1 |
Models are unreliable |
15.1% |
2 |
Temp record is unreliable |
7.4% |
3 |
Hockey stick is broken |
4.8% |
4 |
Climate's changed before |
4.4% |
5 |
It's the sun |
3.0% |
6 |
There's no empirical evidence |
2.8% |
7 |
There is no consensus |
2.2% |
8 |
It's cooling |
2.2% |
9 |
1934 - hottest year on record |
2.1% |
10 |
CO2 limits will harm the economy |
2.1% |
11 |
It hasn't warmed since 1998 |
1.9% |
12 |
It's freaking cold! |
1.9% |
13 |
Antarctica is gaining ice |
1.6% |
14 |
Medieval Warm Period was warmer |
1.5% |
15 |
We're heading into an ice age |
1.4% |
16 |
Renewables can't provide baseload power |
1.4% |
17 |
Increasing CO2 has little to no effect |
1.3% |
18 |
Polar bear numbers are increasing |
1.3% |
19 |
Tree-rings diverge from temperature after 1960 |
1.2% |
20 |
It's not bad |
1.2% |
21 |
It's a 1500 year cycle |
1.1% |
22 |
Ice age predicted in the 70s |
1.1% |
23 |
CO2 is not a pollutant |
1.0% |
24 |
Al Gore got it wrong |
1.0% |
25 |
It's Urban Heat Island effect |
1.0% |
26 |
Animals and plants can adapt |
1.0% |
27 |
Climategate CRU emails suggest conspiracy |
1.0% |
28 |
CO2 lags temperature |
0.9% |
29 |
Was Greenland really green in the past? |
0.8% |
30 |
Global warming stopped in 1998, 1995, 2002, 2007, 2010, ???? |
0.8% |
31 |
Volcanoes emit more CO2 than humans |
0.8% |
32 |
Climate sensitivity is low |
0.8% |
33 |
Phil Jones says no global warming since 1995 |
0.7% |
34 |
Oceans are cooling |
0.7% |
35 |
Sea level rise predictions are exaggerated |
0.7% |
36 |
Ice isn't melting |
0.7% |
37 |
We're coming out of the Little Ice Age |
0.7% |
38 |
It's a natural cycle |
0.6% |
39 |
CO2 was higher in the past |
0.6% |
40 |
2009-2010 winter saw record cold spells |
0.6% |
41 |
IPCC is alarmist |
0.6% |
42 |
Human CO2 is a tiny % of CO2 emissions |
0.6% |
43 |
It's microsite influences |
0.5% |
44 |
Dropped stations introduce warming bias |
0.5% |
45 |
The science isn't settled |
0.5% |
46 |
IPCC were wrong about Himalayan glaciers |
0.5% |
47 |
Greenland ice sheet won't collapse |
0.4% |
48 |
Water vapor is the most powerful greenhouse gas |
0.4% |
49 |
Glaciers are growing |
0.4% |
50 |
Record snowfall disproves global warming |
0.4% |
51 |
Arctic icemelt is a natural cycle |
0.4% |
52 |
Sea level rise is exaggerated |
0.4% |
53 |
Less than half of published scientists endorse global warming |
0.4% |
54 |
Humans are too insignificant to affect global climate |
0.4% |
55 |
Scientists can't even predict weather |
0.4% |
56 |
It's only a few degrees |
0.4% |
57 |
CO2 effect is saturated |
0.4% |
58 |
Greenland is gaining ice |
0.3% |
59 |
Over 31,000 scientists signed the OISM Petition Project |
0.3% |
60 |
Solar cycles cause global warming |
0.3% |
61 |
CO2 has a short residence time |
0.3% |
62 |
Earth hasn't warmed as much as expected |
0.3% |
63 |
There's no correlation between CO2 and temperature |
0.3% |
64 |
Scientists tried to 'hide the decline' in global temperature |
0.3% |
65 |
Other planets are warming |
0.3% |
66 |
Hansen's 1988 prediction was wrong |
0.3% |
67 |
CO2 only causes 35% of global warming |
0.3% |
68 |
Arctic sea ice has recovered |
0.3% |
69 |
They changed the name from 'global warming' to 'climate change' |
0.3% |
70 |
It's cosmic rays |
0.3% |
71 |
Mars is warming |
0.3% |
72 |
Ocean acidification isn't serious |
0.3% |
73 |
500 scientists refute the consensus |
0.3% |
74 |
It cooled mid-century |
0.3% |
75 |
CO2 is plant food |
0.3% |
76 |
Trenberth can't account for the lack of warming |
0.2% |
77 |
Melting ice isn't warming the Arctic |
0.2% |
78 |
CO2 is not the only driver of climate |
0.2% |
79 |
Warming causes CO2 rise |
0.2% |
80 |
Satellite error inflated Great Lakes temperatures |
0.2% |
81 |
Peer review process was corrupted |
0.2% |
82 |
Murry Salby finds CO2 rise is natural |
0.2% |
83 |
It's El Niño |
0.2% |
84 |
The IPCC consensus is phoney |
0.2% |
85 |
Greenhouse effect has been falsified |
0.2% |
86 |
Climate is chaotic and cannot be predicted |
0.2% |
87 |
We're heading into cooling |
0.2% |
88 |
CRU tampered with temperature data |
0.2% |
89 |
The sun is getting hotter |
0.2% |
90 |
Mt. Kilimanjaro's ice loss is due to land use |
0.2% |
91 |
Naomi Oreskes' study on consensus was flawed |
0.2% |
92 |
2nd law of thermodynamics contradicts greenhouse theory |
0.2% |
93 |
It's methane |
0.2% |
94 |
IPCC overestimate temperature rise |
0.2% |
95 |
Lindzen and Choi find low climate sensitivity |
0.2% |
96 |
CO2 measurements are suspect |
0.2% |
97 |
Neptune is warming |
0.2% |
98 |
Solar Cycle Length proves its the sun |
