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All IPCC definitions taken from Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Working Group I Contribution to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Annex I, Glossary, pp. 941-954. Cambridge University Press.

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New research, October 29 - November 4, 2018

Posted on 9 November 2018 by Ari Jokimäki

A selection of new climate related research articles is shown below.

Climate change impacts 


Altered Disease Risk from Climate Change (A special issue in EcoHealth)

Climate change perception: an analysis of climate change and risk perceptions among farmer types of Indian Western Himalayas

Climate change adaptation and mitigation – a hitherto neglected gender-sensitive public health perspective

Associations between ambient temperature and daily hospital admissions for rheumatic heart disease in Shanghai, China

Investigation on fatal accidents in Chinese construction industry between 2004 and 2016

Drivers of diversity in human thermal perception – A review for holistic comfort models (open access)

Quantifying the effect of rain events on outdoor thermal comfort in a high-density city, Hong Kong

Bridging Research and Policy on Climate Change and Conflict

The potential effects of climate change on air quality across the conterminous US at 2030 under three Representative Concentration Pathways (open access)

Climate change implications for irrigation and groundwater in the Republican River Basin, USA (open access)

Using impact response surfaces to analyse the likelihood of impacts on crop yield under probabilistic climate change (open access)

Are agricultural researchers working on the right crops to enable food and nutrition security under future climates? (open access)

Machine learning methods for crop yield prediction and climate change impact assessment in agriculture (open access)

Analysis of meteorological dryness/wetness features for spring wheat production in the Ili River basin, China

Effects of large?scale climate anomalies on crop reference evapotranspiration in the main grain?production area of China

Assessing the climate change impacts of cocoa growing districts in Ghana: the livelihood vulnerability index analysis

Yield response to climate, management, and genotype: a large-scale observational analysis to identify climate-adaptive crop management practices in high-input maize systems (open access)

A Reappraisal of the Thermal Growing Season Length across Europe

Enough is enough: how West African farmers judge water sufficiency

Of climate and weather: Examining Canadian farm and livestock organization discourses from 2010 to 2015

Designing collaborative governance: Insights from the drought contingency planning process for the lower Colorado River basin


The influence of climatic legacies on the distribution of dryland biocrust communities

Soil microbial moisture dependences and responses to drying?rewetting: the legacy of 18 years drought

Comparison of budburst phenology trends and precision among participants in a citizen science program

Adaptation of soil microbial growth to temperature: using a tropical elevation gradient to predict future changes

The response of boreal peatland community composition and NDVI to hydrologic change, warming, and elevated carbon dioxide (open access)

Functional reorganization of marine fish nurseries under climate warming

Climate change threatens central Tunisian nut orchards

Tree rings reveal long-term changes in growth resilience in Southern European riparian forests

Boreal tree growth exhibits decadal?scale ecological memory to drought and insect defoliation, but no negative response to their interaction

Tree resilience to drought increases in the Tibetan Plateau (open access)

Warming impacts on early life stages increase the vulnerability and delay the population recovery of a long?lived habitat?forming macroalga

Miami heat: urban heat islands influence the thermal suitability of habitats for ectotherms

Other impacts

Forest fire hazard during 2000–2016 in Zhejiang province of the typical subtropical region, China

Evaluating regional resiliency of coastal wetlands to sea level rise through hypsometry?based modeling (open access)

Climate change mitigation

Climate change communication

Educational Backgrounds of TV Weathercasters (open access)

Perceptions of mountainous people on climate change, livelihood practices and climatic shocks: A case study of Swat District, Pakistan

Climate Policy

Effect of carbon tax on the industrial competitiveness of Chongqing, China

Energy production

The existence of barriers and proposed recommendations for the development of renewable energy in Indian perspective

Emission savings

CO2-equivalent emissions from European passenger vehicles in the years 1995–2015 based on real-world use: Assessing the climate benefit of the European “diesel boom” (open access)

Club convergence and spatial distribution dynamics of carbon intensity in China’s construction industry


Targeting carbon dioxide removal in the European Union (open access)

Climate change

Science directions in a post?COP21?world of transient climate change: enabling regional to local predictions in support of reliable climate information (open access)

East Asian climate under global warming: understanding and projection

Temperature, precipitation, wind

ENSO-related Global Ocean Heat Content Variations

The importance of unresolved biases in 20th century sea-surface temperature observations (open access)

