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All IPCC definitions taken from Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Working Group I Contribution to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Annex I, Glossary, pp. 941-954. Cambridge University Press.

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Comments 65001 to 65050:

  1. Water levels correlate with sunspots
    This sounds like a bizarro world claim at best. TSI has a 1 month lag to temperature anomalies in FR2011 (and Lean and Rind 2008) and an 18 month lag due to ocean thermal inertia (Hansen). Now a 33 year lag? It's hard to credit a lag that's an integer multiple of the underlying 11 year cycle.
  2. Michael Whittemore at 00:37 AM on 7 February 2012
    2012 SkS Weekly Digest #5
    A link to a list of skeptical peer reviewed papers that have been found wrong or not up to scratch would be great. Have them in alphabetical order from the title of the paper (to make them easy to find). With a brief description of why they are not accepted. Then when you click on the paper there can be more detailed reasons with links to where on Skeptical Science the papers have been debunked. Even have them categorised, for example, sensitivity and proxy records. Deniers just keep on repeating the same papers and to be able to link them to a detailed rebuttal of the work would save a lot of time.
  3. Piet R. Zijlstra at 00:37 AM on 7 February 2012
    NASA scientists expect more rapid global warming in the very near future (part 2)
    Dear Rob, Dear SkS team, I am now four months studying climate change. Next to attending David Archers lectures on climate science I could achieve the best learning curve at SkS. The year end summaries came just in time to get an overview. From now on this posting and the Hansen 2011 article will be the basis for next months study. Thanks,
  4. Renewables can't provide baseload power
    Hydro can be a power source or energy storage system. For energy storage water is pumped from a low level dam to a high level dam when there is excess power, say with solar PV during the day, and then used to generate power in the evening by running the water back to the low level dam. Of course the measure for all energy storage systems is what percentage of the energy do you get back, and what are losses during holding. Hydro has very low holding lossess. You can store it for 12 months and only lose a little to evaporation and seepage.
  5. Skepticism About Lower Atmosphere Temperature Data
    Your comment, Tom, repeats the regular comment at RC that the mid-troposphere satellite record is distorted downwards by stratospheric cooling, and that this cooling is the principal AGW signature. If you look at the HADAT charts, you will see that this cooling stopped after the last major volcanic eruption in 1994. From your weighting chart (repeating Roy Spencer), the stratospheric temperatures between 10 and 15 kms will affect the satellite readings. From the HADAT data, the overall cooling trends at these altitudes from 1958 to 2010 are: 9.13 Kms +1.27 degrees per century 11.74 kms - 0.28 degrees per century 13.5 Kms -1.02 degrees per century 15.75 Kms -2.26 degrees per century However, the data shows an absence of cooling after the mid-nineties. We can ask, therefore, how far back we must go from the present at these altitudes to detect a significant cooling trend. These are the answers: 9.14 Kms 19 years to significant warming 11.74 Kms 53 years 13.5 Kms 52 years 15.75 Kms 22 years So, Tom, if the effect you, and RC, cite so regularly exists at all, it can only ever have been marginal, (at 15 kms) and it ceased about 20 years ago.
  6. apiratelooksat50 at 22:57 PM on 6 February 2012
    NASA scientists expect more rapid global warming in the very near future (part 2)
    Mods, Am I allowed to post an email from another person? If so what are the guidelines? Thanks

    [DB] You would need:

    1. Consent from them, either written or via email, that they agree to allow you to post the email on SkS
    2. To repost the message from them in it's entirety so context is preserved
    3. The email must not contain personal information of a sensitive nature
    4. The email must be on-topic to the post on which it is placed
    5. The email must be written to comply with the SkS Comments Policy
    6. The email must add to the discussion; i.e., it must provide information/context to the discussion on that thread not already covered prior to this, nor itself also not available via link to peer-reviewed, published literature (no anecdotal reposting of the science)
  7. NASA scientists expect more rapid global warming in the very near future (part 2)
    #20: Excellent summary of denier excuses. One important thing to remember is that the deniers have painted themselves into a corner by predicting rapid cooling in the coming years/decades. There will no doubt be an effort to delete webpages with such statements, etc, so it would be wise to save as much of this info as possible. I have adviced local journalists (who can't print enough denier drivel, it seems) to take note of these cooling claims and then follow up on them around 2014. When the next El Nino comes around and the new global record is set, being able to point to the science predicting that, and then pointing out that the deniers forecasted the opposite will cause at least reasonable folks to open their eyes a little. Note that immediate cooling was the hot denier topic back in 2008 as well, and they could not wait until 09 and 10 rolled around with their predicted continuing cooling, proudly claiming the "La Nina excuse" could not be used anymore. It was the negative PDO that was the denier favorite back then. We all know what happened in 09 and 10, but the deniers got away with it despite their prediction being dead wrong. This is the sort of stuff that even an illiterate public will understand when pointed out to them, so when the next record is being set sometime from 2013 to 2016 we can't put enough emphasize on the (once again) failed denier cooling predictions.
