so many valuable studies and data that could occupy the space.
  39. 2012 SkS Weekly Digest #7
    Hijacking amendment – yes. It is a good policy to keep the discussion relevant, besides it is already the unwritten policy. Written policy and practiced policy should match.
  40. Medieval Warm Period was warmer
    As far as being global, it does certainly seem that the MWP was global. Southern South America temp proxy record. This study is done on Southern SA temperatures, the results indicate that the Southern South America region recognizes proxy data that supports temperatures within the expected anamoly of the NH MWP R. Neukom et al
  41. A mishmash of Monckton misrepresentation
    The Monckton response to Abraham (or, more accurately, the Monckton response to what Monckton creates as being from Abraham) also contains the following fallacy : "Santer who rewrote the IPCC’s 1995 report, on his own, so as to change its principal finding by 180 degrees" Completely made-up and shown to be wrong. The only 'difficulty' is deciding whether you believe the people actually involved, or those who believe in conspiracies. But I don't understand this Monckton claim : "What evidence do you have that I cited Caillon et al. (2003) in my talk?" Listening to the Abraham presentation again (especially slide 62), I couldn't hear or see any such claim, and certainly couldn't hear/see anything along the lines of what Monckton claims is a "papraphrase" of Abraham : "And what he says, ... temperatures always change first and CO2 follows, and he cites the paper which I’ve got the citation listed here, [Caillon et al., 2003], which deals with the timing of CO2 and Antarctic temperatures." Either that is a Monckton version of paraphrasing (i.e. not an actual paraphrase), or it is something that has been removed from the presentation.
  42. Pete Dunkelberg at 04:53 AM on 21 February 2012
    DenialGate - Infographic Illustrating the Heartland Denial Funding Machine
    Koch Brothers? not so much, in fact nothing for climate in at least ten years if ever according to this update at Desmogblog.
    [Update: Apparently even the Koch brothers think the Heartland Institute's climate denial program is too toxic to fund. On Wednesday, Koch confirmed that it did not cut a check for the $200K mentioned in the strategy memo after all. A statement released on and the states that "…the Charles Koch Foundation provided $25,000 to the Heartland Institute in 2011 for research in healthcare, not climate change, and this was the first and only donation the Foundation made to the institute in more than a decade. The Foundation has made no further commitments of funding to Heartland.”]
  43. A mishmash of Monckton misrepresentation
    Look on the bright side, when Monckton makes high profile erroneous statements, it gives an opportunity to give high profile correction. After all if you can’t see the fox who is eating your chickens you can’t catch him. In some ways it’s better to have wrong information out in open where it can be challenged.
  44. DenialGate Highlights Heartland's Selective NIPCC Science
    @33-muoncounter It's hard to say what influences people's beliefs about the world- most seem to reduce explanations to something that makes sense from their own experience- re the seasons -their everyday experience is that if you move closer to a heat source (the sun) you get warmer and if you move farther away you get colder. I have an engineer friend who thought the seasons were caused by the 'precession of the equinoxes" until I asked him to think about that. Living in the relatively far north, I associated warm temperatures with long days and short nights, and it took me some time to realize that this didn't work at the equator. It may be that this kind of approach plays into the denier meme-what's a few degrees between friends, 390ppm-that's hardly any, how can that affect climate, etc. In my opinion, that kind of 'common sense' inertia is one of the major things the scientists have to contend with.
