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All IPCC definitions taken from Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Working Group I Contribution to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Annex I, Glossary, pp. 941-954. Cambridge University Press.

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Comments 83651 to 83700:

  1. Are you a genuine skeptic or a climate denier?
    Above post (#391) seemed to miss the graph link, so here it is in text form:
  2. Are you a genuine skeptic or a climate denier?
    Scaddenp @ 269, I’ll agree, that CO2 is not the only “driver” of climate, and I don’t recal saying it was the only one. But from the discussion above and your ref. to Paul Barton’s data, it would appear the CO2 appears to be the primary GHG. As also noted by the CO2 discussions at this site. The real question is just what is the most significant contributor, and is that contributor, humans. So if you say “why correlation (CO2) weakens when other factors are important (eg aerosols, solar).” you should add particulates. I think comment weakens your case, that man is the primary contributor to global warming. You would then be moving (inching) to the “skeptic” camp. But in order to show why I hold “skeptic” beliefs, based on science, the following graph, shows long term temperature (150+ years) sets vs. CO2 concentrations. Or a better graph: (Hope I’m reading the posting directions right) CO2 concentrations are from NOAA & Lawdome sites. Temperature anomaly data is the HadCRUT-NH data set, and long term western & central European sites (Ave14), which started recording prior to 1800. These include the CEL, Debilt and NASA/Rimfost stations. The most apparent discrepancies between the temperature & CO@ data is the lack of up & down variability of the CO2 plot(s), as compared to temperature swings, and these are in 100 years ranges. In these cases, the CO2 changes are almost non-existent. While there are some “lags” in responses to temperature and CO2, it is hard to believe that after some 25 years, one would see no correlation. So in my case, I see no strong relationship to CO2 and global temperatures, and I would start looking for another “driver”.

    [DB] Fixed images.

    Your comment is more appropriate to the CO2 is not the only driver of climate and/or the There's no correlation between CO2 and temperature threads.  If you wish to further discuss this, please take it to the most appropriate thread.  Thanks!

    BTW, Image posting tips can be found here.

  3. actually thoughtful at 13:31 PM on 6 June 2011
    Are you a genuine skeptic or a climate denier?
    Human CO2; coal.
  4. actually thoughtful at 13:30 PM on 6 June 2011
    Are you a genuine skeptic or a climate denier?
    Jigoro - if you are right that we won't accomplish CO2 mitigation, that is an indictment of the human race, not of Sphaerica - one of the ones fighting to accomplish the necessary reduction in CO2 to save the human race (and many, many species with no voice) from unnecessary pain. That pain will be large. You don't have to know how many stitches you will have to know that open heart surgery will be painful. The same is true of AGW. We know enough to know we need to repent (which means change our ways!)
  5. apiratelooksat50 at 13:26 PM on 6 June 2011
    Are you a genuine skeptic or a climate denier?
    at @ 385 and 386 The answer is: No, I have not. We are partially responsible for climate change. I still agree with that. Can you succinctly tell me what is causing the problem, and what the mitigation should be?
  6. apiratelooksat50 at 13:21 PM on 6 June 2011
    Are you a genuine skeptic or a climate denier?
    DB at 383 Why is Gore OT? I may have missed something somewhere.

    [DB] With respect, this thread is about a discussion of John's article on being a genuine skeptic or a denier within the field of climate science. 

    It is not a discussion about Nazism, eco-fascism, new world orders, X-file conspiracies, abortion, the 2nd Law, God and the 10 Commandments, faked Apollo moon landings, LGM & BEM's, Area 51, the Asian Dawn movement, and all things Al Gore.  All are equally devisive and polarizing in their own way.  And all equally off-topic on this thread.

    Thank you for your understanding.

