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All IPCC definitions taken from Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Working Group I Contribution to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Annex I, Glossary, pp. 941-954. Cambridge University Press.

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Comments 28801 to 28850:

  1. Eight things we learned from the pope's climate change encyclical

    SkepticalinCanada @21, given that I had previously said that "The loss of any species is a loss to us all, but the loss of the human species [would render the planet] devoid of moral - a tragedy of the highest magnitude", your comment @21 is a blatant out of context quotation.  I will grant that my poor editing (for which I apologise) left out a crucial clause in my statement, but the final phrase is clear enough that there was no misunderstanding my overall conclusion.

    @20,  it is irrelevant that " humans have abundantly demonstrated that they are not qualified to be the stewards of this planet" (whatever that means).  The simple fact is that they have the capability of acting in a way that devestates the planetary ecosystem, or they can act in a way that maintains a healthy planatery ecosystem.  We have that level of technical ability, and sufficient population with it so that our choices matter to the ecology.  Therefore we are stewards whether we will or no.  Further we are stewards whether we are responsible stewards, or instead choose to be bad stewards and fritter away the health of the global ecosystem in our never ending pursuit of more Big Macs.

    Certainly there is no other species that can step forward and take over that role so that we can simply pursue our self interest under the governance of that wiser species.

  2. Eight things we learned from the pope's climate change encyclical

    ryland @24, Lawrence Krauss is undoubtedly a distinguished scientist but his publication record is in cosmological physics.  It follows that on this matter he speaks with no more authority than does Pope Francis, or I.  Given that, it is incumbent on him to argue his case, something he singularly fails to do in the passage from which you quote.  Instead, he merely asserts the premise which enables his conclusion.  Further, unlike in climate science, there is no scientific consensus of relevant experts to which he can appeal on this issue.

    Now, consider the fact that 31% of the world's population uses 69% of the energy.  That means that if the top 31% of the world's population reduced their per capita energy use to 45% of current values, the other 69% of the population could lift their per capita energy use by 2.23% of current values thereby equalizing energy use per capita with no increase in global energy use.  Such a change is consistent with maintaining high standards of living and high life expectancies.  It is, however, certainly unnecessary for energy (where we can tackle emissions problems at lower economic cost to the wealthy by switching to renewables).  Similar equations apply to food consumption.  In the case of food consumption, unlike emissions, there is no suggestion we can reduce it to zero.  However, the reduced food consumption implied for the west in such an alteration would be positively beneficial in terms of health.  Further, given that 1/3rd of food currently goes to waste (as mentioned in the encyclical), that means we can feed the World's entire current population to an appropriate standard for good health while reducing food production by a significant percentage (though probably not the full third).  Given this, Krauss's statement is tenuous at best.

    Now, granted population growth would use up that excess so that given the equalization of food consumption, we may require the totality of current food production to feed the 10 billion - but we are currently producing that amount of food.  Ergo we can produce that amount of food and Krauss's claim that "A population of 10 billion by 2050 will likely be unsustainable at a level in which all humans have adequate food" is shown to depend on defining "adequate food" as "something at least approaching current western per capita food consumption" which is so far beyond "adequate" as to be a (very sick) joke.  (And I am no saint in that department.) 

    Worse for Krauss, total human water use is just a drop in the ocean compared to total global water.  As the restrictions on water are a restriction on fresh water only, given abundant cheap energy (ie, given that we can in fact tackle AGW) we would have in effect an unlimitted supply of water through desalination.  That in turn probably would solve any further food problems through the potential of greening deserts and hydroponic farming using artificial light.

    The last paragraph wanders a little from the point.  You said that:

    "By deflecting this issue of population increase by focusing on increased consumerism, the Pope has been somewhat specious".

    My claim was that "there is no doubt that Pope Francis' approach is far more logical than that of Ryland".  That is, if I am wrong about the possibility of tackling the world's ecological issues without sacrificing either affluence or requiring more than current efforts at reducing population; then Pope Francis' view point was far superior to the alternative that insists our focus should be on population reduction.  Population reduction is a blunt and limited tool only likely to be effective if the vast majority of the population reduction comes from Western nations.  I suspect it is popular in Western nations as a strategy, however, because it is assumed the population reduction will come primarilly from the third world (without attributing that tawdry motive to any particular person).

  3. Eight things we learned from the pope's climate change encyclical

    ranyl @26, the one implies the other.

  4. Eight things we learned from the pope's climate change encyclical

    ryland @25, the full critique of carbon trading by Pope Francis is:

    "171. The strategy of buying and selling “carbon credits” can lead to a new form of speculation which would not help reduce the emission of polluting gases worldwide. This system seems to provide a quick and easy solution under the guise of a certain commitment to the environment, but in no way does it allow for the radical change which present circumstances require. Rather, it may simply become a ploy which permits maintaining the excessive consumption of some countries and sectors."

    Clearly his concern is that carbon trading will allow the wealthy nation to maintain a high emissions life style by purchasing carbon credits from poor nations, and in particular from rich elites in control of poor nations thereby reducing emissions by restricting the development opportunities of the poor.  On that basis, presumably he would object to carbon taxation systems which allow the purchase of overseas offsets but otherwise would not object to carbon taxation.  

