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All IPCC definitions taken from Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Working Group I Contribution to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Annex I, Glossary, pp. 941-954. Cambridge University Press.

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Comments 27551 to 27600:

  1. What Emma Thompson got right and wrong on climate change

    I think you've actually unfairly assessed what Emma said in the very fist instance.

    What she said wasn't well worded or explained so an article looking at it as a mistake really should ask her to explain what she really meant.

    Did she mean if they burnt everything the wanted to burn immediately??


    She is guilty of exaggeration yet her thought experiment may have relied on numbers we aren't privy too... did anyone ask her for her sources?

  2. Citi report: slowing global warming would save tens of trillions of dollars

    @18, look up a concept called "Jevons Paradox" and see if you can figure out what the word "elasticity" means?


    Your simplistic arguments are only fooling yourself.


    In regards to Government intervention into the non-existant free-market: they don't lead- the people lead. Governments follow!!


    The concept of "Elasticity" starts to get a bit weird/fun/too-big-to-fail now...

  3. Volcanic vs. Human-Caused CO2 Emissions - Updated Graphic

    Thanks Tom, that is good to know.

  4. Volcanic vs. Human-Caused CO2 Emissions - Updated Graphic

    Rolf Jander:

    1)  Fossil Fuel has the same C14 (radiocarbon) signature as volcanic erruptions, but a very different C13 signature.

    2)  Emmissions from the biosphere (respiration of animals, combustion or decomposition of plants) has the same C13 signature as fossil fuel emissions, but a very different C14 signature.

    3)  Between the two signatures, it is possible to possitively exclude both volcanic and biosphere emissions as the primary source of the recent in increase in atmospheric and oceanic CO2 concentration, thereby positively identifying anthropogenic emissions as the only possible cause.

    This is discussed in more detail here, along with other relevant lines of evidence.

  5. Volcanic vs. Human-Caused CO2 Emissions - Updated Graphic

    I was wondering if co2 from volcanoes has the same raidiocarbon signature as that from burning fossilfuel.

  6. What Emma Thompson got right and wrong on climate change

    I don't think purity matters as much as you think. They don't shout 'you too' because to do so would be admitting that they get things wrong, and they shout about as loud when we get things right. Accuracy is of course very desirable, but irrelevant to dealing with denialists.

  7. 2015 SkS Weekly Digest #36

    The Proven Thing is the central tenet of Apocalyptic Cornucopianism  -  the fastest growing cult religion of all future times. 

  8. What Emma Thompson got right and wrong on climate change

    The specific Δ°C/year is largely irrelevant as concerns the urgency of implementing appropriate and aggressive action. However, when it comes to people speaking out or writing on this urgency, the need for getting the numbers right is every bit as important: we must be purer than Cæsar’s wife. The denialist legions are always ready to shout out “tu quoque” even when we get all the detail right.

  9. What Emma Thompson got right and wrong on climate change

    All shastatodd offers up is a different kind of head-in-the-sand denial.

    Moderator Response:

    [PS] You might like to check the comments policy.

  10. What Emma Thompson got right and wrong on climate change

    who cares? no one is willing or interested in changing their (supposed) non-negotiable lifestyles, so just enjoy these remaining good days, because this will not end well.

    Moderator Response:

    [PS] Borderline sloganeering and flame bait. No more responses to this please.

  11. Citi report: slowing global warming would save tens of trillions of dollars

    bvangerven wrote: "Hoping that renewables will become so cheap and deployed so quickly and on such a scale that fossil fuel assets become stranded ... is a big gamble."

    It really isn't. Indeed, in some parts of the world this is already happening... and it seems all but inevitable on a global scale.

    Look at the coal industry in the United States. Peabody Energy, the largest private coal company in the world, has become a penny stock. The second largest and several others have filed for bankruptcy. Coal has gone from generating 53% of US electricity in 1997 to 37% in 2012. There hasn't been any new coal power built in years, and old plants are shutting down early because they cost more to operate than they can make in profits.

