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All IPCC definitions taken from Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Working Group I Contribution to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Annex I, Glossary, pp. 941-954. Cambridge University Press.

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Comments 45601 to 45650:

  1. The evidence for climate change WITHOUT computer models or the IPCC

    Warren #9

    No one should really take seriously statements likes no statistical warming for nearly 20 years despite increase of CO2 (or 17 years, or 15 years). That has been oft-refuted here and on other blogs.

  2. Warren Hindmarsh at 16:07 PM on 13 May 2013
    The evidence for climate change WITHOUT computer models or the IPCC

    We all know CO2 is a green house gas, we all know atmospheric CO2 increases alone won't force significant warming by it self, we all know forcing by H2O in the atmosphere will multiply the CO2 effect.  What isn't certain yet is the value of the forcing by H2O. because the actual measured results - (-snip-)?  Maybe we need to go back to the basics with a fresh look at this, (-snip-).

    Moderator Response:

    [DB] Sloganeering and inflammatory tone snipped.

  3. Another Piece of the Global Warming Puzzle - More Efficient Ocean Heat Uptake

    I am still unconvinced of the overall thermodynamics behind the notion of "ocean heat uptake efficiency". I have no doubt mind you, that the bulk of the TOAenergy imbalance from increases in GH gases can be be found in the ocean at various depths, but what I seriously question is the direction of energy flow in accounting for the accumulation of about 0.5 x 10^22 joules per year of energy down to 2000 meters, and more when looking at even greater depths. 

    Given that the vast majority of energy in the oceans comes from solar SW, and that the net flow of energy planet wide is from ocean to the atmosphere, and that at any given time somewhere around 1/3 of the energy in the atmosphere came via the oceans, it seems far more accurate thermodynamically to speak about a slowdown in the transfer of energy from ocean to atmosphere. This is precisely what we see on a net basis during periods of La Niña activity or the cool phase of the PDO. Moreover, increased GH gases in the atmosphere would be expected to have the precise effect of slowing the rate of energy flow from ocean to atmosphere to space via several mechanisms. Finally, given the measured a increase in advection of energy to the Arctic via ocean currents, the increase in energy of the oceans should be expected to have the exact effect we are seeing with a rapidly declining Arctic Sea ice volume, with a great deal of this happening from ice being melted from underneath. 

  4. John Brookes at 15:30 PM on 13 May 2013
    Another Piece of the Global Warming Puzzle - More Efficient Ocean Heat Uptake

    Which makes you wonder if something similar was happening in the hiatus in temperatures in the middle of last century.  But I imagine we didn't have accurate ocean heat content measurements then.

    If our current models accurately modelled the absence of surface warming from 1940 to 1980, and did not include heat transport to the deep ocean, then maybe other assumptions of these models are questionable.  For example, the amount of aerosols in the atmosphere may have been overstated to explain the cooling, when it was actually heat moving to the deep oceans.

    This certainly is a good chance to improve the models!

  5. 2013 SkS Weekly Digest #19


    It's not the result of a wave carrying the ice that far up the beach. It's an "ice push". Get a long lake, a strong wind, and a lot of loose, moving ice, and there is a lot of momentum behind it. Ice gets pushed up on shore, and pushed further by more ice getting pushed ashore, and so on. It's like trying to stop an oil tanker.

    Although such ice pushes are uncommon, I have been on many lakes in the Northwest Territories where the rocky beaches (typically made of rocks 10-20cm in diameter) have many ridges in the beach itself caused by such ice pushes. The ridges are easily several metres above normal water level, and there will be several of them at different heights, from different ice push events of varying strength.

  6. Daniel Bailey at 14:15 PM on 13 May 2013
    2013 SkS Weekly Digest #19

    Chris, this type of thing happens occasionally on large lakes in northern climes.  I can recall several instances over the past few decades on Lake Erie, Lake St. Claire and Lake Huron here in North America.  A wind-driven occurence.  Extreme, yes.  Rare, also.

