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All IPCC definitions taken from Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Working Group I Contribution to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Annex I, Glossary, pp. 941-954. Cambridge University Press.

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Skeptical Science New Research for Week #20 2023

Posted on 18 May 2023 by Doug Bostrom, Marc Kodack

Open access notables

Visiting online haunts of climate science rejectionists reveals a nexus of anxieties in some sections of the public: climate change and population migration. Judging from connections formed in headlines and article texts, one could easily conclude that readers' fears are being exploited; it's not hard to find content implying that the concept of climate change is a subterfuge to justify opening borders to "foreigners." Given what we know of developing physical effects of climate change, it may seem intuitively obvious that growing pressures on populations can lead affected people to "upping stakes" and trying to escape increasingly poor living conditions. What's the reality of the situation? It's not entirely clear, according to Tabitha Watson et al., publishing in Climate Resileince and Sustainability  and offering their literature survey The climate change, conflict and migration nexus: A holistic view. The authors find a picture that is largely framed by early hypothesis and challenged by complicated circumstances, the latter imposing difficulties on attribution. They conclude that a more interdisciplinary approach is vital for making progress in this research area, which can offer direct advice for implications on immigration policy. Such advice-by-evidence  should be of particular concern for countries that may be less urgently affected by climate change even as they may be more responsible for its cause. 

Assessing public support for climate policy is notoriously difficult, yet for all kinds of reasons beginning with "policy should be responsive to public wishes" and leading to "public rejection means no policy progress" it's absolutely key that public attitudes and beliefs about policy are faithfully captured. Troubles begin with survey mechanical and logistical limitations and constraints and only build with cognitive load placed on participants. Answering questions means juggling abstract concepts incorporating a lot of complexity, with only highly simplified available replies. How can we do better? Maria Juschten & Ines Omann report promising results from their survey tool PVE, in Evaluating the relevance, credibility and legitimacy of a novel participatory online tool just published in Environmental Science & Policy. The authors have crafted a survey method presenting what could be called a less impoverished means of thinking about and answering questions about climate mitigation support,  providing feedback to respondents as part of the elicitation process. 

One of these days somebody will publish a paper that may well fly beneath the radar of the popular mind in its moment of appearance but ultimately becomes even if indirectly world-famous for beneficial impacts. We've seen it happen before. Not to claim a solid win in this department, but such a paper might look like  High-strength and machinable load-bearing integrated electrochemical capacitors based on polymeric solid electrolyte, published in Nature Communications by Jinmeng Zhang et al. and for those of us with at least some passing familiarity with engineering and energy storage terms making some very exciting claims. From our "Decarbonization" section, illustrating how "just modernize our energy systems" unpacks as a myriad of fascinating details— and a frenzy of research activity (there's a lot of money at stake here, an attractive win-win situation). 

Luija Zhang et al.'s Tropical Cyclone Stalling Shifts Northward and Brings Increasing Flood Risks to East Asian Coast is yet another article where climate waming is becoming baked into diverse lines of inquiry; changes are happening all over the world that have anthropogenic climate change as a background steering factor. The authors are concerned with immediate hydrometeoroloogical effects but remind us of the elephant in the shadows in their conclusions— with direct implications on extending their work: 

Based on climate simulations, anthropogenic warming was widely considered the culprit to the northward shift and the slowdown of TC (Studholme et al., 2022; Zhang et al., 2020). On TC stalling and its northward shift, more detection and attribution work using coupled models is needed to verify and delineate the proposed role of semidirect binary interaction from the observed anthropogenic warming. This will improve the scientific view of the stalling behavior and facilitate more proper adaptations against greater hydrological threats brought by more frequent TC stalling alongshore East Asia.

An investigation from Climate Action Against Disinformation brings disturbing news about promises made but broken. Youtube's Climate Denial Dollars details how Alphabet subsidiary YouTube is profiting from acting as a vehicle for harmful climate myths, despite published policy that content “contradicting authoritative scientific consensus on the existence of and causes behind climate change” will not be monetized. Instead, it's easy to find breaches of YouTube's claims, with over 73 million people deceived as part of an industrial-scale misinformation campaign earning Alphabet money that may be small in their own estimation but for most of us is absolutely large. 

Also in our gov/NGO section and from the US EPA, a report reminding us of what's at stake in upcoming matters before the Supreme Court of the United States: Climate Change and Children’s Health and Well-Being in the United States Litigation on EPA's authority is now arguably centered on esoteric matters fairly far away from the spirit of EPA's purpose as exemplified by avoidance of harms detailed in the report. The legal evolution leads to a question: in order of priority what principles are most important?

180 articles in 74 journals by 1,032 contributing authors

Physical science of climate change, effects

A note on integrating the Clapeyron equation without neglecting the specific fluid volume, Swanson, Atmospheric Science Letters Open Access 10.1002/asl.1176

Disentangling the mechanisms of equatorial Pacific climate change, Kang et al., Science Advances Open Access 10.1126/sciadv.adf5059

Land–Atmosphere Interactions Partially Offset the Accelerated Tibetan Plateau Water Cycle through Dynamical Processes, Sun et al., Journal of Climate 10.1175/jcli-d-22-0686.1

What is the link between temperature, carbon dioxide and methane? A multivariate Granger causality analysis based on ice core data from Dome C in Antarctica, Larsson & Persson, Theoretical and Applied Climatology Open Access 10.1007/s00704-023-04444-x

Observations of climate change, effects

Changes in SST regulate hydroclimatic patterns in the monsoon marginal zone, northern China, Wang et al., Climate Dynamics 10.1007/s00382-023-06819-2