    Those early shuttered coal plants are 'stranded assets'. The reason no new coal plants are being built is that they'd all be stranded assets. Now, this is a special case because the collapse of coal has largely been driven by cheap natural gas from 'fracking'. However, solar and wind power costs in some parts of the country are now even lower than natural gas costs. Basically, the U.S. got a head start on the death of coal due to the natural gas boom, but low renewable power costs will have the same impact.

    Many areas in Africa which have never had electricity at all are now skipping fossil fuels entirely and going directly to solar power. The same is true in other developing areas, including formerly off grid portions of India and China. That doesn't create stranded assets but it means the fossil fuel plants never get built at all... because if they were they would have become stranded assets.

    As to fossil fuels being 'basically free'... even with your caveats there is a problem with that analysis. Here in the United States many areas 'bid' on power in distinct blocks (e.g. X kilowatts for 15 minutes). In the northeast, some of the big fossil fuel companies got the bright idea of taking a loss to underbid renewables and drive them out of the market. Small problem... the cost to run a renewable power plant is essentially the same whether the power is being used or not. So the renewable plants could bid zero and be no worse off than if they had been outbid. Indeed, some of them that were being subsidized could even bid negative (we will pay you to take our electricity), and still make a profit! In short, fossil fuel plants will never be able to compete because their fuel costs are not zero. Wind and sunlight really are "free". There is absolutely no reason for wind/solar plants not to bid as low as they have to in order for them to sell every electron they produce. Thus, once a renewable energy plant is built it will always be able to underbid a fossil fuel plant... thereby effectively turning that fossil fuel plant into a stranded asset.

  12. Citi report: slowing global warming would save tens of trillions of dollars


    I don’t know how it is where you live. But in Europe the public has been encouraged to reduce its energy use for the last 20 years at least. I estimate that perhaps 5% of the people reduced their energy consumption by a significant amount. Having a “Thick Sweaters Day” once a year (on this day people are asked to turn down the heating and to wear a thick sweater instead) will not lead to a low carbon society.

    Hoping that renewables will become so cheap and deployed so quickly and on such a scale that fossil fuel assets become stranded ... is a big gamble. (By the way, this is not the scenario the Carbon Tracker Initiative warns about. The Carbon Tracker Initiative predicts that at a certain point in the future the government will intervene and restrict the burning of fossil fuels somehow, rendering a lot of the current fossil fuel reserves worthless).

    Fossil fuels are basically free. The law of supply and demand dictates that a product will be consumed at the price and in the amount determined by the intersection of the supply curve and demand curve. If a product is free, the supply curve is a horizontal line at 0 (see picture below). As a consequence, the equilibrium point shifts to the far right which means: the product will be consumed until exhaustion of that product.

    supply/demand curves

    Yes I know. Fossil fuels are not really free, there is an extraction and refinement cost. But it illustrates the principle. At some point in the future, perhaps, renewables will replace fossil fuels. Electric cars will replace fossil fuel powered cars. But will it happen in time to prevent the worst ? Or will it happen only after most of the current fossil fuel reserves have been burnt ? In my opinion, without a price on carbon it will be too little too late.

  13. Sea level rise predictions are exaggerated

    Ok, reading more carefully I got the answer: The land net flux was just negative in parts of the past in between pre-industrial and now; in the graph however everything is shown for recent time.

  14. Sea level rise predictions are exaggerated

    Maybe its because the 'soil' stock change isn't displayed? However, it almost looks like the -30 +/ 45 PgC number refers to both Vegetation and Soil. In this case, if I didn't misread the graph otherwise, I lack any explanatory approach :)

  15. Sea level rise predictions are exaggerated

    I have a slightly off-topic, but to me pressing question about the IPCC graph displayed in #36: The net land flux is shown to be increased by 2.6 +/- 1.2 PgC(arrow downwards), however the Vegetation reservoir became de(!)creased ( -30 +/- 45 PgC). I can't see were the additional 'land' Carbon is ending up. This seems inconsistent. Is there a missing number in the graph?


