A look back - SkS in 2017
Posted on 18 July 2017 by BaerbelW
Onwards and upwards
There'll be a "full-length" year in review article towards the end of 2017, so this final post in our "birthday series" will focus on our global team of volunteers. If you read through the published profiles on our team page, you'll notice that we come from (almost) all over the world and many different walks of life.
What unites us is fairly well sumarised in this snippet from a January 2017 Nature editorial:
"[...] some websites are instructive either as examples to follow or in highlighting key arguments...Skeptical Science reflects the views of an international group of technically minded individuals who look critically at climate-change scepticism [...]"
In a recent article, the New York Times links to the Skeptical Science homepage:
"[...]For his part, Mr. Sutter occasionally fell short of his goal of providing Gwen — the most vocal of a raft of student climate skeptics — with calm, evidence-based responses.[...]"
In addition, many scientists have said nice things about SkS over the years and you can read some of their statements here.
Having said all that, John likes to think of our SkS-team as "our ragtag gang of plucky mavericks"!
A couple of years ago, Collin Maessen created an animated team map which he has now updated to include pins for authors and translators who joined or moved since early 2015:
But, while pins on an animated map illustrate the growth of Skeptical Science from a one-author-blog to our global team quite nicely it doesn't really show who we are. So, here is a collage created from portraits collected over the last couple of weeks:
"Skeptical Science smiling at you"