    From anecdotal evidence I believe most commentors at SkS prefer carbon taxs to carbon markets and consequently it is no surprise if they feel no need to comment on Pope Francis expressing a similar preference.  Others, like myself, prefer carbon markets to carbon taxation but will accept carbon taxation as an adequate substitute, provided something is done.  That is, we refuse to make the good the enemy of the perfect.  Again, while disagreeing with Pope Francis, that gives me (and other like thinkers) no reason to argue against his stated opinion.

    Having said that, and as you bring it up, I think Pope Francis points out a genuine hazard of carbon credits without recognizing that there are genuine solutions to that problem.  In particular, it would be possible to establish treaty provisions for the international trade of carbon credits that ensure the trade is between nations rather than individual; restrict the use money recieved for carbon credits development, poverty relief, and provision of renewable energy; and contain suitable auditing to limit corruption.  Given such provisions Pope Francis' objections would likely be obviated, and without them I would also be dubious of the international trade in carbon credits.

  5. Eight things we learned from the pope's climate change encyclical

    Wonder what the actual amount of consumption is, that is actually sustainable?

    Whatever sustainable means?

  6. Eight things we learned from the pope's climate change encyclical

    "humans are the only species capable of moral choice?"

    Maybe humans are the only being capable of making an immoral choice?

  7. Eight things we learned from the pope's climate change encyclical

    Reading through the comments I'm rather surprised that there is no comment on point 3 which is headlined "He doesn't like carbon trading".  As this seems to be the deus ex machina to combat climate change for many politicians, will the Pope's negative stance  make carbon trading less attractive for politicians in some countries?

  8. Eight things we learned from the pope's climate change encyclical

    Tom Curtis @10.  The article in Scientific American by Lawrence Krauss referred by John Hartz @13 states "A population of 10 billion by 2050 will likely be unsustainable at a level in which all humans have adequate food, water, medicine and security. Moreover, as this pope should particularly appreciate, the environmental problems that overpopulation creates also disproportionately afflict those in poor countries, where access to birth control and abortion is often limited. Ultimately, the surest road out of poverty is to empower women to control their own fertility. Doing so allows them to better provide for themselves and their children"

    This is in agreement with my comments @2 which you consider unrealistic.  It seems they may be less unrealistic than you believe

  9. SkepticalinCanada at 15:45 PM on 19 June 2015
    Eight things we learned from the pope's climate change encyclical

    I'm waiting for your links, as requested.  Thanks

  10. One Planet Only Forever at 14:50 PM on 19 June 2015
    Eight things we learned from the pope's climate change encyclical


    Which of the following do you accept?:

    • "Reduction of the excessively consumptive damaging wasteful ways that many of the most fortunate 'choose to live' is not only possible, it would make room for many more people to live decently within the same global carrying capacity. Therefore, any claimed population limit for a carrying capacity can be changed by altering the way the most consuming, damaging and wasteful are able to get away with choosing to live."
    • "The global GDP has been rising faster than the global population. Even Africa's GDP has been rising faster than its population"
    • "This planet is expected to be habitable for humanity for hundreds of millions of years"
    • "Any ways of living that involve the consumption of a resource faster than the resource will replenish is not a lasting way of living on this planet. Regardless of its popularity or profitability there is no future for that type of activity. Which means that popularity and profitability are not suitable measures of acceptability, if humanity is to have a future."
  11. CO2 effect is saturated

    SeanO, HotWhopper dealt with that paper last year:

    Moderator Response:

    [PS] Fixed link

    [PS] Since the input is the hitran database, this isnt really about CO2 saturation. Any further discussion should take place on "Climate sensitivity is low"

  12. CO2 effect is saturated

    With 8 pages of comments, I am not sure that I covered all of the conversations. However, the original premise of the article seems to contradict the study and paper by Hermann Harde. It is a 45+ page paper so it is impossible to shorten in this comment however it is clear that the study disagrees with the analysis of the original post and points out that the IPCC estimate of 1.5C to 4.5C is likely to be in error with a more realistic sensitivity of 0.6C including a declining increase of CO2 impact due to absorption and emission spectra of greenhouse gases.

    We present an advanced two-layer climate model, especially appropriate to calculate the influence of an increasing CO2-concentration and a varying solar activity on global warming. The model describes the atmosphere and the ground as two layers acting simultaneously as absorbers and Planck radiators, and it includes additional heat transfer between these layers due to convection and evaporation. The model considers all relevant feedback processes caused by changes of water vapour, lapse-rate, surface albedo or convection and evaporation. In particular, the influence of clouds with a thermally or solar induced feedback is investigated in some detail. The short- and long-wave absorptivities of the most important greenhouse gases water vapour, carbon dioxide, methane and ozone are derived from line-by-line calculations based on the HITRAN08-databasis and are integrated in the model. Simulations including an increased solar activity over the last century give a CO2 initiated warming of 0.2 ˚ C and a solar influence of 0.54 ˚ C over this period, corresponding to a CO2 climate sensitivity of 0.6 ˚ C (doubling of CO2) and a solar sensitivity of 0.5 ˚ C (0.1 % increase of the solar constant).