  8. Sapient Fridge at 22:19 PM on 6 February 2012
    2012 SkS Weekly Digest #5
    Personally I'd prefer if there were a single page listing all the "skeptic" scientists and linking to a page for each one, in the same style as the "Climate myths from politicians" page. Doing it like that keeps it dry and avoids accusations of unprofessional attacks from SKS. I would also really like the short links to be available from the "Link to this page" selection of links e.g. to be included in the "Link to this page" selection for The reason being that when answering misinformation on comment pages (e.g. the BBC) space is often a premium so the short links are really useful, but finding the appropriate link for an argument page is currently awkward.
  9. NASA scientists expect more rapid global warming in the very near future (part 2)
    andylee@18 I'm not sure dawn and dusk really have any relevance since they are purely human perceived timing events at specific points on the globe. I get the point you make about the atmosphere, part of the suns rays are going to hit the surface and those rays on the periphery of the imaginary circular slice through the rays, will pass through the atmosphere. It is a continuous process as the earth revolves. There is no need to perceive any special case or moment in time.
  10. It hasn't warmed since 1998
    Further to Tom Curtis' comments the image below is from Loeb (2012) and is the subject of an upcoming post: Note the 15 climate model simulations versus observations of the period in question. But then fake-skeptics always focus on what they want to see and ignore the obvious - just like the GWPF:
  11. It hasn't warmed since 1998
    RonManley @168, climate models predict non-linear trends that still approximate to linear trends over short intervals (30 years or less). Therefore, the easiest test to falsify the climate model projections in the short term is does the temperature record depart significantly from a linear trend approximating to the model predictions over that short term. In order to falsify those projections, you would need to do two simple things: 1) Show that a statistically significant and robust short term trend lies outside the significance interval of a trend approximating to that of the predictions; and 2) Show that the assumed conditions of the projections in fact held over the period in question. Fake skeptics have repeatedly drawn attention to short term trends which are not statistically significant. What is more, they are not robust. The are not duplicated across all temperature indices (for instance), and they change significantly with small changes in start and end point. Therefore they have not shown (1). Never-the-less Foster and Rahmstorf jumped ahead and tested (2). They showed that conditions did vary significantly from those assumed by the model projections, due to the coupling of several strong La Ninas with an exceptionally weak period of insolation. Further, the showed that if you correct for those factors, the trend is well within the confidence interval of the projected model trends. The use of the linear trend in that context is unexceptional because of the hypothesis they were testing.
  12. It hasn't warmed since 1998
    1. Is it perhaps time to update some of your graphs many of which end around 2007? 2. Do you not feel that the Foster and Rahmstorf analysis is compromised by the fact that they assumed a linear trend? ("The influence of exogenous factors will be approximated by multiple regression ... and a linear time trend"). They then derived the coefficients that came closest to that hypothesis. On my own web site for fun I've done a similar analysis for the period 1998 to 2011 and 'proved' that the trend is completely flat for that period. Adjusted temperature 1998 to 2011
  13. NASA scientists expect more rapid global warming in the very near future (part 2)
    chirhphoros @23 your categories are non-exclusive, and significantly overlapping. Specifically, if a person stood at the edge of the Grand Canyon, and somebody deliberately pushed her to her death, proof "beyond reasonable doubt" that they pushed her, and did so with the intention of causing her harm would be proof beyond reasonable doubt that that person was guilty of murder. However, the push was neither a necessary nor a sufficient condition for the death of the victim. Necessarily it is just a small part of the causal chain leading to the victims death. Other parts include the force of gravity, the height of the drop, the lack of a safety rail, the lack of a safety net, and so on. Therefore the push was not sufficient for the death of the victim. Neither was it necessary for the victim could have stumbled, been accidentally bumped, or just had an embolism, and died even in the absence of the push. So, despite the classical development of the notion of causation as a necessary and sufficient condition for an event to occur, in actuality "causes" are only necessary if we exclude alternative non-realized scenarious, and if we include rigorous assumptions about what is reasonably expected (ceterus paribus clauses). Likewise they are only sufficient with similar assumptions about reasonable expectations. Further, the legal distinction of "beyond all doubt" is bizarrely (at least in Australian Jurisdictions) undefined and hence meaningless. Judges, under common law, are not permitted to direct the jury as to what level of probability constitutes beyond reasonable doubt, or in any other way define the phrase beyond its own words. Hence, by law it is an undefined and undefinable. And as a matter of logic, any term which is undefined and undefinable is strictly meaningless. In the end, it reduces to an emotional appeal to be as certain as you can be before recording a conviction, ie, to take your job seriously and to not convict lightly. Such a standard has no place in science. For myself I parse "beyond reasonable doubt" to mean that the evidence shows the conclusion with greater than 99% probability (necessarily subjectively estimated) and no reasonable hypothesis which, if true would mean the defendant is not guilty has been proposed as true and not refuted. Note that this is my personal definition, and by force of law not the