Search ResultsResults 26 to 50 out of 2934:
Authors: Shafer, Sr; Schoeneberger, Mm (1991)
Journal: Environmental Pollution
Category: Impacts
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it National Legislation And Other Options For Addressing Potential Global Warming
Authors: Schneider, C (1991)
Journal: Marine Technology Society Journal
Category: Mitigation
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it
Authors: Sitnicki, S; Budzinski, K; Juda, J; Michna, J; Szpilewicz, A (1991)
Journal: Energy Policy
Category: Mitigation
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it
Authors: Tabors, Rd; Monroe, Bl (1991)
Journal: Ieee Transactions On Power Systems
Category: Mitigation
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it
Authors: Cohen, Sj (1991)
Journal: Climatic Change
Category: Impacts
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it Potential Effects Of Global Warming On Whitefish In Lake Constance, Germany
Authors: Trippel, Ea; Eckmann, R; Hartmann, J (1991)
Journal: Ambio
Category: Impacts
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it Predicting Climate Change For The Pacific-northwest
Authors: Leovy, C; Sarachik, Es (1991)
Journal: Northwest Environmental Journal
Category: Methods
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it
Authors: Gruber, E; Brand, M (1991)
Journal: Energy Policy
Category: Mitigation
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it Quaternary And Tertiary Microfossils From Beneath Ice Stream-b - Evidence For A Dynamic West Antarctic Ice-sheet History
Authors: Scherer, Rp (1991)
Journal: Global And Planetary Change
Category: Paleoclimate
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it
Authors: Marks, R (1991)
Journal: Science Of The Total Environment
Category: Mitigation
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it Revised Projection Of Future Greenhouse Warming
Authors: Schlesinger, Me; Jiang, Xj (1991)
Journal: Nature
Category: Impacts
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it Sea-level As An Indicator Of Climate And Global Change
Authors: Parker, Bb (1991)
Journal: Marine Technology Society Journal
Category: Methods
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it
Authors: Deleeuw, Faam; Leyssius, Hjv (1991)
Journal: Atmospheric Environment Part A-general Topics
Category: Impacts
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it South-african Sea-level Measurements In The Global Context Of Sea-level Rise
Authors: Hughes, P; Brundrit, Gb; Shillington, Fa (1991)
Journal: South African Journal Of Science
Category: Impacts
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it
Authors: Pittock, Ab; Salinger, Mj (1991)
Journal: Climatic Change
Category: Methods
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it
Authors: Mohnen, Va; Goldstein, W; Wang, Wc (1991)
Journal: Global Environmental Change-human And Policy Dimensions
Category: Mitigation
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it
Authors: Caldeira, K; Rampino, Mr (1991)
Journal: Geophysical Research Letters
Category: Paleoclimate
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it
Authors: Prentice, Ic; Sykes, Mt; Cramer, W (1991)
Journal: Global Ecology And Biogeography Letters
Category: Impacts
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it
Authors: Smith, Jb (1991)
Journal: Bulletin Of The American Meteorological Society
Category: Impacts
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it
Authors: Bull, Sr (1991)
Journal: Energy Sources
Category: Mitigation
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it
Authors: Macdoran, Pf; Born, Gh (1991)
Journal: Proceedings Of The Ieee
Category: Methods
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it Toward Climate Conventions Scenario Analysis For A Climatic Protection Policy
Authors: Bach, W; Jain, Ak (1991)
Journal: Ambio
Category: Mitigation
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it
Authors: Covey, C; Taylor, Ke; Dickinson, Re (1991)
Journal: Journal Of Geophysical Research-atmospheres
Category: Methods
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it
Authors: Ryan, Kc (1991)
Journal: Environment International
Category: Impacts
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it
Authors: Beaver, Rd; Huntington, Hg (1992)
Journal: Energy Policy
Category: Methods
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it Prev 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Next |