Desertification dynamics in China’s drylands under climate change, Meng-Tian & Pan-Mao, Advances in Climate Change Research Open Access 10.1016/j.accre.2023.05.001

Diverging snowfall trends across months and elevation in the northeastern Italian Alps, Bertoldi et al., International Journal of Climatology Open Access pdf 10.1002/joc.8002

Isotopic evidence for an intensified hydrological cycle in the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean, Akhoudas et al., Nature Communications Open Access 10.1038/s41467-023-38425-5

Precipitation extremes observed over and around the Taklimakan Desert, China, Li & Yao, PeerJ Open Access 10.7717/peerj.15256

Quantifying the contribution of major carbon producers to increases in vapor pressure deficit and burned area in western US and southwestern Canadian forests, Dahl et al., Environmental Research Letters Open Access 10.1088/1748-9326/acbce8

Significant weakening effects of Arctic sea ice loss on the summer western hemisphere polar jet stream and troposphere vertical wind shear, Wu et al., Climate Dynamics 10.1007/s00382-023-06812-9

Tropical Cyclone Stalling Shifts Northward and Brings Increasing Flood Risks to East Asian Coast, Zhang et al., Geophysical Research Letters Open Access 10.1029/2022gl102509

Instrumentation & observational methods of climate change, effects

Sustained year-round oceanographic measurements from Rothera Research Station, Antarctica, 1997–2017, Venables et al., Scientific Data Open Access 10.1038/s41597-023-02172-5

Tropical cyclones position and intensity in the Southwest Indian Ocean as represented by CFS and ERA5 atmospheric reanalysis datasets, Bié & de Camargo, International Journal of Climatology 10.1002/joc.8101

Modeling, simulation & projection of climate change, effects

A convection-permitting dynamically downscaled dataset over the Midwestern United States, Lauer et al., Geoscience Data Journal Open Access 10.1002/gdj3.188

A multiyear tropical Pacific cooling response to recent Australian wildfires in CESM2, Fasullo et al., Science Advances Open Access 10.1126/sciadv.adg1213

Climate change will exacerbate population exposure to future heat waves in the China-Pakistan economic corridor, Ullah et al., Weather and Climate Extremes Open Access 10.1016/j.wace.2023.100570

Concurrent daytime and nighttime heatwaves in the late 21st century over the CORDEX-East Asia phase 2 domain using multi-GCM and multi-RCM chains, Kim et al., International Journal of Climatology 10.1002/joc.8111

Contrast responses of strong and weak winter extreme cold events in the Northern Hemisphere to global warming, He et al., Climate Dynamics 10.1007/s00382-023-06822-7

Emissions Background, Climate, and Season Determine the Impacts of Past and Future Pandemic Lockdowns on Atmospheric Composition and Climate, Hickman et al., Earth's Future Open Access 10.1029/2022ef002959

Increasing heatwave with associated population and GDP exposure in North China, Zhang et al., International Journal of Climatology 10.1002/joc.8113

Insights from the bias-corrected simulations of CMIP6 in India's future climate, Kumar et al., Global and Planetary Change 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2023.104137

Intermodel Spread of Historical Indian Monsoon Rainfall Change in CMIP6: The Role of the Tropical Pacific Mean State, Guilbert et al., Journal of Climate 10.1175/jcli-d-22-0585.1

Mean State AMOC Affects AMOC Weakening through Subsurface Warming in the Labrador Sea, Lin et al., Journal of Climate 10.1175/jcli-d-22-0464.1

Multiscale numerical assessment of urban overheating under climate projections: A review, Zou et al., Urban Climate 10.1016/j.uclim.2023.101551

Projected 21st century wind-wave climate of Bass Strait and south-east Australia: Comparison of EC-Earth3 and ACCESS-CM2 climate model forcing, Liu et al., Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans Open Access 10.1029/2022jc018996

Storylines for future changes of the North Atlantic jet and associated impacts on the UK, Harvey et al., International Journal of Climatology Open Access 10.1002/joc.8095

Three-dimensional-based global drought projection under global warming tendency, Ji et al., Atmospheric Research 10.1016/j.atmosres.2023.106812

Advancement of climate & climate effects modeling, simulation & projection

Analysis of climate extremes indices in tropical South America through the RegCM4.7, da Silva et al., International Journal of Climatology 10.1002/joc.8100

Characterizing temperature and precipitation multi-variate biases in 12 and 2.2 km UK Climate Projections, Garry & Bernie, International Journal of Climatology Open Access pdf 10.1002/joc.8006

Correcting biases in tropical cyclone intensities in low-resolution datasets using dynamical systems metrics, Faranda et al., Climate Dynamics Open Access pdf 10.1007/s00382-023-06794-8

Correction to: Uncertain role of clouds in shaping summertime atmosphere?sea ice connections in reanalyses and CMIP6 models, Luo et al., Climate Dynamics Open Access 10.1007/s00382-023-06818-3

Deep Learning for Downscaling Tropical Cyclone Rainfall to Hazard-relevant Spatial Scales, Vosper et al., Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 10.1029/2022jd038163

Drivers of low-frequency Sahel precipitation variability: comparing CMIP5 and CMIP6 ensemble means with observations, Herman et al., Climate Dynamics Open Access 10.1007/s00382-023-06755-1

Inter-model spreads of the climatological mean Hadley circulation in AMIP/CMIP6 simulations, Zhang et al., Climate Dynamics 10.1007/s00382-023-06813-8

Cryosphere & climate change

Contrasting current and future surface melt rates on the ice sheets of Greenland and Antarctica: Lessons from in situ observations and climate models, van den Broeke et al., PLOS Climate Open Access 10.1371/journal.pclm.0000203

