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All IPCC definitions taken from Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Working Group I Contribution to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Annex I, Glossary, pp. 941-954. Cambridge University Press.

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Skeptical Science New Research for Week #19, 2020

Posted on 13 May 2020 by Doug Bostrom

65 Articles

Physical science of global warming & effects

Observed Climatological Relationships of Extreme Daily Precipitation Events with Precipitable Water and Vertical Velocity in the Contiguous United States

Carbon Thaw Rate Doubles when Accounting for Subsidence in a Permafrost Warming Experiment

Observations & observational methods of global warming & effects

The catastrophic thermokarst lake drainage events of 2018 in northwestern Alaska: Fast-forward into the future (open access)

Increased drought severity tracks warming in the United States’ largest river basin (open access)

An enhancement to sea ice motion and age products at the National Snow and Ice Data Center (open access)

Fingerprints of anthropogenic influences on vegetation change over the Tibetan Plateau from an eco?hydrological diagnosis

Mechanism study of the 2010–2016 rapid rise of the Caribbean Sea Level

Reconstruction of snow days based on monthly climate indicators in the Swiss pre-alpine region

Trend analysis of growing season characteristics and agro-climatic risks in the “Trois Rivières” forest reserve agro-ecosystems in North Benin

A new evaluation of the influence of climate change on Zagros oak forest dieback in Iran

Anchoring of atmospheric teleconnection patterns by Arctic sea ice loss and its link to winter cold anomalies in East Asia

Evaluating the impact of climate change in threshold values of thermodynamic indices during pre-monsoon thunderstorm season over Eastern India

Rainfall events and climate change in Mediterranean environments: an alarming shift from resource to risk in Eastern Spain

Modeling & simulation of global warming & global warming effects

Storyline description of Southern Hemisphere midlatitude circulation and precipitation response to greenhouse gas forcing (open access)

Forced Patterns of Sea Level Rise in the Community Earth System Model Large Ensemble from 1920 to 2100

Contribution of wave setup to projected coastal sea level changes

Climate model projections of 21st century global warming constrained using the observed warming trend

Robust future changes in meteorological drought in CMIP6 projections despite uncertainty in precipitation

Sea?ice retreat contributes to projected increases in extreme Arctic ocean surface waves

How will southern hemisphere subtropical anticyclones respond to global warming? Mechanisms and seasonality in CMIP5 and CMIP6 model projections (open access)

Future evolution of the hydroclimatic conditions favouring floods in the south?east of Belgium by 2100 using a regional climate model

Assessment of South America summer rainfall climatology and trends in a set of Global Climate Models Large Ensembles

Future changes in precipitation over Central Asia based on CMIP6 projections

Projecting heat waves temporally and spatially for local adaptations in a changing climate: Washington D.C. as a case study

Climate model advancement

Hadley cell expansion in CMIP6 models (open access)

Increasing contribution of peatlands to boreal evapotranspiration in a warming climate

Crossbreeding CMIP6 Earth System Models with an Emulator for Regionally?optimized Land Temperature Projections

Broad consistency between observed and simulated trends in sea surface temperature patterns

MJO Propagation across the Maritime Continent: Are CMIP6 Models Better than CMIP5 Models?

Coupled Ocean?Atmosphere Modeling over the Maritime Continent: A Review

Kilometer-Scale Climate Models: Prospects and Challenges (open access)

The future of sea ice modelling: where do we go from here? (open access)

Regional dynamic sea level simulated in the CMIP5 and CMIP6 models: mean biases, future projections, and their linkages

Application of MJO dynamics-oriented diagnostics to CMIP5 models

Biology & global warming

The proportion of soil-borne pathogens increases with warming at the global scale

Cork oak and climate change: Disentangling drought effects on cork chemical composition (open access)

Global bioclimatic suitability for the fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), and potential co-occurrence with major host crops under climate change scenarios

Can we project changes in fish abundance and distribution in response to climate?