  16. Citi report: slowing global warming would save tens of trillions of dollars

    wrong- they will be stranded assets because the public stops demanding them and competitive products come to the marketplace to make them unviable.

  17. Citi report: slowing global warming would save tens of trillions of dollars

    Hi Rob #4, I know about the stranded assets and the Carbon Tracker Initiative (very interesting stuff) But these assets will only become stranded if our political leaders have the nerve to act against climate change. See also ExxonMobil’s answer to the question: what do you intend to do to mitigate the risk of stranded assets ? Answer: NOTHING, we don’t think this is a risk because we don’t believe that our politicians will do anything against climate change.

    Moderator Response:

    [PS] Fixed link. Please use the link button to create link.

  18. 2015 SkS Weekly Digest #36

    It would seem I am a pedant without a cause...

  19. One Planet Only Forever at 14:26 PM on 8 September 2015
    What Emma Thompson got right and wrong on climate change

    Most of the 'critics' picking up on the inaccuracies in Emma's comments could easily be shown to have failed to note (deliberately since they noted Emma's), the climate mis-statements made by the likes of Senator Inhofe and most of the current Republican Wanna-be-Presidents. What's up with that?

  20. Denial101x MOOC - Full list of videos and references at your fingertips

    "At my age I'd risk blowing a gasket."

    You know, that is advice  I should follow too before it's too late.

  21. Denial101x MOOC - Full list of videos and references at your fingertips

    I have deliberately steered clear of denier websites.  They're toxic.  At my age I'd risk blowing a gasket.  As for my friends, there are actually none that I know of who entertain denier thoughts.  If there are any, they keep such thoughts private.  So I'm just going to sit back and relax, and see if the wheels fall off before I kick the bucket.  I would so love to see the smirk wiped off the face of every denier on the planet.

  22. 2015 SkS Weekly Digest #36

    bozza @7, agreed, e certainly does not equal mc2.  Nor, come to that does E = mC2, or MC2.  At least, not in the standard notation.  But surely this does become pure pedantery.

  23. 2015 SkS Weekly Digest #36

    BBHY @6, the reference is to the Vostock icecore record which extends back 420,000 years:

    That has recently been extended back to 800,000 years for EPICA Dome C, but the more extended data is frequently ignored on the internet:

  24. 2015 SkS Weekly Digest #36

    @4, the debate is consenus of opinion versus consensus of fact.

    A nice distraction but any politician using it has long term credibility problems as the groupthink will work out the complete disingenuous nature of the original fake dichotomy and follow the money trial the made it so!

  25. 2015 SkS Weekly Digest #36

    I was always taught that 'e' certainly does not equal 'mc2'....

  26. 2015 SkS Weekly Digest #36

    "...temperature and carbon fluctuate in tandam at fairly regular intervals over the last 400K years"

    Is that a reference to Milankovitch Cycles? It sounds like it is, but those are not limited to only 400K years.

  27. 2015 SkS Weekly Digest #36

    Ignaz @2:

    "...a talk by William Nordhaus at Yale, certainly no denier, where he showed the number of data dependencies in models, that have not been isolated..."

    At 7:23 in the video, Nordhaus is talking about the fact that different estimates of climate sensitivity use the same or overlapping data to make those estimates, ie, the same twentieth century temperature record and the same twentieth century forcing record (in some cases), or the same ice core records (in others).  It follows that those estimates are not stastically independent.  That has nothing to do with the independence of climate models.  You have completely misrepresented what Nordhaus was saying (through ignorance, I suspect).

    "However, as of 2013 we do not know to what extent carbon forces temperature and temperature forces carbon..."