Diverging snowfall trends across months and elevation in the northeastern Italian Alps, Bertoldi et al., International Journal of Climatology Open Access pdf 10.1002/joc.8002

Sea level & climate change

Impact of mean sea-level rise on the long-term evolution of a mega-nourishment, Ribas et al., Climatic Change Open Access 10.1007/s10584-023-03503-6

Paleoclimate & paleogeochemistry

Fire History in the Qinling Mountains of East-Central China Since the Last Glacial Maximum, Zhang et al., Geophysical Research Letters Open Access 10.1029/2023gl102848

Global warming drove the Mid-Miocene climate humidification in the northern Tibetan Plateau, Khan et al., Global and Planetary Change 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2023.104135

Moist and warm conditions in Eurasia during the last glacial of the Middle Pleistocene Transition, Sánchez Goñi et al., Nature Communications Open Access 10.1038/s41467-023-38337-4

No Consistent Simulated Trends in the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation for the Past 6,000 Years, Jiang et al., Geophysical Research Letters Open Access 10.1029/2023gl103078

Biology & climate change, related geochemistry

Developmental temperature alters the thermal sensitivity of courtship activity and signal–preference relationships, but not mating rates, Macchiano et al., Oecologia Open Access 10.1007/s00442-023-05376-z

Expanding range and role change, Armarego-Marriott, Nature Climate Change Open Access 10.1038/s41558-023-01675-8

Herbivory and warming have opposing short-term effects on plant-community nutrient levels across high-Arctic tundra habitats, Petit Bon et al., Journal of Ecology 10.1111/1365-2745.14114

Hummingbird foraging preferences during extreme heat events, Lawrence & Hazlehurst Hazlehurst, Ecology and Evolution Open Access 10.1002/ece3.10053

Modeling the recent changes of phytoplankton blooms dynamics in the Arctic Ocean, Manizza et al., Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 10.1029/2022jc019152

Ocean acidification alters foraging behaviour in Dungeness crab through impairment of the olfactory pathway, Durant et al., Global Change Biology Open Access 10.1111/gcb.16738

Phenotypic variation in the molt characteristics of a seasonal coat color-changing species reveals limited resilience to climate change, Peltier et al., Oecologia 10.1007/s00442-023-05371-4

Phosphate limitation and ocean acidification co-shape phytoplankton physiology and community structure, Lin, Nature Communications Open Access 10.1038/s41467-023-38381-0

Physiologically vulnerable or resilient? Tropical birds, global warming, and redistributions, Monge et al., Ecology and Evolution Open Access pdf 10.1002/ece3.9985

Projected landscape-scale repercussions of global action for climate and biodiversity protection, von Jeetze et al., Nature Communications Open Access 10.1038/s41467-023-38043-1

Rapid evolution during climate change: demographic and genetic constraints on adaptation to severe drought, Benning et al., Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 10.1098/rspb.2023.0336

Reproductive collapse in European beech results from declining pollination efficiency in large trees, Bogdziewicz et al., Global Change Biology 10.1111/gcb.16730

Seasonal and elevational changes of plant-pollinator interaction networks in East African mountains, Dzekashu et al., Ecology and Evolution Open Access 10.1002/ece3.10060

Temperature adaptation and its impact on the shape of performance curves in Drosophila populations, Alruiz et al., Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 10.1098/rspb.2023.0507

The distribution of coastal fish eDNA sequences in the Anthropocene, Mathon et al., Global Ecology and Biogeography Open Access 10.1111/geb.13698

The hypothermic nature of fungi, Cordero et al., Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Open Access 10.1073/pnas.2221996120

GHG sources & sinks, flux, related geochemistry

A tropical cocktail of organic matter sources: Variability in supraglacial and glacier outflow dissolved organic matter composition and age across the Ecuadorian Andes, Holt et al., Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 10.1029/2022jg007188

First assessment of optical and microwave remotely sensed vegetation proxies in monitoring aboveground carbon in tropical Asia, Cui et al., Remote Sensing of Environment 10.1016/j.rse.2023.113619

Land-use change in the Zagros forests and its impact on soil carbon sequestration, Moradi & Shabanian, Environment, Development and Sustainability 10.1007/s10668-022-02272-z

Methane emissions in seagrass meadows as a small offset to carbon sequestration, Yau et al., Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences Open Access 10.1029/2022jg007295

Observational constraints reduce model spread but not uncertainty in global wetland methane emission estimates, Chang et al., Global Change Biology 10.1111/gcb.16755

Oceanic primary production estimation based on machine learning, Bo et al., Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 10.1029/2022jc018980

On physical mechanisms enhancing air–sea CO2 exchange, Gutiérrez-Loza et al., Biogeosciences Open Access pdf 10.5194/bg-19-5645-2022

Seasonal and Yearly Controls of CO2 Fluxes in a Tropical Coastal Ocean, Swesi et al., Earth Interactions Open Access pdf 10.1175/ei-d-22-0023.1

Spatial and temporal variations of gross primary production simulated by land surface model BCC&AVIM2.0, Li et al., Advances in Climate Change Research Open Access 10.1016/j.accre.2023.02.001

The impact of zooplankton calcifiers on the marine carbon cycle, Knecht et al., Global Biogeochemical Cycles Open Access 10.1029/2022gb007685

Uncertainties in wetland methane-flux estimates, Yazbeck & Bohrer, Global Change Biology Open Access 10.1111/gcb.16754

