Search ResultsResults 76 to 100 out of 2934: Interannual Variability Of Landfast Ice Thickness In The Canadian High Arctic, 1950-89
Authors: Brown, Rd; Cote, P (1992)
Journal: Arctic
Category: Impacts
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it Making Better Use Of Carbon .2. The Coproduction Of Iron And Liquid Fuels
Authors: Walsh, Jh (1992)
Journal: Cim Bulletin
Category: Mitigation
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it Methane Prediction In Dry And Lactating Holstein Cows
Authors: Holter, Jb; Young, Aj (1992)
Journal: Journal Of Dairy Science
Category: Mitigation
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it Nitrous-oxide Emissions In Irrigated Corn As Affected By Nitrification Inhibitors
Authors: Bronson, Kf; Mosier, Ar; Bishnoi, Sr (1992)
Journal: Soil Science Society Of America Journal
Category: Mitigation
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it
Authors: Chandler, Ma; Rind, D; Ruedy, R (1992)
Journal: Geological Society Of America Bulletin
Category: Paleoclimate
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it
Authors: Solomon, Am; Bartlein, Pj (1992)
Journal: Canadian Journal Of Forest Research-revue Canadienne De Recherche Forestiere
Category: Paleoclimate
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it
Authors: Tanaka, S; Hakuta, T; Haino, H (1992)
Journal: Energy Conversion And Management
Category: Mitigation
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it
Authors: Sloan, Lc; Walker, Jcg; Moore, Tc; Rea, Dk; Zachos, Jc (1992)
Journal: Nature
Category: Paleoclimate
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it Potential Effects Of Global Climate Change On The Biodiversity Of Plants
Authors: Schwartz, Mw (1992)
Journal: Forestry Chronicle
Category: Impacts
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it
Authors: Muellerdombois, D (1992)
Journal: Water Air And Soil Pollution
Category: Impacts
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it
Authors: Torn, Ms; Fried, Js (1992)
Journal: Climatic Change
Category: Impacts
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it Radiative Forcing And Greenhouse-effect Due To The Atmospheric Trace Gases
Authors: Shi, Gy (1992)
Journal: Science In China Series B-chemistry
Category: Methods
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it
Authors: Rubin, Es; Cooper, Rn; Frosch, Ra; Lee, Th; Marland, G; Rosenfeld, Ah; Stine, Dd (1992)
Journal: Science
Category: Mitigation
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it
Authors: Schonwiese, Cd (1992)
Journal: Energy Conversion And Management
Category: Methods
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it Sensitivity Of Pacific-northwest Water-resources To Global Warming
Authors: Lettenmaier, Dp; Brettmann, Kl; Vail, Lw; Yabusaki, Sb; Scott, Mj (1992)
Journal: Northwest Environmental Journal
Category: Impacts
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it
Authors: Marland, G; Marland, S (1992)
Journal: Water Air And Soil Pollution
Category: Mitigation
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it
Authors: Haugland, T; Olsen, O; Roland, K (1992)
Journal: Energy Policy
Category: Mitigation
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it
Authors: Denelzen, Mgj; Swart, Rj; Rotmans, J (1992)
Journal: Science Of The Total Environment
Category: Mitigation
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it
Authors: Topper, Jm; Bower, Cj; Summerfield, Ir; Hughes, Isc (1992)
Journal: Energy Conversion And Management
Category: Mitigation
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it
Authors: Jack, Ar; Audus, H; Riemer, Pwf (1992)
Journal: Energy Conversion And Management
Category: Mitigation
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it The Impact Of Global Warming On River Runoff
Authors: Miller, Jr; Russell, Gl (1992)
Journal: Journal Of Geophysical Research-atmospheres
Category: Impacts
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it
Authors: Blank, Lw; Crane, Aj; Skeffington, Ra (1992)
Journal: Science Of The Total Environment
Category: Impacts
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it
Authors: Shindo, Y; Hakuta, T; Miyama, H (1992)
Journal: Energy Conversion And Management
Category: Mitigation
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it
Authors: Cattle, H; Murphy, Jm; Senior, Ca (1992)
Journal: Philosophical Transactions Of The Royal Society B-biological Sciences
Category: Methods
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it
Authors: Riches, Mr; Zhao, Jp; Wang, Wc; Tao, Sy (1992)
Journal: Bulletin Of The American Meteorological Society
Category: Methods
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it Prev 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Next |