0.2% |
99 |
Humidity is falling |
0.2% |
100 |
It's a climate regime shift |
0.1% |
101 |
Jupiter is warming |
0.1% |
102 |
Extreme weather isn't caused by global warming |
0.1% |
103 |
It warmed before 1940 when CO2 was low |
0.1% |
104 |
It's albedo |
0.1% |
105 |
Scientists retracted claim that sea levels are rising |
0.1% |
106 |
It's CFCs |
0.1% |
107 |
CO2 was higher in the late Ordovician |
0.1% |
108 |
DMI show cooling Arctic |
0.1% |
109 |
Springs aren't advancing |
0.1% |
110 |
Antarctica is too cold to lose ice |
0.1% |
111 |
IPCC were wrong about Amazon rainforests |
0.1% |
112 |
Hurricanes aren't linked to global warming |
0.1% |
113 |
Southern sea ice is increasing |
0.1% |
114 |
Roy Spencer finds negative feedback |
0.1% |
115 |
Positive feedback means runaway warming |
0.1% |
116 |
Greenland has only lost a tiny fraction of its ice mass |
0.1% |
117 |
We didn't have global warming during the Industrial Revolution |
0.1% |
118 |
Skeptics were kept out of the IPCC? |
0.1% |
119 |
Postma disproved the greenhouse effect |
0.1% |
120 |
Record high snow cover was set in winter 2008/2009 |
0.1% |
121 |
It warmed just as fast in 1860-1880 and 1910-1940 |
0.1% |
122 |
Royal Society embraces skepticism |
0.1% |
123 |
A drop in volcanic activity caused warming |
0.1% |
124 |
CO2 is coming from the ocean |
0.1% |
125 |
Tuvalu sea level isn't rising |
0.1% |
126 |
Pluto is warming |
0.1% |
127 |
It's aerosols |
0.1% |
128 |
Breathing contributes to CO2 buildup |
0.1% |
129 |
Ice Sheet losses are overestimated |
0.1% |
130 |
It's Pacific Decadal Oscillation |
0.1% |
131 |
Most of the last 10,000 years were warmer |
0.1% |
132 |
Freedom of Information (FOI) requests were ignored |
0.1% |
133 |
There's no tropospheric hot spot |
0.1% |
134 |
Water levels correlate with sunspots |
0.1% |
135 |
Soares finds lack of correlation between CO2 and temperature |
0.1% |
136 |
CO2 is not increasing |
0.1% |
137 |
97% consensus on human-caused global warming has been disproven |
0.1% |
138 |
Satellites show no warming in the troposphere |
0.1% |
139 |
It's the ocean |
0.1% |
140 |
Clouds provide negative feedback |
0.1% |
141 |
It's ozone |
0.1% |
142 |
It's land use |
0.1% |
143 |
Corals are resilient to bleaching |
0.1% |
144 |
Arctic sea ice extent was lower in the past |
0.1% |
145 |
Mauna Loa is a volcano |
0.1% |
146 |
It's waste heat |
0.1% |
147 |
Arctic sea ice loss is matched by Antarctic sea ice gain |
0.0% |
148 |
CERN CLOUD experiment proved cosmic rays are causing global warming |
0.0% |
149 |
Sea level fell in 2010 |
0.0% |
150 |
It's satellite microwave transmissions |
0.0% |
151 |
Loehle and Scafetta find a 60 year cycle causing global warming |
0.0% |
152 |
Water vapor in the stratosphere stopped global warming |
0.0% |
153 |
An exponential increase in CO2 will result in a linear increase in temperature |
0.0% |
154 |
Sea level is not rising |
0.0% |
155 |
Renewable energy investment kills jobs |
0.0% |
156 |
No warming in 16 years |
0.0% |
157 |
Ljungqvist broke the hockey stick |
0.0% |
158 |
Climate scientists are in it for the money |
0.0% |
159 |
CO2 is just a trace gas |
0.0% |
160 |
No long tail means climate sensitivity is low |
0.0% |
161 |
CO2 emissions do not correlate with CO2 concentration |
0.0% |
162 |
A grand solar minimum could trigger another ice age |
0.0% |
163 |
CO2 limits will hurt the poor |
0.0% |
164 |
Renewable energy is too expensive |
0.0% |
165 |
CO2 increase is natural, not human-caused |
0.0% |
166 |
It's not urgent |
0.0% |
167 |
IPCC graph showing accelerating trends is misleading |
0.0% |
168 |
It's global brightening |
0.0% |
169 |
Heatwaves have happened before |
0.0% |
170 |
Arctic was warmer in 1940 |
0.0% |
171 |
Humans survived past climate changes |
0.0% |
172 |
Removing all CO2 would make little difference |
0.0% |
173 |
The 97% consensus on human-caused global warming is a robust result |
0.0% |
174 |
It's clouds |
0.0% |
175 |
Climate change solutions are too expensive |
0.0% |
176 |
It's a climate shift step function caused by natural cycles |
0.0% |
177 |
Arctic Storm Caused the 2012 Record Sea Ice Minimum |
0.0% |
178 |
Climate 'Skeptics' are like Galileo |
0.0% |
179 |
CO2 limits will make little difference |
0.0% |
180 |
IPCC human-caused global warming attribution confidence is unfounded |
0.0% |
181 |
Venus doesn't have a runaway greenhouse effect |
0.0% |
182 |
Animal agriculture and eating meat are the biggest causes of global warming |
0.0% |
183 |
IPCC ‘disappeared’ the Medieval Warm Period |
0.0% |