CO2 capture, sequestration science & engineering

Carbon dioxide mineralization by electrode separation for quick carbon reduction and sequestration in acidified seawater, Li et al., Carbon Management Open Access 10.1080/17583004.2023.2202167

Spatiotemporal modeling of the value of carbon sequestration under changing land use/land cover using InVEST model: a case study of Nour-rud Watershed, Northern Iran, Kohestani et al., Environment, Development and Sustainability Open Access 10.1007/s10668-023-03203-2


1.5 eV GaInAsP Solar Cells Grown via Hydride Vapor-Phase Epitaxy for Low-Cost GaInP/GaInAsP//Si Triple-Junction Structures, Shoji et al., Advanced Energy and Sustainability Research Open Access pdf 10.1002/aesr.202200198

A two-stage distributionally robust optimization model for geothermal-hydrogen integrated energy system operation considering multiple uncertainties, Wang et al., Environment, Development and Sustainability 10.1007/s10668-023-03294-x

Agrivoltaics in Color: Going From Light Spectra to Biomass, Katul, Earth's Future Open Access 10.1029/2023ef003512

Assessing the combined effect of PV panels’ shading and cool materials on building energy loads in different climates, Vakilinezhad & Ziaee, Environment, Development and Sustainability 10.1007/s10668-023-03293-y

Combining Weather Station Data and Short-Term LiDAR Deployment to Estimate Wind Energy Potential with Machine Learning: A Case Study from the Swiss Alps, Kristianti et al., Boundary Open Access 10.1007/s10546-023-00808-y

Developing a micrositing methodology for floating photovoltaic power plants, Korkmaz & Sahin, International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 10.1007/s13762-023-04961-2

High-strength and machinable load-bearing integrated electrochemical capacitors based on polymeric solid electrolyte, Zhang et al., Nature Communications Open Access pdf 10.1038/s41467-022-35737-w

Hollow structures Prussian blue, its analogs, and their derivatives: Synthesis and electrochemical energy-related applications, Wei et al., Carbon Neutralization Open Access 10.1002/cnl2.64

Life cycle assessment of revalorization of lignocellulose for the development of biorefineries, Banerjee et al., Environment, Development and Sustainability 10.1007/s10668-023-03360-4

Long-term outdoor performance of grid-connected photovoltaic power plant in a desert climate, Zaghba et al., Energy for Sustainable Development 10.1016/j.esd.2023.04.013

Phase evolution under pressure, Javanbakht, Materialia Open Access 10.1016/j.mtla.2021.101199

Process simulation-based life cycle assessment of the six-step Cu-Cl Cycle of green hydrogen generation and comparative analysis with other Cu-Cl cycles, Sutar et al., The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 10.1007/s11367-023-02156-y

Should high-cobalt EV batteries be repurposed? Using LCA to assess the impact of technological innovation on the waste hierarchy, Dunn et al., Journal of Industrial Ecology Open Access 10.1111/jiec.13414

Technical feasibility of powering U.S. manufacturing with rooftop solar PV, Namin et al., Environmental Research: Infrastructure and Sustainability Open Access 10.1088/2634-4505/acb5bf

Wind energy potential assessment for Mexico's Yucatecan Shelf, García-Caballero et al., Energy for Sustainable Development 10.1016/j.esd.2023.04.016

Black carbon

Microphysical characteristics of black carbon from various emission sources, Liu et al., Atmospheric Environment 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2023.119825

Unified theoretical framework for black carbon mixing state allows greater accuracy of climate effect estimation, Wang et al., Nature Communications Open Access 10.1038/s41467-023-38330-x


Aerosol–cloud impacts on aerosol detrainment and rainout in shallow maritime tropical clouds, Leung et al., Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Open Access 10.5194/acp-23-5263-2023

Climate change communications & cognition

Climate Justice Communication: Strategies from U.S. Climate Activists, Fine, Environmental Communication Open Access 10.1080/17524032.2023.2209291

Effectively communicating the removal of fossil energy subsidies: Evidence from Latin America, Vieites et al., Global Environmental Change 10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2023.102690

Evaluating the relevance, credibility and legitimacy of a novel participatory online tool, Juschten & Omann, Environmental Science & Policy Open Access 10.1016/j.envsci.2023.05.001

Face it and shoulder it jointly: from personal experience to mitigation behavior of climate change, Fu et al., Environment, Development and Sustainability 10.1007/s10668-023-03339-1

Understanding young people’s perception toward forestation as a strategy to mitigate climate change in a post-conflict developing country, Jama et al., Environment, Development and Sustainability Open Access pdf 10.1007/s10668-022-02242-5

Agronomy, animal husbundry, food production & climate change

Assessing long-term rainfall trends and changes in a tropical watershed Brantas, Indonesia: an approach for quantifying the agreement among satellite-based rainfall data, ground rainfall data, and small-scale farmers questionnaires, Wiwoho et al., Natural Hazards Open Access pdf 10.1007/s11069-023-05969-0

Climate change and food systems: Linking adaptive capacity and nutritional needs of low-income households in Ghana, Issahaku et al., PLOS Climate Open Access 10.1371/journal.pclm.0000154

Dietary change and land use change: assessing preventable climate and biodiversity damage due to meat consumption in Germany, Hentschl et al., Sustainability Science Open Access 10.1007/s11625-023-01326-z

Does climate-smart agriculture improve household income and food security? Evidence from Southern Ethiopia, Belay et al., Environment, Development and Sustainability Open Access 10.1007/s10668-023-03307-9

Domestic water versus imported virtual blue water for agricultural production: A comparison based on energy consumption and related greenhouse gas emissions, Smolka et al., Journal of Industrial Ecology Open Access 10.1111/jiec.13403