Climate change causes critical transitions and irreversible alterations of mountain forests

Is subarctic forest advance able to keep pace with climate change?

The greening of the Northern Great Plains and its biogeochemical precursors

GHG sources & sinks, flux

Iron-mediated organic matter decomposition in humid soils can counteract protection (open access)

Transformation and ageing of biomass burning carbonaceous aerosol over tropical South America from aircraft in situ measurements during SAMBBA (open access)

Carbon dioxide dynamics in an agricultural headwater stream driven by hydrology and primary production (open access)

Methane Emissions: Remote Mapping and Source Quantification using an Open?path Laser Dispersion Spectrometer

Uncertainty Quantification of Global Net Methane Emissions from Terrestrial Ecosystems Using a Mechanistically?based Biogeochemistry Model

Drainage increases CO2 and N2O emissions from tropical peat soils

Warming-induced unprecedented high-elevation forest growth over the monsoonal Tibetan Plateau

Climate change impacts on long?term forest productivity might be driven by species turnover rather than by changes in tree growth

CO2 mitigation science & engineering

Reaction mechanism and kinetics for CO2 reduction on nickel single atom catalysts from quantum mechanics (open access)

Geoengineering climate

A specialised delivery system for stratospheric sulphate aerosols (part 2): financial cost and equivalent CO 2 emission (open access)

Black carbon

Effects of black carbon mitigation on Arctic climate (open access)

Climate change communications & cognition

Predictors of global warming risk perceptions among Latino and non-Latino White Americans

“It never rains in California”: Constructions of drought as a natural and social phenomenon

Local residents’ perceptions of climate and ecological changes in the eastern Tibetan Plateau

Using proverbs to study local perceptions of climate change: a case study in Sierra Nevada

Humans dealing with our global warming

Managing climate risk through crop diversification in rural Kenya

An estimate of the potential economic impacts of climate change on Egypt’s agriculture: a multi-market model approach (open access)

A method for enhancing capacity of local governance for climate change adaptation (open access)

“You relied on God and your neighbour to get through it”: social capital and climate change adaptation in the rural Canadian Prairies (open access)

Identifying hotspots cities vulnerable to climate change in Pakistan under CMIP5 climate projections

Nitrogen Tax and Set-Aside as Greenhouse Gas Abatement Policies Under Global Change Scenarios: A Case Study for Germany

Economic costs of heat-induced reductions in worker productivity due to global warming

When salient science is not enough to advance climate change adaptation: Lessons from Brazil and Australia

Socioeconomic implications of national flood insurance policy reform and flood insurance rate map revisions

Bibliometric analysis of the scientific production on coastal communities’ social vulnerability to climate change and to the impact of extreme events

Resilience to the interactive effects of climate change and discard stress in the commercially important blue swimmer crab

Adapting wastewater treatment plants to sea level rise: learning from land subsidence in Tohoku, Japan

A GIS-based Framework for High-Level Climate Change Risk Assessment of Critical Infrastructure

Sustainable built environment: transition towards a net zero carbon built environment

Other (aka "defies categorization")

Glacial history of Inglefield Land, north Greenland from combined in-situ 10Be and 14C exposure dating (open access)

How much will soil warm?

Rapid viscoelastic deformation slows marine ice sheet instability at Pine Island Glacier

Informed opinion & nudges

Back to the basic: toward improvement of technoeconomic representation in integrated assessment models

Monsoons Climate Change Assessment (open access)

Pathways to Sustainable Growth under a Changing Climate: Enhancing Interaction between Climate Science and Society (open access)

From elite folk science to the policy legend of the circular economy



Please let us know if you're aware of an article you think may be of interest for Skeptical Science research news, or if we've missed something that may be important. Send your input to Skeptical Science via our contact form.

Journals covered

A list of journals we cover may be found here. We welcome pointers to omissions, new journals etc.

Previous edition

The previous edition of Skeptical Science New Research may be found here.

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