Support Translations of the FLICC Poster!
The FLICC-Poster is the result of a successful collaboration between Skeptical Science and our German partner website Klimafakten. It was first published in May 2020 and has been quite popular since then, helped a lot in all likelihood by the appealing design created by Marie-Pascale Gafinen. Initially created in German, an English translation followed quickly and the Dutch translation made an appearance a few months later, followed by Portuguese and Spanish in 2022.
The creation of additional translations of the poster requires funding for professional design and layout work. Please use the form below to contribute to that effort so that more translations of this poster can be created!
Skeptical Science, Inc. is recognized by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)(3) non-profit. For contributors in the United States, your donation is tax-deductible to the full extent permitted by U.S. law.
Thanks for your support!