    Moderator Response:

    [PS] You might want to look at discussion that begins here. You might want to sharpen your critical skills by seeing if can spot some reasons why there might be an issue.

  13. SkepticalinCanada at 13:30 PM on 19 June 2015
    Eight things we learned from the pope's climate change encyclical

    And, if we "should not raise species loss to an absolute loss," then I suppose the loss of the human species will be no loss for the planet.  That statement is of course subject to all kinds of misinterpretation.

  14. SkepticalinCanada at 13:28 PM on 19 June 2015
    Eight things we learned from the pope's climate change encyclical

    Sorry, I don't subscribe to such an anthropocentric point of view. Can you please provide the source for the comment that humans are the only species capable of moral choice?  A quick search for "Are humans the only species capable of moral choice?" comes up with an interesting variety of articles.

    And humans have abundantly demonstrated that they are not qualified to be the stewards of this planet.

  15. 2015 SkS Weekly News Roundup #25A

    The study by James L. Powell, upping the concensus to 99.9% would be interesting to get hold onto when it become available. Powell broke the news in advance before Francis' encyclical because "he doesn’t want his holiness to reference outdated numbers".

    Powell's numbers seem exagerated, though. Her's the clue:

    He also tried a different approach than the earlier studies. Rather than search for explicit acceptance of anthropomorphic global warming, Powell searched for explicit rejection. All the papers in the middle, he figured, weren’t neutral on the subject — they were settled on it.

    Perhaps he inflated his numbers by considering "settled" those papers that have nothing to do with AGW attribution, just like the Oregon petition assignees have nothing to do with climate scientists.

  16. Eight things we learned from the pope's climate change encyclical

    SkepticalinCanada @11, IMO:

    1)  Humans are unique on planet Earth as the only beings capable of moral choice.  That means we are not just one more species among many, even from an ecological point of view.  The loss of any species is a loss to us all, but the loss of the human species devoid of moral value - a tragedy of the highest magnitude.  Therefore we must be stewards of our planet, for that is what it is.  Further as we are capable of destroying life on this planet in several ways, and human life in many more - we must take responsibility for that stewardship.

    2)  Again, the loss of any species is a loss to us all; but it is not necessarilly a significant loss.  In terms of genetic diversity, 26% of human genes can be found in yeast.  92% can be found in mice, and 98% in chimpanzees.  Humans are by no means unique in the degree to genetic similarity to other species.  Consequently the loss of any given species is likely to result in the loss of very few, and in some cases no, genes from the total global genetic diversity.

    In terms of ecology, many species occupy niches occupied by other species elsewhere, or occupy microniches that less specialized species would occupy almost as well in the absense of the specialist.  As one example of this, the common form of gecko found in Australian suburbs 45 years ago has become very scarce in that setting, largely due to the proliferation of insecticides.  Recently a Spanish cousin of that species has invaded Australia.  It is better able to cope with insecticides and has started proliferating in urban areas, a trend that increases the likelihood of the Australian species going extinct.  Despite that, it improves the ecological health of the system because the two species are almost identical in habittat and behaviour; and the Australian species was being diminished.  In this example, extinction of the Australian species would constitute almost no ecological loss.

    Given this, it is not true that every "... species extinction makes that part worse by 100%", except in the purely tautological sense that every species extinction involves the loss of 100% of the species.  In fact, most species losses have minimal impact on total ecosystem viability and/or genetic diversity.  That is not comfort for anti-environmentalists because the rate of species loss driven by over-fishing, deforestation, AGW, human transported invasive species and other anthropogenic factors is so large that continued for a century there is a real risk of loss of total ecosystem viability.  It should also be no comfort in that ecology is more complex even than climate so that it is often unpredictable as to the actual impact on total ecosystem viability from the loss of any given species.  Therefore we should take all reasonable measures to minimize all species loss.  But we should also not raise species loss to an absolute loss.

  17. SkepticalinCanada at 13:05 PM on 19 June 2015
    Eight things we learned from the pope's climate change encyclical

    I would be most interested in any sources which quantify what you are claiming. How much reduction would occur? How many more would that make room for? How would that impact our resource and energy use? 

    As well, if you have any sources which analyse the actual mechanisms whereby we can negate that "desire by a group to dominate and benefit more than others," I would certainly look at and consider them. 

    Links, please.

  18. One Planet Only Forever at 12:58 PM on 19 June 2015
    Eight things we learned from the pope's climate change encyclical

    Population growth needs to be addressed but it is not the problem some people want to claim it is. The overconsumption, excessive pursuit of benefit from harmful activity and waste of the 'most fortunate' is the real problem.

    Reduction of the excessive damaging impacts of the way most of the most fortunate live would make room for many more people within the same global carrying capacity. But that would require the most fortunate to limit the amount of personal benefit they can get to levels that are lower than they are pretty confident they could get away with personally enjoying.

    Leaders of the global population, everyone who has become wealthier than others, needs to be required to lead by example which would require peer pressure and penalty, those who want to be free from such an obligation would be forced to forfeit their excess wealth.

