Search ResultsResults 526 to 550 out of 2934:
Authors: Matsuo, N (1998)
Journal: Energy Policy
Category: Mitigation
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it Large Scale Carbon Dioxide Production From Coal-fired Power Stations For Enhanced Oil Recovery: A New Economic Feasibility Study
Authors: Tontiwachwuthikul, P; Chan, Cw; Kritpiphat, W; Demontigny, D; Skoropad, D; Gelowitz, D; Aroonwilas, A; Mourits, F; Wilson, M; Ward, L (1998)
Journal: Journal Of Canadian Petroleum Technology
Category: Mitigation
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it
Authors: Good, Da; Francisco, Js; Jain, Ak; Wuebbles, Dj (1998)
Journal: Journal Of Geophysical Research-atmospheres
Category: Mitigation
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it
Authors: Decicco, J; Mark, J (1998)
Journal: Energy Policy
Category: Mitigation
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it
Authors: Kerrick, Dm; Caldeira, K (1998)
Journal: Chemical Geology
Category: Paleoclimate
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it
Authors: West, Me; Brown, Kw; Thomas, Jc (1998)
Journal: Waste Management & Research
Category: Mitigation
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it
Authors: Houghton, Ra; Davidson, Ea; Woodwell, Gm (1998)
Journal: Global Biogeochemical Cycles
Category: Impacts
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it Modelling Global Warming And Antarctic Sea-ice Changes Over The Past Century
Authors: Wu, Xr; Budd, Wf (1998)
Journal: Annals Of Glaciology, Vol 27, 1998
Category: Methods
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it
Authors: Saleh, W; Nelson, Jd (1998)
Journal: Proceedings Of The Institution Of Mechanical Engineers Part A-journal Of Power And Energy
Category: Mitigation
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it
Authors: Kimochi, Y; Inamori, Y; Mizuochi, M; Xu, Kq; Matsumura, M (1998)
Journal: Journal Of Fermentation And Bioengineering
Category: Mitigation
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it
Authors: Kerr, Ac (1998)
Journal: Journal Of The Geological Society
Category: Paleoclimate
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it
Authors: Sekhar, Sc; Toon, Klc (1998)
Journal: Energy And Buildings
Category: Mitigation
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it
Authors: Peng, Ch; Guiot, J; Van Campo, E (1998)
Journal: Global And Planetary Change
Category: Impacts
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it Phenology And Growth Of Shoots, Needles, And Buds Of Douglas-fir Seedlings With Elevated Co2 And (or) Temperature
Authors: Olszyk, D; Wise, C; Vaness, E; Apple, M; Tingey, D (1998)
Journal: Canadian Journal Of Botany-revue Canadienne De Botanique
Category: Impacts
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it
Authors: Sorenson, Lg; Goldberg, R; Root, Tl; Anderson, Mg (1998)
Journal: Climatic Change
Category: Impacts
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it
Authors: Neilson, Rp; Drapek, Rj (1998)
Journal: Global Change Biology
Category: Impacts
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it Power Generation For The Twenty-first Century: What Role For Nuclear?
Authors: Eyre, Bl (1998)
Journal: Nuclear Energy-journal Of The British Nuclear Energy Society
Category: Mitigation
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it
Authors: Austin, Pr; Nogami, H; Yagi, J (1998)
Journal: Isij International
Category: Mitigation
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it
Authors: Smith, Dm (1998)
Journal: Geophysical Research Letters
Category: Impacts
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it Regional Impacts Of Climate Change In The Arctic And Antarctic
Authors: Weller, G (1998)
Journal: Annals Of Glaciology, Vol 27, 1998
Category: Impacts
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it
Authors: Pielke, Ra (1998)
Journal: Global Environmental Change-human And Policy Dimensions
Category: Impacts
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it
Authors: Knutson, Tr; Tuleya, Re; Kurihara, Y (1998)
Journal: Science
Category: Methods
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it Simulating The Impact Of Management Practices On Nitrous Oxide Emissions
Authors: Xu, C; Shaffer, Mj; Al-kaisi, M (1998)
Journal: Soil Science Society Of America Journal
Category: Mitigation
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it
Authors: Gupta, S; Mohan, K; Prasad, R; Gupta, S; Kansal, A (1998)
Journal: Resources Conservation And Recycling
Category: Mitigation
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it
Authors: Bibler, Cj; Marshall, Js; Pilcher, Rc (1998)
Journal: International Journal Of Coal Geology
Category: Mitigation
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it Prev 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Next |