  7. actually thoughtful at 13:16 PM on 6 June 2011
    Are you a genuine skeptic or a climate denier?
    A pirate - have you refined your view of item 6 you posted earlier in this thread?
  8. actually thoughtful at 13:10 PM on 6 June 2011
    Are you a genuine skeptic or a climate denier?
    Eric the Red and a pirate - the work of this thread was to come up with a statement that quickly separates the wheat from the chaff. Those of us who apply logic and reason (as opposed to an emotional "gee the truth is in the middle") get trapped by honestly acknowledging there are some open issues. We quickly add that the preponderance of evidence tell us to act. But deniers seize on the uncertainty and stop listening. We now have a statement, that if you agree with, it is clear you understand the issue, and if you disagree, you are a denier. No room for naval gazing gee what about whatever. There is a 100+ year body of evidence, and I don't know a subject that has been studied more thoroughly. **The body of evidence in climate change REQUIRES and active mitigation response.** I personally am very comfortable drawing a line in the sand at this point. Are you? If not, be intellectually honest and admit you are a denier. And own that your lack of action is pushing humanity towards a crisis we (as a civilization) may not recover from.
  9. 2nd law of thermodynamics contradicts greenhouse theory
    Jigoro Kano (RE: 1022), The diagram shows 161 W/m^2 shortwave incident on the surface, while the texts say 240 W/m^2. Using radiavite transfers equations, and starting text value of 240 W/m^2 solar input how you get to 390 W/m^2?" Good luck trying to convince anyone here of this, even though - as you say, the text of paper on page 6 clearly says the "Net Down" radiation equals the full post albedo (or at least to within 1 W/m^2). I've tried and have given up. Apparently, Tom Curtis and everyone here thinks they can create an additional 121 W/m^2 out thin air to justify that diagram (517 - 396 = 121) and that the surface can be receiving a net flux of 493 W/m^2 when it's only emitting 396 W/m^2. No one seems to be able to deduce that the incoming 78 W/m^2 from the Sun designated as "absorbed by the atmosphere" must get to the surface one way or another because the atmosphere cannot create any energy of its own and the Sun is the only source of energy in the system. Now, it doesn't all have to get there in the form of downward emitted LW radiation - some of it could get to the surface kinetically in the form of latent heat via precipitation, for example, but this just offsets energy that what would otherwise be radiated to the surface.
  10. Are you a genuine skeptic or a climate denier?
    apla50 "Alarmists do as much damage to the public's perception of what may be a real problem as denialists." I both disagree and agree with this one. Firstly, there is a huge distinction between being 'alarmist' and talking about something that is alarming. Secondly, the most alarmist material I read tends to come from people who seem to think that life-as-we-know-it will end if we get our power from anything other than burning stuff we've dug up. In fact, I'd really like to see some serious work from this group. Accusing people of being 'watermelon' politically (or worse) does not enhance whatever valid reasoning such people have for warning us of what they see as alarming in the economic or political issues surrounding climate change.
  11. Humidity is falling
    There is a great article on water vapor trends at Science of Doom, today. Water Vapor Trends – Part Two
  12. apiratelooksat50 at 11:56 AM on 6 June 2011
    Are you a genuine skeptic or a climate denier?
    Let's forget about the term denier for a moment, though historically it has been used to create a distasteful, immoral view of skeptics. And, it has most certainly in print been used in connection with Holocaust denial. Skeptics did not make that one up. It doesn't really ruffle my feathers coming from the likes of people who throw the term around as if it is a trump card in an infantile attempt to degrade skeptics. On the other hand, let's take the word alarmist. Alarmism is another extreme position which I would say is the opposite of denialism. Alarmists do as much damage to the public's perception of what may be a real problem as denialists. The exaggeration and distortion of real science in effect desensitizes the real public to what is really going on. Can any of you disagree with this statement: ( -Snip- ) is an alarmist.

    [DB] To all:  Gore is off-topic on this thread.

  13. Bob Lacatena at 11:50 AM on 6 June 2011
    Are you a genuine skeptic or a climate denier?
    380, Eric the Red, There is a world of difference between gray areas in science (and yes, obviously science should progress, not stop... you're constructing strawmen) and gray areas that are merely used as excuses to delay, confuse and sew doubt. The merest suggestion that something else might affect climate? Another strawman. Obviously the science shows that many, many things affect climate. No one has ever said this (and that you say it is, I think, strong evidence that you are a denier -- it's another ridiculous denial tactic, to exaggerate the actual position of the science into a silly caricature). It has become a religion? Another strawman. Devalue the science, once again, by making it seem like understanding and acceptance of the science, or recognizing its import, is "a religion" or "a faith" or "a belief." As far as being appalled that there are those who take this research and twist it to accommodate their own beliefs... hooray! I finally got through to you. So you are ready to express this disapproval at any and every person who twists the science to accommodate their beliefs. Now do it. But the difference between the X-files and climate science are two. First, the X-files dealt with wild fantasy and the impossible. Second, in the X-files they were always in the dark, and very, very far from the truth. That is not the case with climate science today. Comparing the two is ridiculous.
  14. Poleward motion of storm tracks
    @adelady #6 Kudos for bringing some wry humor to this comment thread.
  15. 2nd law of thermodynamics contradicts greenhouse theory
    Tom Curtis @ 1019 No Tom, I an not comparing circuit watts to atmospheric temperature, or the increase thereof. Rather I'm comparing input watts to a circuit to input watts to the Earths surface. But to your circuit. If radiation is analogues to voltage not power, does that make GHG the analogues capacitors? You seem to contradict your own analogy at 2) when referencing input/output watts. The diagram is a itself is perplexing. The title alone Global Energy Flows W/m^2 is wrong. Shouldn't it be titled Power Distribution or Flux Allotment or something more accurate. The diagram shows 161 W/m^2 shortwave incident on the surface, while the texts say 240 W/m^2. Using radiavite transfers equations, and starting text value of 240 W/m^2 solar input how you get to 390 W/m^2?

    [DB] Sorry, L.J., we've all been down this road before.