    The required development would happen in the free-market if everyone, particularly the richest, were competing to live the lowest impact and least consumptive most sustainable way. The richest would still live much better than all the others and their competition would motivate the development of ways of living decently that everyone else can develop to enjoy and continue forevermore if a better way does not get developed. The only losers would be those who gambled on benefiting from less acceptable ways of living. The global economic change required would simply make those current unacceptable gamblers the losers they deserve to be.

    The fighting to be the ones that get the most of a limited opportunity to benefit has produced horrific consequences, especially being the motivation for the majority of the killings through wars. Religion has been used as the excuse for many military actions. But the real motivation is almost always the desire by a group to dominate and benefit more than others, with whatever slogan or marketing program appears to be the best way to disguise or excuse what is really being pursued. 

  19. SkepticalinCanada at 12:57 PM on 19 June 2015
    Eight things we learned from the pope's climate change encyclical

    @14  But, if as many claim, we are already far beyond the ecological capacity of this planet, if as some claim (Daly, Salonius) our sustainable population level is only a few billion or a few hundred million, the "population will level off" idea is hardly comforting - just as comforting as the "the planet is about to cool" nonsense from Curry et al.   The key to preventing overpopulation is likely actively working, ethically of course, to reduce the population. Regarding efficiency, I tend to believe that there is some substance to the Khazzoom-Brookes postulate, and to Liebig's Law of the Minimum.  I can only base that on my personal observations, however.

  20. Eight things we learned from the pope's climate change encyclical

    FromPeru @14, very well said!

  21. Eight things we learned from the pope's climate change encyclical

    Population growth is not the big problem, because as people improve their quality of life, natality drops spontaneosly.

    The highest population growth hapen among the poorest people. This seems strange, but poverty introduces a perverse mix of ignorance, lack of access to healthcare and need to manpower. In the 1800s a term describing this last aspect was used: proletariat (people that have as their only wealth their own children, or prole).

    As living standards, education and healtcare improved, natality dropped. (just see how Europe population has not only stopped growing but is actually shrinking in some countries). The key to prevent overpopulation is fighting poverty.

    Not so with overconsumption. As one consumes more, one wants more, even if that does not necessarily improves your living standard. A better approach to improve your quality of life would be not to just consume more, but consume better.

    Today there is an obscene amount of wasted resources and wealth due to inefficiency and inequality. Just use better (more efficiently and with less inequality) the wealth we already have and the improvement in people's lives will replicate the European example all over the planet, solving the population problem.

    However, if you fight poverty just by increasing the quantity of consumption, without caring for the quality, you will overshoot the planet carrying capacity long before you reach the "1st world, stable population" condition, and then we would be in big trouble.

  22. Eight things we learned from the pope's climate change encyclical

    Suggested supplementary reading and directly related to the ongoing discussion...

    Ideology Subsumes Empiricism in Pope's Climate Encyclical by Lawrence M. Krauss, Scientific American, June 18, 2015

  23. Eight things we learned from the pope's climate change encyclical

    @8 Apologies. I meant to write "I do not find NO urgency…" in the last sentence.

  24. SkepticalinCanada at 10:17 AM on 19 June 2015
    Eight things we learned from the pope's climate change encyclical

    I do agree that the most urgent problem is human-caused global warming, but we do as well have other problems that need to be addressed, including (in no particular order) growthism, extractivism, the pressures of human population on the rest of the planet, accepting the idea that the evidence is clear that in general we are not qualified to be stewards of this planet but rather are a part of a complex ecosystem where we are the first species with the capabality to totally destroy it (whew!), and on and on.  But to say that "population growth...can only make ecological problems worse by 26%" is an incredible oversimplification. Every species extinction makes that part worse by 100%, as an example.  For all the talk about environmental "tipping points," there seems to be precious little talk about population-induced tipping points. For example, at some threshold level in cities, demands for more services such as swimming pools and other infrastructure become sufficiently large that they are built, with a significant short and long term energy and resource commitment. That's just one small example off the top of my head, but I'm sure that thinking people can find more.  And yes, this discussion likely belongs in another thread, but again I wonder if the SKS staff can create a more appropriate place for the discussion. 

  25. Eight things we learned from the pope's climate change encyclical

    Not being Catholic, the encyclical is almost completely irrelevant to me except that I welcome any clear acknowledgement of the problem by a world leader, be that religious or secular.  I doubt, however, that the encyclical will inform the approaches of catholics to tackling AGW.  Australia's Prime Minister, Tony Abbot is nominally Catholic, but is happy for his policies to clearly violate not just Catholic but Christian teaching as a matter of course.  I doubt this encyclical will change that.

    I note that Ryland (@2) and others have criticized the encyclical for not reversing the Catholic Church's longtime stance on birth controll and population growth.  Such a criticism reflects an unrealistic expectation.  More importantly, it completely fails to reflect the relevant magnitudes of the problems.  Specifically, the world's total population is projected to peak at around 9.22 billion in 2075.  That assumes no heroic efforts to constrain population, but only the well known trend to smaller familly size with increased affluence.  On that basis, population growth absent all other factors can only make ecological problems worse by 26% (current population estimated from World Population Clock).  For comparison, a projected 1.5% economic growth per annum compounded over 60.5 years (ie, to 2075) would result in a 246% increase in income, and hence on environmental impact, all else being equal.  The 1.5% growth was chose as being at the low end of long term growth trends and economic targets.  So, even on the most basic analysis Pope Francis is correct in concentrating on the race to affluence rather than population growth as the major problem.  Indeed, on that basic analysis, the burning issue for Ryland has just 11% of the impact of the factors on which Pope Francis concentrates.

