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John Cook |
John Cook is a Senior Research Fellow with the Melbourne Centre for Behaviour Change at the University of Melbourne. He obtained his PhD at the University of Western Australia, studying the cognitive psychology of climate science denial. His research focus is understanding and countering misinformation about climate change. In 2007, he founded Skeptical Science, a website which won the 2011 Australian Museum Eureka Prize for the Advancement of Climate Change Knowledge and 2016 Friend of the Planet Award from the National Center for Science Education. John authored the book Cranky Uncle vs. Climate Change, that combines climate science, critical thinking, and cartoons to explain and counter climate misinformation. He also co-authored the college textbooks Climate Change: Examining the Facts and Climate Change Science: A Modern Synthesis and the book Climate Change Denial: Heads in the Sand. In 2013, he published a paper finding 97% scientific consensus on human-caused global warming, a finding that has been highlighted by President Obama and UK Prime Minister David Cameron.
PublicationsBooks, Booklets, Textbooks & Dissertation
Lewandowsky, S., Cook, J., Schmid, P., Holford, D. L., Finn, A., Leask, J., Thomson, A., Lombardi, D., Al-Rawi, A. K., Amazeen, M. A., Anderson, E. C., Armaos, K. D., Betsch, C., Bruns, H. H. B., Ecker, U. K. H., Gavaruzzi, T., Hahn, U., Herzog, S., Juanchich, M., Kendeou, P., Newman, E. J., Pennycook, G., Rapp, D. N., Sah, S., Sinatra, G. M., Tapper, K., Vraga, E. K (2021). The COVID-19 Vaccine Communication Handbook. A practical guide for improving vaccine communication and fighting misinformation. Available at:
Lewandowsky, S., Cook, J., Ecker, U. K. H., Albarracín, D., Amazeen, M. A., Kendeou, P., Lombardi, D., Newman, E. J., Pennycook, G., Porter, E. Rand, D. G., Rapp, D. N., Reifler, J., Roozenbeek, J., Schmid, P., Seifert, C. M., Sinatra, G. M., Swire-Thompson, B., van der Linden, S., Vraga, E. K., Wood, T. J., Zaragoza, M. S. (2020). The Debunking Handbook 2020. Available at DOI:10.17910/b7.1182
Cook, J. (2020). Cranky Uncle vs. Climate Change: How to Understand and Respond to Climate Science Deniers. New York, NY: Citadel Press.
Lewandowsky, S., & Cook, J. (2020). The Conspiracy Theory Handbook. Available at
Cook, J., Supran, G., Lewandowsky, S., Oreskes, N., & Maibach, E., (2019). America Misled: How the fossil fuel industry deliberately misled Americans about climate change. Fairfax, VA: George Mason University Center for Climate Change Communication. Available at
Cook, J., van der Linden, S., Maibach, E., & Lewandowsky, S. (2018). The Consensus Handbook. DOI:10.13021/G8MM6P. Available at
Cook, J. (2016). Closing the “consensus gap” by communicating the scientific consensus on climate change and countering misinformation. (Doctoral dissertation, University of Western Australia).
Bedford, D., & Cook, J. (2016). Climate Change: Examining the Facts. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.
Farmer, G. T. & Cook, J. (2013). Climate Change Science: A Modern Synthesis. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer Science+Business Media.
Cook, J., & Lewandowsky, S. (2011). The Debunking Handbook. St. Lucia, Australia: University of Queensland. ISBN 978-0-646-56812-6. Available at
Washington, H. & Cook, J. (2011). Climate Change Denial: Heads in the Sand, Earthscan, Oxford, UK.
Cook, J. (2010). The Scientific Guide to Global Warming Skepticism, Cook, J.,
Book Chapters
Cook, J. (2020). Deconstructing Climate Science Denial. In Holmes, D. & Richardson, L. M. (Eds.) Edward Elgar Research Handbook in Communicating Climate Change. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Cook, J. (2020). Consensus on Consensus: Countering Misinformation Targeting Expert Agreement on Climate Change. World Science Encyclopedia of Climate Change: Finance, Economics and Policy. World Scientific.
Winkler, B., Rice, K., Lubitz, T., & Cook, J. (2020). Skeptical Science. World Science Encyclopedia of Climate Change: Finance, Economics and Policy. World Scientific.
Cook, J. (2019). Chapter 9 : Is Emphasising Consensus In Climate Science Helpful For Policymaking? YES : Failure to communicate consensus leaves the public vulnerable to misinformation. In Hulme, M. (Ed.) Contemporary Climate Change Debates: A Student Primer. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. (full paper)
Cook, J. (2019). Understanding and countering misinformation about climate change. In Samoilenko, S., & Chiluwa, I. (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Deception, Fake News, and Misinformation Online (pp. 281-306). Hershey, PA: IGI-Global.
Cook, J. (2019). Turning climate misinformation into an educational opportunity. In J. C. Fessmann (Ed.), Strategic Climate Change Communications: Effective Approaches to Fighting Climate Denial (pp. 27-44). Wilmington, DE: Vernon Press.