    The term "tsunami" is inapplicable, however.

  7. 2013 SkS Weekly Digest #19

    What's the the SkS team take on this news:

    Tsunami of ice plows into dozens of Canadian homes; no one injured in freak disaster

    I don't know much about iceshet dynamics or how the insignifficant wind without any earthquake can cause such tsunami waves on the inland lake.

    Further, is it just a "freak event" or can warming in the arctic together with jetstream pattern change, result in more frequent such events in sub-arctic lakes ?

  8. The evidence for climate change WITHOUT computer models or the IPCC

    Potholer has released a sources video for this one - it's currently his most recent. I'm sure he'd be happy to have any errors pointed out.

  9. Rob Painting at 11:04 AM on 13 May 2013
    The evidence for climate change WITHOUT computer models or the IPCC

    If that's the case Tom, it would place the timing hundreds of millions of years before the evolution of Scleractinian (reef-building) coral.

  10. The evidence for climate change WITHOUT computer models or the IPCC

    Oriolus Traillii @3, I think Potholer may have made a mistake in this case.  He cites a solar luminosity of about 0.94 of the current value at the time of the purported near polar coral reefs.  That places the event at around 700 million years before the present, or over 100 million years before the evolution of the first corals in the Cambrian.  In the precambrian, the most probable reefs to be formed would have been stromatolite reefs, although there were other forms of precambrian reefs.

    You should really contact Potholer for the source of that claim, and the basis for claiming the reef as evidence of warm water.  I am sure he will be able to provide you with a suitable scientific referrence that will get the facts straight (and possibly prove me wrong).

  11. Dueling Scientists in The Oregonian, Settled by Nuccitelli et al. (2012)

    Talking of Fulks, just sat through this:

    Painful viewing; my knowledge of climate change is mostly limited to Potholer's videos and browsing New Scientist, but even with that I was thinking "that doesnt seem right".  You can see how convincing it would seem with no prior knowledge though.

    Can anyone bring themselves to review this talk?

    PS Sorry if this is off topic, new to this site and didn't know whre else to put it - this thread is all that came up when I searched for Fulks.

  12. Muller Misinformation #3: Al Gore and polar bears

    Am I incorrect, or is your quote from the film inaccurate?  You say in the film Gore says:

    "That’s not good for creatures like polar bears, who depend on the ice. They’re now, actually, looking for other ecological niches. It is sad what’s going on in the Arctic ecosystem."

    In actuality, at approx 45:30, he states:

    "That’s not good for creatures like polar bears who depend on the ice.  A new scientific study shows that for the first time they’re finding polar bears that have actually drowned, swimming long distances up to 60 miles to find the ice. They didn't find that before. What does it mean to us to look at vast expanse of open water at the top of our world that used to be covered by ice? We ought to care a lot because it has planetary effects."

    While the overall truth of your point about Gore and Cicerone may hold, this inaccurate quotation should be corrected.   Where did you find that particular line?


  13. Rob Painting at 07:12 AM on 13 May 2013
    The evidence for climate change WITHOUT computer models or the IPCC

    Also note that the equatorial oceans would have been extremely warm during the "Greenhouse Periods" on ancient Earth. Too hot for reef-building coral similar to modern-day to have survived. 

  14. Rob Painting at 05:49 AM on 13 May 2013
    The evidence for climate change WITHOUT computer models or the IPCC

    The oceans only become corrosive when CO2 is added to the atmosphere in a geologically-rapid manner such as today.  This is because the chemical weathering of rock is able to supply alkalinity back to the oceans over tens to hundreds of thousands of years.

    There is an upcoming rebuttal on this - it's one oversight that needs to be fixed.