    Even more imortantly, the affluence, and hence environmental impact is not equally distributed among the World's population.  Specifically, in 2010 31% of the world's population consumed 69% of the world's energy (and hence were responsible for approximately 69% of total emissions).  The rate of consumption is far in excess of that required for healthy, happy lives which can be achieved with much lower rates of consumption.  If follows that equalizing affluence at sustainable levels is a far more viable strategy for dealing with ecological problems then merely limiting population.

    It is my personal opinion that neither is necessary per se.  It is possible to switch energy supply to a purely sustainable model allowing both an increase in affluence along with projected population growth.  That does not mean there will be no cost in doing so, but the cost is not so large as to prevent continued economic growth and equalization of economic resources between first and third world nations.  Regardless of my opinion, however, there is no doubt that Pope Francis' approach is far more logical than that of Ryland, in addition to being far more consistent with prior (and core) aspects of Catholic doctrine.

  26. Eight things we learned from the pope's climate change encyclical

    If I may..  

    The Encyclical is not a detailed scientific analysis of Climate

    With that in mind, as we know, the pope has heard the voices of many of the world's experts - and has access to Science via the non-sectarian, non-religious of dozens of our top science academians who are also members of the Pontifical Academy of Science.

    With that said, and on a note which most people accept at least in principle, is the pope’s reflection of humanity’s God-given responsibility as custodians of the Earth.

    In other words, IMO, this pope is, "GREEN"

    Again, I would suggest again for any interested - to read/skim the entire text, for, different "summaries" aside from the OP are making different 'points'

  27. Eight things we learned from the pope's climate change encyclical

    @2. The RC Church has long nailed its flag to the mast so adamantly on issues related to sex (including procreation of course) that an abrupt reversal would serve only to damage the effectiveness of the encyclical by kicking the Church's dinosaurs in the groin.

          More to the point, Laudato Si' is otherwise a most helpful document.

         My impression is that the global ecological crises are more urgent, at this time, than the Population Bomb. (Not that I do not find urgency in the latter.)

  28. Eight things we learned from the pope's climate change encyclical

    @ 2, Yes- given that point 6 does address this in large part- you rightly point out that the problem still exists. 

    Therefore I wouldn't say this religious teaching is completely incorrect, as you do, but I do acknowledge population as a necessary talking point.

    Basically, I think the joining of issues is also a reality that has to be dealth with aswell, however.

  29. michael sweet at 06:38 AM on 19 June 2015
    Spoiled ballots, spoiled views: an election snapshot from Powys, Wales, UK


    Hundreds of millions of people are farmers in the great deltas of the world.  Suggesting that they can move to mountains is absurd and demonstrates that you have no difficulty killing off these hundreds millions of people for your own short term pleasure.  All habitable areas of the world are already settled.  Every country still habitable in the world will have to take in many refugees, there are too many people under 5 meters sea level to go anywhere nearby.

  30. Spoiled ballots, spoiled views: an election snapshot from Powys, Wales, UK

    The entire country of Bangladesh is less than 7m high. Telling people they have move or drown so you can enjoy the benefits of FF while they are largely deprived of is doing nothing for your case. I have no sympathy for an argument whereby one person gets a benefit and another pays for price. The best solution is stop sealevel rise by getting off FF immediately. Otherwise you are morally obliged to help the people affected by your emissions.

    I similarly do not equate peaceful countryside with matters of life or death.

  31. Spoiled ballots, spoiled views: an election snapshot from Powys, Wales, UK

    ScaddenP - you live in a country with a very small population and easy access to abundant, and as far as I am aware, very nice countryside, so I can only assume that it is something you take completely for granted otherwise you would not dismiss my values as 'trivial and highly subjective'. My country is over-populated already so there can be no question of us being reasonably expected to receive those 'refugees from the great deltas' you mention (Nile? Mississippi? Irrawaddy?), they will just have to find higher land that is slightly closer to home. There are plenty of mountain ranges.

  32. SkepticalinCanada at 05:13 AM on 19 June 2015
    Eight things we learned from the pope's climate change encyclical

    Sorry, I should have noted, those are my personal thoughts, as this issue seems to arise relatively frequently in discussions about climate change, emissions, and solutions.

  33. SkepticalinCanada at 05:11 AM on 19 June 2015
    Eight things we learned from the pope's climate change encyclical

    @2  The basic problem is too many humans consuming too much and producting too much waste.  In another thread, KR said "Might suggest Part 1 and Part 2 of the Economic Growth and Climate-Change threads, with explicit discussion of the impacts of population growth, as a more appropriate locale for this discussion?" That is apparently the appropriate place for population discussions, but it's pretty sparse with regard to population discussion, and perhaps SKS could consider another location/way for this discussion to happen - just my personal thoughts.