Cook, J. (2016). Countering climate science denial and communicating scientific consensus. In M. Nisbett (Ed.), Oxford Encyclopedia of Climate Change Communication. London: Oxford University Press.
Cook, J. (2014). How Has the Carbon Tax Affected the Public ‘Debate’ on Climate Change? Quiggin, J., Adamson, D., & Quiggin, D. (Eds.), In Carbon Pricing: Early Experience and Future Prospects (pp. 49-64). Cheltenham Glos: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Journal Articles & Conference Proceedings
McKasy, M., Cacciatore, M. A., Yeo, S. K., Zhang, J. S., Cook, J., & Olaleye, R. M. (2021, August). The Impact of Emotion and Humor on Support for Global Warming Action. Annual Conference of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), New Orleans, LA (virtual).
van der Linden, S., Dixon, G., Clarke, C., & Cook, J. (2021). Inoculating against COVID-19 vaccine misinformation. ECliicalMedicine. doi:10.1016/j.eclinm.2021.100772
Coan, T. G., Boussalis, C., & Cook, J. (in review). Computer-assisted detection of misinformation about climate change.
Compton, J., van der Linden, S., Cook, J., & Basol, M. (2021). Inoculation theory in the post?truth era: Extant findings and new frontiers for contested science, misinformation, and conspiracy theories. Annals of the International Communication Association.
Kim, S. C., Vraga, E. K., & Cook, J. (2020). An Eye Tracking Approach to Understanding Misinformation and Correction Strategies on Social Media: The Mediating Role of Attention and Credibility to Reduce HPV Vaccine Misperceptions. Health Communication, 1-10.
Vraga, E. K., Kim, S. C., Cook, J., & Bode, L. (2020). Testing the Effectiveness of Correction Placement and Type on Instagram. The International Journal of Press/Politics, 1940161220919082.
Ecker, U. K. H., Butler, L. H., Cook, J., Hurlstone, M. J., Kurz, T., Lewandowsky, S. (2020). Using the COVID-19 Economic Crisis to Frame Climate Change as a Secondary Issue Reduces Mitigation Support. Journal of Environmental Psychology.
Vraga, E. K., Kim, S. C., & Cook, J. (2019). Testing Logic-based and Humor-based Corrections for Science, Health, and Political Misinformation on Social Media. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 63(3), 393-414.
Lewandowsky, S., Cook, J., Fay, N., & Gignac, G. E. (2019). Science by Social Media: Attitudes Towards Climate Change are Mediated by Perceived Social Consensus. Memory & Cognition.
Cook, J. (2018). Understanding and countering climate science denial. Journal & Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales, 150(2), 207–219.
Cook, J., Ellerton, P., and Kinkead, D. (2018). Deconstructing climate misinformation to identify reasoning errors. Environmental Research Letters, 11(2).
Cook, J., Winkler, B., Finn, C., & Dodgen, T. (2017, January). Challenges and learning opportunities in a controversial MOOC forum on climate science denial. In 10th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (Iceri2017) (pp. 3460-3468). IATED Academy.
Lewandowsky, S., Ecker, U. K., & Cook, J. (2017). Letting the Gorilla Emerge From the Mist: Getting Past Post-Truth. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, 6(4), 418-424.
van der Linden, S., Maibach, E., Cook, J., Leiserowitz, A., Lewandowsky, S. (2017). Inoculating against misinformation. Science, 358(6367), 1141-1142.
Lewandowsky, S., Ecker, U. K., & Cook, J. (2017). Beyond Misinformation: Understanding and Coping with the “Post-Truth” Era. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, 6(4), 353-369.
Cook, J. (2017). Response by Cook to “Beyond Counting Climate Consensus. Environmental Communication, 1-3.
van der Linden, S., Maibach, E., Cook, J., Leiserowitz, A., Ranney, M., Lewandowsky, S., Árvai, J., & Weber, E. U. (2017). Culture versus cognition is a false dilemma. Nature Climate Change, 7(7), 457-457.
Cook, J., Lewandowsky, S., & Ecker, U. (2017). Neutralizing misinformation through inoculation: Exposing misleading argumentation techniques reduces their influence. PLOS ONE, 12(5): e0175799.
Skuce, A. G., Cook, J., Richardson, M., Winkler, B., Rice, K., Green, S. A., ... & Nuccitelli, D. (2017). Does It Matter if the Consensus on Anthropogenic Global Warming Is 97% or 99.99%? Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society, 0270467617702781.
Cook, J. (2017). How to Effectively Debunk Myths About Aging and Other Misconceptions. Public Policy and Aging Report. 27(1), 13-17. doi: 10.1093/ppar/prw034
Lewandowsky, S., Cook, J., & Lloyd, E. (2016). The `Alice in Wonderland' Mechanics of the Rejection of (Climate) Science: Simulating Coherence by Conspiracism, Synthese, 195(1), 175-196.
Cook, J., Oreskes, N., Doran, P. T., Anderegg, W. R. L., Verheggen, B., Maibach, E. W., Carlton, J.S., Lewandowsky, S., Green, S. A., Skuce, A. G., Nuccitelli, D., Jacobs, P., Richardson, M., Winkler, B., Painting, R., Rice, K. (2016). Consensus on consensus: a synthesis of consensus estimates on human-caused global warming. Environmental Research Letters, 11(4), 048002.
