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All IPCC definitions taken from Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Working Group I Contribution to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Annex I, Glossary, pp. 941-954. Cambridge University Press.

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Skeptical Science New Research for Week #22, 2020

Posted on 3 June 2020 by Doug Bostrom

74 Articles

Physical science of global warming & effects

Surface-Energy-Balance Closure over Land: A Review (open access)

Observations & observational methods of global warming & effects

Human influence has intensified extreme precipitation in North America (open access)

Observation-derived ice growth curves show patterns and trends in maximum ice thickness and safe travel duration of Alaskan lakes and rivers

Stronger Global Warming on Nonrainy Days in Observations From China

Decreases in days with sudden day-to-day temperature change in the warming world

Assessment of changes in climate extremes of temperature and precipitation over Iran

Impact of frozen soil changes on vegetation phenology in the source region of the Yellow River from 2003 to 2015

Modeling & simulation of global warming & global warming effects

A tale of two futures: contrasting scenarios of future precipitation for West Africa from an ensemble of regional climate models

Determining future thunderstorm-prone environments in Southern Ontario by using statistical downscaling to project changes in convective available potential energy (CAPE)

The GRISLI-LSCE contribution to ISMIP6, Part 1: projections of the Greenland ice sheet evolution by the end of the 21st century

The GRISLI-LSCE contribution to ISMIP6, Part 2: projections of the Antarctic ice sheet evolution by the end of the 21st century

Hotspots of extreme heat under global warming (open access)

Future heat waves over the Mediterranean from an Euro-CORDEX regional climate model ensemble (open access)

Greater probability of extreme precipitation under 1.5 °C and 2 °C warming limits over East-Central Asia

Ongoing AMOC and related sea-level and temperature changes after achieving the Paris targets

Projected impacts of climate change on drought patterns over East Africa (open access)

Changes in Precipitation from North Atlantic Tropical Cyclones under RCP Scenarios in the Variable?Resolution Community Atmosphere Model

Divergence of sediment fluxes triggered by sea?level rise will reshape coastal bays

Limited Retreat of the Wilkes Basin Ice Sheet during the Last Interglacial

Heavy precipitation events over East Africa in a changing climate: results from CORDEX RCMs

The dependence of the northern extratropical climate response to external forcing on the phase of Atlantic Multidecadal Variability

Regional landscape futures to moderate projected climate change: a case study in the agro-pastoral transitional zone of North China

Relieved drought in China under a low emission pathway to 1.5°C global warming

Twenty first century changes in Antarctic and Southern Ocean surface climate in CMIP6 (open access)

Rising methane emissions from boreal lakes due to increasing ice-free days

Climate model & simulation advancement

Understanding and assessing uncertainty of observational climate datasets for model evaluation using ensembles

Remapping of Greenland ice sheet surface mass balance anomalies for large ensemble sea-level change projections (open access)

Effects of multi-scale heterogeneity on the simulated evolution of ice-rich permafrost lowlands under a warming climate (open access)

Evaluation of a new snow albedo scheme for the Greenland ice sheet in the regional climate model RACMO2

QBO?MJO connection in CMIP5 models

Evaluation of the Euro?CORDEX regional climate models over the Iberian Peninsula: Observational uncertainty analysis

Reconciling compensating errors between precipitation constraints and the energy budget in a climate model

Evaluation of global climate models for precipitation projection in sub-Himalaya region of Pakistan

Assessing the impact of climate change over the northwest of Iran: an overview of statistical downscaling methods

Reductions in daily continental-scale atmospheric circulation biases between generations of global climate models: CMIP5 to CMIP6

Biology & global warming

Climate change and elevated CO2 favor forest over savanna under different future scenarios in South Asia

Mediterranean wetland conservation in the context of climate and land cover change (open access)

Towards modelling the future risk of cyclone wave damage to the world's coral reefs

Three?dimensional change in temperature sensitivity of northern vegetation phenology

Evidence of non?stationary relationships between climate and forest responses: increased sensitivity to climate change in Iberian forests

Moderate disturbances accelerate forest transition dynamics under climate change in the temperate–boreal ecotone of eastern North America