actual definition, because by force of law it has no actual definition. However, it is obviously an absurd standard for science. In science it would mean that no hypothesis could be accepted even provisionally if there existed any alternative hypothesis that had not been refuted. In science, however, showing that Hypothesis A has a probability given the evidence, at least 20 times greater than the probability of Hypothesis B given the evidence is sufficient to provisionally reject B in favour of A. Provisionally, because all theories or laws in science are only ever provisionally accepted. (The 20 times is not a hard and fast rule. Nobody has ever sat down an legislated it. But it is a good rule of thumb.) Returning to the anomalies, look at the following very important graph: The Hot events are greater than 0.43 sigma, Very Hot greater than 2 sigma, and extremely hot, greater than 3 sigma. If you look at the graph, you can see that we now have events with a probability (assuming stationary climate) of 2.1% occurring around 20% of the time (area covered); and events with a probability (assuming stationary climate) of 0.1% occuring between 5 and 10% of the time, ie, between 50 and 100 times as frequently as they previously occurred. I haven't done the maths but that global warming is the cause of those events (all else being equal) seems well established. The all else being equal, of course, just assumes a continuing pattern of El Ninos and blocking events, which are of course contributory causes to any particular heat wave.
  14. Still Going Down the Up Escalator
    RobertS @62, in that case his argument is nothing more than bait and switch. If he wanted to show poor interpretation of the (classical statistics) prediction interval of the regression, the proper Bayesian comparison was the credible interval of the regression as calculated by Dikran Marsupial. Remember that his conclusion was that "Users of classical statistical methods are too sure of themselves." He did not conclude that sometimes classical statistical results are sometimes misinterpreted. That is because he intended an assault on classical statistical methods per se, rather than occasional particular misinterpretations. What is more, if he is not simply misinterpreting the confidence interval of the regression for the confidence interval of the data, then his comparison is bizarre. The "confidence interval" of the regression using Bayesian methods would have been similarly narrow; and the confidence interval of the data using classical methods would have been almost as wide as that which he calculated using Bayesian methods, and indeed would have included 95% of the data used to calculate it. What is worse, if this is the basis on which he asserts classical confidence limits are too narrow, he has no basis for that assertion. That goes directly to the issue of the main post here.
  15. Michael Whittemore at 18:07 PM on 6 February 2012
    Water levels correlate with sunspots
    WUWT is suggesting this is the reason for the rising sea levels we are seeing around the world. they even suggest that due to this correlation sea levels will decrease by 2050.
  16. It's the sun
    There is a new paper out by Abdussamatov here, he is claims a total decrease in TSI of 6.8 W/m2 due to a decrease in the bicentennial activity of the sun. Of course this big decrease will cause a new little ice age etc. etc. Only problem I have is that I am not able to find anything on the "Bicentennial Decrease of TSI".
  17. NASA scientists expect more rapid global warming in the very near future (part 2)
    Pirate @ 9 & Tom Curtis @10: Most inferences in science (apart from mathematics) relate to probability. In analysing data with public policy and especially legal implications , the language goes as follows: A caused B beyond reasonable doubt (the criminal test). On the balance of probabilities A caused B, ie, it is more probable than not that A caused B (the civil test). On the balance of probabilities A substantially contributed to B, ie, A need not have been the entire, largest, or even majority contributor to B. A needs only to have made a contribution which was large, more than trivial, not small, etc (a subtle refinement of the civil test). I'm curious how you would fit the issue of the anomalies into this framework. At any rate, thanks to RP for a very clear explanation of the Gaussian curve underpinning temperature. Do we have enough data to say that the current shift to the right is unprecedented?
  18. Still Going Down the Up Escalator
    RobertS#106: "some unobservable, unverifiable parameter like "slope" under the assumption that your straight line model is correct." In this case there are physical models and they predict a slope that is verified by the observables. -- source So Briggs' argument hardly applies here. But 'unobserved observables'? Are they like known unknowns?
  19. Still Going Down the Up Escalator
    Stephen Baines @74 "To imply it is a common mistake among those doing analyses of temperature patterns is downright puzzling." Is it? You make this very mistake in your comment @81: "If we have confidence that the slope parameter is positive, we can say confidently that temperature has increased." But it's not just you. It is incredibly common when looking for a change in some dataset, not just in climate science, to plot a linear regression and calculate a confidence interval with the hope of finding a small p-value so statistical significance can be claimed. This method, however, doesn't do what many think it does - all it does it reject some (often silly) null hypothesis for some unobservable, unverifiable parameter like "slope" under the assumption that your straight line model is correct. And because you're uninterested (at least explicitly) in seeing if your model can forecast skillfully, we don't know if it is even very good. Briggs argues that most people aren't actually interested in the uncertainty in unobservable model parameters, but the uncertainty in the unobserved observables - the temperature at places where averaging techniques (statistical models) attempt to predict, and where we don't have measurements (though theoretically we could). That's how I interpret what he's saying, anyway.