Cook, J. & Lewandowsky, S. (2016). Rational Irrationality: Modeling Climate Change Belief Polarization Using Bayesian Networks. Topics in Cognitive Science. 8(1), 160-179.
Cook, J., & Cowtan, K. (2015). Reply to Comment on ‘Quantifying the consensus on anthropogenic global warming in the scientific literature’. Environmental Research Letters, 10(3), 039002.
Cook, J., Ecker, U. & Lewandowsky, S. (2015). Misinformation and how to correct it, Emerging Trends in the Social and Behavioral Sciences. Robert Scott and Stephen Kosslyn (Eds.), Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.
Benestad, R. E., Nuccitelli, D., Lewandowsky, S., Hayhoe, K., Hygen, H. O., van Dorland, R., & Cook, J. (2015). Learning from mistakes in climate research. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 1-5.
Lewandowsky, S., Cook, J., Oberauer, K., Brophy, S., Lloyd, E. A., & Marriott, M. (2015). Recurrent Fury: Conspiratorial Discourse in the Blogosphere Triggered by Research on the Role of Conspiracist Ideation in Climate Denial. Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 3(1), 142-178.
Abraham, J. P., Cook, J., Fasullo, J. T., Jacobs, P. H., Mandia, S. A. & Nuccitelli, D. A. (2014). Review of the Consensus and Asymmetric Quality of Research on Human-Induced Climate Change, Cosmopolis, 2014-1, 3-18.
Cook, J. & Jacobs, P. (2014). Scientists are from Mars, Laypeople are from Venus: An Evidence-Based Rationale for Communicating the Consensus on Climate. Reports of the National Center for Science Education. 34, 6, 3.1-3.10.
Cook, J., Nuccitelli, D., Skuce, A., Way, R., Jacobs, P., Painting, R., Lewandowsky, S. & Coulter, A. (2014). 24 critical errors in Tol (2014): Reaffirming the 97% consensus on anthropogenic global warming.
Cook, J., Bedford, D. & Mandia, S. (2014). Raising Climate Literacy Through Addressing Misinformation: Case Studies in Agnotology-Based Learning. Journal of Geoscience Education, 62(3), 296-306.
Cook, J., Nuccitelli, D., Skuce, A., Way, R., Jacobs, P., Painting, R., Honeycutt, R., Green, S.A. (2014). Reply to Comment on ‘Quantifying the consensus on anthropogenic global warming in the scientific literature: a Reanalysis’. Energy Policy. DOI: 10.1016/j.enpol.2014.06.002
Verheggen, B., Strengers, B., Cook, J., van Dorland, R., Vringer, K., Peters, J., Visser, H. & Meyer, L. (2014). Scientists’ views about attribution of global warming. Environmental science & technology, 48(16), 8963-8971.
Bedford, D., & Cook, J. (2013). Agnotology, Scientific Consensus, and the Teaching and Learning of Climate Change: A Response to Legates, Soon and Briggs. Science & Education, 22(8), 2019-2030.
Cook, J., Nuccitelli, D., Green, S.A., Richardson, M., Winkler, B., Painting, R., Way, R., Jacobs, P., & Skuce, A. (2013). Quantifying the consensus on anthropogenic global warming in the scientific literature. Environmental Research Letters, 8(2), 024024+.
Lewandowsky, S., Ecker, U. K. H., Seifert, C. M., Schwarz, N., & Cook, J. (2012). Misinformation and its correction: Continued influence and successful debiasing. Psychological Science in the Public Interest, 13, 106-131.
Nuccitelli, D., Way, R., Painting, R., Church, J., & Cook, J. (2012). Comment on ocean heat content and Earth's radiation imbalance. II. Relation to climate shifts. Physics Letters A, 376(45), 3466-3468.
