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All IPCC definitions taken from Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Working Group I Contribution to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Annex I, Glossary, pp. 941-954. Cambridge University Press.

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2010 Climate Change Resource Roundup

Posted on 27 September 2010 by John Bruno

The availability of accurate, dependable, concise and clear information on anthropogenic climate change increases every year.  This is a shortlist of my favorite sources.   

1) Obviously start here at SkepticalScience, which is easily the most informative outlet for straightforward information on global climate change. It is also one of the best science blogs on the web. Download the iphone app to help in those debates with your RedState relatives and read the debunkings of favorite denier "skeptic" arguments, e.g., It's the Sun! and It's Cooling! (sure it is).  Most even have basic, intermediate and advanced levels!

2) NOAA recently launched a climate change data portal and published a very useful and comprehensive State of the Climate in 2009 report that is full of frightening graphics. This will be required reading for the students in the climate change course I am coteaching this fall (From the Equator to the Poles: Case Studies in Global Environmental Change).

3) NASA's Global Climate Change site Nice graphics and simple info on key indicators of climate change, causes and lots of links to other helpful and nicely organized sites.  

4) NASA's GISS site  Why not get your climate change data, briefings and graphics directly from the experts.  I use the GISS surface temp. graphics page a lot in part because the figures are updated as new data comes in, as errors get fixed, as data correction techniques improve, etc.  You can even plot your own temp. data map, like this one of ocean SST for August 2010.


5) Global Warming Art  Professional and clear graphics of climate change data. Very useful.  


Source: Global Warming Art 

6) RealClimate  A highly influential site and key resource run by some of the world's leading atmospheric climate scientists.  However, the posts have been somewhat infrequent lately, tend to be very technical and can have a strong inside-baseball flavor with climate change icons like Andrew Revkin and Bill McKibben sometimes stopping by to comment.  Still I often go back and read old posts like "Dummies guide to the latest "hockey stick" controversy" and "Michael Crichton's State of Confusion" when I need to catch up on some topic or debate.  Articles often garner hundreds of comments, many of which can be at least as insightful as the original post.  

7) ClimateShifts  Run by myself, Ove Hoegh-Guldberg (director of UQs Global Change Institute and lead coordinating author of the AR5 chapter on impacts of climate change on open oceans), and our currently lost-at-sea mate, Blogger Jez. We generally focus on the impacts of climate change on ocean ecosystems, particularly coral reefs.  We also cover a range of other threats like overfishing and pollution and other aspects of marine biology and coral reef science. 

8) The Climate Change Collection at the Encyclopedia of Earth  The EoE is an amazing resource. This collection includes lots of superb articlesbiographies of climate change scientists and the climate literacy handbook

9) ClimateProgress  The "indispensable blog" according to Tom Friedman. Up-to-the-minute coverage of the politics, science and solutions of anthropogenic climate change. I don't think editor and lead blogger Joe Romm ever sleeps. He also has some nice resources on the site including An illustrated guide to the latest climate science. 

10) Arctic Sea Ice by popular demand!  

That gets us into the more political blogs, mainly written by atmospheric scientists or computer scientists of one flavor or another.  They are hugely important and I frequently read them, but they often are pretty technical and can get sidetracked by petty battles with deniers skeptics.  That said, they are helping to keep the deniers skeptics in check.  Or at least regularly pointing out the fallacies in denier skeptic arguments (though not always as respectfully as is done here at SkepticalScience). So if you're game, start with Deltoid and OpenMind.  And if you want to take a glimpse at what passes for rational argument in the climate denial skeptic community, visit their mecca: Watts Up With That?

Have some favorites of your own?  Please share (in the comments section) 

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Comments 1 to 21:

  1. Grammar nazi alert! It's rational the adjective, not rationale the noun.
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  2. During the melt season, Neven's Arctic Sea Ice blog is unsurpassed. And no deniers, um, skeptics, er, irrational posters ..., OK, "non-positive" contributors in the bunch. The Yooper
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  3. It's good to see that you're willing to call voluntary-head-in-the-sand for what it is. You cannot have a rational debate with those who use irrational logic. By taking them seriously, we inadvertently reinforce their validity (just as how Monckton's "expertise" is based on climate scientists willingness to hold public debates with him and as Jo Nova demonstrated in a post on the 23rd of Aug, “they have finally acknowledged that… they need to call us skeptics. (They can hardly pit expertise against “deniers” eh?)”) Scepticism is based on a compelling argument - to which some conclusion can eventually be reached. Denial merely rants the same nonsense regardless of how many times it is addressed.
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  4. Thanks adelady! Maybe you could proof my articles for me before I post them?!
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  5. What are the chances that 2010 beats 2005 for the record? That should give some new life to warning people on global warming. People hang on records and big news items like a record year.
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  6. John I'd be happy to. Given that my contribution would be limited to grammar only - or to Basic level essays for readability and comprehension issues. And I'd echo, shout or jump up and down to support the commendation of the Arctic Sea Ice blog. An absolute tour de force.
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  7. When someone starts to ask questions, I point to the The Discovery of Global Warming for background. Skeptical Science for depth. If I get the "I'm skeptical", I ask if they understand what that word means, and why the term denier came into use. I then point to Robert Carroll's Site and to Skeptics in general Cheers!
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  8. Like Skeptical Science, The DeSmog Blog is another “go to” website dedicated to setting the record straight about what scientists are telling us about climate change. “Clearing the PR Pollution that Clouds Climate Science” is the DeSmog Blog's motto. To access the DeSmog Blog, go to:
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  9. Some of my favorite resources are: Science of Doom Climate Charts and Graphs (Kelly O'Day's site) Climate Change: An Analysis of Key Questions by Chris Colose The Clear Climate Code project Tamino's page of Climate Data Links AGW Observer, a fantastic compendium of peer-reviewed papers on climate change, by Ari Jokimäki And of course the IPCC AR4
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  10. Thanks, John, for a nice set of references. On the assumptions that 1) too many people are still ill-informed or uninformed on the subject of climate disruption; and 2) lots of folks prefer to watch videos, rather than read something; :-) I have assembled links to several hours worth of video presentations on various aspects of the subject. These links are available at, presented in the form of a blog, although the "blog" is fairly static at this time. The objective is simply to have one reference URL that points to lots of video-based info for the basic introduction to climate science and climate concerns. As a resource, it doesn't do the up-to-the-minute thing, but I hope it will be useful for some - especially climate neophytes!
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  11. These are more meta-discussion links, but I've found them useful when evaluating a number of skeptic arguments: Nizkor Project - Fallacies Don Lindsay - A List Of Fallacious Arguments
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  12. Does anyone have any estimates of how warm September currently is.
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  13. Does anyone have any estimates of how warm September currently is. Wait for a few days. How about some anecdotes to tide us over? It was 113 degrees Fahrenheit today in Los Angeles, California, an all time record. Up here in Seattle last night the minimum was 61 versus normal of 49. Just weather...
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  14. 13 doug_bostrom i was in LA last week and the daytime temps were in the low 80's and the night time temps dipped to the 50's. i agree with you, just weather.....
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  15. Hilariously, Anthony Watts uses the above guest post as an example of John Cook 'embarassing' himself. Watts 1. Uses a misquote of Mr Cook from Sourcewatch to impune John's scientific credentials. A quick Google would have revealed that the SW quote was wrong or out of date. Each of his points is quickly debunked by a search of SS. Quality journalism! 2. Posts a link to the wrong article - he wanted to link to New Scientist on solar, he linked to Nature on Ocean Cycles. 3. From the tone of the original article it is clear he believed the guest post was by John Cook, he later resiles from this once it is pointed out, harrumphing instead about blog owners being responsible for their content. 4. Complains that this guest news roundup is not 'peer-reviewed science'. Straw Man, the science here IS peer-reviewed, nobody claims or expects news and editorial to pass a review process. 5. Doesn't like the word 'denier'. Ho hum. Some people, not me you understand, might find the hilarious string of gaffes rather more embarrassing to the gaffee than his target......
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  16. I read (and re-read) this post but I don't understand what has Anthony and the "skeptic" community so upset about it. It seems pretty bland and light-hearted; certainly not a hit piece. Maybe the promotion of fact-based sources for information about climate change (many of which are run by scientists) is what is so threatening? The post itself obviously isn't peer reviewed (nor is any post on any blog) but most of the science covered in these blogs/outlets certainly is. The arguments and evidence in every one of these sources is based on extensive peer-reveiwed science and the citations/sources are very clear. Yes, I am a different John, and to be totally clear on who I am and what my scientific credentials are, where my funding comes from, etc., go here
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  17. They took exception to your use of the word 'denier'. I would suggest, given the oeuvre of Johns blog, that people writing the posts should be hypersensitive to the sensibilities of the 'other side of the mirror' so as not to afford them opertunities to ignore the content and focus on the style.
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  18. I know what you mean dorlomin, but it really is a matter of the one way thin skin. Happy to brand people as watermelons or eco-fascists or worse. Shocked horror pulling the skirts away if anyone mumbles the 'd.....' word in the next street.
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  19. I posted a link to a peer-reviewed article about denialism to which Anthony seemed to accept. His problem is with the use of "denier" is in the pejorative sense, where AGW denier is like holocaust denier. Although I usually don't see this connection made, except to show that the underlying psychological reaction to information that goes against one's preferred reality is similar (no racism or attempt to downplay the holocaust). I can see why this is bothersome to Anthony, but I doubt this is what John Bruno was attempting. The awkward thing is that Watts' blog is full of the examples shown in the article I posted.
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  20. doug_bostrom "Does anyone have any estimates of how warm September currently is. " I track the UAH Channel 5 daily values here. The final final UAH monthly value is close to the monthly Channel 5 average, but not the same. The Channel 5 September,2010 data is the highest in the UAH data series, so I expect Sept to be another warm month.
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  21. Skeptical Science is "...not 'peer-reviewed science'? I suppose one could say that Steven Goddard is reviewed by his peers. Still, that remark sort of stands out as unselfconscious.
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