  20. actually thoughtful at 14:28 PM on 6 February 2012
    Still Going Down the Up Escalator
    I assumed poster wasn't Dr. Curry - it was fun to pretend though. I think travesty overstates the case by a fair bit.
  21. Arctic sea ice has recovered
    #35 sgmuller: Possibly, but the NSIDC graph doesn't show all the recent years, just 2006-7 which had the lowest Sept extent and is among the lowest through the year, and the 1979-2000 average, which is almost invariably much higher due to the accelerating decline of ice extent. Check out the Daily Graphs page at Neven's excellent Arctic blog for other graphs, including the DMI and NORSEX extent plots. It's fair to say that the current extent is 'down there' with the very lowest for this time of year; whether it's actually the lowest depends on the sensor and extent measure used. Regardless, it's fair to say that the Arctic ice is is not in a good state of health. There's an interesting article in the UK Independent where Stefan Rahmstorf makes the link between the extreme present European weather and ice loss in the Barents/Kara Sea, a link suggested in the litereature by Petoukhov and Semenov in 2009.
  22. 2012 SkS Weekly Digest #5
    Have downloaded and, so far, half read the CSIRO Climate Change: Science and Solutions for Australia booklet. Very useful and easily digested, well formatted resource.
  23. Bert from Eltham at 12:37 PM on 6 February 2012
    NASA scientists expect more rapid global warming in the very near future (part 2)
    The topology of the denialist space is almost exactly what is needed to avoid the reality of the evidence. This is no accident. Extraordinary expertise is used to avoid evidence that does not fit with their preconceived ideas or agendas. The resulting convoluted logic is self perpetuating as it is totally circular and easily digestible to the uninformed. The inconsistency of their wacky arguments that quite often are contradictory is a blight to behold. Bert
  24. Still Going Down the Up Escalator
    I have to say, his comments captured the zeitgeist of her blog and public statements perfectly. Had me going.
  25. actually thoughtful at 12:21 PM on 6 February 2012
    2012 SkS Weekly Digest #5
    I like the idea of the series, about a particular person, with a common graphic. I tend to read the articles as they come out and I have yet to use the button to access the series. In fact, I tend to (visually) ignore that whole area of the page. If I am typical, maybe the thermometer should get a promotion (great visual, and I have used the "View all arguments" link.
  26. actually thoughtful at 11:26 AM on 6 February 2012
    NASA scientists expect more rapid global warming in the very near future (part 2)
    R. Gates The denier response will be its the sun. And or well of course it is warmer - it is an El Nino. And the thunderous silence about the warming going on right now (as opposed to the precipitous drop in temperatures we would expect from a La Nina/solar minimum) will continue.
  27. Still Going Down the Up Escalator
    As a general announcement, a known spammer (jdey123/jdey/cdey/mace) has perpetrated fraud by masquerading as scientist Judith Curry on this thread. His comments and those replies to him were deleted from the thread. Skeptical Science apologizes to Doctor Curry for this travesty.
  28. Arctic sea ice has recovered
    Looking at the latest graph at daily image Is this the lowest February extent ever?