Massive Open Online Course (MOOC)
Cook, J., Schuennemann, K., Nuccitelli, D., Jacobs, P., Cowtan, K., Green, S., Way, R., Richardson, M., Cawley, G., Mandia, S., Skuce, A., & Bedford, D. (April 2015). Making Sense of Climate Science Denial. edX. Blog posts by year20242023202220212020201920182017201620152014201320122011- Plimer vs Plimer: a one man contradiction
9 December 2011 by John Cook
- The Debunking Handbook: now freely available for download
27 November 2011 by John Cook
- SkS public talks in Canada and AGU, San Francisco
26 November 2011 by John Cook
- The Debunking Handbook Part 5: Filling the gap with an alternative explanation
25 November 2011 by John Cook & Stephan Lewandowsky
- The Debunking Handbook Part 4: The Worldview Backfire Effect
23 November 2011 by John Cook & Stephan Lewandowsky
- The Debunking Handbook Part 3: The Overkill Backfire Effect
20 November 2011 by John Cook
- The Debunking Handbook Part 2: The Familiarity Backfire Effect
18 November 2011 by John Cook & Stephan Lewandowsky
- The Debunking Handbook Part 1: The first myth about debunking
16 November 2011 by John Cook
- Cardinal Pell needs to practise what he preaches on climate change
16 November 2011 by John Cook
- Incredible time-lapse video of Earth from space
15 November 2011 by John Cook
- The Climate Show 21: Carbon, coal and BEST
10 November 2011 by John Cook
- Luxembourgish translation of The Scientific Guide to Global Warming Skepticism
8 November 2011 by John Cook
- Chinese translation of The Scientific Guide to Global Warming Skepticism
5 November 2011 by John Cook
- Richard Milne separates skepticism from denial
30 October 2011 by John Cook
- Test your climate knowledge in free online course
23 October 2011 by John Cook
- The Earth continues to build up heat
12 October 2011 by John Cook
- Greenland ice loss continues to accelerate
11 October 2011 by John Cook
- Book review: The Inquisition of Climate Science
8 October 2011 by John Cook
- Understanding climate denial
28 September 2011 by John Cook
- The Climate Show #19: A Tale of Two Poles
26 September 2011 by John Cook
- Icelandic translation of The Scientific Guide to Global Warming Skepticism
23 September 2011 by John Cook
- Chasing Pielke's Goodyear Blimp
19 September 2011 by John Cook
- Climate Denial Video #6: Past climate change
12 September 2011 by John Cook
- Haydn Washington talks Climate Change Denial on Steaming Toad
11 September 2011 by John Cook
- Journal editor resigns over 'fundamentally flawed' paper by Roy Spencer
3 September 2011 by John Cook
- The Climate Show 18: The Big Chill & The Big Fracking Issue
2 September 2011 by John Cook
- Slovenian translation of The Scientific Guide to Global Warming Skepticism
2 September 2011 by John Cook
- Skeptical Science celebrates its 4th birthday
23 August 2011 by John Cook
- A new SkS resource: climate skeptics and their myths
18 August 2011 by John Cook
- Another two reviews of Climate Change Denial
17 August 2011 by John Cook
- Two more reviews of Climate Change Denial
12 August 2011 by John Cook
- Climate Denial Video #5: Settled science and impossible expectations
11 August 2011 by John Cook
- Skeptical Science Helps Students Debunk Climate Myths
10 August 2011 by John Cook
- Climate Denial Video #4: The favourite weapon of deniers, cherry picking
8 August 2011 by John Cook
- Climate Denial Video #3: Polluters Use Same Tactics As Tobacco Industry
7 August 2011 by John Cook
- Climate Denial Video #2: Failed at Science? Attack the Scientists
6 August 2011 by dana1981 & John Cook
- Climate Denial Video #1: The Difference between Skepticism and Denial
5 August 2011 by dana1981 & John Cook
- An experiment into science blogging
30 July 2011 by John Cook
- How we know we're causing global warming in a single graphic
27 July 2011 by John Cook
- French translation of The Scientific Guide to Global Warming Skepticism
22 July 2011 by John Cook
- Examples of Monckton contradicting his scientific sources
19 July 2011 by John Cook
- Visions of the Arctic
13 July 2011 by John Cook
- The Climate Show 15: Michael Ashley and the ineducable Carter
30 June 2011 by John Cook
- Climate half-truths turn out to be whole lies
28 June 2011 by John Cook
- The false, the confused and the mendacious: how the media gets it wrong on climate change
27 June 2011 by John Cook
- Bob Carter’s climate counter-consensus is an alternate reality
25 June 2011 by John Cook
- Rogues or respectable? How climate change sceptics spread doubt and denial
24 June 2011 by John Cook
- The chief troupier: the follies of Mr Monckton
23 June 2011 by John Cook
- Review of 2084: An Oral History of the Great Warming by James Powell
21 June 2011 by John Cook
- Australia’s contribution matters: why we can’t ignore our climate responsibilities
21 June 2011 by John Cook
- Introducing the Skeptical Science team
21 June 2011 by John Cook
- When scientists take to the streets it’s time to listen up
20 June 2011 by John Cook
- Climate change denial and the abuse of peer review
20 June 2011 by John Cook
- The Climate Show 14: volcanoes, black carbon and Christy crocks
19 June 2011 by John Cook
- Who's your expert? The difference between peer review and rhetoric
17 June 2011 by John Cook
- Our effect on the earth is real: how we’re geo-engineering the planet
16 June 2011 by John Cook
- How would a Solar Grand Minimum affect global warming?
16 June 2011 by John Cook
- Speaking science to climate policy
15 June 2011 by John Cook
- The greenhouse effect is real: here's why
14 June 2011 by John Cook
- Climate change is real: an open letter from the scientific community
14 June 2011 by John Cook
- Climate Consensus on a T-shirt
10 June 2011 by John Cook
- Geologists and climate change denial
9 June 2011 by John Cook
- Tony Abbott denies climate change and advocates carbon tax in the same breath
7 June 2011 by John Cook
- Irregular Climate podcast 20: Dead trees make for good reading
7 June 2011 by John Cook
- An Interactive History of Climate Science
31 May 2011 by John Cook
- Are you a genuine skeptic or a climate denier?