  15. Oriolus Traillii at 03:04 AM on 13 May 2013
    The evidence for climate change WITHOUT computer models or the IPCC

    Dear Dana,

    Great summary! One thing got me frowning, though. Do you know why there were coral reefs at the poles (at 8:05) although CO2 was 25 times higher than it is today? Did the ocean have a higher pH or were they a different type of coral or what was different when compared to todays coral reefs dissolving in highly diluted carbonic acid?


  16. The evidence for climate change WITHOUT computer models or the IPCC

    On observation of this video, at 3:45 - 3:53 we are told that "a doubling of Co2 from pre-industrial levels will lead to a rise in average global temperatures of about 1 degree Centrigrade". And that at 5:30 - 5:39 - "for a doubling of CO2 concentrations we should see a rise in global temperatures of between 2 and 4.5 degrees"  This might cause some confusion.

  17. What you need to know about climate sensitivity

    Rob. I'm pretty sure I was initiating a comment thread...

  18. Dueling Scientists in The Oregonian, Settled by Nuccitelli et al. (2012)

    Dana commented on the D&K response here. Basically, the claims D&K made (e.g. massive unexplained 'step change' shifts in global energy levels) are so ridiculous that they refute themselves.

  19. Rob Painting at 19:42 PM on 12 May 2013
    What you need to know about climate sensitivity

    Nick - perhaps you are responding to a particular comment that has been deleted? Any replies on that chain are likely to be deleted too. 

  20. Rob Painting at 19:23 PM on 12 May 2013
    Dueling Scientists in The Oregonian, Settled by Nuccitelli et al. (2012)

    What is there to respond to? What do you think they have refuted?

  21. The anthropogenic global warming rate: Is it steady for the last 100 years? Part 2.

    In reply to post 3 by Kevin C. El Chichon erupted in 1983, and Pinatubo in 1991, during the most recent period of accelerated warming 1980-2005.  This is also the warm phase of the AMO. Volcanic aerosol cools.  Tambora, arguably the largest volcano eruption in 300 years, was followed by a warm phase in N. Atlantic. "The year without summer" was only temporary until the ashes were washed out.

  22. Doug Hutcheson at 17:57 PM on 12 May 2013
    What you need to know about climate sensitivity

    dana1981 @ 9:

    Earth System Sensitivity (in the ballpark of 6–8°C for doubled CO2)

    Yikes! That's the first I've heard of ESS and its 6–8°C. I have been stuck in my own little world, thinking the 3°C bandied about would be the end of the matter (barring methane amplification, which I didn't think was quantified as yet). Big wake-up call to whoever is asleep at the wheel. Thanks for cheering me up. Not.

  23. The anthropogenic global warming rate: Is it steady for the last 100 years? Part 2.

    In reply to post 11 by Tom Curtis: Most variance of climate data is usually in the high frequencies, and the AMO is in the low frequency.  If we judge the significance of a signal by its variance, then one would have arrived at the conclusion that the 100 year long term trend of global warming, which is only 0.8 degrees C, much less than the seasonal, annual, and ENSO variations, must not be significant. Then we would all be wasting our time debating its cause.

    The statistical significance of the AMO in the CET data was shown to be at the 95% confidence level, as compared to a red noise model at those frequencies.

  24. Doug Hutcheson at 17:34 PM on 12 May 2013
    Climate change will raise the sea level in the Gulf of Finland

    <pedantry>'Missippi'should be 'Mississippi'.</pedantry>

    Sigh: old age has many pitfalls ... "8-/

  25. Dueling Scientists in The Oregonian, Settled by Nuccitelli et al. (2012)

    I repeat my question of 14th April. Nuccitelli et al 2012 (Physics Letters A 376 (2012) 3466-3468) is often cited on Sceptical Science, but this paper has been "refuted" by Douglass and Knox in Physics Letters A 376 (2012) 3673–3675. Has there been a response to Douglass and Knox? If not, are there any plans to respond? Without a response, it is inappropriate to keep citing Nuccitelli 2012.

  26. The evidence for climate change WITHOUT computer models or the IPCC

    More great work from Potholer.

