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All IPCC definitions taken from Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Working Group I Contribution to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Annex I, Glossary, pp. 941-954. Cambridge University Press.

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2012 SkS Weekly Digest #43

Posted on 29 October 2012 by John Hartz

SkS Highlights

Two of Dana's posts, Rose and Curry Double Down on Global Warming Denial and  Climate of Doubt and Escalator Updates, were tied for the most number of comments posted by SkS readers during the week.

Technical Glitches

SkS apologizes for the difficulties many users experienced in accessing the site during the past week. On Sunday last, the site was transferred to a new host server and certain technical glitches ensued. Most have been ironed out.

Toon of the Week

2012 Toon 43

What say you?

When and how did you first become concerned about manamde climate change and its consequences?

Quote of the Week

"Many political observers are not especially surprised that climate change has gotten short shrift in this campaign. In general, environmental concerns tend to rise in the public mind in times of prosperity and sink in hard times. And polling suggests that, while most voters believe climate change is real, they see it as a long-term threat and therefore put it far down their list of priorities for action."

Source: The Issue That Dare Not Speak Its Name by Justin Gillis, New York Times, Oct 23, 2012

The Week in Review

Coming Soon

  • Climate of Doubt Strategy #1: Deny the Consensus (Dana)
  • The View from Germany: Tackling the real questions (gws)
  • Fred Singer - not an American Thinker (John Abraham and Dana)
  • 2012 SkS Weekly News Round-Up #8 (John Hartz)
  • Drost, Karoly, and Braganza Find Human Fingerprints in Global Warming (Dana)
  • DIY climate science: The Instrumental Temperature Record (Kevin C)

SkS in the News

In the most exciting example of SkS in the news this week, The Escalator was featured on the excellent PBS Frontline program Climate of Doubt.

The Debunking Handbook and Lewandowsky et al. (2012), co-authored by John Cook, were featured in a RealClearReligion post.

Dana's Matt Ridley - Wired for Lukewarm Catastrophe was quoted in the November 2012 issue of WIRED magazine.

Dana's Rose and Curry Double Down on Global Warming Denial was endorsed as "an excellent post" by Tamino on Open Mind.

Enivronment  Guru reposted both last week's new research and weekly digest posts.

Michael Mann endorsed SkS as one of the go-to sites for real-time debunkings of climate nonsense.

SkS Spotlights 

The Earth System Science Partnership (ESSP) is a joint initiative of four international global environmental change research programmes: 

  • DIVERSITAS - an integrated programme of biodiversity science
  • IHDP - International Human Dimensions Programme on Global Environmental Change
  • IGBP - International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme
  • WCRP - World Climate Research Programme 

The Partnership allows for an integrated study of the Earth System, the ways that it is changing, and the implications for global and regional sustainability. 

The central activities of the ESSP are Joint Projects on issues of global sustainability, designed to address the global environmental change aspects of four critical issues for human well-being: energy and the carbon cycle (GCP), food security (GECAFS), water resources (GWSP) and human health (GEC&HH). The ESSP is also currently developing a small set of Integrated Regional Studies (IRS), designed to contribute sound scientific understanding in support of sustainable development at the local level. The first study is in Monsoon Asia (MAIRS). The Joint Projects, START and MAIRS all have a strong suite of capacity building and networking elements to their activities. ESSP Partners also collaborate closely with the Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research (APN) and the Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI). 

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Comments 1 to 4:

  1. My favorite quote of the week, as heard on "Klick and Klack" of NPR, one that seems appropriate when thinking about how e do or don't deal w/our C02: "Is your problem ignorance, or apathy?" "I don't know and I don't care." From a recitation of quotes from college sports coaches. Another good one: "Son, you got four "F" grades and a "D." It looks like you're focusing too much on one topic."
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  2. "When and how did you first become concerned about manmade climate change and its consequences?" I have yet to become concerned about manmade climate change. What I am concerned about, and extremely so, is climate change regardless of what the heck is causing it. I think anyone who watched the recent video 'Climate of Doubt' can't help but to have noticed how much the debate got hung up on the 'manmade' bit and just how effective it is in deflecting the debate from reducing the fossil fuel industry's profits – sorry – deflecting action to combat climate change. A scenario that I use (repeatedly) concerns the actions of the captain of a liner with an iceberg dead ahead. It would be an act of supreme folly to refuse to change course and reduce speed simply because the damn thing was not manmade. We know that CO2 is a greenhouse gas. We know that we are pumping CO2 into the atmosphere and therefore, even if it were the sun or some other natural phenomenon that is causing the warming, it would still make sense to cut CO2 production in order to offset the heating effect, whatever its cause, if only by a little. Indeed, if climate change were being caused by the sun, or some other natural phenomenon, I suppose we should all be praying, chanting and doing all that sort of thing because the warming would be destined to continue at or near the current rate until Old Mother Nature, and only Old Mother Nature, decided enough is enough, whenever that might be. In those circumstances all we could do is delay it a little by reducing CO2 (and pray and chant etc., of course). I reckon that that would give us as a species around 200 to 300 years at most and possibly a lot fewer. It is perhaps proof that the denialati don't really believe that we are not to blame for climate change because there is a marked absence of wailing and gnashing of teeth on their part. But we should not let such absence of concern by them deflect us from taking the action that becomes ever more urgent with each passing moment.
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  3. On a lighter note, imagine debating climate change with the woman in this video
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  4. When and how did you first become concerned about manmade climate change and its consequences?
    It is only in the last couple of years that I have confronted AGW as an issue, although I have been subconciously aware of GW for some time. I was led to investigate AGW as a spin off from web searching for information about Peak Oil, which has been a concern of mine for a long time. Many people referred to AGW as the 'partner' crisis to PO and I kept hitting links to SkS. Reading SkS, it did not take me long to realise that AGW is something deserving my attention. IMHO, PO and AGW are going to be biting about the same time in our collective future: at the very point we will need copius surplus energy to mitigate and adapt to AGW, PO will be restricting our access to cheap fossil fuels. I used to regard Homo Sapiens sapiens as pretty smart, but the wilful ignorance about where we are heading is making me revise my opinion. Homo Stupidus suicideous might be closer to the mark.
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