30 May 2011 by John Cook
- The Climate Show Episode 13: James Hansen and The Critical Decade
25 May 2011 by John Cook
- UQ Physics Colloquium this Friday: Communicating Climate Science and Countering Disinformation
23 May 2011 by John Cook
- Polish translation of The Scientific Guide to Global Warming Skepticism
20 May 2011 by John Cook
- Another animated version of the Warming Indicators Powerpoint
18 May 2011 by John Cook
- Special Parliament Edition of Climate Change Denial
15 May 2011 by John Cook
- How people are using the Scientific Guide to Global Warming Skepticism
14 May 2011 by John Cook
- Book reviews of Climate Change Denial
12 May 2011 by John Cook
- Infographic: 97 out of 100 climate experts think humans are causing global warming
11 May 2011 by John Cook
- Upcoming 'Climate Change Denial' book launches in Sydney and Canberra
10 May 2011 by John Cook
- New SkS graphic: the Respiration Carbon Cycle
9 May 2011 by John Cook
- What scientists are saying about Skeptical Science
9 May 2011 by John Cook
- Q and A with Dr Haydn Washington, co-author of Climate Change Denial
7 May 2011 by John Cook
- The Climate Show Episode 12: twisters, ozone and Google in the sun
6 May 2011 by John Cook
- Brisbane book launch of 'Climate Change Denial'
5 May 2011 by John Cook
- Video and podcast about confusing the hockey stick with the 'decline'
1 May 2011 by John Cook
- Climate Change Denial book now available!
29 April 2011 by John Cook
- How climate change deniers led me to set up Skeptical Science website
28 April 2011 by John Cook
- The Climate Show Episode 11: a trillion tonnes of trouble
18 April 2011 by John Cook
- What was it like the last time CO2 levels were this high?
16 April 2011 by John Cook
- Last day to vote for Climate Change Communicator of the Year
15 April 2011 by John Cook
- Video on why record-breaking snow doesn't mean global warming has stopped
15 April 2011 by John Cook
- Muller Misinformation #2: 'leaked' tree-ring data
15 April 2011 by John Cook
- Photos from the Brisbane Rally for Climate Action
9 April 2011 by John Cook
- Call for beta testers of the latest SkS Firefox Add-on
7 April 2011 by John Cook
- Skeptical Science in other media
6 April 2011 by John Cook
- Climate myths at the U.S. House Hearing on climate change
5 April 2011 by John Cook
- Upcoming book: Climate Change Denial by Haydn Washington and John Cook
4 April 2011 by John Cook
- The Climate Show Episode 10: David Suzuki and the sun
3 April 2011 by John Cook
- Muller Misinformation #1: confusing Mike's trick with hide the decline
29 March 2011 by John Cook
- A climate 'Gish Gallop' of epic proportions
25 March 2011 by John Cook
- The Climate Show Episode 9: Nuclear power and hot spots
20 March 2011 by John Cook
- How Suffolk County Community College students contributed to the Guide to Skepticism
19 March 2011 by John Cook
- Those who contribute the least greenhouse gases will be most impacted by climate change
17 March 2011 by John Cook
- One of the best climate change ads I've seen
17 March 2011 by John Cook
- Indonesian translation of The Scientific Guide to Global Warming Skepticism
16 March 2011 by John Cook
- Irregular Climate Episode 18 (featuring Dana Nuccitelli)
14 March 2011 by John Cook
- Skeptical Science nominated for Climate Change Communicator of the Year
13 March 2011 by John Cook
- Interactive animation of the climate change impact on agriculture
7 March 2011 by John Cook
- The Climate Show Episode 8: Kevin Trenberth
6 March 2011 by John Cook
- SkS Housekeeping: navigation dropdowns, short URLs and monthly donations
3 March 2011 by John Cook
- No Illusions podcast interview (and elocution lessons from an 11 year old)
2 March 2011 by John Cook
- Various estimates of Greenland ice loss
28 February 2011 by John Cook
- Irregular Climate's triumphant (if somewhat irregular) return
22 February 2011 by John Cook
- Link to skeptic rebuttals with short URLs
20 February 2011 by John Cook
- The Climate Show Episode 7: Cryosphere special
17 February 2011 by John Cook
- German translation of The Scientific Guide to Global Warming Skepticism
15 February 2011 by John Cook
- The Climate Show: Episode 6 and their own website
14 February 2011 by John Cook
- PMEL Carbon Program: a new resource
12 February 2011 by John Cook
- Portuguese translation of The Scientific Guide to Global Warming Skepticism
12 February 2011 by John Cook
- Guardian article: Australia's recent extreme weather isn't so extreme anymore
11 February 2011 by John Cook
- Dutch translation of The Scientific Guide to Global Warming Skepticism
10 February 2011 by John Cook
- Monckton Myth #9: Monckton vs Monckton on heat waves
8 February 2011 by John Cook
- Articgate: perpetuating the myth that Arctic sea ice has recovered
7 February 2011 by John Cook
- If you don't have 93 spare minutes to watch this film, make the time
6 February 2011 by John Cook
- More animations of the Warming Indicators
3 February 2011 by John Cook
- Skeptical Science iPhone app now with blog posts
2 February 2011 by John Cook
- Norwegian translation of The Scientific Guide to Global Warming Skepticism
2 February 2011 by John Cook
- Monckton Myths - a one-stop-shop for Monckton misinformation
1 February 2011 by John Cook
- Latest GRACE data: record ice loss in 2010
29 January 2011 by John Cook
- Animated powerpoint of the Indicators of Warming
28 January 2011 by John Cook
- Ten temperature records in a single graphic
26 January 2011 by John Cook
- The Climate Show #5: Green roofs and Brisbane floods
21 January 2011 by John Cook
- Spanish translation of The Scientific Guide to Global Warming Skepticism
21 January 2011 by John Cook
- Infographic on where global warming is going
20 January 2011 by John Cook
- Monckton Myth #4: Climate Sensitivity
19 January 2011 by John Cook
- OK global warming, this time it's personal!