    Nonsense, and nor is it what Nordhause is saying.  Specifically, we know that CO2 concentration increases by approximately 7.7 ppmv per 1 degree increase in global temperatures (likely range of 1.7-21.4 ppmv/oC).  Nodhaus's estimate comes out at a 2.23% increase per degree C, or 6.3 ppmv/oC at 280 ppmv initial CO2 concentration.  We also know that temperature increases relative to CO2 concentration at approximately 3oC per doubling of CO2 (likely range of 1.5-4.50C per doubling).

    Not knowing values to arbitrary precision is not the same as not knowing the values.  Nor does Nordhaus suggest it is.  His discussion of what we know relates only to the limits of the method he discusses in his video.  Multiple other methods can be, and have been applied to the problem.

  28. 2015 SkS Weekly Digest #36

    Noone is claiming that the veracity of a scientific question is settled by vote - the extent to which anything in scence is "true" is dependent on constant comparison of theory and results by experienced scientists. The opinion of relativity deniers doesnt weigh much unless one them someday publishes a reproducable result which would call the theory into question and this applies in climate too.

    The importance of understanding what the extent of consensus is among climate scientists is a/ to counter the denier myth that consensus doesnt exist and b/ because the consensus science position is the best guide to policy action in any sphere.

    Weather is chaotic, climate is not as far as we know. See here .Climate is determined by the energy balance and sets the bounds in which the complex dance of weather occurs. Ask yourself why summer average temperature is higher than winter average temperature - because the energy input into the system is higher. CO2 is likewise.

    CO2 can be both a forcing and feedback. In the ice-age cycle, the controlling forcing is the highly predictable change in solar distribution. CO2/CH4 are very slow feedbacks that magnify the effect of the solar forcing and fortunately, temperature-induced increases in CO2 and CH4 are slow enough not to have significant impact in next hundred years.

    "However, as of 2013 we do not know to what extent carbon forces temperature and temperature forces carbon, or excatly why they fluctuate if indeed one expects a reenforcing feedback loop is present."

    What on earth is your source of this claim? If Nordhaus, then he is wrong. See for instance Hansen and Sato 2012 - look at Fig 2, and lower 2 comparisons of calculated temp to measured.

    It is best to find out about science from scientists. The best way to do that would be to read the IPCC WG1 reports. All the text in main report linked back to published science that the text is based on.

  29. 2015 SkS Weekly Digest #36

    Ignaz @2, if E=mc2, then it is not true that F=ma.  Rather,



    and a∥ is the acceleration parellel to the instantaneious velocity of the object, and a⊥ is the acceleration perpendicular to that velocity.

    This is not mere pedantery.  If you are going to argue that "we know" not by scientific concensus but by the actual data, then you have to adopt a consistent perspective that fits that data, not swap between more exact and less exact (and falsified) theories in a single breathe.  That you treat equally to formulas, one of which is the best available (ie, not formally falsified and substantially tested) theories and an approximation retained by consensus as a convenience for many common situations seriously damages your thesis.

    Even more damaging is that the approximation is adequate for everyday experience.  More devestating for your case is the fact that the much worse approximation from Aristotelian dynamics is still adequate for the vast majority of peoples actual experience.  It is only when we measure the motion of objects in a precise manner that Aritstotle's theory (or at least the medieval developments of that theory) are shown false.

    The result is that for me, and the vast majority of others; we do accept that E=mc2, and F=ma because (we have been told that) it is the consensus view of physicists.  No person with only a high school education in physics has done enough experiments to verify Newtonian dynamics as a close approximation of the truth, let alone Relatitivistic kinematics.  Very few actual physicists have done so either.  Even for most with an actual interest in the topic, they are only aware of a few historically influential experiments, without being aware of the vast number of other experiments actually supporting the theories in question.

    So, we (as in the fraction of the general populace interested enough to actually follow the science) know these things (whether in dynamics, kinematics, or climate science) because we accept a scientific consensus, and know enough that the consensus itself  was not formed by accepting a consensus but by following data.  But unless you have an extensive research career covering both theoretical and experimental aspects of the topic, you do not know these things independently of accepting some things because they are the consensus view.  (Indeed, even then you must accept the consensus on peripheral factors necessary to carrying out your experiments.)

