Search ResultsResults 376 to 400 out of 2934:
Authors: Plambeck, El; Hope, C (1996)
Journal: Energy Policy
Category: Impacts
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it
Authors: Covey, C; Sloan, Lc; Hoffert, Mi (1996)
Journal: Climatic Change
Category: Paleoclimate
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it
Authors: Barbosa, Ri; Fearnside, Pm (1996)
Journal: Journal Of Geophysical Research-atmospheres
Category: Mitigation
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it
Authors: Anisimov, Oa; Nelson, Fe (1996)
Journal: Global And Planetary Change
Category: Impacts
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it
Authors: Crowley, Tj (1996)
Journal: Marine Micropaleontology
Category: Paleoclimate
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it
Authors: Weston, Re (1996)
Journal: Atmospheric Environment
Category: Mitigation
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it Potential Effects Of Global Climate Change On Small North-temperate Lakes: Physics, Fish, And Plankton
Authors: Destasio, Bt; Hill, Dk; Kleinhans, Jm; Nibbelink, Np; Magnuson, Jj (1996)
Journal: Limnology And Oceanography
Category: Impacts
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it Potential Environmental Impacts Of Future Halocarbon Emissions
Authors: Holmes, Kj; Ellis, Jh (1996)
Journal: Environmental Science & Technology
Category: Methods
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it
Authors: Mkanda, Fx (1996)
Journal: Climate Research
Category: Impacts
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it Prediction Of Possible Changes In Glacio-hydrological Characteristics Under Global Warming: Southeastern Alaska, Usa
Authors: Davidovich, Nv; Ananicheva, Md (1996)
Journal: Journal Of Glaciology
Category: Impacts
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it
Authors: Rao, Pg; Kelly, Pm; Hulme, M (1996)
Journal: Theoretical And Applied Climatology
Category: Mitigation
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it
Authors: Hsieh, Ww; Bryan, K (1996)
Journal: Climate Dynamics
Category: Impacts
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it
Authors: Johnson, Ce; Derwent, Rg (1996)
Journal: Climatic Change
Category: Methods
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it
Authors: Nobel, Ps (1996)
Journal: Journal Of Arid Environments
Category: Impacts
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it
Authors: Tjia, Hd (1996)
Journal: Quaternary International
Category: Paleoclimate
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it
Authors: Topp, Cfe; Doyle, Cj (1996)
Journal: Agricultural Systems
Category: Impacts
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it
Authors: Harvey, Ldd (1996)
Journal: International Journal Of Hydrogen Energy
Category: Mitigation
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it Some Economic Aspects Of Climate Change
Authors: Zhang, Zx (1996)
Journal: International Journal Of Environment And Pollution
Category: Not Peer-Reviewed
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it
Authors: Bando, A (1996)
Journal: Energy Conversion And Management
Category: Mitigation
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it Strategies For Greenhouse Gas Reduction
Authors: Langan, J; Maroulis, P; Ridgeway, R (1996)
Journal: Solid State Technology
Category: Mitigation
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it
Authors: Cai, Wj (1996)
Journal: Journal Of Geophysical Research-oceans
Category: Impacts
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it The Application Of Agricultural Land Rating And Crop Models To Co2 And Climate Change Issues In Northern Regions: The Mackenzie Basin Case Study
Authors: Brklacich, M; Curran, P; Brunt, D (1996)
Journal: Agricultural And Food Science In Finland
Category: Impacts
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it
Authors: Arnell, Nw; Reynard, Ns (1996)
Journal: Journal Of Hydrology
Category: Impacts
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it
Authors: Schaeffer, R; Desa, Al (1996)
Journal: Energy Conversion And Management
Category: Methods
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it The Emerging Global-warming Market-driver In The Energy Sector: A Status Report
Authors: Leggett, J (1996)
Journal: Renewable Energy
Category: Mitigation
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it Prev 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Next |