Warming acts through earlier snowmelt to advance but not extend alpine community flowering

Rewilding in the face of climate change

GHG sources & sinks, flux

Increased soil release of greenhouse gases shrinks terrestrial carbon uptake enhancement under warming

Estimating US fossil fuel CO2 emissions from measurements of 14C in atmospheric CO2 (open access)

Comparison of eddy covariance CO2 and CH4 fluxes from mined and recently rewetted sections in a northwestern German cutover bog (open access)

Climate change mitigation potential in sanitation via off-site composting of human waste

Challenges in quantifying air–water carbon dioxide flux using estuarine water quality data: Case study for Chesapeake Bay

Modelled impacts of sea ice exchange processes on Arctic Ocean carbon uptake and acidification (1980?2015)

Representativeness of global climate and vegetation by carbon-monitoring networks; implications for estimates of gross and net primary productivity at biome and global levels

Aboveground tree growth is a minor and decoupled fraction of boreal forest carbon input

Precipitation?drainage cycles lead to hot moments in soil carbon dioxide dynamics in a Neotropical wet forest

Drought and recovery effects on belowground respiration dynamics and the partitioning of recent carbon in managed and abandoned grassland

Allometric constraints and competition enable the simulation of size structure and carbon fluxes in a dynamic vegetation model of tropical forests (LM3PPA?TV)

Abrupt changes in Great Britain vegetation carbon projected under climate change

Distinct controls over the temporal dynamics of soil carbon fractions after land use change

Building on Paris: integrating nitrous oxide mitigation into future climate policy

CO2 mitigation science & engineering

CO2 Dissolution Trapping Rates in Heterogeneous Porous Media

Reduction of global warming potential vis-à-vis greenhouse gases through traditional agroforestry systems in Rajasthan, India

Implementing a second generation CCS facility on a coal fired power station – results of a feasibility study to retrofit SaskPower's Shand power station with CCS

Geoengineering climate

Solar geoengineering may lead to excessive cooling and high strategic uncertainty (open access)

Climate change communications & cognition

Social scientific knowledge in times of crisis: What climate change can learn from coronavirus (and vice versa)

Humans dealing with our global warming

Emissions trading (open access)

Climate-resilient coasts require diverse defence solutions

A digital climate summit to maintain Paris Agreement ambition (open access)

Drivers of household and agricultural adaptation to climate change in Vietnam (open access)

Drivers of adaptation (open access)

Carbon intensity of global crude oil refining and mitigation potential

Temporal displacement, adaptation and the effect of climate on suicide rates

Archetypes of climate-risk profiles among rural households in Limpopo, South Africa

Developing an Experimental Climate and Health Monitor and Outlook (open access)

Inter-disciplinary Regional Collaboration for Public Health Adaptation to Climate Change in the Eastern Mediterranean (open access)

Factors Constraining Timely Sowing of Wheat as an Adaptation to Climate Change in Eastern India

Blind Spots in Climate Finance for Innovation

Principles, drivers, and policy tools for just climate change adaptation in legacy cities


Ice shelf rift propagation: stability, three-dimensional effects, and the role of marginal weakening (open access)

Horizontal ice flow impacts the firn structure of Greenland's percolation zone (open access)

Constraining an ocean model under Getz Ice Shelf, Antarctica, using a gravity?derived bathymetry

Moist Heat Stress on a Hotter Earth

Fingerprints for early detection of changes in the AMOC

Conditional and residual trends of singular hot days in Europe

Climate change and the aridification of North America (open access)

Informed opinion & nudges

Core Concept: Managed retreat increasingly seen as necessary in response to climate change’s fury (open access)

Climate Extremes and Compound Hazards in a Warming World

Challenges to understanding extreme weather changes in lower income countries (open access)

A factor of two: how the mitigation plans of ‘climate progressive’ nations fall far short of Paris-compliant pathways (open access)

Equity, climate justice and fossil fuel extraction: principles for a managed phase out (open access)



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Journals covered

A list of journals we cover may be found here. We welcome pointers to omissions, new journals etc.

Previous edition

The previous edition of Skeptical Science New Research may be found here.

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