    No 'skeptic' appears to be doing well in taking up his challenge in the comments below the video. Perhaps one of the locals will do better? Unlikely...

  27. The anthropogenic global warming rate: Is it steady for the last 100 years? Part 2.

    KK Tung @9, I do not think you can say so blithely that the AMO has been "observed".  What has been observed is temperature variation in the North Atlantic, and it has been conjectured that that variation is the continuation of a persistent oscillation.

    You purport that a persistent AMO has been observed by showing us "Fig 4:, ie, the seventh (and second last) figure in the article above.  That compares the fifth Reconstructed Principle Component from MBH98 to the AMO index, and various 50-80 year band signals of various instrumental records.  However, the fifth RPC of MBH98 explains only  (approx) 3% of the variance of what is, afterall, a NH temperature reconstruction.  That low percentate of variance explained almost certainly indicates that the RPC is not significant; and if you are seriously taking it as the AMO signal then you are commiting yourself to the idea that the AMO explains less than 5% of the variance in NH temperatures, an idea I am sure you would reject.

    What we have observed in MBH98 RPC 5, then is not the AMO but just some random noise.

    What is worse, the actual temperature signal of the CET, which presumably follows that of the North Atlantic very closely, is misrepresented by the "50-80 year band signal" of the CET that you show.  This is easily seen in the figure below, which overlays your "figure 4" with the CET temperature series.  The blue bars are annual values, while the thin red line is a 21 point binomial smooth of the annual data.  It is evident that the "50-80 year band signal" must represent only a small component of the total CET signal; and hence that your "observed" AMO signal is just a small component of North Atlantic temperature variation prior to 1880.  If that is the case, either the AMO is not a persistent feature of the NA, or it is a very minor factor in global and NH temperature variation.  In either case you have a major problem explaining why it suddenly should appear so dominant in the twentieth century.


  28. What you need to know about climate sensitivity

    Dana. The comments policy on your Guardian articles is so draconian - or one of the moderators is so over the top - that it seems impossible to have a robust intelligent discussion at all. You may recognise my user name and, if so you may recall that I am not one for wild offensive tirades against climate "sceptics" yet my comments are being consistently deleted, as are those of many others. What gives?

  29. The anthropogenic global warming rate: Is it steady for the last 100 years? Part 2.

    Reply to post 4 by K.a.r.S.t.e.N.: Thank you for pointing out the proper credit of the Figure 5, which I attributed to you.

    Currently the debate in peer reviewed literature is about whether the AMO is forced by anthropogenic (tropospheric) aerosol or by the AMOC as a natural oscillation.  What you are referring to is a third possibility, that the AMO is forced by the stratospheric aerosol from volcano eruptions.  It is possible, though I think it is unlikely ( Please see my comment in post8). But I can be persuaded.

  30. The anthropogenic global warming rate: Is it steady for the last 100 years? Part 2.

    Reply to post 6 by KR: By "the upward trend of the AMO" I assume you are referring to the North Atlantic mean SST, because AMO is supposed to be detrended. I agree that anthropogenic forcing can force an upward trend in the N. Atlantic mean SST. In fact I am quite certain of it.  In addition I think it is entirely possible that anthropogenic forcing can also force an oscillatory N. Atlantic mean SST. It is just that no credible model has been able to simulate it without contradicting some other aspect of the observation. Furthermore it is difficult to have this theory explain more than two cycles of the observed AMO.

  31. grindupBaker at 06:08 AM on 12 May 2013
    What you need to know about climate sensitivity

    eschwarzbach @ 6 Another way to view situation when "CS target remain stable". If, say, +2.8 degrees required to balance TOA in/out, I see no logical reason why 80% lowest ocean, now at ~6 degrees  avge, will not need to be ~9 degrees avge before all is stable in centuries/millenia.