  29. Still Going Down the Up Escalator
    ... His is just one of several amateur reconstructions of the temperature indices using a limited number of spatially well spread data points. Using just 45 stations may set a record... OK, I know that I'm continuing to stray a bit off topic with my post here, but the "45 stations" bit isn't the best of it. It turns out that although I chose a total of 45 stations to process, in most years far fewer stations actually reported data. Below is a "diagnostic dump" from my program where I counted up the number of stations that reported in any given year. Actually, I counted up the total *months* that a station reported in each year and divided by 12, so a station that reported data for 6 months in a given year was counted as "half a station". So here is the dump, showing the number of "station equivalents" that reported for each year: Year=1883 #Stations=12.4167 Year=1884 #Stations=12.3333 Year=1885 #Stations=11.6667 Year=1886 #Stations=12.8333 Year=1887 #Stations=13.0833 Year=1888 #Stations=13.9166 Year=1889 #Stations=14.0833 Year=1890 #Stations=14.8333 Year=1891 #Stations=15.25 Year=1892 #Stations=15.8333 Year=1893 #Stations=16.6666 Year=1894 #Stations=18.8333 Year=1895 #Stations=18.75 Year=1896 #Stations=19 Year=1897 #Stations=21.4167 Year=1898 #Stations=21.0833 Year=1899 #Stations=22.5 Year=1900 #Stations=23.5 Year=1901 #Stations=23.4167 Year=1902 #Stations=23.3334 Year=1903 #Stations=24.6667 Year=1904 #Stations=25.75 Year=1905 #Stations=27.5834 Year=1906 #Stations=27.6667 Year=1907 #Stations=28.5834 Year=1908 #Stations=27.7501 Year=1909 #Stations=27.7501 Year=1910 #Stations=27.8334 Year=1911 #Stations=29.0834 Year=1912 #Stations=28.7501 Year=1913 #Stations=28.7501 Year=1914 #Stations=28.7501 Year=1915 #Stations=28.1667 Year=1916 #Stations=29.7501 Year=1917 #Stations=29.8334 Year=1918 #Stations=29.4167 Year=1919 #Stations=28.7501 Year=1920 #Stations=28.6667 Year=1921 #Stations=29.2501 Year=1922 #Stations=29.5001 Year=1923 #Stations=29.5001 Year=1924 #Stations=28.7501 Year=1925 #Stations=29.0834 Year=1926 #Stations=29.6667 Year=1927 #Stations=29.9167 Year=1928 #Stations=31.0001 Year=1929 #Stations=31.0001 Year=1930 #Stations=30.9168 Year=1931 #Stations=30.8334 Year=1932 #Stations=30.5834 Year=1933 #Stations=30.5001 Year=1934 #Stations=30.3334 Year=1935 #Stations=30.6668 Year=1936 #Stations=30.9168 Year=1937 #Stations=31.9168 Year=1938 #Stations=31.8334 Year=1939 #Stations=33.8334 Year=1940 #Stations=32.1668 Year=1941 #Stations=31.4168 Year=1942 #Stations=31.4168 Year=1943 #Stations=32.1668 Year=1944 #Stations=32.0834 Year=1945 #Stations=32.0834 Year=1946 #Stations=35.75 Year=1947 #Stations=36 Year=1948 #Stations=36.0834 Year=1949 #Stations=37.9167 Year=1950 #Stations=39.1667 Year=1951 #Stations=40.1666 Year=1952 #Stations=41.0833 Year=1953 #Stations=40.6666 Year=1954 #Stations=40.6666 Year=1955 #Stations=41.5 Year=1956 #Stations=42.4166 Year=1957 #Stations=42.8333 Year=1958 #Stations=42.9166 Year=1959 #Stations=43.5833 Year=1960 #Stations=43.5833 Year=1961 #Stations=43.9166 Year=1962 #Stations=43.9999 Year=1963 #Stations=43.9999 Year=1964 #Stations=42.6666 Year=1965 #Stations=41.5833 Year=1966 #Stations=41.6666 Year=1967 #Stations=41.6666 Year=1968 #Stations=42.2499 Year=1969 #Stations=43.9166 Year=1970 #Stations=43.9166 Year=1971 #Stations=43.8332 Year=1972 #Stations=43.7499 Year=1973 #Stations=43.8332 Year=1974 #Stations=43.3333 Year=1975 #Stations=42.0833 Year=1976 #Stations=41.7499 Year=1977 #Stations=42.3333 Year=1978 #Stations=42.7499 Year=1979 #Stations=42.4166 Year=1980 #Stations=42.8333 Year=1981 #Stations=40.0833 Year=1982 #Stations=40.1666 Year=1983 #Stations=39.25 Year=1984 #Stations=39.1667 Year=1985 #Stations=38.9167 Year=1986 #Stations=38.25 Year=1987 #Stations=36.75 Year=1988 #Stations=33.9167 Year=1989 #Stations=36.25 Year=1990 #Stations=32.6668 Year=1991 #Stations=28.5834 Year=1992 #Stations=25.1667 Year=1993 #Stations=23.8334 Year=1994 #Stations=23.0834 Year=1995 #Stations=21.25 Year=1996 #Stations=24 Year=1997 #Stations=26.6667 Year=1998 #Stations=26.5834 Year=1999 #Stations=27.2501 Year=2000 #Stations=26.0834 Year=2001 #Stations=27.7501 Year=2002 #Stations=28.7501 Year=2003 #Stations=30.0001 Year=2004 #Stations=29.0834 Year=2005 #Stations=27.4167 Year=2006 #Stations=28.7501 Year=2007 #Stations=29.6667 Year=2008 #Stations=27.3334 Year=2009 #Stations=34.1667 Year=2010 #Stations=33.4167 As you can see, most of the time, I didn't have anywhere near 45 reporting stations. This further demonstrates the robustness of the global-average temperature results. Just saying that I used 45 stations understates this very important point. Shout it from the rooftops, folks -- this really needs to be pounded home in *any* argument about the quality of the global-temperature data. When folks argue that we because we have only X thousand stations for 2011 when we have data for Y thousand stations for 1990, that there is a problem with the current global temperature estimates, you know that they haven't taken a serious look at the data!
