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All IPCC definitions taken from Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Working Group I Contribution to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Annex I, Glossary, pp. 941-954. Cambridge University Press.

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2013 SkS Weekly Digest #3

Posted on 20 January 2013 by John Hartz

SkS Highlights

The original Youtube video, 16 ^ more years of global warming created by Kevin C and narrated by Daniel Bailey has now been watched more than 33,000 times. A new version of the video with German voice-over has also been created and uploaded to the SkS-Youtube channel. Click here to access the German version.

Toon of the Week

2013 Toon 3

Quote of the Week

"Our results suggest that if droughts continue at five- to 10-year intervals or increase in frequency due to climate change, large areas of the Amazon forest are likely to be exposed to persistent effects of droughts and corresponding slow forest recovery," Saatchi* said. "This may alter the structure and function of Amazonian rainforest ecosystems."

*Sassan Saatchi, of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Megadrought Took Long-Lasting Toll on Amazon, Live Science, Jan 17, 2013 

The Week in Review

Coming Soon

  • Was 2012 the Hottest La Niña Year on Record? (Dana)
  • Subcap Methane Feedbacks. Part 4: Speculations (Andy S)
  • Lessons From Past Predictions: Ridley vs. IPCC and Hansen (Dana)
  • Glaciers still shrinking in 2011, how have skeptics have claimed the opposite? (MarkR)
  • Non-English climate science (Ari Jokimäki)
  • No alternative to atmospheric CO2 draw-down (Andrew Glikson)
  • 2013 SkS News Roundup #4 (John Hartz)
  • Lukewarmerism, a.k.a. Ignoring Inconvenient Evidence (Dana)
  • Drost, Karoly, and Braganza Find Human Fingerprints in Global Warming (Dana)
  • How We Know Cosmic Rays are Not Causing Global Warming, In One Simple Graph (Dana)
  • Climate Scientists Erring on the Side of Least Drama (Dana)
  • 16 years - Frequently Asked Questions (Kevin C) 

SkS in the News

Kevin's 16 years video was re-posted on Daily Beast, Grist, Slate, Wunderground, Carbon Brief, A Few Things Ill Considered, Blue&GreenTomorrow, and Outerspacepi.

Dana's 2012 Shatters the US Temperature Record. Fox, Watts, and Spencer Respond by Denying Reality was linked on the Brad Blog.

The SkS rebuttal of global waming vs. climate change was referenced in an article by Greg Jericho on ABC Drum.

SkS Spotlights

A new textbook, "Climate Change: What the Science tells us" by Charles Fletcher includes graphics from the SkS website. Fletcher is Associate Dean, School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology, University of Hawaii.

Cover of Climate Change by Charles FletcherFletcher's 1st edition of "Climate Change: What the Science Tells Us" places strong emphasis on the peer-reviewed literature in reporting the impacts of climate change on the ocean, terrestrial ecosystems, the water cycle, human communities, dangerous weather patterns, and potential future Earth systems. The text offers detailed discussion of greenhouse gases, oceanic and atmospheric processes, Pleistocene and Holocene paleoclimate, the human fingerprints of climate change, modeling climate, sea level rise, climate impacts on economic sectors, and dangerous weather patterns associated with climate change.
Fletcher offers the first real textbook to present the science surrounding climate change at the right level for an undergraduate student. His polished writing style makes this an entertaining read while the pedagogical support and organization helps students better identify and understand key concepts, ideas and terms. Each chapter is organized with learning objectives, student exercises, videos, scientific citations to promote further learning, and creative thinking problems to underpin classroom discussion.

For more information about this new textbook, click here.  

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Comments 1 to 4:

  1. Thanks, John....well-done.
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  2. vroomie: You're welcome and thank you for the positive feedback. PS - Dana actually composes the "SkS in the News" section each week.
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  3. I couldn't find anywhere else to post this little snippet. Over at The Conversation there is an article discussing peer review, incorporating a take-down of Boretti’s paper on sea levels near Sydney. Worth a look, IMHO.
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  4. It looks like the koeln university predicts the southern Greenland melt of 2013 is under way. Also the SSW (sudden stratospheric warming) event up in the stratosphere might be worth of note (not common in winter). Ice circulation this winter has been stronger than usual, likely much of it is still (in january) because the melt extent last summer. At least in the Baltic, only when the temperatures start to warm up for the spring the last of the leads close. Anyway the circulation pattern has been unusual. If there was no GW, that sort of circulation would have been interpreted as building thicker ice, but this year there are still places where ice may expand I doubt this is happening. OK, now that I learned this image stuff (again) I'll try to link outside: 'Wipneus' @ Neven's Arctic ice blog has done a great job in extracting ice volumes (from the Piomas model), gridding and extrapolating to (what may be Maslowskij's style) zero. If the extrapolation 'holds water' the result is rather notable. Much talk there, some going over my head. Anyway here's the image (let's see if it sticks)
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