Environmental policy and farmers' active straw return: administrative guidance or economic reward and punishment, He et al., Environment, Development and Sustainability Open Access 10.1007/s10668-023-03345-3

Farm households' perception and adaptation to climate change in relation of food crop productivity in Pakistan, Muneer et al., Environment, Development and Sustainability 10.1007/s10668-023-03333-7

Half of the greenhouse gas emissions from China’s food system occur during food production, Liu et al., Communications Earth & Environment Open Access 10.1038/s43247-023-00809-2

Hierarchy of value orientation and beliefs in climate change influencing the farmers’ extractive or non-extractive behavior on the farm, Karami, Environment, Development and Sustainability Open Access pdf 10.1007/s10668-023-03215-y

Impact of climate smart agriculture on households’ resilience and vulnerability: An example from Central Rift Valley, Ethiopia, Ali et al., Climate Resilience and Sustainability Open Access 10.1002/cli2.54

Limiting red meat availability in a university food service setting reduces food-related greenhouse gas emissions by one-third, Lambrecht et al., Climatic Change 10.1007/s10584-023-03543-y

Projections of suitable cultivation area for major fruit trees and climate-type in South Korea under representative concentration pathway scenarios using the ensemble of high-resolution regional climate models, Kim et al., International Journal of Climatology 10.1002/joc.8102

Quantifying the carbon benefits of ending bottom trawling, Hiddink et al., Nature 10.1038/s41586-023-06014-7

Reply to: Quantifying the carbon benefits of ending bottom trawling, Atwood et al., Nature 10.1038/s41586-023-06015-6

Status and opportunities for improvement in greenhouse gas emission inventories for the cattle production in Latin America and the Caribbean region: A perspective, Ruden et al., PLOS Climate Open Access 10.1371/journal.pclm.0000101

The effects of climate change on food production in India: evidence from the ARDL model, Ahmed et al., Environment, Development and Sustainability Open Access 10.1007/s10668-023-03209-w

The impact of warming on food consumption, Etwire, Climate and Development 10.1080/17565529.2023.2206383

Hydrology, hydrometeorology & climate change

Geomorphic response of low-gradient, meandering and braided alluvial river channels to increased sediment supply, Kemper et al., Earth 10.1016/j.earscirev.2023.104429

MOPREDAS&century database and precipitation trends in mainland Spain, 1916–2020, Gonzalez?Hidalgo et al., International Journal of Climatology Open Access pdf 10.1002/joc.8060

Projected Changes in the Pattern of Spatially Compounding Drought and Pluvial Events Over Eastern China Under a Warming Climate, Chen et al., Earth's Future Open Access 10.1029/2022ef003397

Projecting Global Drought Risk Under Various SSP-RCP Scenarios, Zhou et al., Earth's Future Open Access 10.1029/2022ef003420

Super Drought under Global Warming: Concept, Monitoring Index, and Validation, Wang et al., Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society Open Access pdf 10.1175/bams-d-22-0182.1

Trend analysis of hydro-meteorological variables of Islamabad, Pakistan: a spatio-temporal view from Pothohar region, Khalid et al., Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics 10.1007/s00703-023-00970-5

Climate change economics

Carbon pricing initiatives and green bonds: are they contributing to the transition to a low-carbon economy?, Dill, Climate Policy 10.1080/14693062.2023.2210107

Foreign direct investment and carbon emissions from land use, land-use change, and forestry (LULUCF): empirical evidence from tropical forest countries, Piabuo et al., Environment, Development and Sustainability Open Access 10.1007/s10668-023-03267-0

Insights from ASEAN-wide emissions trading schemes (ETSs): A general equilibrium assessment, Nguyen et al., Energy Policy Open Access 10.1016/j.enpol.2023.113583

Macro-economic impacts of renewable energy transition in India: An input-output LCA approach, Prabhu & Mukhopadhyay, Energy for Sustainable Development 10.1016/j.esd.2023.04.006

The drivers and barriers of energy efficiency, Su, Energy Policy Open Access 10.1016/j.enpol.2023.113598

The impact of Austria’s climate strategy on renewable energy consumption and economic output, Crichton et al., Energy Policy 10.1016/j.enpol.2023.113610

Value chain carbon footprints of Chinese listed companies, Zhang et al., Nature Communications Open Access 10.1038/s41467-023-38479-5

Climate change and the circular economy

Sustainable and circularity in the decentralized hybrid solar-bioenergy system, Matheri et al., Environment, Development and Sustainability Open Access 10.1007/s10668-023-03322-w

Climate change mitigation public policy research

Allocating capital-associated CO2 emissions along the full lifespan of capital investments helps diffuse emission responsibility, Ye et al., Nature Communications Open Access 10.1038/s41467-023-38358-z

An Integrated Assessment Model for comparing electricity decarbonisation scenarios: The case for Spain, Galiano Bastarrica et al., Energy Policy Open Access 10.1016/j.enpol.2023.113592

Beyond synergies: understanding SDG trade-offs, equity and implementation challenges of sectoral climate change mitigation options, Halsnæs et al., Sustainability Science Open Access 10.1007/s11625-023-01322-3

Continuous allocation of carbon emission quota considering different paths to carbon peak: Based on multi-objective optimization, Xia et al., Energy Policy 10.1016/j.enpol.2023.113622

Determinants of carbon emissions: nexus among carbon emissions, coal, agriculture, trade and innovations, Emir et al., Environment, Development and Sustainability 10.1007/s10668-023-03336-4