17 January 2011 by John Cook
- Monckton Myth #1: Cooling oceans
15 January 2011 by John Cook
- Slovak translation of The Scientific Guide to Global Warming Skepticism
14 January 2011 by John Cook
- The Queensland floods
12 January 2011 by John Cook
- Czech translation of The Scientific Guide to Global Warming Skepticism
10 January 2011 by John Cook
- A retrospective of the Climategate retrospectives
2 January 2011 by John Cook
- Italian translation of The Scientific Guide to Global Warming Skepticism
1 January 2011 by John Cook
2010- The many lines of evidence for global warming in a single graphic
30 December 2010 by John Cook
- Comparing all the temperature records
23 December 2010 by John Cook
- Irregular Climate 16: a leak for all seasons
22 December 2010 by John Cook
- The Climate Show #4: Peter Gleick, AGU and climate sensitivity
21 December 2010 by John Cook
- A Merchant of Doubt attacks Merchants of Doubt
20 December 2010 by John Cook
- Debunking this skeptic myth is left as an exercise to the reader
17 December 2010 by John Cook
- A new resource - high rez climate graphics
14 December 2010 by John Cook
- The Scientific Guide to Global Warming Skepticism
8 December 2010 by John Cook
- How to explain Milankovitch cycles to a hostile Congressman in 30 seconds
6 December 2010 by John Cook
- The human fingerprint in the seasons
3 December 2010 by John Cook
- The Climate Show #3: Cancun and cooling
2 December 2010 by John Cook
- The human fingerprint in the daily cycle
20 November 2010 by John Cook
- The Climate Show #2: Merchants of Doubt and Twitterbots
19 November 2010 by John Cook
- The question that skeptics don't want to ask about 'Climategate'
18 November 2010 by John Cook
- Naomi Oreskes' Merchants of Doubt Australian tour
15 November 2010 by John Cook
- Climate cherry pickers: cooling oceans
11 November 2010 by John Cook
- Skeptical Science moving into solutions
8 November 2010 by John Cook
- Climate change from 40 million years ago shows climate sensitivity to CO2
6 November 2010 by John Cook
- Compendium Maps: a visual summary of the climate debate
5 November 2010 by John Cook
- New podcast: The Climate Show
4 November 2010 by John Cook
- Geological Society discuss climate change evidence from the geological record
3 November 2010 by John Cook
- Greenland ice mass loss after the 2010 summer
1 November 2010 by John Cook
- Hockey stick or hockey league?
31 October 2010 by John Cook
- Skeptical Science Firefox Add-on: Send and receive climate info while you browse
28 October 2010 by John Cook
- Daily Climate Links: receive the latest climate blog posts, news and peer-reviewed science by email
27 October 2010 by John Cook
- Irregular Climate podcast 13
25 October 2010 by John Cook
- Vote for SkS in the web awards
23 October 2010 by John Cook
- Climate cherry pickers: Falling humidity
21 October 2010 by John Cook
- Do critics of the hockey stick realise what they're arguing for?
19 October 2010 by John Cook
- Danish translation of the Scientific Guide to 'Skeptics Handbook'
18 October 2010 by John Cook
- The human fingerprint in coral
11 October 2010 by John Cook
- SkS Housekeeping: right margin
11 October 2010 by John Cook
- Global warming impact on tropical species greater than expected
8 October 2010 by John Cook
- Global warming is accelerating the global water cycle
8 October 2010 by John Cook
- Skeptical Science housekeeping: Comments Gluttony
7 October 2010 by John Cook
- What constitutes 'safe' global warming?
4 October 2010 by John Cook
- Climate Cherry Pickers: Falling sea levels in 2010
3 October 2010 by John Cook
- Irregular Climate podcast 11
2 October 2010 by John Cook
- An underwater hockey stick
1 October 2010 by John Cook
- Dutch translation of the Scientific Guide to 'Skeptics Handbook'
1 October 2010 by John Cook
- Climate Change: Past, Present, and Future
30 September 2010 by John Cook
- French translation of the Scientific Guide to 'Skeptics Handbook'
28 September 2010 by John Cook
- Climate scientists respond to Monckton's misinformation
22 September 2010 by John Cook
- A South American hockey stick
18 September 2010 by John Cook
- Video update on Arctic sea ice in 2010
14 September 2010 by John Cook
- European reanalysis of temperature confirms record warmth in 2010
13 September 2010 by John Cook
- What do you get when you put a climate scientist and 52 skeptics in a room?
