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All IPCC definitions taken from Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Working Group I Contribution to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Annex I, Glossary, pp. 941-954. Cambridge University Press.

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Climate Misinformation by Source: Christopher Monckton

Christopher Monckton is a British consultant, policy adviser, writer, columnist, and hereditary peer. While not formally trained in science, Monckton is one of the most cited and widely published climate skeptics, having even been invited to testify to the U.S. Senate and Congress on several occasions.

For a comprehensive rebuttal of many of Christopher Monckton's arguments, check out this presentation by Professor John Abraham. Abraham has compiled many examples where Monckton misrepresents the very scientists whose work he cites. Check out this PDF of Monckton quotes versus the scientists who in their own words explain how Monckton misrepresents their research.

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Quotes by Christopher Monckton

Climate Myth What the Science Says
"the rate of increase in sea level has not changed since satellites first began measuring it reliably in 1993"
9 January 2011 (Source)

The claim sea level isn’t rising is based on blatantly doctored graphs contradicted by observations.

"A new record high for snow cover was set in the winter of 2008/2009, and there is some chance that a further record high will be set this year."
9 January 2011 (Source)
Warming leads to increased evaporation and precipitation, which falls as increased snow in winter.
"The global sea-ice record shows virtually no change throughout the past 30 years, because the quite rapid loss of Arctic sea ice since the satellites were watching has been matched by a near-equally rapid gain of Antarctic sea ice."
9 January 2011 (Source)
Arctic sea ice loss is three times greater than Antarctic sea ice gain.
"The IPCC’s current thinking is that up to 2° of warming compared with the present would be harmless and even beneficial."
9 January 2011 (Source)

Negative impacts of global warming on agriculture, health & environment far outweigh any positives.

"In particular, the models predict that if and only if Man is the cause of warming, the tropical upper air, six miles above the ground, should warm up to thrice as fast as the surface, but this tropical upper-troposphere “hot-spot” has not been observed in 50 years of measurement by balloon-mounted radiosondes, sondes dropped from high-flying aircraft, or satellites."
9 January 2011 (Source)

We see a clear "short-term hot spot" - there's various evidence for a "long-term hot spot".

"There was a remarkable spike in global temperatures in 1998, caused not by manmade “global warming” but by a Great El Niño event – an alteration in the pattern of ocean currents that begins in the equatorial eastern Pacific and spreads around the globe, lasting a few months. In the first nine months of 2010 there was another substantial El Niño, but even at its peak it did not match the Great El Niño of 1998."
9 January 2011 (Source)

Every part of the Earth's climate system has continued warming since 1998, with 2015 shattering temperature records.

"Since late 2001 there has been virtually no “global warming” at all."
9 January 2011 (Source)

There are many lines of evidence indicating global warming is unequivocal.

"A recent paper by Professors David Douglass and Robert Knox of Rochester University, New York, has established that – contrary to various climate-extremist assertions – there has been no net accumulation of “missing energy” in the form of heat in the oceans worldwide in the six years since ocean heat content was first reliably measured by the 3000 automated ARGO bathythermographs in 2003."
9 January 2011 (Source)
The most recent ocean measurements show consistent warming.

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