  16. Are you a genuine skeptic or a climate denier?
    Eric the Red "After all, much of the climate research has wide ranges due to large uncertainties or unknowns which would render a black and white scenario unacceptable to us scientists." This is a forest versus trees argument. (And it's not black or white, it's a kaleidoscope.) When we look at a forest, there are lots of questions. We know that the mix of trees, creepers, undergrowth, birds, bugs, foraging animals, reptiles, moisture, soils, fungi are all important to the structure and health of the forest. How many tonnes of berries will the undergrowth produce this year? How many of the saplings on the western edge in 1991 have grown to full size? How many frogs in the NE pond? How many birdsnests are in the uppermost canopy? The answers will vary. Don't know, pretty good estimates, exact numbers, research not yet complete, very rough estimates, no money/ equipment for the research required, no idea, paper in course of publication - and all the other possibilities. Frogs, berries, birds, trees, these questions are important. But the answers don't really matter for the central issue. It's a forest. Same for climate change. All the uncertainties are in the details, not the basic physics which tell us the central answer.
  17. Eric the Red at 10:52 AM on 6 June 2011
    Are you a genuine skeptic or a climate denier?
    Garethman, Your posts are a welcome relief to the hard-line position of some on this thread. I have suggested that people should be open to others opinions and beliefs, but have been shot down and called a denier just like you have. I believe that science should progress forward, not stop at someone's preconceived ideas. I also believe that the issue is not black and white as Sphaerica vehemently maintains, but rather gray. Afterall, much of the climate research has wide ranges due to large uncertainties or unknowns which would render a black and white scenario unacceptable to us scientists. There are those who are completely intolerant to the merest suggesting that there may be something else affecting climate besides CO2. TO them, it has become a religion. As opposed to your asdmission, I am a scientist, and well-researched in climate science. I am appalled that there are those who take this research and twist it to accommodate their own beliefs. A quote from the X-files: "The truth is out there."
  18. Can we trust climate models?
    I thought I had included a comment apologising to Dana and Tom Curtis for upsetting them with my comments, but don't see it now. Briefly this time: Sorry, I will be careful as to what threads I post to. Best wishes to you both, John
  19. Bob Lacatena at 10:35 AM on 6 June 2011
    An Even Cloudier Outlook for Low Climate Sensitivity
    122, RW1, You are grossly misrepresenting the paper, and drawing your own conclusions based on a childishly limited approach to the system in question. I strongly suggest that if anyone thinks what you are saying may be true, they download and read the paper themselves. It's quite accessible and easy to read. I also suggest that they study a lot more about humidity, water vapor, clouds and all other background information required to even begin to understand the subject. Doing as RW1 is doing, and using "common sense" and everyman's views of humidity, clouds, and the system as a whole, is a trap for the unwary to fall into.
  20. Database of peer-reviewed papers: classification problematics
    I am interested in clarifying the definition of climate sensitivity. CBDunkerson is talking in terms of percentages which I take to mean the fraction of Global Warming attributable to a particular GHG. As I had understood things previously, the senstivity is defined in trems of a constant k related to the relative inrease in CO2 or H2o or whatever as individual gases. For CO2 I believe k = 5.35 and appearts in te equation for an effective temperature increase od Delts_T = k ln(C/Co) where Co is the initial concentration in the atmosphere at time T and Cis the final at time T+Delta_T. Could someone pleae explain this for me.

    [DB] I think you'll find what you are looking for here:

    Many other threads touch upon climate sensitivity as well.  Using the Search function finds this list.