  45. Fritz Vahrenholt - Duped on Climate Change
    I don't think that's correct elsa. The climate isn't so complex at the level which is relevant to global warming (it's fundamentally about energy flow into and out of the earth system and its contribution, together with some understanding of how this is manifest at the earth's surface where we all reside). One does need to be careful switching back and forth between philosophy of science descriptions (e.g. in the (vi)-point schematic you reproduced in your post!) and the real world. However the fundamental theory of AGW arising from 19th century science (that increased atmospheric [CO2] results in a warming contribution) has been tested virtually to destruction. Simply put it's completely compatible with observations. We've gone through steps (i) to (iv), and everything is holding up - the essential theory hasn't needed to be refined very much, 'though it would be silly not to continue to incorporate new knowledge into our attribution of component contributors to surface temperature changes. A more general theory is that the actual surface warming is the result of all of the external and internal contributions to surface temperature change, and that at equilibrium, a persisitent temperature change must result from an enhanced external forcing. Again the observations are entirely compatible with that. I don't agree with your statement about "AGW for the period 1940-1970". The change in greenhouse forcing in the middle part of the last century was small. So [CO2] was 299 ppm in 1900, and hadn't even reached 320 ppm by 1960. It's the massive post-war industrialization that took off in the mid 1960's and has seen [CO2] levels race up towards 400 ppm that has resulted in the large late 20th century warming. So the lack of surface warming in the period 1940-1970 isn't surprising when one considers all of the contributions to warming including the (then) quite small greenhouse forcing. The theory of greenhouse warming is eminently testable and falsifiable. We can determine the earth surface temperature projected from quantitation of natural attributions to temperature change and see that these cannot result in warming from the mid 20th century til now. All of the sub-components of the theory are testable and falsifiable (the absorption characteristics of greenhouse gases; top of the atmosphere radiative changes; predictions of atmopsheric water vapour concentrations; tropopause height variations and stratospheric temperature changes and so on)...
  46. Medieval Warm Period was warmer
    Crowly 2010 is using old TSI reconstructions that have been updated. Refer to my post from slide 7. Hence, this paper has little bearing on the reason that the MWP was a warm period. It is obvious that TSI was/is NOT a factor in the MWP temperatures. Volcanoes are short lived and unless we had had a super erruption, would not be detectable in the resolution of the proxy data presented for the temps of the MWP. Once again, based on the current science published, why were temperatures higher in the MWP?
  47. 2012 SkS Weekly Digest #7
    16 - Geologist It should be pointed out that most people here are now well aware that Katharine Hayhoe is female... ... you can tell because a number of the responses to her video where like "hay... hot..."! I guess you're right in your conclusion.
  48. Dikran Marsupial at 04:20 AM on 21 February 2012
    Fritz Vahrenholt - Duped on Climate Change
    Elsa, the experiments/observations on which AGW theory are based are repeatable and could be run over and over again. As I pointed out the theory of AGW predates global observations. "This is what happens to the AGW theory for the period 1940 to 1970s. The facts do not fit the theory as the world cools in the face of rising CO2." This is simply incorrect, and is based on your ignorance of what the theory actually predicts and of the historical development of the theory. CO2 radiative forcing is only one of the forcings that govern long term climate, as it says, for instance in the IPCC WG1 report. Does AGW theory say that temperatures cannot fall while CO2 levels rise? No, it doesn't. "But such a theory is no longer testable, it will always be right. " That is also nonsense. AGW theory makes falsifiable projections.
  49. Fritz Vahrenholt - Duped on Climate Change
    60, elsa, Sort of like having a theory of classical mechanics, except the speed of light doesn't fit, so someone devises some crazy Theory of Relativity just to make the obviously flawed, broken and useless model of classical mechanics fit the observations (rather than doing the smart thing, and just plain starting over)? And then other people develop more ideas, like quarks and string theory and everything else? You're right, it's all completely crazy. Why keep expanding on what you know and further refining your understanding of a complex system, when you can instead oversimplify things and throw out everything you do know because the details don't line up perfectly the first time? Why base a theory of climate on well-known, well-understand, and proven things like atmospheric chemistry and physics, and then try to understand the other factors that influence and complicate those physics, when you can instead simply invoke the powers of the Flying Spaghetti Monster?
  50. 2012 SkS Weekly Digest #7
    What I found most striking with the "Toon of the Week" was how well it demonstrated how most people think of climate scientists as white, heterosexual men. Sad...

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