  34. What you need to know about the NOAA global warming faux pause paper

    Thanks to everyone who contributed to this explanation.

  35. Eight things we learned from the pope's climate change encyclical

    The various 'summaries' are ok to a point. 

    For the Complete 180 Page Text Goto: 


    Moderator Response:

    [PS] Fixed link. Use the "chain-link" button in the editor to create links.

  36. Eight things we learned from the pope's climate change encyclical

    Apologies "did not fall in 2104"  should read "did not fall in 2014"

  37. Eight things we learned from the pope's climate change encyclical

    Without accepting the use of contraception to address the increasingly rapid expansion in global population, the Pope’s encyclical is significantly flawed. It is an undeniable fact that humans all over the world want the best life possible and cheap, reliable energy is an essential element in attaining this. No matter how it is spun or denied or rationalized, the basic problem with the effect of humans on global warming and the environment is, too many humans. No matter how much the scientists warn humans and no matter how many, usually broken, promises to reduce emissions are made by politicians, human self interest will always triumph. That basic fact is amply evidenced by the complete failure of climate change conferences since Kyoto to achieve a meaningful reduction in global emissions. Although emissions stalled but crucially did not fall in 2104. it is thought by some that this could well be due to reduced global economic activity as happened in the 1980s, 1992 and 2009. Whether the stalling in 2014 heralds a fall in CO2 emissions remains to be seen but judging from the past this is certainly not a given. A fall or at least a stalling in human population is, self evidently, an essential element in combating AGW and indeed in the increased consumerism that so dismays the Pope. By deflecting this issue of population increase by focusing on increased consumerism, the Pope has been somewhat specious.

  38. Eight things we learned from the pope's climate change encyclical

    He's basically telling the world to stay away from Bjorn Lomborg and anyone else who argues fossil fuels should be allowed to warm our kids earth by 3 degrees instead of 2...

  39. michael sweet at 01:01 AM on 19 June 2015
    What you need to know about the NOAA global warming faux pause paper


    Karl et al have measured that all the temperatures measured before the buoys were 0.12C too high (presuming that the buoy data is correct).  In order to be consistent they have to either:

    1) Subtract 0.12 from the entire record previous to the buoy data or

    2) Add 0.12 to the buoy data.

    Changing the buoy data means that it is easier to compare the current record to papers published in say 1995 or 2005.  It also means that less of the record is affected.

    The old record has already corrected all the old data so that it lines up with the ship data.  This means all of it has to be changed, not just the past 50 years or so.

    The people at WUWT will complain no matter what is done.  

    Note again: if the raw data is used the global increase in temperature is 0.1C greater than using the corrected data, but WUWT will not tell you that.

  40. michael sweet at 00:42 AM on 19 June 2015
    Video: scientists simulate the climate of The Hobbit's Middle Earth

    This picture from the Canada tar sands looks like Mordor to me, and all the life is gone.


  41. What you need to know about the NOAA global warming faux pause paper

    mwsmith12 @48:

    1)  Just rehashing, because the temperature series is an anomaly series, it made absolutely no difference to the end result whether Karl et al added 0.12 to the buoy data, or subtacted it from the ship data.  For simplicity of illustration, assume there was no buoy data till 2001.  Supose then we subtracted the bias correction from the ship data.  It follows that the temperatures durring the anomaly period (1971-2000) would have been reduced by 0.12 C.  However, recalculating the anomaly would reset the average over that period to 0 C, thereby adding 0.12 C to all values to obtain the anomaly value.   For shipboard measurements, the two adjustments would cancel, but for buoy measurements there would be a net 0.12 C adjustment regardless of whether you initially adjusted shipboard or bouy data.  The only difference is whether you include that change to the buoy data as an explicit adjustment or implicitly in caclulating the anomaly period.

    You already get this, and so should everybody else including the authors of the WUWT post because (excluding the sheer number of values involved) this is simple arithmetic.  Put another way, if Michaels, Lindzen and Knappenberger are not being completely disingenuous, they are demonstrating that fourth grade arithmetic is above their payscale.

    2)  Yes, adding more buoys will increase the temperature but only because it removes an artifact produces by the increase in the number of buoys while incorrectly assuming that shipbourne and bouy temperature measurements were not biased with respect to each other.

    3)  From the paper:

    "Of the 11 improvements in ERSST version 4 (13), the continuation of the ship correction had the largest impact on trends for the 2000-2014 time period, accounting for 0.030°C of the 0.064°C trend difference with version 3b. (The buoy offset correction contributed 0.014°C dec−1 to the difference, and the additional weight given to the buoys because of their greater accuracy contributed 0.012°C dec−1."

    (My emphasis).

    And from the supplementary material:

    "In addition, because buoy data were determined to have less noise than ship data (greater precision), another improvement was to give buoy data more weight when using Empirical Orthogonal Teleconnections to reconstruct SST (see equation 3 in (13))."

    So, contrary to the Michaels, Lindzen and Knappenberger's argument, the buoy data was given greater weight because it was more accurate.  Once we ignore Michaels, Lindzen and Knappenberger's smoke and mirrors trick (ie their failing grade in arithmetic), the paper in result in fact gives more weight buoy data which increases the measured trend.  