  21. DaneelOlivaw at 10:03 AM on 6 June 2011
    An Interactive History of Climate Science
    Sorry for the double post. From the paper istelf: "Evaluations of global surface temperature histories, after accounting for urban warming biases and other influences, indicate that the globe has warmed approximately 0.67°C since 1900.(...)Furthermore, based upon scenarios of future increases in greenhouse gas emissions, climate models estimate a globally averaged temperature rise of 1.4–5.8°C between now and the year 210" So even if it's irrelevat to the assessment of the reality of AGW, it implicitly accepts the consensus opinion. (link:
  22. DaneelOlivaw at 10:00 AM on 6 June 2011
    An Interactive History of Climate Science
    Changing Heat-Related Mortality in the United States (2003-11-01) is listed as skeptic. I think it's just irrelevant. From the abstract: "This systematic desensitization of the metropolitan populace to high heat and humidity over time can be attributed to a suite of technologic, infrastructural, and biophysical adaptations, including increased availability of air conditioning" So it's saying that people buy AC units. I don't see why would this be relevant to global warming.
  23. DaneelOlivaw at 09:45 AM on 6 June 2011
    Poleward motion of storm tracks
    Wait, an increase in hight altitude clouds would't mean a negative feedback since they reflect more sunlight into space?
  24. Eric (skeptic) at 09:39 AM on 6 June 2011
    Are you a genuine skeptic or a climate denier?
    scaddenp (376) "1/ Only picks loser (coal Australia)" You compete against Australia do you not?
  25. Eric (skeptic) at 09:36 AM on 6 June 2011
    Are you a genuine skeptic or a climate denier?
    scaddenp, I don't mind exploring the hypothetical if there is some realism about electricity (e.g. nuclear or some effective substitute), realistic goals (50% in 40 years) and a tip-of-the-hat to the market. I see now that Koch helped found CATO. I suppose the fact that I didn't know that might make his libertarian think tank scheme somewhat suspect to some, but not to me. CATO has consistency and principles that I believe are essential to human progress and individual liberty. Education in those principles is sorely lacking IMO. Clean air and safety have added considerable cost and inefficiency to automobiles with a modest social benefit compared to factors like cracking down on drunk driving, urbanization and interstate highways, teen driver restrictions, etc.. Many people compensate for safety systems by driving less safely although that is hard to quantify. The clean air stuff is expensive and some articles go one way while later articles say benefits outweigh costs. But in my rural location, a hundred new cars with the expensive mitigation can be undone by a farm-use truck or two. If I could get away with it, I would have a farm-use truck to get to the park and ride. The clouds from a ship was just an idea which I'm sure had some problems. But a ten second search brought me to this "We demonstrate that self-guided ionized filaments generated by ultrashort laser pulses are also able to induce water-cloud condensation in the free, sub-saturated atmosphere."
  26. An Even Cloudier Outlook for Low Climate Sensitivity
    Dessler is primarily just looking at TOA net fluxes and temperatures – he’s made little (if any) attempt to carefully discern cause and effect or come up with any physical mechanisms or reasons behind his interpretation of the data. He admits in the paper at the beginning that the net effect of clouds at the current operating point in the climate is to cool by about 20 W/m^2, yet doesn’t seem to ascribe any significance to this or express any curiosity about it at all. Furthermore, I notice that the SW component is also positive, which would seem to be consistent with decreasing clouds causing the warming rather than warming causing decreasing clouds. Even if the claim is warming causes decreasing clouds for positive feedback, how is this consistent with increasing water vapor from warming? Does increasing water vapor cause decreasing clouds? That doesn’t make any sense since water vapor concentration drives cloud formation. It seems to me that unless Dessler can explain all of this and corroborate it with all the other data and system behavior, he really doesn't have a case.
  27. An Even Cloudier Outlook for Low Climate Sensitivity
    I've confirmed with Dessler. It's the net flux.
  28. Are you a genuine skeptic or a climate denier?
    Garethman "Interestingly you elegantly re-enforce my message by condemning me for suggesting that everyone should have the right of opinion." Apparently you're not a schoolteacher. This is the chronic complaint of fourteen-year-olds - about maths problems. And the answer is always No! Why? There are no "opinions" or "ideas" open to discussion or interpretation in year 9 mathematics. There are only facts, measurements, rules, procedures. And teachers know why such students argue. It's a cover or a diversion. From unwillingness to work, fear of failure, braggadocio in front of sniggering 14 year old friends, pure cussedness, avoidance of homework, failure to bring necessary equipment... The list is not endless, it just seems like it. People are entitled to hold opinions - but only about matters of opinion. When it comes to facts, they're entitled to double- and triple-check facts. What no-one is entitled to do is to say 'That's just your opinion' when opinion doesn't come into it. Just like year 9 homework.
