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All IPCC definitions taken from Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Working Group I Contribution to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Annex I, Glossary, pp. 941-954. Cambridge University Press.

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New research, December 25-31, 2017

Posted on 5 January 2018 by Ari Jokimäki

A selection of new climate related research articles is shown below.

Climate change mitigation

1. Renewable technologies in Karnataka, India: jobs potential and co-benefits

"We show that enhancing green economy offers benefits that include the creation of jobs, but also delivers a much wider set of socio-economic and environmental welfare gains for emerging economies such as India."

2. Social acceptance of new energy technology in developing countries: A framing experiment in rural India

3. Public acceptance of household energy-saving measures in Beijing: Heterogeneous preferences and policy implications

4. Conceptualization of energy security in resource-poor economies: The role of the nature of economy

5. Climate Risk Management and the Electricity Sector

6. Multidimensional stress test for hydropower investments facing climate, geophysical and financial uncertainty

7. Assessing the role of artificially drained agricultural land for climate change mitigation in Ireland

8. Changing climate policy paradigms in Bangladesh and Nepal

Climate change

Temperature and Precipitation

9. Estimating sea surface temperature measurement methods using characteristic differences in the diurnal cycle

"Compared to existing estimates, we found a larger number of engine room-intake (ERI) reports post War World II and in the period 1960 – 1980. Differences in the inferred mixture of observations lead to a systematic warmer shift of the bias adjusted SST anomalies from 1980 compared to previous estimates, while reducing the ensemble spread. Changes in mean field differences between bucket and ERI SST anomalies in the Northern Hemisphere over the period 1955 – 1995 could be as large as 0.5 °C and are not well reproduced by current bias adjustment models."

10. PRECIS-projected increases in temperature and precipitation over Canada

11. Spatial and temporal variations in extreme temperature in Central Asia

"Results show that: (1) from 1981 to 2015, all extreme temperature values exhibited increasing trends on an annual scale, but maximum temperature (TMAX) increased faster than the minimum temperature (TMIN), leading to an overall increase in the diurnal temperature range (DTR)."

12. Quantifying recent precipitation change and predicting lake expansion in the Inner Tibetan Plateau

13. Trends of precipitation characteristics in the Czech Republic over 1961–2012, their spatial patterns and links to temperature and the North Atlantic Oscillation

14. Emergent behavior of Arctic precipitation in response to enhanced Arctic warming

15. Evaluating biases in Sea Surface Temperature records using coastal weather stations

"A preliminary sea surface temperature reconstruction homogenized using coastal weather station data suggests significant changes to the sea surface temperature record, although there are substantial uncertainties of which only some can be quantified. A large warm excursion in versions 4 and 5 of the NOAA Extended Reconstructed Sea Surface Temperature during World War 2 is rejected, as is a cool excursion around 1910 present in all existing records. The mid-century plateau is cooler than in existing reconstructions."

16. A comparison of recent trends in precipitation and temperature over Western and Eastern Eurasia

17. The importance of ocean dynamical feedback for understanding the impact of mid-high latitude warming on tropical precipitation change

18. Soil Moisture–Temperature Coupling in a Set of Land Surface Models

19. Non-linear trends and fluctuations in temperature during different growth stages of summer maize in the North China Plain from 1960 to 2014

Extreme events

20. Dominant Role of Atlantic Multi-decadal Oscillation in the Recent Decadal Changes in Western North Pacific Tropical Cyclone Activity

21. Storm Surge Reconstruction and Return Water Level Estimation in Southeast Asia for the 20th Century

22. Windstorms and forest disturbances in the Czech Lands: 1801–2015

Atmospheric and oceanic circulation

23. The interconnected global climate system – a review of tropical-polar teleconnections

24. The connection between the Atlantic multidecadal oscillation and the Indian summer monsoon in CMIP5 models

25. A multivariate estimate of the cold season atmospheric response to North Pacific SST variability


26. Temperature and snowfall in western Queen Maud Land increasing faster than climate model projections

"We determine that the recent snowfall increases in western Queen Maud Land (QML) are part of a long-term trend (+5.2±3.7% decade-1) and are unprecedented over the past two millennia. Warming between 1998 and 2016 is significant and rapid (+1.1±0.7 °C decade-1)."