  42. Yail Bloor III at 23:03 PM on 18 June 2015
    2015 SkS Weekly News Roundup #25A

    You've linked a number of good stories but here is a link for a WaPo story I enjoyed:

    There was a comment by one that countered with (not an exact quote) "Don't blame snow cover loss on melting, winter precipitation is down and that's the real reason for the lack of snow cover." He proceeded to link to a Climate4You image showing (eyeroll) the decline of precipitation. Yes, Ole Humdrum (sic). It was fishy, as you might imagine. My response:

     Never mind, I figured it out. Ole was creating the precipitation anomalies using the totals from each year, November through April. This image specifically compares the 1990s to the average of the whole 20th century. I can see that being a problem...assuming we want information that's actually helpful. First problem: knowing how the last decade (9 years, to be precise) of the 20th century compared against an average of the entire previous century precipitationwise doesn't seem particularly relevant in 2015. Second problem: this image should come from precipitation information from everywhere in the Arctic, all the way down to the 50th parallel (according to Ole). Does this include precipitation data for Alaska from 1901-1924? NOAA doesn't have this information on their website...I'm wondering if they considered the data reliable. Otherwise, one would think they would include it.


    If my calculations are correct, the average annual (liquid) precipitation for 1925-2000 (Nov.-April) is slightly less than 16". The average for the 15 years since Nov. 2000 is almost exactly the same, oddly enough. Gosh, what happened? Where's the snow? They almost cancelled the Iditarod for lack of snow. They hauled in a bunch of snow for the concluding ceremony in Anchorage...they almost didn't get finished before it melted. Then I remembered...when we got the icy blast in the Appalachians last February, I checked Fairbanks' weather. High near 50...and RAIN. There's some of the missing snow, it was rain. The rest of it vanished during the May heat blast. (For the next 10 days, Fairbanks (and more) will be back into the low-to-mid 80s.)

    Your Ole climate image, it was showing a lot of negative precipitation anomalies over Alaska, a bit surprising. I noticed if the precipitation is one molecule under the 100 year average, the lightest shade of yellow appeared. Guess how much lower it has to be to get the next darker shade? 0.4 inches...only 10 millimeters. Ole thought it would be cute to have 10 mm increments between color shades. That's one way to create a false impression without actually lying. I don't trust denier websites. They almost never present data that they haven't massaged to a bloody pulp. I'm not interested in propaganda, don't have time for it.

    Moderator Response:

    [DB] Removed extraneous and incomplete hyperlink.

  43. Video: scientists simulate the climate of The Hobbit's Middle Earth

    shoyemore @6, that Connemara inspired Tolkein's conception of the geography from the Dead Marshes looking towards Mordor is certainly possible.  I suspect, however, that like most major geography in middle earth it was determined by the necessities of a concieved history moderated by the requirements of the narrative.  From that perspective Emyn Muil would have been conceived first, along with the nature of Mordor as surrounded by mountains.  With that, we then add Dagorlad ("battle plain") and the Dead Marshes as necessary battle sites due to their relation to the primary exit from Mordor.  Tolkien would then have fleshed out both with two different conceptions of the effects of combat on geography.  Dagorlad (previously home to the Ent wives) was, in effect England (or the Shire) made desolate by warfare; while the dead marshes hark back to "no man's land" of the Somme (where Tolkein fought).

    On that theory, we must imagine the Dead Marshes as looking like this:


    Only we must imagine the unrecoverable corpses still preserved by vile magic, and the pits and hollows fill with stank water forming ponds covered by an algal scum and dank struggling grasses on the verge of any land still above water.

    That speculation has support both in Tolkein's description of the Dead Marshes:

    "Dreary and wearisome. Cold, clammy winter still held sway in this forsaken country. The only green was the scum of livid weed on the dark greasy surfaces of the sullen waters. Dead grasses and rotting reeds loomed up in the mists like ragged shadows of long forgotten summers."

    And also in Tolkein's own comments in his letters.

    On this view, then, the rise above the bog of the mountains of Mordor are a necessary consequence of the notion that Mordor is surrounded by high, nearly impassable mountains, while the foreground is determined by an imagining of the Somme turned swampland.

    (The picture, by the way is of Scwhabben Redoubt, where Tolkein fought as part of the 25th division).

    Finally, the only worthy endnotes to the trilogy are The Silmarillion, Hurin's Children, and sections of Unfinished Tales which I heartilly recommend to anybody who has read and enjoyed the trilogy.  I understand that some people find the Silmarillion difficult going as it is not in the style of modern novels, so if you have tried to read the Illiad or the Mort d'Arthur and not enjoyed them, perhaps read only Hurin's Children.

    I would be delighted to think of myself as (and certainly Lunt has) contributed a useful footnote to Tolkein scholarship.

  44. What you need to know about the NOAA global warming faux pause paper

    michael sweet,

    The authors of the WUWT post claim that adding .12 to the buoy data it must put a warming trend in the data: 

    "Adjusting good data upward to match bad data seems questionable, and the fact that the buoy network becomes increasingly dense in the last two decades means that this adjustment must put a warming trend in the data."

