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All IPCC definitions taken from Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Working Group I Contribution to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Annex I, Glossary, pp. 941-954. Cambridge University Press.

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New research special - cloud papers 2010-2011

Posted on 10 July 2012 by Ari Jokimäki

New research from last week series started in Skeptical Science at the beginning of 2012. Before this the series had been running for a year and a half in AGW Observer blog. Now, as new research series is having a summer break, we take a peek back to 2010 and 2011 papers in the series. We have four different posts that all contain all the papers included in the new research series during 2010 and 2011 on certain subject.

Subject of the week is clouds. Clouds are one of the biggest sources of uncertainty in future climate projections and are hence very important issue. Below you find all cloud papers that were included in the new research series during 2010 and 2011.

Cloud observations

Variations in cloud cover and cloud types over the ocean from surface observations, 1954–2008 - Eastman et al. (2011)

A high-quality monthly total cloud amount dataset for Australia - Jovanovic et al. (2010)

Cloud features detected by MODIS but not by CloudSat and CALIOP - Chan & Comiso (2011)

Consistency of global satellite-derived aerosol and cloud data sets with recent brightening observations - Cermak et al. (2010)

Changes in extratropical storm track cloudiness 1983–2008: observational support for a poleward shift - Bender et al. (2011)

Cloud feedbacks

The role of low clouds in determining climate sensitivity in response to a doubling of CO2 as obtained from 16 mixed-layer models - Wetherald (2011)

The vertical distribution of cloud feedback in coupled ocean-atmosphere models - Soden & Vecchi (2011)

Computing and Partitioning Cloud Feedbacks using Cloud Property Histograms. Part II: Attribution to Changes in Cloud Amount, Altitude, and Optical Depth - Zelinka et al. (2011)

The roles of aerosol, water vapor and cloud in future global dimming/brightening - Haywood et al. (2011)

An Estimate of Low Cloud Feedbacks from Variations of Cloud Radiative and Physical Properties with Sea Surface Temperature on Interannual Time Scales - Eitzen et al. (2010)

The observed sensitivity of high clouds to mean surface temperature anomalies in the Tropics - Zelinka & Hartmann (2011)

Influence of Arctic sea ice extent on polar cloud fraction and vertical structure and implications for regional climate - Palm et al. (2010)

Projected regime shift in Arctic cloud and water vapor feedbacks - Chen et al. (2011)

Cloud response to summer temperatures in Fennoscandia over the last thousand years - Gagen et al. (2011)

Cosmic rays and clouds

Cosmic rays linked to rapid mid-latitude cloud changes - Laken et al. (2010)

Forbush decreases, solar irradiance variations, and anomalous cloud changes - Laken et al. (2011)

Do cosmic-ray-driven electron-induced reactions impact stratospheric ozone depletion and global climate change? - Grooss & Muller (2011)

Cosmic ray effects on cloud cover and their relevance to climate change - Erlykin et al. (2011)

Solar irradiance, cosmic rays and cloudiness over daily timescales - Laken & ?alogovi? (2011)

Relationship of Lower Troposphere Cloud Cover and Cosmic Rays: An Updated Perspective - Agee et al. (2011)

The contribution of cosmic rays to global warming - Sloan & Wolfendale (2011)

Other issues

Do anthropogenic aerosols enhance or suppress the surface cloud forcing in the Arctic? - Alterskjær et al. (2010)

Long-Term Trends in Downwelling Spectral Infrared Radiance over the U.S. Southern Great Plains - Gero & Turner (2011)

Atmospheric and surface contributions to planetary albedo - Donohoe & Battisti (2011)

Clouds and the Faint Young Sun Paradox - Goldblatt & Zahnle (2011)

Microphysical and macrophysical responses of marine stratocumulus polluted by underlying ships: Evidence of cloud deepening - Christensen & Stephens (2011)

Global analysis of cloud field coverage and radiative properties, using morphological methods and MODIS observations - Bar-Or et al. (2011)

Cloud effect of persistent stratus nebulosus at the Payerne BSRN site - Wacker et al. (2011)

Atmospheric cloud water contains a diverse bacterial community - Kourtev et al. (2011)