  32. grindupBaker at 05:43 AM on 12 May 2013
    What you need to know about climate sensitivity

    Should add @10 "thin veneer" for surface temp includes top ocean veneer. Need to study to decide a reasonable few metres depth in which thermal conductivity & local mixing significant. It's most significant because each ~6.5m ocean depth = all land+air heat. Land is significant for radiation balance only, not heat content, because it's mostly quite dark albedo.

  33. grindupBaker at 04:47 AM on 12 May 2013
    What you need to know about climate sensitivity

    eschwarzbach @ 6 "Global Warming" is an increase in the ocean heat content. I suggest a lay person will have endless difficulty contemplating land-air & ocean surface temperature unless they start by understanding it's just heat moving through into ocean, has 97.5%, freshwater=2.3%, land+air=0.2% of ecosystem heat content. Land solid has no currents so thin veneer only involved (I read ~6.5m deep somewhere), ocean liquid so heat mixes ~6km deep (ex. trenches) ~4km avge, but over centuries-to-millenia. Equator to poles top veneer takes heat, warms poles, saltier, drops, returns at depth. Tiny bits of ocean heat like ENSO sucking in & burping out seem really big to us on/in the negligible 0.2% land+air bit. Surface temperature is (1) a proxy (2) a symptom (3) what determines heat in/out balance at TOA. Example: if ocean mixing slowed to stop for few years (just fantasy for example) land+air reaches TOA balance quickly at "final" temp & AGW pauses. Ocean mixing resumes in (unrealistic) example, surface temp drops & AGW resumes. Humans now see "global cooling" when it's the exact opposite - AGW now resumed. Exaggerated example shows why must understand ocean mass, depth, heat capacity (572 yrs for +1C @ +0.9 wm**-2 is what I computed), currents before can hope to understand surface temperature changes.

  34. The anthropogenic global warming rate: Is it steady for the last 100 years? Part 2.

    Reply to post 3 by Kevin C:The relationship between large volcano eruptions and each of the cooling periods for the past 400 years was examined in our PNAS paper.  They don't quite line up.  Also one needs a series of very large volcano eruptions to have a cooling period that lasts 30 years.  Volcanic aerosols do not stay in the stratosphere for more than a year in substantial amount, and ocean inertia may prolong the cooling effect by up to seven years but with diminishing cooling. The time profile is very different than the observed cooling.  One can also see in historical data large volcanoes eruptions that did not lead to a cooling period.

  35. The anthropogenic global warming rate: Is it steady for the last 100 years? Part 2.

    Reply to post 1 by Bob Tisdale: Thanks!

    Reply to post 2 by IanC: Sorry for the late reply; I didn't know my post was finally published online after a long wait, and so I am late catching up with all the good comments.   

    I mentioned in part 2 the result of using different AMO index, in particular the index by Trenberth and Shea.  It is towards the end of that long post. 

  36. What you need to know about climate sensitivity

    eschwarzbach @6 - equilibrium climate sensitivity refers to the warming in response to any CO2 doubling on century timescales.  In reality the exact amount of warming will differ at different temperatures, because some different feedbacks will probably apply, but it's a pretty good approximation.

    Most equilibrium warming occurs within several decades.  About two-thirds happens almost immediately (the transient response).  Within a century after reaching a stable equilibrium state, just about all equilibrium warming should have occurred.  However, there is also Earth System Sensitivity (in the ballpark of 6–8°C for doubled CO2), which acts on millennial timescales.  This is due to very slow feedbacks, mainly large bodies of ice that take a very long time to melt.

    If you scroll over the words climate sensitivity, our glossary will pop up and give you the IPCC definition of the term.

  37. What you need to know about climate sensitivity

    Sam martin @3 - sensitivity isn't assumed, it's an output of climate models based on their simulations of the Earth's climate.  And of course estimates from past climate changes (paleoclimate) are based on observations, not models.  I'm not sure about the exact cloud feedback uncertainty, but it's pretty large.