27. Accurate coastal DEM generation by merging ASTER GDEM and ICESat/GLAS data over Mertz Glacier, Antarctica

28. Brine Convection, Temperature Fluctuations and Permeability in Winter Antarctic Land-Fast Sea Ice

29. Multiphase Reactive Transport and Platelet Ice Accretion in the Sea Ice of McMurdo Sound, Antarctic

30. Large Eddy Simulation of Heat Entrainment Under Arctic Sea Ice

31. Contribution of deformation to sea-ice mass balance: a case study from an N-ICE2015 storm

32. Diagnosing sea ice from the north american multi model ensemble and implications on mid-latitude winter climate

33. Influence of glacier melting and river discharges on the nutrient distribution and DIC recycling in the Southern Chilean Patagonia

Carbon Cycle

34. Carbon dioxide fluxes in the city centre of Arnhem, A middle-sized Dutch city

35. Current and future decadal trends in the oceanic carbon uptake are dominated by internal variability

Climate forcings

36. On the climate impacts of upper tropospheric and lower stratospheric ozone

Climate change impacts

Impacts to mankind

37. Understanding smallholder farmers’ capacity to respond to climate change in a coastal community in Central Vietnam

"Our findings show that farmers nowadays experience more extreme climate variability. Farmers report increasing stresses due to temperature increase and droughts." ... "Farmers report several barriers to implement adaptation strategies including; market price fluctuations, lack of skilled labour, lack of climate change information, and lack of capacity to learn and apply techniques in their daily practice."

38. Barometric pressure change and heart rate response during sleeping at ~ 3000 m altitude

39. Lightning-related fatalities in Romania from 1999 to 2015

40. Using simulations to forecast homeowner response to sea level rise in South Florida: Will they stay or will they go?

41. Assessing the role of farmer field schools in promoting pro-adaptive behaviour towards climate change among Jamaican farmers

42. Australian wheat production expected to decrease by the late 21st century

43. Barriers to implementing climate resilient agricultural strategies: The case of crop diversification in the U.S. Corn Belt

44. Climatically driven yield variability of major crops in Khakassia (South Siberia)

Impacts to nature

45. Climate warming and land-use changes drive broad-scale floristic changes in Southern Sweden

"Our results suggest that climate warming and changes in land use were the main drivers of changes in the flora during the last decades. Climate warming appeared as the most influential driver, with northern distribution limit explaining 30–60% of the variance in the GLMM models. However, the relative importance of the drivers differed among habitat types, with grassland species being affected the most by cessation of grazing/mowing and species of ruderal habitats by ongoing concentration of both agriculture and human population to the most productive soils. For wetland species, only pH optimum was significantly related to species performance, possibly an effect of the increasing humification of acidic water bodies. An observed relative decline of mycorrhizal species may possibly be explained by decreasing nitrogen deposition resulting in less competition for phosphorus. We found no effect of shortage or decline of pollinating lepidopterans and bees."

46. Advances in flowering phenology across the Northern Hemisphere are explained by functional traits

47. The efficiency of phenological shifts as an adaptive response against climate change: a case study of loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) in the Mediterranean

48. Phenological cues intrinsic in indigenous knowledge systems for forecasting seasonal climate in the Delta State of Nigeria

49. Predicting autumn phenology: How deciduous tree species respond to weather stressors

50. The roots of the drought: Hydrology and water uptake strategies mediate forest-wide demographic response to precipitation

51. Latitudinal variation in responses of a forest herbivore and its egg parasitoids to experimental warming

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Comments 1 to 2:

  1. Also => Ice Loss and the Polar Vortex: How a Warming Arctic Fuels Cold Snaps

    The loss of sea ice may be weakening the polar vortex, allowing cold blasts to dip south from the Arctic, across North America, Europe and Russia, a new study says.

    0 0
  2. I'm sure someone already spotted this... but there's a typo on the first graph: "sanility" instead of the correct "salinity".

    1 0

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