    That's right, isn't it? As more buoys are added, more artificially high readings are added.

  45. michael sweet at 21:31 PM on 18 June 2015
    What you need to know about the NOAA global warming faux pause paper


    The data need to be adjusted because the temperature of the ocean used to be measured using ship intake tubes and now is measured with buoys and ships.  If all the data was currently collected using buoys the data would need to be adjusted because the older data is higher than it should be due to calibration issues.  Whenever there is a change in the method of collection adjustments have to be made.  

    Much larger adjustments were made when canvas buckets were switched to wooden buckets and when the change was made from wooden buckets to engine intakes.  Those adjustments were made by adding temperature to the older measurements.  This lowers the measured temperature trend,  The overall adjustments lower the measured trend for the entire globe about .1C, but they will never say that at WUWT.  Imagine how many adjustments have to be made in the satalite record where the calibrations change with each new satalite, as each satalite orbit decays and as the time of day changes.

    You are correct that the scientists you report at WUWT know that they are disingenious at best.  I see no way that all data can be reported in such a way that people who want to lie cannot find a way to decieve others.  This site is dedicated to countering those lies by providing correct explainations.  

    In the end, the record temperatures for 2014 and 2015 will convince many people that AGW is real.  The record floods in Texas that ended their record drought will convince others (since AGW predicts both more drought and more floods).

  46. What you need to know about the NOAA global warming faux pause paper

    This is important because it illustrates how contrarians leverage these details into doubt and suspicion.

    This is a quote from post by Patrick Michaels, Richard Lindzen, and Paul Knappenberger over at WUWT. I don't read that site, but posts from there get used everywhere, so I had to deal with this one:

    "In addition, the authors’ treatment of buoy sea-surface temperature (SST) data was guaranteed to create a warming trend. The data were adjusted upward by 0.12°C to make them “homogeneous” with the longer-running temperature records taken from engine intake channels in marine vessels.

    "As has been acknowledged by numerous scientists, the engine intake data are clearly contaminated by heat conduction from the structure, and as such, never intended for scientific use. On the other hand, environmental monitoring is the specific purpose of the buoys. Adjusting good data upward to match bad data seems questionable, and the fact that the buoy network becomes increasingly dense in the last two decades means that this adjustment must put a warming trend in the data."

    The authors are trying to convince me that homogonization is cheating. They put it in quotes. Well, I already know why homogenization is important and how it improves data qaulity, but even so, why add 0.12C to all the buoys when the buoys were designed for this and should be more accurate than measurements from ships that are just trying to get from A to B as fast as possible? 

    And despite my being a career software engineer who at least reads a lot of climate science reportage and the occassional paper, and who understands the scientific method and the concepts of statistics etc, I was still left with some doubt because it isn't clear to me why data that seem to me to be more accurate are adjusted up to be compatible with data that seem to me to be less accurate.

    Having now understood the explanation, I can't believe the three authors of the WUWT post don't know it already. And if so, their objection is disingenuous at best. But it would be very useful to the general public if each scientific paper could have an accompanying link to a page on which these explanations are provided, together with the perhaps bogus objections that require them.

    Maybe a section here at Skeptical Science, where these papers are catalogued toghether with all the contributed explanations for questions like: Why did we add 0.12C to the buoy data, and why is that the right thing to do?

  47. What you need to know about the NOAA global warming faux pause paper

    But it's because the thermometers move from grid to grid, and the record for a particular grid can include both types of measurment. If buoys were used in the Pacific, and ships were sed in the Atlantic, there would be no interference so they wouldn't have to be adjusted.

  48. Video: scientists simulate the climate of The Hobbit's Middle Earth

    Tom Curtis,

    Wonderful tongue-in-cheek critique of Dan Lunt's model. Kudos to Cook and Lunt for the videos.

    Your knowledge of MIddle-Earth is better than mine, but I still have a hankering for a view of Mordor's edge across the Dead Marshes, approaching from Emyn Muil being like the top picture. I am sure the rainfall in the West of Ireland does not match that of the model (about a factor or 2 higher, I think), but as a visualisation it pleases me.

    The best MIddle Earth of all is the one we retain in our imagination. John, Dan & Tom have stimulated our imagination and supplied worthy endnotes to the trilogy itself.

  49. 2015 SkS News Bulletin #4: Pope Francis & Climate Change

    Republicans' leading climate denier tells the pope to butt out of climate debate

    Oklahoma senator James Inhofe [...] calling global warming “the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people”, took a star turn on Thursday at the Heartland Institute[...]

    His message – that “God is still up there” and that Pope Francis should mind his own business – sent a clear signal to his fellow conservatives

    That's just hillarious. To maintain the tenacity of his position, Inhofe is now assuming the role of fake religious leader. How far would he be able to travel that way before the obvious stupidity of such ideology becomes untenable?

  50. One Planet Only Forever at 14:38 PM on 18 June 2015
    The latest global temperature data are breaking records

    The last sentence was meant to be "Those results would just make most of those other type of people more uncomfortable, not more inclined to change their minds."

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