Formation of contrasting March surface air temperature trends in the eastern Bering Sea and the Sea of Okhotsk during 1979–2015

Long term variability of the northerly winds over the Eastern Mediterranean as seen from historical wind observations

Quantifying the Importance of Rapid Adjustments for Global Precipitation Changes (open access)

Extreme events

Spatiotemporal Analysis of Near-Miss Violent Tornadoes in the United States

Plant?physiological responses to rising CO2 modify simulated daily runoff intensity with implications for global?scale flood risk assessment

On the decadal predictability of the frequency of flood events across the U.S. Midwest

Rainfall threshold determination for flash flood warning in mountainous catchments with consideration of antecedent soil moisture and rainfall pattern

Flood mapping under uncertainty: a case study in the Canadian prairies

Characteristics of meteorological droughts in northwestern India

Mechanisms and Early Warning of Drought Disasters: An Experimental Drought Meteorology Research over China (DroughtEX_China) (open access)

Projecting changes in societally?impactful northeastern U.S. snowstorms

Forcings and feedbacks

Rapid and reliable assessment of methane impacts on climate (open access)

Impact of climate change on solar irradiation and variability over the iberian peninsula using regional climate models

Effective radiative forcing in the aerosol–climate model CAM5.3-MARC-ARG (open access)

Additional global climate cooling by clouds due to ice crystal complexity (open access)

Characterizing uncertainties in the ESA-CCI land cover map of the epoch 2010 and their impacts on MPI-ESM climate simulations (open access)


Impact of the recent atmospheric circulation change in summer on the future surface mass balance of the Greenland Ice Sheet (open access)

Basal control of supraglacial meltwater catchments on the Greenland Ice Sheet (open access)

Soil thermal conductivity and its influencing factors at the Tanggula permafrost region on the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau

Detecting soil freeze/thaw onsets in Alaska using SMAP and ASCAT data

Improving Met Office seasonal predictions of Arctic sea ice using assimilation of CryoSat-2 thickness (open access)

Mechanisms for and predictability of a drastic reduction in the Arctic sea ice: APPOSITE data with climate model MIROC

Widespread and accelerated decrease of observed mean and extreme snow depth over Europe

Basal ice formation in snow cover in Northern Finland between 1948 and 2016 (open access)


Evolution of 21st Century Sea?level Rise Projections (open access)

Combined use of multiple drought indices for global assessment of dry gets drier and wet gets wetter paradigm

Climate change expectations in the upper Tigris River basin, Turkey

Cooling and freshening of the West Spitsbergen Current by shelf?origin cold core lenses

Atmospheric and oceanic circulation

Performance of CMIP5 models in the simulation of Indian summer monsoon

A robust constraint on the temperature and height of the extratropical tropopause

West African Monsoon: current state and future projections in a high-resolution AGCM (open access)

Reassessing the Role of the Indo?Pacific in the Ocean's Global Overturning Circulation

Weakened anomalous western North Pacific anticyclone during El Niño decaying summer under a warmer climate: Dominant role of the weakened impact of tropical Indian Ocean on the atmosphere

Carbon and nitrogen cycles

Differences of soil CO2 flux in two contrasting subalpine ecosystems on the eastern edge of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau: A four-year study

Nitrous oxide emissions from inland waters: Are IPCC estimates too high?

Total deposition of nitrogen in Swiss forests: Comparison of assessment methods and evaluation of changes over two decades

Other papers

General climate science

100 Years Later: Reflecting on Alfred Wegener’s Contributions to Tornado Research in Europe (open access)

Heat?engine and entropy?production analyses of the world ocean


A Pinus cembra L. tree-ring record for late spring to late summer temperature in the Rhaetian Alps, Italy

Dendrochronological potential of four neotropical dry-forest tree species: climate-growth correlations in Northeast Brazil

Other environmental issues 

Mortality and hospitalizations due to cardiovascular and respiratory diseases associated with air pollution in Iran: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Effects of air pollutants on occurrences of influenza-like illness and laboratory-confirmed influenza in Hefei, China

Trends in air pollutants and health impacts in three Swedish cities over the past three decades (open access)

Public Attention to Natural Hazard Warnings in Social Media in China

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