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All IPCC definitions taken from Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Working Group I Contribution to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Annex I, Glossary, pp. 941-954. Cambridge University Press.

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Skeptical Science New Research for Week #28, 2019

Posted on 16 July 2019 by SkS-Team

This week's research roundup includes 54 articles.

The most viscerally fascinating article in the present collection is undoubtedly Polag & Keppler's Global methane emissions from the human body: past, present and future.  Here we learn some unsettling facts: 

  • Prediction of global CH4 emission for the year 2100 is 1221?±?672?Gg.
  • Future CH4 emission by humans might be in the range of present permafrost soils.

  • Future factor-weighted estimation of human CH4 emission exceeds unweighted estimation.

Combine the above quantification with what we know should be our diet leaning more toward such sustenance as cabbage and beans and we could be looking at an emergent positive feedback, an unexpected outcome of climate change mitigation.

Per popular demand we're attempting to categorize research according to broad classifications; to the extent possible research articles appear in sections having principally to do with the physical science of anthropogenic climate change, relationships between biological systems and climate change, and the  back and forth of human drivers and responses with respect to climate change. Some articles don't neatly classify— in this collection is an article linking algal growth with Greenland ice albedo, and another constraining coal-fired generation plant contributions to global carbon load but as an objective in improving climate model performance. Each was classified as a physical sciences item. 

Extraneous matter:

In the course of compiling this list we encounter the same effect as when searching pages of an encyclopedia or using Wikipedia: some diversions are just too good to ignore. The RSS feed principally supplying raw material for these posts is of course not perfect and so this week's trawl netted us an irresistible wrong species: The five deeps: The location and depth of the deepest place in each of the world's oceans. Answering the promise of the title turns out to be surprisingly complicated. 

Articles for week #28, 2019:

Physical science of anthropenic climate change

Preface to special issue Forum for Arctic Ocean Modeling and Observational Synthesis (FAMOS) 2: Beaufort Gyre phenomenon

Introduction to the Special Section on Fast Physics in Climate Models: Parameterization, Evaluation and Observation

Decelerated Greenland Ice Sheet melt driven by positive summer North Atlantic Oscillation

Revisiting recent elevation?dependent warming on the Tibetan Plateau using satellite?based datasets

Is Arctic Amplification dominated by regional radiative forcing and feedbacks: Perspectives from the World?Avoided scenario

Increased fall precipitation in the southeastern US driven by higher?intensity, frontal precipitation

Half?a?degree Matters for Reducing and Delaying Global Land Exposure to Combined Daytime?Nighttime Hot Extremes

Effect of Tropical Non-Convective Condensation on Uncertainty in Modeled Projections of Rainfall

Blocking statistics in a varying climate: lessons from a ‘traffic jam’ model with pseudostochastic forcing

Dynamics of ITCZ width: Ekman processes, non-Ekman processes and links to sea-surface temperature

Trends of vertically integrated water vapor over the Arctic during 1979-2016: Consistent moistening all over?

A climatology of rain-on-snow events for Norway

Algal growth and weathering crust structure drive variability in Greenland Ice Sheet ice albedo

Leveraging the signature of heterotrophic respiration on atmospheric CO2 for model benchmarking

Investigation of the global methane budget over 1980–2017 using GFDL-AM4.1

Buoyant forces promote tidewater glacier iceberg calving through large basal stress concentrations

Arctic cloud annual cycle biases in climate models

Assessing the potential for non-turbulent methane escape from the East Siberian Arctic Shelf

Antarctic ice shelf thickness change from multimission lidar mapping

Ice island thinning: Rates and model calibration with in situ observations from Baffin Bay, Nunavut

A methodology to constrain carbon dioxide emissions from coal-fired power plants using satellite observations of co-emitted nitrogen dioxide

Recent climate trends over Greece

Detection of UHI bias in China climate network using Tmin and Tmax surface temperature divergence

Spatiotemporal differences in the climatic growing season in the Qinling Mountains of China under the influence of global warming from 1964 to 2015

Quantifying the range of future glacier mass change projections caused by differences among observed past-climate datasets

Circulation analogues and uncertainty in the time-evolution of extreme event probabilities: evidence from the 1947 Central European heatwave

Spatiotemporal trends of temperature and precipitation extremes across contrasting climatic zones of China during 1956–2015

Future precipitation changes over Panama projected with the atmospheric global model MRI-AGCM3.2

Intensity and spatial heterogeneity of design rainstorm under nonstationarity and stationarity hypothesis across mainland China

Spatio-temporal variations of precipitation extremes in Hanjiang River Basin, China, during 1960–2015

Climate change lengthens southeastern USA lightning?ignited fire seasons

Variability and trends of landfalling atmospheric rivers along the Pacific Coast of northwestern North America

Effects of the tropospheric large?scale circulation on European winter temperatures during the period of amplified Arctic warming 

Quantifying human contributions to past and future ocean warming and thermosteric sea level rise

Impacts on our culture of the human impact on climate 

Intensity and spatial heterogeneity of design rainstorm under nonstationarity and stationarity hypothesis across mainland China

U.S. hydrologic design standards insufficient due to large increases in frequency of rainfall extremes

Role of Knowledge Networks and Boundary Organizations in Coproduction: A Short History of a Decision Support Tool and Model for Adapting Multiuse Reservoir and Water-Energy Governance to Climate Change in California

Unpacking uncertainty and climate change from ‘above’ and ‘below’

Ignoring Indigenous peoples—climate change, oil development , and Indigenous rights clash in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge

Climate change adaptation planning in practice: insights from the Caribbean

Local climate change cultures: climate-relevant discursive practices in three emerging economies

Admitting uncertainty, transforming engagement: towards caring practices for sustainability beyond climate change

Stochastically modeling the projected impacts of climate change on rainfed and irrigated US crop yields

Households’ adaptation in a warming climate. Air conditioning and thermal insulation choices

Climate change and agriculture in South Asia: adaptation options in smallholder production systems

Assessment of climatic variability risks with application of livelihood vulnerability indices

Climate impacts: temperature and electricity consumption

Biology and climate change

Global methane emissions from the human body: Past, present and future

Varying climate response across the tundra, forest-tundra and boreal forest biomes in northern West Siberia

The climatic drivers of primary Picea forest growth along the Carpathian arc are changing under rising temperatures

Phytoplankton decline in the eastern North Pacific transition zone associated with atmospheric blocking

Drylands climate response to transient and stabilized 2 °C and 1.5 °C global warming targets

Multi?model Analysis of Future Land?use and Climate Change Impacts on Ecosystem Functioning

Climate warming does not always extend the plant growing season in Inner Mongolian grasslands: Evidence from a thirty?year in situ observations at eight experimental sites


The previous issue of SkS new research may be found here



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