  30. NASA scientists expect more rapid global warming in the very near future (part 2)
    This is an excellent post, and really puts a nice perspective on short-term natural fluctuations, either from solar or ENSO versus the longer term forcing from anthropogenic greenhouse emissions. The only thing left out of course is the effect of volcanic activity, which can of course cause short-term, and medium-term climate effects. I certainly think there is strong possibility that we'll see at least one record warm year (by instrumental record) in 2012, 2013, 2014, or 2015, as even a moderate El Nino aligns near Solar Max 24 (no matter how weak). No doubt, AGW skeptics will attribute such record warmth to either: 1) Falsified or corrupted or cherry picked data 2) Natural (though non-specified) variability 3) Continued warming from the Little Ice Age recovery 4) Residual heat left over from the 1998 Super El Nino 5) Only the El Nino and Solar Max 24 combination but not any long-term warming from increased greenhouse gases 6) Reduced Cosmic rays and reduced clouds from Solar Max 24 7) Some other creative excuse that reduces their own cognitive dissonance related to the reality of AGW. It will be interesting over the next few years to see if the linear upward trend in temperatures (when natural variability is factored out) as identified in the Foster & Rahmstorf 2011 study continues. Even more interesting is to see if this linear trend is indeed truly that, of if it does begin to inflect upward slightly over the next few decades.
  31. Still Going Down the Up Escalator
    There's no real truth, as even picking the entire global temperature record is unreliable, since the reliability of weather stations can be disputed going back in time. If that were the case, then picking different subsets of GHCN temperature stations would produce significantly different global-average temperature results. Anyone who spends a serious amount of time "slicing and dicing" the global temperature data will find otherwise. I have processed the GHCN data in umpteen different ways and have gotten consistent warming results every time. If there were serious disruptions to temperature station data that actually impacted global-average temperature results, those disruptions would have had to occur simultaneously to data from most or all of the stations. Otherwise, processing of various random station subsets would reveal the presence of such disruptions.
  32. Still Going Down the Up Escalator
    Here in lies the problem of climate science, it relies on inaccurate data to come up with suspect data which are fed in to dodgy models.
    That would be more convincing if it hadn't followed caerbannog's post proving pretty conclusively that claims of inaccuracy in the surface temperature record are nonsense.
  33. Renewables can't provide baseload power
    Hydro can provide reliable cheap power but this is very dependent on site. In NZ, there are very few large scale sites left, even fewer cheap ones. I imagine the situation is similar in many other countries. You need large reliable water volume (easy) and substantial fall (tough) on a site with cheap construction.
  34. NASA scientists expect more rapid global warming in the very near future (part 2)
    Old Mole @ 16 - Almost finished a blog post on Loeb (2012), a large part of the uncertainty is the XBT (expendable bathythermograph) data, which was sparsely sampled in both time and space. That comprises the bulk of the ocean heat content data between 2001-2003 in the 2001-2010 period that Loeb (2012) looks at. Also there is substantial variation in the 3 ocean heat content records. These are things that Kevin Trenberth was complaining about in the first place, so progress has been limited. Not sure about Hansen (2011) have had a read through, but will have to look at that again. It's an interesting paper, if you can see beyond the disturbing implications of such a strong aerosol cooling effect. Will write something up about that too in the future. Need to digest it a bit more though.
  35. NASA scientists expect more rapid global warming in the very near future (part 2)
    @14, thanks for the clarification - I too wondered where the '4' came from. (Also need to factor in the contribution that the half-degree diameter of the sun adds. It illuminates a little bit more than 50% of the planet, and the rays extend beyond the surface into the atmosphere at dawn/dusk).
  36. NASA scientists expect more rapid global warming in the very near future (part 2)
    Renewable Guy - " I find it a very powerful presentation of the total picture of temperature on the land masses of earth. The -2 and -3 sigma events are shrinking and the +2 and +3 sigma events are expanding." I agree, it's powerful evidence that global warming is keeping on keeping on. And thanks for the nice words.
  37. NASA scientists expect more rapid global warming in the very near future (part 2)
    "The NASA analysis has this imbalance at 0.58±0.15 W/m2 (Hansen 2011), whereas Loeb (2012) has it at 0.50±0.43W/m2. Either way the solar cycle-induced change in energy received from the sun (0.25 W/m2) is large compared to Earth's energy imbalance." I have looked at both papers to try to find an answer to a question that has been nagging at me, but frankly they are both beyond the limits of my understanding, and I can't puzzle out why Loeb suggests so much more variability than Hansen does. Is he using a longer time scale or something?