7 September 2010 by John Cook
- Spanish and Catalan translation of the Scientific Guide to 'Skeptics Handbook'
6 September 2010 by John Cook
- New presentation debunking Monckton's critique of IPCC predictions
3 September 2010 by John Cook
- Pakistan flood: many more will die unless more aid is delivered quickly
23 August 2010 by John Cook
- Plain English climate science - now live at Skeptical Science
16 August 2010 by John Cook
- Newcomers, Start Here
15 August 2010 by John Cook
- Talkin bout the Skeptical Science phone apps
7 August 2010 by John Cook
- More evidence than you can shake a hockey stick at
6 August 2010 by John Cook
- Communicating climate science in plain English
4 August 2010 by John Cook
- Why I care about climate change
3 August 2010 by John Cook
- Visually depicting the disconnect between climate scientists, media and the public
1 August 2010 by John Cook
- 10 Indicators of a Human Fingerprint on Climate Change
30 July 2010 by John Cook
- 10 key climate indicators all point to the same finding: global warming is unmistakable
29 July 2010 by John Cook
- Waste heat vs greenhouse warming
27 July 2010 by John Cook
- Rebutting skeptic arguments in a single tweet
25 July 2010 by John Cook
- What do you get when you put 100 climate scientists in a room?
22 July 2010 by John Cook
- 3 levels of cherry picking in a single argument
21 July 2010 by John Cook
- Rebutting skeptic arguments in a single line
20 July 2010 by John Cook
- Skeptical Science now an Android app
19 July 2010 by John Cook
- Irregular Climate podcast 8: Journalismgate, prawngate and rock n roll
18 July 2010 by John Cook
- Facebook page to support John Abraham
16 July 2010 by John Cook
- Monckton tries to censor John Abraham
15 July 2010 by John Cook
- Watts Up With That concludes Greenland is not melting without looking at any actual ice mass data
13 July 2010 by John Cook
- Czech translation of Scientific Guide to the 'Skeptics Handbook'
13 July 2010 by John Cook
- Must-read article on ocean impacts by ocean scientists
12 July 2010 by John Cook
- Irregular Climate podcast: episode 7
11 July 2010 by John Cook
- Italian translation of A Scientific Guide to the 'Skeptics Handbook'
9 July 2010 by John Cook
- German translation of Scientific Guide to 'Skeptics Handbook'
7 July 2010 by John Cook
- Irregular Climate podcast: episode 6
4 July 2010 by John Cook
- Climate cartoon: when positive is a negative
4 July 2010 by John Cook
- What happened to greenhouse warming during mid-century cooling?
3 July 2010 by John Cook
- A Scientific Guide to the 'Skeptics Handbook'
1 July 2010 by John Cook
- Perth forum on climate change: all the gory details
30 June 2010 by John Cook
- Tuesday 29 June talk on science blogging at University of W.A.
29 June 2010 by John Cook
- Perth event tonight: public forum on climate change
28 June 2010 by John Cook
- What causes the tropospheric hot spot?
27 June 2010 by John Cook
- Irregular Climate podcast: episode 5
26 June 2010 by John Cook
- How many climate scientists are climate skeptics?
22 June 2010 by John Cook
- How Jo Nova doesn't get the CO2 lag
20 June 2010 by John Cook
- How Jo Nova doesn't get the tropospheric hot spot
19 June 2010 by John Cook
- Podcasts, interviews and Monckton bashing
14 June 2010 by John Cook
- How climate skeptics mislead
13 June 2010 by John Cook
- Request for mainstream articles on climate
10 June 2010 by John Cook
- Radio interview with Skeptically Speaking
7 June 2010 by John Cook
- Irregular Climate: a new climate podcast
4 June 2010 by John Cook
- Could global brightening be causing global warming?
31 May 2010 by John Cook
- Skeptical Science now a Nokia app
30 May 2010 by John Cook
- Latest GRACE data on Greenland ice mass
28 May 2010 by John Cook
- Why Greenland's ice loss matters
27 May 2010 by John Cook
- Working out climate sensitivity from satellite measurements
26 May 2010 by John Cook
- Collective Intelligence and climate change
26 May 2010 by John Cook
- Greenland rising faster as ice loss accelerates
24 May 2010 by John Cook
- Robust warming of the global upper ocean
23 May 2010 by John Cook
- Unprecedented Warming in Lake Tanganyika and its impact on humanity
20 May 2010 by John Cook
- The significance of the CO2 lag
18 May 2010 by John Cook
- Woody Guthrie award to The Science of Doom
17 May 2010 by John Cook
- Species extinctions happening before our eyes
15 May 2010 by John Cook
- Vote for Climate Denial Crock of the Week at Brighter Planet
14 May 2010 by John Cook
- Skeptical Science housekeeping: navigation, comments and Thai translation
13 May 2010 by John Cook
- Heat stress: setting an upper limit on what we can adapt to
11 May 2010 by John Cook
- Estimating climate sensitivity from 3 million years ago
9 May 2010 by John Cook
- Climate Change and the Integrity of Science: a letter to Science
8 May 2010 by John Cook
- University of Queensland talk wrap-up
7 May 2010 by John Cook
- What causes Arctic amplification?