  30. 2015 SkS Weekly Digest #36

    Question: Do we accept the veracity of E=MC² or F=MA because 97% of  physcists say so?

    I understand that climate is a nonlinear chaotic system, but it's that a reason to be even more circumspect? I recently heard a talk by William Nordhaus at Yale, certainly no denier, where he showed the number of data dependencies in models, that have not been isolated. Specifically, when we look at paleoproxy data we see that temperature and carbon fluctuate in tandam at fairly regular intervals over the last 400K years. However, as of 2013 we do not know to what extent carbon forces temperature and temperature forces carbon, or excatly why they fluctuate if indeed one expects a reenforcing feedback loop is present.

    Has this issue been addressed and resolved?

    (Nordhaus' pertinent comments at 7:22)

  31. 2015 SkS Weekly Digest #36

    This is where our expectations of science went terribly wrong.

    Tol takes issue..saying its only 91% consensus not 97% as John Cook claimed. But its unusual to adopt a denial stance when you already know you believe its at least 91% probable that John is right all along?

    The scientific truth begins when at least a 95% probabilty is reached. 91 is only 4 away from 97 or 4% of it. Both figures are so high as to mean the very same thing our planet is troubled and we are the only ones who can do anything about it.

    We need wake up now, stop wasting time on semantics, modify/fastrack our methods considering all, first looking for medium strong trends and only then distilling out the scientific. 

  32. What Emma Thompson got right and wrong on climate change

    Then again, everyone admits that the predictions back in 2000 were much too conservative, things are changing much faster than anyone would have believed 15 years ago. We are entering uncharted waters, and it becomes more difficult to predict these changes. There is clear and present danger, whether things get to a certain point in ten years or twenty is of course important, but some things are truly unpredictable and all predictions at this point should still be regarded as likely understated.

    Today, tomorrow, and the day after will be 15-20 degrees above normal here in New England, and the forcast is for more heat next week. This is getting very suspicious already...

  33. One Planet Only Forever at 02:08 AM on 8 September 2015
    Denial101x MOOC - Full list of videos and references at your fingertips

    Digby Scorgie,

    From my perspective it is more imporant to ask them to explain things. And what I would ask them to explain are:

    • The history of CO2 levels in the atmosphere and the rapid recent increase. Why the rapid recent increase? Use the resources in the course to ensure that the facts of CO2 levels through the past 800,000 years are clearly understood.
    • What do they believe the effects of CO2 in the atmosphere are? What is the science of CO2 related to incoming solar ratiation and outgoing infrared radiation from the surface. Ask them to provide a rational explanation with references to peer-reviewed publications. Correct any clear misuderstanding with information from this course.
    • Based on their, potentially new, understanding about CO2 in the atmosphere ask them if they have changed their mind. If they have, then share the course link and encourage them to delve into the fuller understanding of what is going on.

    If they won't understand the CO2 issue you have found someone who has decided to resist being convinced. Ask them what is motivating their deliberate reluctance to understanding what is going on. They probably will not answer but I am sure they will understand that some unacceptable personal interest is motivating them. That acknowledgment is the first step toward the required change of made-up minds that have been easily impressed by made-up claims.

  34. Climate change and Hurricane Katrina: what have we learned

    Tom Curtis, your response to Ignaz was terrific!  I know that the moderators might delete my post if I say that  Ignaz is  intellectually dishonest, so I won't.

  35. A Rough Guide to the Jet Stream: what it is, how it works and how it is responding to enhanced Arctic warming

    Just registered only to thank you for such a damn good article!