  38. meher engineer at 01:02 AM on 12 May 2013
    What you need to know about climate sensitivity

    Re. eschwarzbach @ 6, as Andy Lacis said, "In the Hansen et al. (1988, JGR, 93, 9341–9364) paper we derived the logarithmic type formula

    F(X) = log [ 1 + 1.2 X + 0.005 X2 + 0.0000014 X3 ]

    where X is the atmospheric CO2 concentration in ppm. This formula gives the radiative forcing in terms of equivalent temperature change rather than in W/m2. Thus, for 350 ppm, F(350) = 7.0 °C (or 7.0/33.0 = 21.2% of the total (emphasis added_ terrestrial greenhouse effect), while for doubled CO2 (emphasis added) the formula yields ΔTo = F(700) – F(350) = 1.23 °C". That quote appears as a comment in It should take care of your first question. Re the others, Climate sensitivity usually refers to the equilibrium state. It takes a long time to reach that state because of the Ocean's huge thermal inertia. How long? Close to a thousand years, if slow feedbacks are taken on board. Finally, the CS does not depend onthe rate at which you add CO2 to the air. The article by Colose is a good place to understand the subject.     

  39. eschwarzbach at 23:24 PM on 11 May 2013
    What you need to know about climate sensitivity

    Please, help me understand some points on Climate Sensitivity. Does it refer to doubling of CO2 concentration from preindustrial times, the doubling from the present 400 ppm or for any doubling of CO2 concentration? After how much time after the doubling will the temperature reach the value idicated by CS? Does CS depend on how fast the CO2 concentration raises? And will the temperature after reaching the CS target remain stable or rise further?  Where can I find the exact definition of CS?


  40. Nuccitelli et al. (2012) Show that Global Warming Continues

    Thanks Rob.

  41. What you need to know about climate sensitivity

    Peter Gleick has an excellent post here about the Pliocene climate with a lot of links.

  42. Who is Paying for Global Warming?

    While I agree with the comments above. There has not been a mention of the GE Toshiba nuclear battery that is designed to be a small 4th generation replacement for the coal burning part of a coal fired power station. The remainder of the power station remains just the heat source changes.

    Most of the opposition to nuclear is to teh old Cold War vintage 2nd generation with all it's melt down, waste plutonium production, very large size, very large water use, very high cost.

    The 4th generation GE Toshiba design is waiting on regulatory approval and can be roled out in a modular form to a very large number of sites. The design is unstaffed after instalation and has passive control mechanisms.

    It could change the coal trajectory and the CO2 levels would not have to risk civilisation.

    Sustainables may be more workable than only rewnewables.

  43. Rob Painting at 16:33 PM on 11 May 2013
    Nuccitelli et al. (2012) Show that Global Warming Continues

    Rugbyguy59 - No. There's basically nothing to respond to. Their 'step-change' claim is nonsensical though, and is easily appreciated by looking at the sea level trend over the period of 2004-2008, a period which Douglass & Knox claim the Earth's radiative balance was negative . The ocean is by far the Earth's largest reservoir of heat (around 93% of global warming goes into it), and a negative radiative balance would imply the thermal expansion component of sea level rise was also negative during that period. Sea level rise should have seen a dramatic plunge, but no such thing happened.

    Then there's the problem of the Earth undergoing instantaneous net loss and gain of heat. How would it be possible to instantaneously mix heat into the ocean, and then lose it again? How could that heat escape the ocean without warming the ocean surface, and cooking the atmosphere, on its way out to space?

    Drawing lines on a graph, as they did, does not deflect attention away from the physical impossibilty of it all. 

  44. Nuccitelli et al. (2012) Show that Global Warming Continues

    Dana, did you, or anyone else on the team, respond to the Douglas and Knox reply published online in Nov 2012? It seems to me they are just saying they prefer their noisy data. Is there any substnce to their claims?