  29. Are you a genuine skeptic or a climate denier?
    On the issue of coal-powered consumer imports (which I am guessing dwarf autos as a problem). My solution is twofold. 1/ ban any new coal generation that doesnt deal with emissions. (This means coal generation phases out over 30-50 years as stations age. Coal for steel is uneffected) 2/ Tariff against any country that doesnt implement same ban and tariff. Sliding scale of stay at 0.5% and ramp up at say 0.25% per year. Advantages: 1/ Only picks loser (coal) - leaves it market to find solutions any way it can. 2/ Effective! 3/ Low admin cost. Whether to tariff or not is simply about country of origin. 4/ Smuggling annoying but unable to affect effectiveness 5/ Time to adjust.
  30. Are you a genuine skeptic or a climate denier?
    Eric(sk), I should add that I am really appreciating your willingness to engage in this conversation (very rare) as well as your thoughtful responses which are very stimulating (and still being digested). I look forward to your thoughts replacing coal generation. Given your posting history, I was somewhat surprised to find you supporting a Koch outfit like CATO but I am finding that I am understanding your viewpoint better.
  31. Bob Lacatena at 08:05 AM on 6 June 2011
    Are you a genuine skeptic or a climate denier?
    garethman, I have and do post on denial forums, frequently. It is unpleasant and distasteful, and I only do it when I can post clear, concise and inarguable science. When it inevitably wanders off into accusations of fraud, exclamations that GHG theory violate the second law of thermodynamics, one-world government diatribes, and other nonsense, I bow out, because those people are blinded by their own foolishness. As far as calling you specifically a denier... looking back at your posts, I'm unsure why I thought it, because you haven't espoused any actual denial drivel (although you include quotes in your posts without separating your comments from others... I'd suggest using em or blockquote tags to do so). But at the same time you are so offended by the denier label, and seemingly not bothered by WUWT (which is a cosmic joke on science)... So let's limit it to two of your statements: see the debate as black and white...
    Yes, because deniers very, very frequently specifically use gray areas (doubt) to argue we should wait, we're not sure, but what if, etc. etc. It's a tactic, and there is not nearly that much doubt in the science.
    I am here giving a very unpopular and heretical message regarding tolerance.
    Tolerance of racism is an evil. Tolerance of ignorance is an evil. Tolerance of unmitigated greed is an evil. Tolerance of unsanitary health habits is an evil. There is no reason to be tolerant of disinformation, ignorance, or arrogance in the climate debate, and while many deniers appear to believe what they are posting, that doesn't make it true, or palatable. Lies are lies. Misinformation is misinformation. I will show no tolerance for stupidity, which is what denial inevitably is. And a lot of the stupidity I see isn't the run of the mill kind, it's the raving lunatic oh-my-god-did-he-actually-say-that kind. So... yes, I do post on other sites. Yes, I get abused far worse than any denier ever has here. No, gray areas are just an excuse and are still denial, and no, tolerance is not acceptable.
  32. Poleward motion of storm tracks
    Details, details. "the region is strongly infected" should be affected - in the first para of the Shifting of Storm Tracks section. And latitudes is more correct than latidudes. Though I do think geographers or meteorologists should immediately adopt lati-dudes as a club name.
  33. Are you a genuine skeptic or a climate denier?
    Thank you Sphaerica Couple of points. I cannot make you look like a bad guy, only you can do that. Calling me a “denier’ on the basis of no evidence is puzzling, possibly hurtful but only in the same way as if I called you a racist with no evidence. If you are not a racist, then as you say, no problem! I think we differ in that you see the debate as black and white, good and bad, no middle ground. I do not believe life is like that. Everything is shades tending to one direction or another. At present the weight of evidence is towards the science of climate change, but as you say, there are still shades. You may also be aware I post on other sites, climate brief ( excellent site but limited usage) and wattsupwiththat ( great for the links to NSIDC and stats etc. but some nasty right wing stuff at times) Why? The reason I do this is because it is easy to post in an area where your own opinion dominates, much harder to convince others in a hostile environment. I am here giving a very unpopular and heretical message regarding tolerance. Maybe you could try your own message on groups who are opposed to your thinking? It’s not easy, and you will be pilloried and insulted as I have been. But if the message is true, and we really need to convince people, get out there and do it. Preaching to the converted is easy, sticking the boot in as part of a gang is a cinch, but stick your neck out and move to those who need convincing, it’s more rewarding and in the long run will do more good.
  34. Poleward motion of storm tracks
    Isn't this the general effect that was mentioned in the documentary "Insidious Soup" about aerosols, that was theorized to have caused a big drop in rainfall in sub-Saharan Africa? This is the part of our messing with the composition of the atmosphere that worries me the most -- we've been doing it for a long time, we're doing it at an alarming rate right now, and we're just starting to figure out what we've set in motion.