  36. Climate change and Hurricane Katrina: what have we learned

    First, Ignaz @5 has plagiarized from wikipedia, which states:

    "On April 5, 2006, months after independent investigators had demonstrated that the levee failures were not due to natural forces beyond intended design strength, Lt. Gen. Carl Strock testified before the U.S. Senate Subcommittee on Energy and Water that, "We have now concluded we had problems with the design of the structure." He also testified that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers did not know of this mechanism of failure prior to August 29, 2005. The claim of ignorance is refuted, however, by the National Science Foundation investigators hired by the Army Corps of Engineers, who point to a 1986 study by the corps itself that such separations were possible in the I-wall design."

    You will notice that his wording is exactly copied by Ignaz without attribution, following his clause, "Although the Army Corp of Engineers initially asserted that the levees would have failed even if the design flaws had not been present ...".

    Second,  despite Ignaz's willingness to quote (without attribution) from wikipedia, he neglects to quote wikipedia when it says:

    "According to Professor Raymond Seed of the University of California, Berkeley, a surge of water estimated at 24 feet (7 m), about 10 feet (3 m) higher than the height of the levees along the city's eastern flank, swept into New Orleans from the Gulf of Mexico, causing most of the flooding in the city. He said that storm surge from Lake Borgne travelling up the Intracoastal Waterway caused the breaches on the Industrial Canal."

    To illustrate this point, consider the following map of part of the flooded areas in New Orleans following Katrina:

    The map comes via a USGS article, that states:

    "The storm surges produced by Hurricane Katrina on August 29, 2005, breached the levees protecting New Orleans in numerous places, flooding approximately 75 percent of the metropolitan area. Most of the levee failures were caused by overtopping, as the storm surge rose over the top of a levee and scoured out the base of the landward embankment or floodwall. Three major and costly breaches appear to have been caused by failure of the soils underlying the levees or failure of the earthen levee embankments themselves; in several places, levee foundations failed when water levels were below the tops of the levees."

    (My emphasis)

    The blue stars on the map indicate locations where the levies were overtopped, and the redstars locations of structural failure in the levies.  As can be seen, most of the flooding in this restricted area came from levies being overtopped, and even in the locations where structural failure was a significant factor (New Orleans East Bank and New Orleans East), there was also flooding due to overtopping of levies.  In the areas effected by structural failures, therefore, those failures made flooding worse - but flooding would still have occured without the failures.

    As this larger map of the flooding (below) indicates, the area in the map above represents only a subsection of New Orleans and of the flooding.  The flooding outside of the area of the map above is all due overtopping of levies (as I understand it).

    So, in addition to a bout of plagiarism, Ignaz has taken the summary of reports that show the majority of the flooding and much of the damage to have been due to overtopping of the levies and interpreted them to indicate that effectively all of the damage was due to structural failure.  That is, he has egregiously misrepresented the findings of the various inquiries into the flooding resulting from Katrina.

    It may be noted that his failure to properly note and cite his quotation also served the purpose of (temporarilly) hiding his misrepresentation.

  37. The cause of the greatest mass-extinctions of all? Pollution (Part 1)

    dudo39... The first "question" is completely irrelevant to the main topic of mass extinctions, the second question is merely asking why your irrelevant question was moderated.

    I'm still not seeing a question that requires a response.

  38. Citi report: slowing global warming would save tens of trillions of dollars

    Ignaz @13, I think you are right to point out the financial interest of Citi group in the issue.  However, you have the sign wrong.  Citi group is an insurer.  That does not mean they are likely to make large profits from tackling climate change.  Rather, it means they are exposed to large losses if we do not tackle climate change.  That is due to the increased rate of climate related natural disasters in a warming world:

    Of course, tackling climate change is no no benefit in reducing insurance losses if climate change does not in fact drive increased natural disasters.  That is, they only have a financial interest in telling us about climate change if climate change is in fact real, and harmful.

  39. Climate change and Hurricane Katrina: what have we learned


    This article describes the strength of hurricanes and sea level rise and how heey affect damage.  The levees in New Orleans are not germaine to the discussion.  Your comment is off topic.