Devising policy strategies for the deployment of energy efficiency Pay-for-Performance programmes in the European Union, Tzani et al., Energy Policy 10.1016/j.enpol.2023.113593

Do green electricity consumers contribute to the increase in electricity generation capacity from renewable energy sources? Evidence from France, Galzi, SSRN Electronic Journal 10.2139/ssrn.4369276

Effects of redesigning the communication of low-income residential energy efficiency programs in the U.S., Kleeman et al., Energy Policy Open Access 10.1016/j.enpol.2023.113568

Evaluating the relevance, credibility and legitimacy of a novel participatory online tool, Juschten & Omann, Environmental Science & Policy Open Access 10.1016/j.envsci.2023.05.001

Identifying policy areas for the transition of the transportation sector, Hainsch, Energy Policy Open Access 10.1016/j.enpol.2023.113591

Impacts of RPS and FIT on inter-regional power transmission line layout in China: Considerations of high renewable energy penetration, Yu et al., Energy Policy 10.1016/j.enpol.2023.113615

Mitigation policies evaluation in the electric power sector for carbon neutrality, water conservation, and economic growth in the Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei region: a simulation with multi-regional dynamic CGE model, Zhou et al., Environment, Development and Sustainability 10.1007/s10668-023-03358-y

Modeling place-based nature-based solutions to promote urban carbon neutrality, Cong et al., Ambio Open Access 10.1007/s13280-023-01872-x

National climate change acts: the emergence, form and nature of national framework climate legislation, Li & Zhu , Environmental Politics Open Access 10.1080/09644016.2023.2213136

Policy approaches to mitigate in-use methane emissions from natural gas use as a marine fuel, Laskar & Giang, Environmental Research: Infrastructure and Sustainability Open Access pdf 10.1088/2634-4505/accf33

Potential carbon leakage risk: a cross-sector cross-country assessment in the OECD area, Fournier Gabela & Freund, Climatic Change Open Access 10.1007/s10584-023-03544-x

Public support for phasing out carbon-intensive technologies: the end of the road for conventional cars in Germany?, Hoppe et al., Climate Policy Open Access 10.1080/14693062.2023.2211042

Solar battery rebates for Victorian homes: Eligibility and impacts, Best et al., Energy Policy Open Access 10.1016/j.enpol.2023.113594

Target decomposition of regional CO2 emissions peaking under multiple allocation models: a case study in Jiangsu province, China, Lai et al., Environment, Development and Sustainability 10.1007/s10668-023-03344-4

The policy evaluation of China's carbon emissions trading scheme on firm employment: A channel from industrial automation, Wang et al., Energy Policy 10.1016/j.enpol.2023.113590

The reverse technology spillover effect of outward foreign direct investment, energy efficiency and carbon emissions, Wang et al., Environment, Development and Sustainability 10.1007/s10668-023-03323-9

Using EGARCH models to predict volatility in unconsolidated financial markets: the case of European carbon allowances, Villar-Rubio et al., Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences Open Access 10.1007/s13412-023-00838-5

Varieties of just transition: Public support in South Africa’s Mpumalanga coal community for different policy options, Mohlakoana et al., PLOS Climate Open Access 10.1371/journal.pclm.0000205

When perceived fairness and acceptance go hand in hand–Drivers of regulatory and economic policies for low-carbon mobility, Thaller et al., PLOS Climate Open Access 10.1371/journal.pclm.0000157

Climate change adaptation & adaptation public policy research

A framework to assess multi-hazard physical climate risk for power generation projects from publicly-accessible sources, Luo et al., Communications Earth & Environment Open Access pdf 10.1038/s43247-023-00782-w

A review of climatic impacts on water main deterioration, Ahmad et al., Urban Climate Open Access 10.1016/j.uclim.2023.101552

Centering equity in the development of a community resilience planning resource, Fry et al., Climate Risk Management Open Access 10.1016/j.crm.2023.100520

Civil society and survival: Indigenous Amazigh climate adaptation in Morocco, Jacques, Global Environmental Change 10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2023.102682

Climate science to inform adaptation policy: Heat waves over India in the 1.5°C and 2°C warmer worlds, T et al., Climatic Change Open Access 10.1007/s10584-023-03527-y

Factors affecting the mainstreaming of climate change adaptation in municipal policy and practice: a systematic review, Rogers et al., Climate Policy Open Access 10.1080/14693062.2023.2208098

Financial inclusion helps rural households address climate risk, Chhatre et al., Scientific Reports Open Access 10.1038/s41598-023-34844-y

Future socioeconomic development along the West African coast forms a larger hazard than sea level rise, Dada et al., Communications Earth & Environment Open Access 10.1038/s43247-023-00807-4

Maladaptation as a concept and a metric in national adaptation policy- Should we, would we, could we?, Juhola & Käyhkö, PLOS Climate Open Access 10.1371/journal.pclm.0000213

Post-fifth assessment report urban climate planning: Lessons from 278 urban climate action plans released from 2015 to 2022, Aboagye & Sharifi, Urban Climate 10.1016/j.uclim.2023.101550

The climate change, conflict and migration nexus: A holistic view, Watson et al., Climate Resilience and Sustainability Open Access 10.1002/cli2.50

The hazard components of representative key risks The physical climate perspective, Tebaldi et al., Climate Risk Management Open Access 10.1016/j.crm.2023.100516

The place of social transformation analysis in vulnerability assessment for climate adaptation planning in Upper West Region, Ghana: A review synthesis, Osei?Amponsah et al., Climate Resilience and Sustainability Open Access 10.1002/cli2.51