  38. NASA scientists expect more rapid global warming in the very near future (part 2)
    William @ 13 - Again, the extra energy absorbed by the oceans over the recent period has little to do with the Arctic. Owl905 is simply confused - despite this being clearly explained. For some reason several readers have not grasped the fact that the oceans accumulate energy during La Nina, and we have been in a La Nina-dominant period over the last 3-4 years. That would have gained a bit more spice on top because of the strengthening solar cycle in the last 18 months. It has already happened. That heat stored in the subsurface layers of the upper ocean is going to re-surface - as it always does during El Nino - see the figure from Roemmich and Gilson (2011) in comment @4. You can clearly see the heat building up in the subsurface ocean up to the beginning of 2011.
  39. NASA scientists expect more rapid global warming in the very near future (part 2)
    For #7 renewable guy: Like you, this huge difference between ~1366 W/m2 from the sun and the ~239 W/m2 across the earth (after albedo) confused me. The main source of the confusion for me was: "Where does the factor '4' come from?" After carefully reading Hansen's book, "Storms of My Grandchildren" (pg.104, 1st paragraph), the light bulb finally came on. 1) If you take the light from the sun that is aimed at the earth and you put an imaginary flat-plane thru that beam, you will essentially make a circle of light with the same diameter as earth's diameter (~8000 miles). The area of this circle is = (pi)x(diam^2)/4 (or (pi)xrad^2). The 1366 W/m2 is the flux of energy thru this imaginary circle. 2) Now the AREA of the whole earth's surface, or of a sphere, is = (pi)x(diam^)2 (or 4x(pi)xrad^2). So, the area of a sphere is 4x the cross-sectional area of the circle having the same diameter of the sphere. So, when you take the 1366 W/m2 and spread it over the rotating earth, the AVERAGE W/m2 across the whole globe is then 1/4 the 1366 W/m2. Multiply that result by 70% for the albedo effect (30% immediate reflection), and you are left with the 239 W/m2 value. This essentially follows mdenison's math above. Obviously, due to the curvature of the earth, this W/m2 value varies: higher at the equator, lower at the poles, but the AVERAGE is this ~239 value.
  40. NASA scientists expect more rapid global warming in the very near future (part 2)
    Owl905 - "The only place the bulk of the deep-absorbed heat will return to manifest itself soon, and not violate the 2nd law of TD, is in the Arctics" This effect in the fall may be more easily understood in a very simple fashion. An ever more ice free Arctic Ocean absorbs more energy during the summer. In the fall, the land cools off quickly while the ocean remains "warm". You have the typical off-shore wind scenario that occurs in warm climates each evening. Only this effect will persist, probably, until the ocean freezes over. Result,with Coriolis, winds flowing toward the North East and a counter clockwise flow over the Arctic ocean. ie the reversal of the Polar Hadley cell
  41. Still Going Down the Up Escalator
    Apologies for the slightly off-topic (but hopefully not *too* much off-topic) post here. I had a bit of spare time, so I dug out my "quick and dirty" temperature code and hacked at it a bit to process a very small number (45 or fewer) rural temperature stations, distributed approximately evenly around the Earth. Wanted to see what sort of results that would produce: Well, here's a quick-n-dirty plot of my results (with the NASA global land-temperature index for comparison): Sparse station results vs. NASA/GISS results As you can see, the global-temperature record is incredibly robust with respect to the global-average temperature trend. My results track the official NASA results pretty closely except for the 1880-1885 period. A quick investigation showed that only 12 of my 45 selected stations reported any data for that time period. Since not every station reported data for every year, the results for most years were based on fewer than 40 of the 45 selected stations. I posted more details about my processing approach here. Also have a draft blog post stashed with my account here. If the skepticalscience managers think that this would be worth turning into a short article, that would be no problem -- most of the work has already by done.
  42. NASA scientists expect more rapid global warming in the very near future (part 2)
    For #7 renewable guy mdenison beat me to the answer but here’s different words that say the same thing in case it helps. The left hand axis of figure 1 is showing the TOA solar irradiance at the subsolar point. It appears to vary from 1365.2 to 1366.7 W/m² over most solar cycles (from eyeballing the figure). The difference is your 1.5 W/m². These two numbers work out to 341.3 to 341.7 W/m² of solar energy entering the climate system when averaged over the surface of the entire planet. Around 30% of what enters is reflected back out to space, leaving a net from 238.9 to 239.2 W/m² inside the climate system. The difference between these last two numbers is very close to 0.25 W/m², which is the figure shown on the right hand axis.
  43. NASA scientists expect more rapid global warming in the very near future (part 2)
    #7 renewable guy The Solar Flux given the value above the atmosphere. However some of that is reflected by the Earth due to the albedo effect and the remainder (about 7/10ths) is spread over the surface of the Earth so we must divide by 4 to obtain an average flux for the whole planet. So multiply 1.5 x 0.7 x 0.25 and you are close to the 0.25 W/m2 variablity in the forcing quoted. There is some discussion of this in other SkS articles. e.g. How we know the sun isn't causing global warming. Other sites like Real Climate discuss this too.