2 May 2010 by John Cook
- Skeptical Science talk at University of Qld on May 7
30 April 2010 by John Cook
- Why are there fewer weather stations and what's the effect?
28 April 2010 by John Cook
- A visual depiction of how much ice Greenland is losing
27 April 2010 by John Cook
- Has Arctic sea ice returned to normal?
24 April 2010 by John Cook
- Skeptical Science Housekeeping: flags, printable versions, icons and links... lots of links
22 April 2010 by John Cook
- The significance of past climate change
21 April 2010 by John Cook
- Where is global warming going?
20 April 2010 by John Cook
- Tracking the energy from global warming
18 April 2010 by John Cook
- Earth's five mass extinction events
15 April 2010 by John Cook
- Flowers blooming earlier now than any time in last 250 years
13 April 2010 by John Cook
- Skeptical Science Housekeeping: Preview, translations and icons
8 April 2010 by John Cook
- Ocean acidification: Global warming's evil twin
7 April 2010 by John Cook
- McLean, de Freitas and Carter rebutted... by McLean, de Freitas and Carter
4 April 2010 by John Cook
- A database of peer-reviewed papers on climate change
31 March 2010 by John Cook
- Greenland's ice mass loss has spread to the northwest
30 March 2010 by John Cook
- The human fingerprint in global warming
29 March 2010 by John Cook
- How you can support Skeptical Science
26 March 2010 by John Cook
- Is the science settled?
24 March 2010 by John Cook
- What CO2 level would cause the Greenland ice sheet to collapse?
23 March 2010 by John Cook
- Skeptical Science housekeeping: Contradictions, URLs and getting hacked
19 March 2010 by John Cook
- A peer-reviewed response to McLean's El Nino paper
18 March 2010 by John Cook
- The 5 characteristics of scientific denialism
17 March 2010 by John Cook
- Watts Up With That's continued ignorance regarding Antarctic sea ice
15 March 2010 by John Cook
- CO2 levels during the late Ordovician
12 March 2010 by John Cook
- Watts Up With That's ignorance regarding Antarctic sea ice
9 March 2010 by John Cook
- iPhone app version 1.1 - now with search, image viewer and Twitter!
9 March 2010 by John Cook
- Does record snowfall disprove global warming?
7 March 2010 by John Cook
- New observations find underwater Arctic Shelf is perforated and venting methane
6 March 2010 by John Cook
- Every skeptic argument ever used
2 March 2010 by John Cook
- YouTube video on the empirical evidence for man-made global warming
28 February 2010 by John Cook
- Skeptical Science housekeeping: Woody Guthrie award, bug-fixes, Facebook and donations
28 February 2010 by John Cook
- Senator Inhofe's attempt to distract us from the scientific realities of global warming
26 February 2010 by John Cook
- Misinterpreting a retraction of rising sea level predictions
25 February 2010 by John Cook
- A brief history of our iPhone app
24 February 2010 by John Cook
- Have American Thinker disproven global warming?
22 February 2010 by John Cook
- What would happen if the sun fell to Maunder Minimum levels?
19 February 2010 by John Cook
- Visual depictions of CO2 levels and CO2 emissions
18 February 2010 by John Cook
- Did Phil Jones really say global warming ended in 1995?
16 February 2010 by John Cook
- The Dunning-Kruger effect and the climate debate
15 February 2010 by John Cook
- Skeptical Science housekeeping: iPhone app, comments and translations
13 February 2010 by John Cook
- Is CO2 a pollutant?
11 February 2010 by John Cook
- Skeptical Science now an iPhone app
10 February 2010 by John Cook
- Working out future sea level rise from the past
9 February 2010 by John Cook
- Could climate shifts be causing global warming?
7 February 2010 by John Cook
- What the IPCC and peer-reviewed science say about Amazonian forests
4 February 2010 by John Cook
- The role of stratospheric water vapor in global warming
1 February 2010 by John Cook
- Lessons from the Monckton/Plimer debate
29 January 2010 by John Cook
- Guest post in Guardian on microsite influences
28 January 2010 by John Cook
- The upcoming ice age has been postponed indefinitely
27 January 2010 by John Cook
- Peer reviewed impacts of global warming
24 January 2010 by John Cook
- On the reliability of the U.S. Surface Temperature Record
22 January 2010 by John Cook
- The IPCC's 2035 prediction about Himalayan glaciers
21 January 2010 by John Cook
- Two attempts to blame global warming on volcanoes
18 January 2010 by John Cook
- What does Solar Cycle Length tell us about the sun's role in global warming?
17 January 2010 by John Cook
- 2009 - 2nd hottest year on record while sun is coolest in a century
16 January 2010 by John Cook
- Where did global warming go? Here's where...
12 January 2010 by John Cook
- Why does CO2 lag temperature?
9 January 2010 by John Cook
- What ended the Little Ice Age?
4 January 2010 by John Cook
The Consensus Project Website
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