Transformation and recognition: Planning just climate havens in New York State, Morris et al., Environmental Science & Policy 10.1016/j.envsci.2023.05.004

What drives local climate change adaptation? A qualitative comparative analysis, Braunschweiger & Ingold , Environmental Science & Policy Open Access 10.1016/j.envsci.2023.03.013

Climate change impacts on human health Climate change & geopolitics

Multi-layered differentiation in the climate regime: the gradual path from Rio to Paris, Dingwerth, Environmental Politics Open Access 10.1080/09644016.2023.2210488

When Climate Change Determines International Agreements: Evidence from Water Treaties, Candau & Gbandi , Environmental and Resource Economics Open Access 10.1007/s10640-023-00776-4

Climate change impacts on human culture

Global Warming, Home Runs, and the Future of America’s Pastime, Callahan et al., Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society Open Access pdf 10.1175/bams-d-22-0235.1


A case study of the July 2021 Henan extreme rainfall event: From weather forecast to climate risks, Wu et al., Weather and Climate Extremes Open Access 10.1016/j.wace.2023.100571

Challenging the values of the polluter elite: A global consequentialist response to Evensen and Graham's (2022) ‘The irreplaceable virtues of in-person conferences’, Whitmarsh & Kreil, Journal of Environmental Psychology 10.1016/j.jenvp.2022.101881

Coupled surface to deep Earth processes: Perspectives from TOPO-EUROPE with an emphasis on climate- and energy-related societal challenges, Cloetingh et al., Global and Planetary Change 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2023.104140

Decadal variability of extreme high temperature in mid- and high-latitude Asia and its associated North Atlantic air–sea interaction, Wang et al., Climate Dynamics Open Access 10.1007/s00382-023-06823-6

Informed opinion, nudges & major initiatives

Going beyond market-based mechanisms to finance nature-based solutions and foster sustainable futures, Chausson et al., PLOS Climate Open Access pdf 10.1371/journal.pclm.0000169

Harnessing nature and ancient wisdom to store carbon, Helferty, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Open Access 10.1073/pnas.2305214120

Marine heatwaves: definition duel heats up, Sen Gupta, Nature 10.1038/d41586-023-01619-4

Much ado about nothing? Why adaptation measurement matters, Fisher, Climate and Development 10.1080/17565529.2023.2204070

Placing diverse knowledge systems at the core of transformative climate research, Orlove et al., Ambio Open Access 10.1007/s13280-023-01857-w

Polar Fresh Water in a Changing Global Climate: Linking Arctic and Southern Ocean Processes, Rabe et al., Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society Open Access pdf 10.1175/bams-d-23-0046.1

Representation of adaptation in quantitative climate assessments, van Maanen et al., Nature Climate Change Open Access 10.1038/s41558-023-01644-1

Research needs for a food system transition, McDermid et al., Climatic Change Open Access pdf 10.1007/s10584-023-03507-2

Social cost of carbon estimates have increased over time, Tol, Nature Climate Change 10.1038/s41558-023-01680-x

The ocean is hotter than ever: what happens next?, Jones, Nature 10.1038/d41586-023-01573-1

What drives greenhouse gas emissions? An international scoping review of academic studies in 2010–2019, McCurdy & Rhodes, Climate Resilience and Sustainability Open Access 10.1002/cli2.52

Book reviews

No other planet: Utopian visions for a climate-changed world, Davidson, Environmental Politics 10.1080/09644016.2023.2213135

Articles/Reports from Agencies and Non-Governmental Organizations Addressing Aspects of Climate Change

Power of Place-National, The Nature Conservancy

The report is designed to help energy planners build thoughtful net-zero strategies that maximize benefits for climate, nature, and people. The authors conclude that with careful and coordinated planning and robust community engagement, the U.S. can build the clean energy infrastructure needed for economy-wide, net-zero emissions by 2050 while avoiding most impacts to sensitive natural and working lands.

Status Report on Principles of International and Human Rights Law Relevant to Climate Change, Horne et al., Sabin Center for Climate Change Law, Columbia Law School

The United Nations General Assembly has repeatedly discussed and recognized the threats posed by environmental degradation and climate change. On 29 March 2023, the General Assembly adopted Resolution A/77/76, through which it has requested from the International Court of Justice (“ICJ” or “Court”)—the principal judicial organ of the United Nations—an advisory opinion on the legal obligations of States in respect of climate change and the environment. The authors provide high-level guidance on the upcoming proceeding and the legal issues to be analyzed by the Court. In the following sections, the authors address (i) advisory proceedings before the ICJ, including the Court’s jurisdiction and procedure and key legal principles relevant to the request for an advisory opinion, including principles of international environmental law and international human rights law.

Climate, Peace and Security Study: Uganda, West Nile sub-region, Destrijcker et al., adelphi research and the World Food Programme

The authors explore entry points for the World Food Programme to, in addition to its core humanitarian mandate as a first responder, contribute to building climate-resilient food systems and sustainable peace in the West Nile sub-region of Uganda.

Clean Energy and Decarbonization in Southeast Asia, Fallin et al., Center for Strategic and International Studies

Southeast Asian nations face the daunting task of maintaining economic growth targets and meeting the energy needs of growing populations while also adhering to ambitious carbon neutrality pledges. For the United States, the Biden administration must also balance its stated goals of promoting renewable energy and deepening partnerships with regional countries, none of which are likely to meet their short- and medium-term energy needs with renewable sources alone. Across the region, governments are confronted with growing energy demand that is likely to require major investments not only in solar, wind, and other renewables but also in hydrocarbons. If the latter is not provided via natural gas, countries are likely to prolong their dependence on coal, which would undermine both their goals and those of Washington. There is an opportunity for the United States to deepen bilateral and multilateral cooperation across the region by promoting more transparent, sustainable, and high-quality energy infrastructure development and financing.