  35. Henry justice at 07:28 AM on 6 June 2011
    Part Two: How do we measure Antarctic ice changes?
    "Of course, growth of the ice sheet may well be evidence of warming" I have seen this type of logic used before. Just how is this suppose to happen: More snow is caused by more warming water vapor put into the atmosphere? It is my understanding, and someone please correct me if I am in error, that the net effect of evaporation of water to form atmospheric moisture, is one of cooling. That is, the net cooling effect overrides the warming effect of the water vapor created. That is why a wet towel in front of a fan can cool the air.
  36. Bob Lacatena at 07:14 AM on 6 June 2011
    Are you a genuine skeptic or a climate denier?
    371, garthman, Stop twisting everything to extremes. It just makes you look desperate. Obviously, any intelligent person would realize that my statement that "deniers have no rights" means they have no rights within the context of the climate science debate (i.e. once they have adopted a position of denial, which means ignoring and distorting the truth, then they have lost all right to be taken seriously, or treated with patience or respect). You are the one warping that into "no rights, human or otherwise." As far as your personal stance on climate, I haven't seen it. Because I haven't seen it, I won't label you a denier, but if you are so worried about the label, then I imagine your actual stance on climate is nothing like you claim. I'll leave it to you to put that out. But denial does not come in flavors. This is no subset of denialism that is somehow tolerable (to me). So if you are eco-this and believe in climate-science-that, but..., then you are a denier. If not, why do you care? As far was being welcome in my world, or an indictment on my values... look, this is both less and more than you are making it. Climate change is serious business, and most of the people who try to refute it are buffoons. Anyone who wants to refute it and is not a buffoon simply hasn't admitted to themselves that they are suffering from a component of desire which prevents them from admitting to the truth, or else they have not seriously looked into it deeply enough to understand where they are mistaken. In any case; merely foolish and uneducated, blinded by self-interest, or purposely less educated than necessary... no matter which version of denial they suffer from, it is still harmful to the issue for them to promote their ill-founded opinions, and that level of vociferous arrogance earned them the label of denier. There is no middle ground. There is no denial point that I have seen in years and years which is worth taking seriously. So, given that I understand that 99% of denial points are utter drivel, and the remaining 1% that are worth considering do not, on closer inspection, pan out, it leaves me with that solid understanding that deniers either do not understand, but are arrogant enough to violently express their opinion (which equals misunderstanding and falsehood) on a very, very important subject, or else they do understand, but through their own selfish, shortsighted desires, purposefully play fast and loose with the facts and knowingly push an invalid position. Neither scenario is nice, and both are hurtful to humanity. Every denier is going to have to wake up 10 or 20 years from now, look themselves in the mirror, and admit that they actively helped to create the future. So please stop. You're going out of your way to make me out to be the bad guy, and I'm sorry, but I feel nothing about your accusations. You want to make me feel something? Figure out what it is about climate science that you do not believe or do not trust, research the issue further, and figure out where you went wrong. Or would that sort of behavior be too skeptical for you?
  37. Are you a genuine skeptic or a climate denier?
    365 Sphaerica: Deniers have no rights. I imagine that sums up our differences. As a person committed to the wellbeing of our ecology, as a person who has taken extensive steps to minimise my carbon footprint and as an individual who believes in the science of climate change ( or most of it anyway) I have now been condemned as a “denier: for questioning free speech. And if, as you suggest, deniers have no rights, human or otherwise, I am not welcome in your world as you see it. I see where you are going on this. A terrible indictment on your values. However I do not believe my fellow ecologist minded friends feel that way about taking away human rights from those who disagree with them, so I will write this off as an aberration not typical of the vast majority of believers in climate change or science.
  38. Are you a genuine skeptic or a climate denier?
    Eric(sk). "I didn't realize you wanted to add lots of urgency." Thats what I meant by effective. I should have been clearer. "Do you accept nuclear power in this hypothetical? " Sure. For many countries, this seems to be the only viable option. "we would still have to cut transportation fuel use in half." Well, I think market forces of supply and demand will do that for you without any intervention. The oil exploration industry (which face it, I am part of) has to really hum just to maintain production levels, let alone increase them. And there is only so much damage you can do to the atmosphere with remaining oil/gas stock - not so for coal. Now I dont understand you on clean air and safety. You are implying in the libertarian world view that these are government interference that we would be better without? Or that if you want solid reduction then they are the compromise? (If you accept a government role in clean air and safety enforcement, then why dont a government role in CO2 emission control by the way). You might want to check current literature on your low cloud creation scheme.