    Please provide a citation for your claim that the 1881 hurricane was stronger than Haiyan.  In any case, Haiyan was the strongest hurricane recorded at landfall in the history of carefully recorded data.  You are trying to minimize record strength at landfall.  That is small consolation for the people who have to weather stronger and stronger hurricanes at landfall.  The fact that in the past occasional hurricanes were as strong as current ones does not compensate for the increase, caused by AGW,  in the strongest hurricanes.

  40. Citi report: slowing global warming would save tens of trillions of dollars
    Ignaz: I'm interested in the evidence for your statement '[Citi group] stands to make hundreds of billions if not trillions of dollars depending on government policy on this issue'. From the context I presume that you are saying that Citi will *make* money if the decarbonization pathway they are suggesting is adopted. Further, you seem to be suggesting that this is a bad thing, so that presumably the money will be made at the expense of the economy in general, or possibly at the expense of the government, rather than as part of a corresponding benefit to the rest of the economy.I presume part of this is based on a detailed study into Citi's investment portfolio and risk exposure. Could you fill in some of the details for us please?The other part - how Citi benefits at the expense of the economy in general is more obscure. Can you explain where this comes from?
  41. Climate change and Hurricane Katrina: what have we learned

    Katrina came ashore in Louisiana as a Category 3 hurricane with sustained winds of 125 mph, and a two part storm surge that was not particularly impressive (12-16ft). It has been well documented by civil authorities and the Army Corp of Engineers that the hurricane was not the main cause of the devastation visited on New Orleans. The cause of the devastatoin was poor levee design and construction by local and federal government authorities. Although the Army Corp of Engineers initially asserted that the levees would have failed even if the design flaws had not been present, on April 5, 2006, months after independent investigators had demonstrated that levee failures were not caused by natural forces beyond intended design strength, Lieutenant General Carl Strock, Chief of Engineers and Commander of the Corps of Engineers, testified before the United States Senate Subcommittee on Energy and Water that "We have now concluded we had problems with the design of the structure." He also testified that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers did not know of this mechanism of failure prior to August 29, 2005. The claim of ignorance is refuted, however, by the National Science Foundation investigators hired by the Corps of Engineers, who point to a 1986 study by the Corps itself that such breaches were possible in the I-wall design.

    Amazingly, however, the word 'levee' does not even appear once in this post. It's more than a bit disingenuous for Kerry Emanuel to use Katrina, and government incompetence, as an example of AGW effects. 

    In the case of Typhoon Haiyan, it is also well documented that, a) category 5 typoons are not historically unusual in that part of the world, b) the effects of Haiyan were amplified by the fact that it funnelled straight into Leyte Gulf and San Pablo In addition, it was not the most devesating typoon to hit the Philipines. That distinction belongs to a typoon which hit the islands in 1881, well before, pardon the pun, global warming was a gleam in anyone's eye.

  42. Citi report: slowing global warming would save tens of trillions of dollars

    If a study disconfirming your expectations were funded by the fossil fuel industry, I'm sure a howl of protest would rise from this blog - never mind ad hominems. However, a study confirming your thesis comes from an bank, that stands to make hundreds of billions if not trillions of dollars depending on government policy on this issue, and it's lapped up unquesiontingly? Not to mention no one seems to question the bank's clairvoyance, guessing what expenditures and costs may or may not turn out to be over a hundred year period, when they couldn't predict the meltdown of 2008 when they had all the data in front of them! Am I the only one that sees a problem with this?

  43. Denial101x MOOC - Full list of videos and references at your fingertips

    .. in summary: FOX won't change its message because its message is merely one of obfuscation that can be morally defended on spurious grounds from the very start.

    It's like a kid asking endless questions who never listens to the answers: it's idiotic and you just have to accept there is no conversation possible.

    We are a specious species...