  44. NASA scientists expect more rapid global warming in the very near future (part 2)
    apiratelooksat50 @9, your word splitting is entirely specious. Implication is a relationship such that: A implies B allows us to infer from A that B. In this case, A is the tenfold increase in extreme warm events; B is the attribution of the 2010 Moscow heatwave, and the 2011 Texas and Oklahoma heatwave to global warming. In this case, you are maintaining that the authors assert A, and further assert A implies B, but insist that they do not conclude that B. The only way they can have not concluded that B is if, for some unknown reason, they have decided to contradict themselves. That not being the normal custom of NASA scientists, your interpretation is a clear misinterpretation of their claims.
  45. Monckton Myth #17: Debate vs. Denniss, Part 2
    Bernard J- I read the Angliss Rutan thread,and it supports your statement that denialists rarely discuss things in good faith.Very disheartening. I would imagine an online debate with Monckton would similarly deteriorate into (at least on his side) a rhetorical smoke and mirrors presentation,rather than an exchange of science and fact.
  46. apiratelooksat50 at 02:40 AM on 6 February 2012
    NASA scientists expect more rapid global warming in the very near future (part 2)
    Rob Painting, You did a nice job of presenting the information from the GISS site. Pursuant to our last dialogue I would like to once again point out the importance of using proper terminology. From the NASA website (emphasis mine): "Increased occurrence of such extreme anomalies as a result of global warming, by more than a factor of 10, implies that we can attribute such recent extreme anomalies, including that in Texas and Oklahoma, to global warming." From your summary: "A more than tenfold increase in extreme warm events, has the authors state that we can attribute the monster 2010 Moscow summer heatwave, and the 2011 Oklahoma/Texas heatwave, to global warming." The sentence is subtly different with the omission of the word "implied". However, the information being conveyed in the sentence is changed to a much greater degree. I don't know if this was intentional or unintentional on your part during your rewording of the report. Or, it could simply represent your own bias based on your interpretation due to a lack of understanding of scientific vocabulary. Regardless, for the sake of accuracy, this needs to be pointed out. When used in scientific (logic) writing the word implies means “to be of sufficient circumstance”. Or, that causation is not certain. In casual use the word implies loosely means “suggests”. Your omission of the word “implies” changes their statement from suggesting there is a causal relationship between the anomalies and global warming to a statement of fact. That was not the author’s intent.
  47. NASA scientists expect more rapid global warming in the very near future (part 2)
    I'm really glad you have written this part two for Hansen's paper. Admittedly I didn't completely understand the statistics part very well. What was the number between the -1 and +1 sigma. I didn't know what to do with it. This article cleared up that part of the question for me. I have worked at understanding this so I can present it in conversattion to other people at the different sites. So far I have gotten very little reaction, because most people don't know what to do with it. I find it a very powerful presentation of the total picture of temperature on the land masses of earth. The -2 and -3 sigma events are shrinking and the +2 and +3 sigma events are expanding. The only way out for them is they don't like Hansen and its a fraud or scam. Thanks for your work in presenting this. I look forward to reading more of your work:)
  48. Check With Climate Scientists for Views on Climate
    Ian #100 A very sound point Ian. Other non-expert professionals in the areas of science, engineering etc and any lay persons able to understand the first law of thermodynamics can grasp the essentials of the general AGW case.
  49. NASA scientists expect more rapid global warming in the very near future (part 2)
    In figure one, I was noticing on the right side .25W/M*2, following the blue hashed lines across it appears to have about a 1.5 W/M*2 peak to peak difference. For my basic understanding, it would clear things up for me why it appears to be two different values.
  50. Monckton Myth #17: Debate vs. Denniss, Part 2
    I have often dreamed about a debate forum where each argument and counter argument were dealt with one at a time with each side given all the time needed to support their position,and have objective judges vet the responses.I am not even sure that this is possible...
    Oh, it's possible - many bloggers have tried to engage denialists in specific threads to exactly this end. Brian Angliss did this just over a week ago with Burt Rutan. Angliss' approach was to put up two threads, one open and one dedicated just to his comments and Rutan's, and this would have allowed both an extented analysis and a noise-free corner. Rutan promptly ducked and weaved and high-tailed it away. And here on Skeptical Science there was a whole series of exchanges with Roger Pielke Snr intended to nut out the facts. The trouble is, denialists rarely seem to discuss things in good faith. Frankly, I would like to see how they respond in a setting more like a thesis defence, where they do not have the opportunity to prevaricate or otherwise distract from the hard facts. I think that Monckton in particular would snap under that sort of pressure - his whole glib schtick is predicated on his audience and questioners not knowing that his responses to genuinely-scientific opponents are completely bogus.

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