Youtube's Climate Denial Dollars, Climate Action Against Disinformation and The Center for Countering Digital Hate

The authors found that Google has failed to systematically enforce its policy to demonetize YouTube videos that contain climate disinformation. In addition, Google’s policy exempts popular and prevalent misleading content that’s garnered millions of views. The 200 videos collected by the authors amount to over 73 million views — and counting. 100 videos were collected that break Google’s climate misinformation rules, amounting to at least 18 million views. 100 videos were collected that meets Climate Action Against Disinformation's definition of climate disinformation but is exempted from Google’s narrow definition, receiving 55 million views. 8 videos in the dataset were demonetized by the end of the research process. The videos that remain monetized have collected at least 71 million views.

Pursuing a Just and Renewable Energy System, Center for Biological Diversity

The authors recommend how Congress can build out a just, renewable energy system that prioritizes energy conservation, distributed and responsibly-sited energy, and robust community engagement; how Congress can tackle major barriers to this just energy future, including transmission bottlenecks and utility obstruction; and how Congress can compel the Biden administration to actualize this just energy system without new legislation.

Colorado PERA's 2022 Shareholder Votes Failto Address Climate Change, Discrimination, and Human Rights, Giselle Herzfeld and Max Link, 350 Colorado

The authors analyze data on Colorado’s Public Employees’ Retirement Association's (PERA's) 2022 proxy votes, in an effort to evaluate their shareholder engagement with regard to climate change, human rights, and racial justice concerns. These data reflect the general distribution of PERA’s votes across big banks, fossil fuel companies, insurance companies, and the top 100 Fortune 500 companies. The authors found that PERA's 2022 proxy votes show a disappointing lack of engagement on climate change, human rights, and racial justice concerns, with PERA voting "No" on ESG resolutions over 60% of the time. While there are some instances where PERA deviates from management recommendations that advocate a "No" vote on nearly all ESG resolutions proposed, PERA far too often votes against policies to support climate action, human rights, and racial justice.

The Prospects for Pennsylvania as a RGGI Member, Burtraw et al., Resources for the Future and The Kleinman Center for Energy Policy

The authors discuss Pennsylvania’s history with the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) and the arguments for and against participation. The authors present a new modeling effort, in which they use an electricity sector model, updated to include gas price changes and federal subsidies. They examine four scenarios including whether Pennsylvania is in the RGGI or not, and whether the RGGI emissions budget declines at 3 percent (relative to 2020) per year indefinitely or declines at a faster rate starting in 2026, reaching zero by 2040.

Climate Change and Children’s Health and Well-Being in the United States, Environmental Protection Agency

The authors investigate five climate-related environmental hazards associated with children’s health and well-being in the contiguous United States including extreme heat, poor air quality, changes in seasonality, flooding, and different types of infectious diseases. The authors provide national-scale quantification of risks to children for a subset of key impacts, in addition to reviewing a broad set of pathways in which climate stressors affect children’s health.

The Impact of Renewables in ERCOT (2022 Q4 Update), Joshua Rhodes, IdeaSmiths

The author quantifies the impacts of renewables for the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) on wholesale clearing prices, customer bills, water use, and emissions by comparing how the market would have performed with and without wind and solar from 2010 to 2022, as well as projecting wholesale electricity cost savings from 2023 to 2025. The author found that the rapid build-out of renewable generation capacity since 2010 has yielded significant economic and environmental benefits for Texans in the ERCOT service area, cumulatively worth as much as $109 billion, with the potential for much more.

Obtaining articles without journal subscriptions

We know it's frustrating that many articles we cite here are not free to read. One-off paid access fees are generally astronomically priced, suitable for such as "On a Heuristic Point of View Concerning the Production and Transformation of Light but not as a gamble on unknowns. With a median world income of US$ 9,373, for most of us US$ 42 is significant money to wager on an article's relevance and importance. 

  • Unpaywall offers a browser extension for Chrome and Firefox that automatically indicates when an article is freely accessible and provides immediate access without further trouble. Unpaywall is also unscammy, works well, is itself offered free to use. The organizers (a legitimate nonprofit) report about a 50% success rate
  • The weekly New Research catch is checked against the Unpaywall database with accessible items being flagged. Especially for just-published articles this mechansim may fail. If you're interested in an article title and it is not listed here as "open access," be sure to check the link anyway. 

How is New Research assembled?

Most articles appearing here are found via  RSS feeds from journal publishers, filtered by search terms to produce raw output for assessment of relevance. 

Relevant articles are then queried against the Unpaywall database, to identify open access articles and expose useful metadata for articles appearing in the database. 

The objective of New Research isn't to cast a tinge on scientific results, to color readers' impressions. Hence candidate articles are assessed via two metrics only:

  • Was an article deemed of sufficient merit by a team of journal editors and peer reviewers? The fact of journal RSS output assigns a "yes" to this automatically. 
  • Is an article relevant to the topic of anthropogenic climate change? Due to filter overlap with other publication topics of inquiry, of a typical week's 550 or so input articles about 1/4 of RSS output makes the cut.

A few journals offer public access to "preprint" versions of articles for which the review process is not yet complete. For some key journals this all the mention we'll see in RSS feeds, so we include such items in New Research. These are flagged as "preprint."

The section "Informed opinion, nudges & major initiatives" includes some items that are not scientific research per se but fall instead into the category of "perspectives," observations of implications of research findings, areas needing attention, etc.


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