  44. Denial101x MOOC - Full list of videos and references at your fingertips

    @9, the fake conservatives have always sold stuff and this means constantly entertaining two ideas at once. Nuclear Power has always been flogged as the cure for climate change going back to the 60s....

    "... but, but, but wait: there's more!!"


    They just want a captive audience on the hook and only when they get the feedback that the game isn't working will they switch to a new method.


    Entertaining the middle postion is always possible: some call it walking both sides of the street at the same time and some call it compromise- it's all in the language and how much the captive audience lets you get away with. The worlds always been run by psychos: such is the role of enterprise.

  45. Denial101x MOOC - Full list of videos and references at your fingertips

    Just wander over to any denialist web site  and you can soon find plenty to play with. Send a letter to the editor  to your local paper demanding action on climate change and you will have local deniers after you in force.

  46. Denial101x MOOC - Full list of videos and references at your fingertips

    Well, not having a denier on hand to experiment with, I'm going to abandon my idea.

    As an old man with no children to fear for, I find myself in the position of an observer monitoring an interesting experiment:  Will the deniers continue to sabotage climate action until it's too late, or will they be overruled in time?

  47. Breathing contributes to CO2 buildup

    1. isn't most of the swallowed CO2 plus the amount of CO2 produced from digestive processes, absorbed by the intestine, therefore by swallowing power plant co2 through cola arnt we sinking CO2 into fat, is all CO2 in human food obtained from organic sources through photosynthesis, if not how much mineral carbon is in our food?


    2. If over all human population growth and the resulting increment in food intake translates into a net depletion of the top of the food chain (excluding whales who eat plancton directly) live biosphere in the oceans, wouldnt that translate into an overall increase in CO2 in the atmosphere resulting from incremental of human respiration? pound per pound does human respiration more eficient than fish respiration in terms of oxygen intake vs CO2 outflow?

    3. Humans are getting very close to applying C as a material to very "usefull" purposes, and more that any other technology out there CO2 recapture tech. will be most responsible for it given that it isnt just regular C laying about that is most useful, but rather the one that is excited to very high temperatures. Hopefully we wont depleate the atmosphere of CO2 then. 


  48. Denial101x MOOC - Full list of videos and references at your fingertips

    I've tried this Digby and wish you the best of luck. Basing your opinions on data rather than tribal values is not something that humans do naturally and on the whole, I think scientists only do it marginally better than general population. A well-trained, real skeptic confronts questions with "what data would cause me to change my mind?", and checks whether it exists. The normal response is a frantic search for data to back our existing position.

    However, the scientific approach does have value in talking to skeptics if they are not too vested in denial. The commonest response that I have seen is to demand data validating predictions that science doesnt make (eg Tristran point A or that temperatures rise uniformly with CO2). In challenging this, someone engaged is forced to look at what the science actually does say - a massive step forward from Fox news or denialist blogs.

    However, if someone is vested in denial, then they will typically just retreat to safe denialist blogs and disengage from you. Favourite outs are that climate is just too complex too understand so nothing can be known; science cant be trusted as scientists are just chasing money (a wonderful piece of projection), and at worst, that there is global conspiracy for something and any inconvenient data is manufactured by evil scientists bent on world domination. Remember the cardinals that refused to look through Galileo's telescope.

  49. Denial101x MOOC - Full list of videos and references at your fingertips

    Tamino recommended this video which gives a recommendation for a general discussion where you want to change another persons position.  I thought that the points the speaker makes are good and will try to use them in the furute.  He suggests that arguing the facts with a denier (which is mostly what I have done in the past) is ineffective and does not get people to change their views (even when your facts are correct).  He has suggestions for a better way to address the conversation.

  50. Denial101x MOOC - Full list of videos and references at your fingertips

    Digby, in my experience no evidence has ever convinced a denialist to change his position.  What happens is that at some point deniers will not dispute whether global warming is taking place. They will simply say that climate has always changed in the past and therefore whether humans are responsible for the change right now is irrelevant. 

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