The aerosol–Bénard cell effect on marine stratocumulus clouds and its contribution to glacial-interglacial cycles - Bar-Or et al. (2011)

Influence of the extent and genera of cloud cover on solar radiation intensity - Matuszko (2011)

Cloud variations and the Earth's energy budget - Dessler (2011)

Combining satellite data and models to estimate cloud radiative effect at the surface and in the atmosphere - Allan (2011)

Reproducibility by climate models of cloud radiative forcing associated with tropical convection - Ichikawa et al. (2011)

World War II contrails: a case study of aviation-induced cloudiness - Ryan et al. (2011)

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Comments 1 to 8:

  1. Lots of great stuff in here. Makes me wish I had subscriptions to all these journals.
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  2. Ari, I really appreciate the work. It is a tremendous help when out in the trenches trying to convince people that they do have time and brains enough to engage the science. It's often just extremely difficult to push them over that gap between assuming understanding and engaging in the learning process. Assumption is so comfortable. Yet when the summary is there right in front of you, it's also tough not to indulge in curiosity and begin walking the path (SkS is the best walking stick in climate science).
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  3. I thought this would fit into cosmic ray section It's a paper accepted back in 2000
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  4. Thanks for the comments. Note that I only included links to abstracts of these papers. Some of them might have full texts available online, so it might be good idea to do Internet search on the papers you find interesting. #3 jmorpuss: Above list of papers is from 2010 and 2011 only, so I have made no effort to include earlier papers here (as a sidenote, above list also represents only a small fraction of cloud related papers published in 2010-2011). Some of the earlier papers can be found from some cloud related paperlists in my blog: Papers on global cloud cover trends Papers on cloud feedback observations Papers on the non-significant role of cosmic rays in climate
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  5. Since the latest Hanson and Sato (the one this forum received as a pre print) does an experimental fit to past ice age data and gets a tremendous agreement between past temperatures and predictions based on best fit to short term climate sewnsitivity fitting only two parameters (CO2/methane), and short term includes clouds, why does this result not lay all the cloud uncertainty to rest right there? H@S get 3.0 plus or minus 0.5 degrees for CO2 short term sensitivity which is close to the most common value for the simulations. To me, that latest H@S fit is kind of a game changer. It is as good as one gets for fitting an unknown structure to extended x-ray absorption edge fine structure (EXAFS), by fitting, say, a deBye Waller term and one bond length. The garden variety physicist would believe this latest H@S more than any simulation.
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  6. On a different topic, can someone recommend the best place to really learn about the magic Oxygen 18 proxy? It is probably in a text book and if so I would gladly buy the text book no matter the cost. I do dig two things: 1. Since Oxygen 18 is heavier than Oxygen 16, the Oxygen 18 will tend to precipitate out faster from arctic air that blows toward warmer climes. Right?? 2. One can think of the oxygen 18 as a mass on a spring within ice, and since the mass of the 18 exceeds that of the 16, the classical omega = sqrt k/m is less for 18, which means the zero point energy, as you cool down so that the equipartition theorem no longer works, will be smaller so that 18 will evaporate somewhat less readily. But if important, this effect might depend on the ice temperature,right? But given my broad brush stroke understanding, this topic looks really complex. Why does O 18 work for plants/animals growing underneath the ocean, for instance? Book or URL, anyone recommend, to learn more??
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  7. Curiousd - the primary differentiation of the oxygen isotopes is due to preferential evaporation of O16 from sea surface, followed by preferential condensation of O18. Plants/animals can only use the atoms in their immediate neighbourhood, so they reflect the seawater. A good starting resource would be here. Useful papers linked as well as the Bradley textbook.
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  8. Curiousd: I'd also maybe recommend Lowe and Walker's "Reconstructing Quaternary Environments", thought it's a little older now. It's an undergraduate textbook so may not go into the detail you'd like, but it has some basic material on oxygen isotopes, as applied to ice core and marine sediments (amongst a wealth of material about all manner of palaeoenvironmental reconstruction and chronology). No more than a few pages, but may have pointers to more detailed material?
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