  45. Bert from Eltham at 10:50 AM on 11 May 2013
    What you need to know about climate sensitivity

    Many years ago I had a lecturer in Mechanical Engineering who described the first building that had a comprehensive centrally controlled air conditioning system that he had designed. Complaints from the new occupants were thick and fast. Rooms were 'too hot' or 'too cold'. His solution was to put a 'thermostat' that people could adjust in every room. These 'thermostats' were not connected to the system! All complaints stopped!

    Control is either illusory or real. Sometimes the illusion is more real.

    How long will people ignore the realities? I am afraid that when only New York is flooded it may happen.


  46. Who is Paying for Global Warming?

    Mikeh 1

    Thank you for referencing Galilee Basin coal development which notes capital investment in the Galilee Basin by Hancock Coal and two major Indian interests – Adani and GVK Enterprises - for development of what will be the largest coal mine in the world. Its product is destined for India and tends to weaken the argument put forward by Justin Guay.


    Rinehart and Adani are far too shrewd to be putting their money into coal on spec or without assurances of demand and a market.

    I agree with Guay that it is absurd for India to build all of the proposed coal fired power plants. However until technology development enables similar-scale generation of electricity from renewable sources at a cost below that of coal, it seems likely that the present building program will be implemented, though hopefully never completed.

  47. Who is Paying for Global Warming?

    Sceptical Wombat … You correctly note that China increased its wind power by more than it increased its coal fired electricity production. Commendable - but coal fired production nevertheless expanded.

    I agree with you when you say that “it is misleading to simply quote the number of new power plants”. That is why I also included Table 4 which shows domestic production and consumption of coal and the figures for China speak for themselves.

    The decision of the Chinese government to close dirtier power stations is to be applauded since this should reduce coal use and CO2 emissions. To-date the opposite has occurred. In 2010 China was a net coal exporter but by 2012 had become a net importer of >200,000,000 tonnes. In 2013 consumption of coal is reported as exceeding 4 billion tonnes for the first time. This shows that coal consumption, at present, continues to grow.

  48. Sam martin8679 at 08:28 AM on 11 May 2013
    What you need to know about climate sensitivity

    Thanks very much for a good article. If warming due to CO2 doubling is 1.2 degrees and most models have lower sensitivity values of 1.5 degrees with means of around 3 C presumably the models all assume some overall positive feedback. How much uncertainty is there about cloud feedback? 

  49. The anthropogenic global warming rate: Is it steady for the last 100 years? Part 2.

    Dr. Tung - "The Granger test with annual data will fail to show the lag of the atmosphere, thus showing the global temperature to be causal."

    If you examine the correlation of monthly data, as Tamino did here, the AMO has a 2-3 month lag behind global temperatures. It may be that annual data is a bit coarse for this analysis. 

    I continue to feel that the upward trend of the AMO is an effect, not a cause, of global warming, that the linear AMO detrending retains part of the GW signal and inappropriately removes it in the regression analysis, decreasing the apparent anthropogenic GW signal. The linear detrended AMO is not (as per Trenberth and Shea 2006) an independent variable. 


    In addition, I would again point to Anderson et al 2012, who find from a strictly energy conservation point of view (ocean heat content versus surface temperatures) that:

    "...results indicate that less than 10% of the long-term historical increase in global-mean near-surface temperatures over the last half of the twentieth century could have been the result of internal climate variability"

    [Emphasis added]

    Arguments over regression order and detrending aside, there is sufficient evidence to show that the AMO is not capable of causing large portions of recent warming through internal variations (it would have greatly changed the observed OHC values), indicating that results pointing to large AMO contributions suffer from issues. 

  50. The anthropogenic global warming rate: Is it steady for the last 100 years?

    Dr. KK Tung - You stated that "atmospheric CO2 has been measured to increase almost exponentially".

    This is incorrect, CO2 is increasing more than exponentially over the last century, and the CO2 portion of forcings is therefore increasing faster than linearly. 

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