  39. Are you a genuine skeptic or a climate denier?
    J Bob - that is the nature of the best data available. And to repeat the point ad nauseum, CO2 is not the only driver of climate, which is why correlation weakens when other factors are important (eg aerosols, solar).
  40. Eric (skeptic) at 06:06 AM on 6 June 2011
    Are you a genuine skeptic or a climate denier?
    actually thoughtfull, I agree the cap and dividend should be a lot easier to enforce than cap and trade and I would definitely choose that one if those were the only two choices. I downloaded a paper on fuel price elasticity for driving and the basic curve showed a 10 percent decrease in fuel consumption for 25-50 cents increase in price (range was due to variables in driving necessity). Assuming 50 cents and 2004/5 gas prices about $2, that means a bit more than doubling the price to get to scaddenp's 50% target. The trucking industry might be a different story however. But the paper lends support to the idea that it is a lot more effective to simply raise the price of fuel than to try to regulate fuel consumption lower (e.g. CAFE standards).
  41. Of Averages & Anomalies - Part 2B. More on why Surface Temperature records are more robust than we think
    It should be reiterated that denier claims about the surface temperature record have never been backed up by any data analysis work. This in spite of the fact that all the temperature data used by NOAA and NASA are freely available on-line, as are all the necessary software development and data analysis tools. As has been pointed out here in earlier discussions, the software development and data analysis required to test virtually all of the denier claims about the surface temperature record (i.e. claims about "dropped stations", the UHI effect, and "raw vs. adjusted" data discrepancies) can be tackled by a competent programmer/analyst in just a few days. As has been shown in this excellent "Of Averages & Anomalies..." series, the anomaly gridding/averaging procedure is quite straightforward. And thanks to modern (and freely-available) software development tools, the procedure is surprisingly easy to implement (as I found out when I spent some time playing around with the temperature data a few months ago). I posted some of my results some time ago here, but for the benefit of folks new to skepticalscience, I figure that reposting them would be worthwhile. (Note: I used GHCN "raw" temperature data to generate the results). This first plot shows my unsmoothed land station gridding/averaging results vs. NASA's (the NASA results were copied/pasted directly from the NASA web-site): My gridding/averaging implementation is much cruder than NASA's; I made a couple of "back of the envelope" shortcuts/approximations out of, for lack of a better description, "sheer laziness" ;). But my results still track NASA's quite closely. Another plot that folks (especially those new to this stuff) might be interested in seeing is a plot that shows the effects of the "dropped stations" that Anthony Watts and other deniers have made such a fuss about. Watts and Co. have claimed for a long time that warming trends have been exaggerated by the "dropping" of high-latitude/high-altitude stations from the temperature record. Well, here's a plot that I generated that shows temperature anomaly results for "all stations" vs. "dropped stations excluded" (5-year moving-average smoothing): As you can see, the "dropped stations" effect is minimal. This is something that Watts and Co. could have verified for themselves with just a few days (at most) of "spare time" programming/analysis effort. If Watts didn't have the programming skills to tackle a project like this, he should have hired someone or gotten a volunteer to do the work for him before he started throwing around accusations of incompetence/dishonesty on the part of the climate-science community.
  42. actually thoughtful at 05:42 AM on 6 June 2011
    Poleward motion of storm tracks
    Thank you Riccardo. So storms are moving 11 miles north per decade (assuming all the caveats in the above review resolve out to this paper getting it right). Interesting. I live in the Southwest - and storms moving 40-50 miles north would change things a LOT in this area of the country.
  43. Poleward motion of storm tracks
    One degree of latitude is about 60 nautical miles (it depends a bit on latitude) which translates into about 69 miles.
  44. actually thoughtful at 04:55 AM on 6 June 2011
    Poleward motion of storm tracks
    Can someone translate .16 degrees/decade into miles on the ground/decade? Thank you.
  45. Are you a genuine skeptic or a climate denier?
    garatheman: "Interestingly you elegantly re-enforce my message by condemning me for suggesting that everyone should have the right of opinion." You're free to hold what ever opinion you want. So am I, and if in my opinion you're being (-Snip-), I'm going to tell you so. You seem to have an asymmetric opinion about the right to hold and express one's opinion ...

    [DB] Please take the road less travelled.

  46. actually thoughtful at 04:19 AM on 6 June 2011
    Are you a genuine skeptic or a climate denier?
    Eric (skeptic), If I understand you correctly your problem with a simple carbon tax is that there would be room for people to wiggle out of it. I think that is a fair point. However if we accept that as justification for not imposing that tax, we have also ruled out sales tax (barter, drug trade, black market); income tax (see any large corporation, most well-to-do). So while a little leakage is inevitable, large-scale fraud will eventually be shut down. Let's say the US, Canada, Australia, NA and Europe pass a cap and dividend program. China, India, Russia and all other countries don't. The tax countries impose an equivalent import duty on all goods from non-tax countries. If China "launders" through Latvia - no go - still an import tax in the US. If they launder through Germany - they get the tax on entering German, no tax on entering the USA. Will some tax evasion occur? Of course. Will it be the nightmare of enforcement you predict? Very unlikely. Their is value (economic) in keeping it simple. Compare that to the Frankenstein Cap and Trade system Senator Kerry and the House Democrats put together in 2009. That was complicated and un-enforceable.
  47. Of Averages & Anomalies - Part 2B. More on why Surface Temperature records are more robust than we think
    Rob #4 - yes, I think Glenn did a nice job putting this into perspective. You see a temperature station next to an A/C unit and you think, 'there's no way this data can be reliable!'. But once you look into how the data is analyzed, as Glenn has done in great detail, you see that they do a great job of filtering out extraneous effects. The problem is that the surface station folks didn't bother to examine how the data is actually analyzed to create the average surface temperature data set. Now they're seeing how good a job GISTemp et al. do of it, a few years too late, and there's major egg on their face as a result.
  48. Bob Lacatena at 03:30 AM on 6 June 2011
    Are you a genuine skeptic or a climate denier?
    362, garethman,
    ...people who are complete believers and evangelists for the subject of climate change...
    Problem number one is that you characterize people on the side of science (yes, deniers are on the opposite side, hands down) in this way. Forgive me if those who understand the seriousness of the problem also recognize that it is something that is going to take concerted, harmonious action, and it has to happen soon. I would be down right evil if I know what I know and ignored the problem. I am "evangelical" in the same way that someone warns people that the bridge is out on the road ahead. Your feeling (emphasis on "feeling," not knowledge) that we are "believers" is also horribly misplaced. This is a huge part of your problem, and the problem with most deniers, that is the idea that our position is a choice and a belief. It is not. It is an understanding and acceptance of the science (while deniers absolutely do not understand, and adamantly do not accept, the sad but inarguable truth behind the science). Right there, your post is a failure, after just those two words, "evangelist" and "believer."
    This happens to an extent with the right wingers on WUWT...
    No, it's pervasive and violently so. The reason you don't see it much is because the place is so hideously offensive that no rational person will post there. You're kidding yourself if you think that even 10% of deniers are nicey-nice Mr. Rogers types.
    In fact I had some difficulty tracing the line of your argument through the insults...
    And there's another problem. They weren't insults, they were actual observations. This is without question the behavior of deniers, and your attitude, posts, and your own choice of words ("camps," "climate Taliban") demonstrate very clearly your complete inability to appreciate this. can be part of our freedoms to allow people to be mistaken in their scientific beliefs...
    Not when those mistakes threaten the health of our civilization and way of life, and not when they actively and misguidedly use that ignorance and "mistaken beliefs" to put us all at risk. How would you feel about someone who hangs around a school selling cigarettes to kids because he "believes" the science about cancer is wrong?
    Dehumanising a group of people by giving them negative titles or stereotypes is usually the first step in some pretty dodgy goals.
    First, no one is dehumanizing deniers. That's a gross exaggeration. They are clearly all too human, being easily frightened, ignorant, misled, and demonstrating all of the worst traits of humanity in the most vocal of ways. Second, do you think the title "racist" is bad? Should we never have labeled people as "racists" and "bigots" because they were only "mistaken in their beliefs?" How about warmongers? Is that okay? I'm sorry, but your basic point is that we should all just get along, I'm just a guy, like you, but with different opinions. Your position fails because: 1) Deniers don't behave that way, not remotely close, so what goes around comes around. Deniers as a group must consistently lose their venomous hatred (whether you recognize it as such or not). 2) It's only a belief to deniers. There is no "belief" in truth. Truth is truth. That you won't accept the truth is why there's a name for you. 3) "Playing nice" isn't going to get us anywhere. I don't care about your feelings. If you were a sensible person, even if you misunderstood the science, you wouldn't care about the label, or rather, it would bother you in that it would motivate you to learn more, without hubris and arrogance, and to try to figure out where you are mistaken. So in the end your words are wasted. You are a denier. People who deny the science are deniers. People who actively promote their ignorant position are deniers. People who think WUWT that is a remotely reasonable (or "nice") place are deniers. People who care about being called "deniers" are deniers. That last point is the whole crux of it. If you didn't care, if the term didn't bother you, then the term probably wouldn't apply to you. And it's only one word. One. It's not "alarmist" or "warmist" or "warmista" or "climate Taliban" or "eco-fascist" or "greenie" or "tree hugger" or... Are you getting the hint? Deniers are not nice people. They are wrong, they are obstructing action on the most important challenge of the 21st century, and if we push it too far the most important danger that modern civilization has faced since the atom bomb. Deniers have no rights. True skeptics would, if I ever met one. If you want to start behaving like a skeptic (not the warped, twisted vision of skeptics that deniers present, but rather a true skeptic) then you will be treated with respect, and helped through the tough parts of the science. If you want to be a denier, then wear the label proudly, because it is what you are.
  49. Rob Honeycutt at 03:22 AM on 6 June 2011
    Of Averages & Anomalies - Part 2B. More on why Surface Temperature records are more robust than we think
    This is really interesting to in that it puts the whole WUWT Surface Station project into a broader perspective. It's interesting from a sociological standpoint how one highly motivated individual (Anthony) can create such a hubbub over what amounts to a small amount of noise in the data.
  50. Are you a genuine skeptic or a climate denier?
    garethman @362, here you where making a nice argument that, wouldn't it be nice if we stopped all the insults and than you go and drop term like "climate taliban", meaning pro-science debaters on the internet, ie, me amongst others. Well, I can't give you top marks for the worst insult I have received from a denier. Afterall, I have been called an eco-nazi and accused of desiring mass genocide. "Climate taliban" is pretty tame after that. But it is far worse an insult than anything Sphaerica has said in the course of this debate. I mean, seriously, way to kill your credibility. It helps us get some perspective on this whole discussion though. Right from the get go, the terms deniers have been using to describe climate scientists have been far worse than the terms used back the other way. I call climate change deniers "deniers" which, in the end, just accuses them of having a mental block. In return I am accused of fraud, deceit and of desiring genocide. Being fair, some of the main deniers have been accused (with good reason) of scientific fraud, but the deniers have accused mainstream scientists of fraud, and of conspiracy to implement one world government, or to ruin America (which seeing many of them are US citizens, is an accusation of treason), and of course, of pushing genocide. Oh, and of being "climate taliban". Not all deniers have made these sorts of accusations, but all of them turn a blind eye to them, or encourage them with winks and nods. If you don't believe me, name just one well known climate change denier who has publicly condemned Christopher Monckton (who has publicly claimed that the IPCC is a conspiracy to bring about world government by the UN) as a conspiracy theorist, and stated publicly that he will not share a platform with Monckton. While deniers will not dissociate them selves from the conspiracy theorists and worse, they have no right to not be considered associates of conspiracy theorists and worse". It is that simple. So if there are any serious critics of climate change out there who are actual skeptics, the onus is on them to clean up their act - to disavow kooks. Only then, and only for those that do, should the scientific community consider politeness a virtue.

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